Title : Protyping at the scanner with MATLAB part 2
Schedule : June 25, 2020 | 16:00-17:00
Speaker: Oliver Josephs
- Wellcome Centre for Imaging Neuroscience, Functional Imaging Laboratory, UCL. https://www.fil.ion.ucl.ac.uk/
- Birkbeck-UCL Centre for Neuroimaging. https://bucni.pals.ucl.ac.uk/
Real-world integration of Gadgetron and MATLAB with the scanner.
We are using currently using Gadgetron on five MRI scanners at two imaging neuroscience centres. The typical activity at the centres involves multiple subject studies (e.g. 20 participants) extending over a period of weeks to months per study. Image reconstruction must be performed in real time at the scanner unless huge volumes of raw k-space data are to be accrued, which is only rarely sensible for our neuroscience applications. Several, different, ongoing studies share the same scanners so we need robust separation of applications. For smooth practical operation and for scientific reproducibility a robust, portable and tracable environment is necesary. Docker containers provide a standard environment and isolation between ongoing sequence and reconstruction development and "production" studies. Git repositories on Github serve for traceability.
- Hardware and software
- System Integration
- Gadgetron MATLAB software development framework
- Case study: real-time 7T segmented, accelerated 3D EPI
- Parallel processing with Gadgetron MATLAB
- Siemens scanners (1.5T Avanto VB17, 3T Prisma VE11C, 7T Terra VE12U)
- IceGadgetron
- MaRS (Avanto: MRIR)
- Ethernet networking
- 1 Gb/s, 10 Gb/s (> 32 channels)
- Fibre optic for electrical isolation
- Separate Gadgetron PC
- E.g. Dell T7910 Workstation (Reliable. Now four years old.)
- Multiple Cores, large memory
- AMD / Intel; Single / Dual socket; >=128 GB
- https://www.extremetech.com/computing/308501-crippled-no-longer-matlab-2020a-runs-amd-cpus-at-full-speed
- For robustness one PC per scanner, although could share one PC between scanners for economy
- Ubuntu 18.04 or 20.04 Long Term Support
- Docker 19.03
- Natively supports NVIDIA gpu card exposure
- Gadgetron 4.1
- gadgetron-matlab 2.0.12
- MATLAB (R2020a)
- Parallel Computing Toolbox
- New "thread" pools
- Parallel Computing Toolbox
- Reconstruction code
- Software traceability
- Everything in git repositories on GitHub
- matlab source code, c++ source code, libraries, Dockerfiles, startup scripts, systemctl unit files, xml configurations, ini files, sysctl.conf parameters...
- Containers built from specific source commits. E.g:
- Everything in git repositories on GitHub
FROM ubuntu:18.04
ARG ZFP_SITE=https://github.com/hansenms/ZFP.git
ARG INTEL_GPG_SITE=https://apt.repos.intel.com/intel-gpg-keys/
ARG INTEL_MKL_REPO=https://apt.repos.intel.com/mkl
ARG INTEL_MKL_TAG=2019.4-070
ARG GADGETRON_URL=https://github.com/fil-physics/gadgetron
ARG ISMRMRD_URL=https://github.com/ismrmrd/ismrmrd.git
ARG ISMRMRD_PYTHON_URL=https://github.com/ismrmrd/ismrmrd-python.git
ARG ISMRMRD_PYTHON_TOOLS_URL=https://github.com/ismrmrd/ismrmrd-python-tools.git
ARG SIEMENS_TO_ISMRMRD_URL=https://github.com/ismrmrd/siemens_to_ismrmrd.git
ARG PHILIPS_TO_ISMRMRD_URL=https://github.com/ismrmrd/philips_to_ismrmrd.git
ARG BART_REPO=https://github.com/mrirecon/bart.git
ARG BART_TAG=v0.4.04
- Integration tests
- Gadgetron has nice integration test framework and continuous integration (CI) integrated within GitHub
- buildbot
- Raw data and the corresponding expected reconstructed images
- All test cases should run and the images match (within some limit of precision)
- Reconstructions sumbitted after peer reviewed publication as new integration tests
- Ensures ongoing compatability
- Gadgetron has nice integration test framework and continuous integration (CI) integrated within GitHub
- Host Ubuntu security updates
- Approx. 6 monthly: system disks imaged (image serves as a backup); all patches applied
apt full-upgrade
; integration tests; roll back if anything fails. - Multiple, near-identical PC's to test for consistency and to swap in if urgently needed.
- Approx. 6 monthly: system disks imaged (image serves as a backup); all patches applied
- Docker container accept latest curated Ubuntu image at time of image building.
- Currently 18.04 (LTS)
- MATLAB is installed on the host but is made accessible from within the Docker containers
- For the external language interface (ELI) "execute" functionality for Gadgetron within the container the matlab binary has to be accessbile to be called (in batch mode).
- Additionally the Gadgetron ELI can "connect" to a running MATLAB outside Docker via host networking (or inside, if desired) for debugging
- Suitable "docker create" command (N.B. line continuation backslashes required at end of lines, common for long Docker commands)
sudo docker create --name=example_container_name \
--net=host \
--privileged \
-v /hostshare:/hostshare \
-v /usr/local/MATLAB:/usr/local/MATLAB \
-v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \
--volume="$HOME/.Xauthority:/root/.Xauthority:rw" \
--gpus all \
and in the corresponding Dockerfile, since the option is not recognised in the "docker create" command line (this may be a bug which has been fixed).
This last setting enables GPU accelerated display capabilities for Matlab figures and GUI when running within the Docker container. (https://github.com/NVIDIA/nvidia-container-runtime) as well as access to CUDA GPU computation by the MATLAB parallel computation toolbox.
N.B. Matlab may alternatively be installed completely inside the container https://github.com/mathworks-ref-arch/matlab-dockerfile
- Mathworks' curated Dockerfiles, etc.
- Dependencies, Licensing, Toolboxes, etc.
- Also intended for cloud deployment.
Several, specific MATLAB versions: E.g. R2017b (update 9), R2020a (update 3), R2020b (Prerelease) are installed
- R2017b (https://uk.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/461948-why-has-transferring-complex-data-slowed-compared-to-transferring-non-complex-data-using-the-matlab)
- R2020a parallel thread pools (https://uk.mathworks.com/help/parallel-computing/choose-between-thread-based-and-process-based-environments.html)
- R2020b pagemtimes (https://www.mathworks.com/content/dam/mathworks/mathworks-dot-com/products/new_products/r2020b-prerelease-release-notes.pdf)
Separate Docker containers for different projects. Dockerfile's are git version controlled. Based on gadgetron/docker/base and gadgetron/docker/incremental.
- Usually built from source locally, for traceability, with only curated Ubuntu images layers pulled from DockerHub (e.g. see above Dockerfile excerpt).
- Tried to keep to Kristoffer's example reconstruction functional programming paradigm
- https://github.com/gadgetron/gadgetron-matlab/tree/master/%2Bgadgetron/%2Bexamples
- Reconstruction e.g. epi.m and epi.xml; +steps and, additionally, +utils directories
- MATLAB Parallel Computing Toolbox for speeding up computation (https://uk.mathworks.com/products/parallel-computing.html)
An important feature of Gadgetron is that reconstruction can occur at the scanner with the resulting images stored in the scanner database. If you have to wait 10 minutes for the reconstruction then there is not such a big benefit using Gadgetron over exporting the data and reconstructing offline. MATLAB has a reputation of being too slow for real-time image reconstruction. But with current multi-core PC hardware we can work around bottlenecks and actually have MATLAB running rather fast. The style of this section will be a top-down walk-through of code exerpts of an example reconstruction (segmented, accelerated, 3D EPI) to illustrate how we have used and built on the structure that Kristoffer has given us in the gadgetron-matlab examples. I have deliberately only edited the snippets minimally to illustrate "warts and all" the ease with which prototying can now be performed.
