is a small utility function that, like $.when()
that it decorates,
aggregates multiple promises into a single promise, but unlike the later, it always waits for all promises
to have a final state, either resolved or rejected, before finalizing the returned promise.
The function also supports the unique jQuery Deferred progress
notifications and implements its own notifying rules
for the returned promise (see the respective comment in Usage).
$ npm install jquery-whenall
$.whenAll(promise1, promise2) // promise3, ...
.done(function() {
// Called when all promises are resolved
.fail(function() {
Called when all promises have a final state (resolved/rejected),
and at least one of them is rejected.
.always(function() {
// Called when all promises have a final state (resolved/rejected)
.progress(function() {
Initially called when at least one promise notified a "progress"
by deferred.notify(), and all other promises are either
After that, this callback will continue to be invoked for each
individual pending promise "progress" notification, until all
of them are finalized.