%title: Reading PEPs %author: PyCon US 2022 @gahjelle %date: May 1, 2022
-> # Geir Arne Hjelle <-
-> # Real Python <-
Design specifications for Python and its processes ^
Technical documents ^
Historical notes
- Discussions
- Decisions
Redesign launched in February 2022
A simple PEP reader in your terminal
$ python -m pip install pepdocs
Provides the pep
Great for learning why features are designed as they are ^
PEPs are not tutorials ^
Usually better ways to learn how to use a feature
-> # Thank You For Your Attention <-
-> - Me: @gahjelle <- -> - Slides: github.com/gahjelle/talks <- -> - PepDocs: pypi.org/project/pepdocs <- -> - Real Python: realpython.com <-