.. module:: requests
This part of the documentation covers all the interfaces of Requests. For parts where Requests depends on external libraries, we document the most important right here and provide links to the canonical documentation.
All of Request's functionality can be accessed by these 6 methods. They all return a :class:`Response <models.Response>` object.
.. autofunction:: head
.. autofunction:: get
.. autofunction:: post
.. autofunction:: put
.. autofunction:: patch
.. autofunction:: delete
.. autofunction:: request
.. autoclass:: requests.models.Response :inherited-members:
.. autoexception:: HTTPError
.. autoexception:: RequestException
.. autoexception:: requests.models.AuthenticationError
.. autoexception:: requests.models.URLRequired
.. autoexception:: requests.models.InvalidMethod
These items are an internal component to Requests, and should never be seen by the end user (developer). This part of the API documentation exists for those who are extending the functionality of Requests.
.. autoclass:: requests.models.Request :inherited-members: