This page present the modalities to access the live conference. We would be very happy if you could spend a couple of minutes of your time to have a look at the Code of Conduct to make sure we all are taking responsibility to look after each other and make sure we are contributing towards an inclusive and supportive community. Please do have a look at and let us know if you have any questions regarding it. All participants are responsible to follow the rules listed here, as well as making sure that everyone in the sessions follows it.
Our conference is dedicated to providing a harassment-free conference experience for everyone, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, age, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, religion (or lack thereof), or technology choices. We do not tolerate harassment of participants in any form. Participants violating these rules may be sanctioned or expelled from the OnlineClass at the discretion of the organisers.
If you feel any other concerns regarding any disruptive and unacceptable behavior of the others regarding the composure of the discussions please immediately contact the GadgetronOnlineClass Organizers (valery dot ozenne at u-bordeaux .fr and david dot hansen at or any of the Speakers.
Inviting people goes via a private link. Participants should sign up as “Firstname Lastname” and can add a profile picture to make it more personal.
We have limited number of invitations you can send at the same time, please accept when you are receiving it.
If you haven't receive the Slack invitation, send us an email.
We will use a paid pro-account and in order to add/edit scheduled meetings. We will prepared 4 online meetings, one for every day, from 13:00-18:00.
Participants can join all these Zoom meetings without the host being present. It is not always required that a host/lecturer/tutor is present, participants can also hang out together. Please join in Zoom using your full “Firstname Lastname” details.
By attending the online Zoom sessions, you implicitly give us permission to record these sessions on video.
We will record the online lectures, hands-on sessions and the Q&A sessions via Zoom’s local recording function (see here)[], to enable archiving and sharing (e.g., via the Gadgetron website and YouTube).
The layout “Shared screen with active speaker” will be used by default during the recording. During the hands-on sessions, all attendees to the Zoom session will be assigned as co-hosts, and therefore technically would have the right to start recording on their local machines. However, as a toolkit participant you are not allowed to make any recordings yourself!
If you prefer not to be recognizable in the recordings, please keep your video disabled.
If you have any concerns with regards to the video recordings, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
For the hands-on sessions you should make sure you have taken the following preparations and installation instructions.
During the Q&A following the lectures we will go through the questions collected in the dedicated Slack channel. This will be an interactive session and you can also directly ask your questions here or contribute to the discussion.