Run the following command to train VAE on SEVIR-LR frames. Change the configurations in corresponding cfg.yaml
cd ROOT_DIR/PreDiff
MASTER_ADDR=localhost MASTER_PORT=10001 python ./scripts/vae/sevirlr/ --gpus 2 --cfg ./scripts/vae/sevirlr/cfg.yaml --save tmp_vae_sevirlr
Or run the following command to directly load pretrained checkpoint for test.
MASTER_ADDR=localhost MASTER_PORT=10001 python ./scripts/vae/sevirlr/ --gpus 2 --pretrained --save tmp_vae_sevirlr
Run the tensorboard command to visualize the experiment records
cd ROOT_DIR/PreDiff
tensorboard --logdir ./experiments/tmp_vae_sevirlr/lightning_logs