Here is what I've done to make gh cli a lot easier to manage and deal with. It makes working in git a lot
easier for me. Generally I do a lot with github every day -- so having gh
installed is great.
brew install gh
gh auth login
Here are my current aliases, generated by running gh alias list | pbcopy
and pasting them below.
clean-up: '!gh co-default && git pull'
clup: '!gh clean-up'
clup-all: '!gh repo list u21 --json name --jq ".[].name" | xargs -L1 -I {} sh -c "cd /Users/garrypolley/dev/unit21/{} && pwd && gh clup || true"'
clup-core: '!echo "umbridge\npensieve" | xargs -I {} sh -c "cd /Users/garrypolley/dev/unit21/{} && pwd && gh clup || true"'
co: pr checkout
co-default: '!branch="$( gh default-branch)"; [ -n "$branch" ] && git checkout $branch'
co-pr: '!gh clean-up && gh pr-branch-name $1 | xargs git checkout'
create-pod-pr: '!team="$( gh team-members sp-o-a-pod)"; [ -n "$team" ] && gh pr create -r "$team" -r "u21/sp-o-a-pod"'
default-branch: '!gh api /repos/{owner}/{repo} --jq ''.default_branch'''
list-branches: '!printf " %-35.35s | %-50.50s \n\n" "Repo" "Current Branch" && gh repo list $GIT_ORG --json name --jq ".[].name" | xargs -L1 -I {} sh -c "cd $ORG_GIT_ROOT/{} 2> /dev/null && echo {} && git branch --show-current" | xargs -n 2 | xargs -L1 -I {} sh -c "printf \"| %-35.35s | %-50.50s |\n\" {}"'
list-devex-prs: '!gh search prs --state=open --review-requested=u21/developer-productivity --json url --jq ".[].url"'
list-team-prs: '!gh team-members-new-line sp-o-a-pod | xargs -L1 -I {} gh search prs --state=open --review-requested=@me --json url --author {} --jq ".[].url"'
list-team-prs--open: '!gh team-members-new-line sp-o-a-pod | xargs -L1 -I {} gh search prs --state=open --json url --author {} --jq ".[].url"'
needs-review: '!gh search prs --state=open --review-requested=@me --sort created --json url --jq ".[].url"'
open-devex-prs: '!gh search prs --state=open --review-requested=u21/developer-productivity --json url --jq ".[].url" | xargs -L1 -I {} open {}'
open-team-prs: '!gh team-members-new-line sp-o-a-pod | xargs -L1 -I {} gh search prs --state=open --review-requested=@me --json url --author {} --jq ".[].url" | xargs -L1 -I {} open {}'
pr-branch-name: '!gh pr list --json url,headRefName --jq ".[] | select(.url == \"$1\") | .headRefName"'
pull-repos: '!gh repo list u21 --json name --jq ".[].name" | xargs -L1 -I {} sh -c "cd /Users/garrypolley/dev/unit21/{} && pwd && git pull || true"'
team-members: '!gh api orgs/u21/teams/$1/members --jq ''[.[].login] | join(",")'''
team-members-new-line: '!gh api orgs/u21/teams/$1/members --jq ''[.[].login] | join("\n")'''
I currently hard code the $TEAM_ENV
variable to my team slug. I also hard code the $ORG
to my current github org.
Commands I use all the time
This command makes it much easier for me to create PRs for my team to review. It assigns each person on the team individually as well as the team itself. This ensures everyone sees the PR in their assignments and makes it so anyone on the team can approve as needed.
gh create-pod-pr
This will then walk you through the steps of creating the PR just like the usual gh create pr
This command makes it easier to clean up all the branches across all the repositories I have checked out. It will go through each repo and run gh clup
on it.
gh clup-all
This command goes to two main "shared" repositories and runs gh clup
on them. This is helpful when I need to make sure I'm up-to-date with the latest changes in the core repositories.
gh clup-core
For some of the commands last list PRs -- it's easier to send to xargs
and open up the result. For example:
gh needs-review | xargs open
This command makes it easier to clean up my local branches. It will checkout the default branch and update. From there
I usually start my next bit of work with a git checkout -b <branch-name>
This command makes it way easier to get all setup with reviewing a PR on my local machine. I run it like this:
gh co-pr
This checks out the head of the PR's branch and puts me on it. It runs a gh clean-up
first to ensure I'm not in a
bad state before I start the pull request review.
I use this one to make sure I'm up-to-date with what my team needs my help reviewing. It'll output the URLs of all PRs that need my review for my team.
➜ workflow-improvements git:(main) gh list-team-prs
This will list out all PRs the team has open -- even if I've already reviewed them. It will have the same or more than the gh list-team-prs
➜ ~ gh list-team-ORG--open
This command may be used to show all your currently checked out branches for the organization you've set.
ENV | Meaning |
ORG_GIT_ROOT | the root you've done a checkout of your org, assumes you've checked out all org repos in one folder |
GIT_ORG | is the name for your org -- assumes it matches across all repos and that you're in one org |
➜ ~ gh list-branches
Repo | Current Branch
| repo1 | get-image-working-again |
| repo2 | dd-hotfix/20221202 |
| repo3 | master |
| repo4 | bug/sc-36576/ttt-namey-for-thing |
| repo5 | dd-hotfix/20221202 |
| repo6 | dd-hotfix/20221202 |
| repo7 | bug/sc-36576/tty-namey-for-thing |
| repo8 | master |
| repo9 | master |
| repo10 | main |
| repo11 | master |
| repo12 | main |
Can be helpful to know the state of your locally running system. Especially when repositories have dependencies on one another.