- Gadgetron chain configuration xml file
- AcquisitionAccumulateTriggerGadget "n_acquistions" trigger
- Fixed length buckets for transfer by the external language interface to MATLAB
- One "Reference" bucket; followed by
- Multiple "Data" buckets
- Workaround for the case that trigger counters are not set as expected in sequence
- Rule of thumb: data blocked and sent <= 10 buckets / second to MATLAB
- AcquisitionAccumulateTriggerGadget "n_acquistions" trigger
<!-- Human seg 0 caipi 1 pf 6/8 -->
<property name="trigger_dimension" value="n_acquisitions"/>
<execute name="epi" type="matlab"/>
<connect port="18000"/>
- overall reconstruction function
- gadgetron.external.listen called by "execute" or run to "connect"
- Global structure, g. Passed where necessary to steps
- Configuration "+utils" functions
- Switches as part of g or only for debugging configuration
- Setting up MATLAB Parallel Processing Toolbox parallel pool
- "+steps" functions
- Conditional steps chain construction
- gadgetron.consume
>> gadgetron.external.listen(18000, @epi);
function epi(connection)
disp("Matlab EPI reconstruction running.")
%% Generally useful parameters and debugging switches
g = utils.extract_xml_parameters(connection.header);
g.M = utils.generate_TBR_matrix(g);
% Use parallel, data-queued, pipeline if available
g.Parallel = true;
% Use separate processing steps for the acc. acq.'s
Separate_steps = false;
% Produce graphical output
Display = true;
% Save nifti data volumes
Save_nifti = false;
% Send reconstucted images back to client
Send_images = true;
disp(['Num segs = ' num2str(g.SegPE)])
disp(['CAIPI = ' num2str(g.upl('CAIPI'))])
%% Set up parallel thread pool
if isempty(p)
%% Set up processing chain
% Get the next data bucket from gadgetron
next = @connection.next;
% Bucket may be a sensitivity reference or an acc. acq. volume
% If it's a sensitivity reference, reconstruct it
next = steps.reconstruct_reference(next, g);
% if it's a sensitity reference volume compute unfolding matrices
next = steps.sense_prepare(next, g);
% Otherwise the bucket is an acc. acq.,
next = steps.extract_data(next, g);
if Separate_steps
% TODO these do not handle the header correctly, yet
next = steps.frequency_offset_correction(next, g);
next = steps.reconstruct_1d(next, g);
next = steps.fft2d_and_unfold(next, g);
% To reduce data communication overhead, combine previous three steps
next = steps.combined_reconstruction(next, g);
if Display
next = steps.display_volume(next);
if Save_nifti
next = steps.save_nifti(next, g);
if Send_images
% Scanner seems to want 2D EPI by slice
% but 3D EPI by volume
if g.dimEncod(3) == 1 % 2D
next = steps.mrm_slices(next, g);
else % 3D
next = steps.mrm_volume(next, g);
next = steps.send_to_client(next, connection);
%% Execute the processing chain
tic, gadgetron.consume(next); toc
%% End of reconstruction code
You may want a utility function something analogous to the following. N.B. MATLAB containers:
function g = extract_xml_parameters(xml)
%EXTRACT_XML_PARAMETERS Read the incoming xml header
% Extract some useful parameters from the xml header
% Slice / partition direction extents, etc. refer to one volume
g.xml = xml;
fprintf(2, 'The resonance frequency is %d\n', g.xml.experimentalConditions.H1resonanceFrequency_Hz);
% Number of receive channels
g.nCha = g.xml.acquisitionSystemInformation.receiverChannels;
g.nCha = 1;
% Number of slices
g.nSli = g.xml.encoding.encodingLimits.slice.maximum + 1;
g.nSli = 1;
% number of repetitions
if isempty(g.xml.encoding.encodingLimits.repetition)
g.nRep = 1;
g.nRep = 1 + double(g.xml.encoding.encodingLimits.repetition.maximum);
% Encoded image matrix size
g.dimEncod=structfun(@(x) x, g.xml.encoding.encodedSpace.matrixSize)';
% Reconstructed image matrix size
g.dimRecon=structfun(@(x) x, g.xml.encoding.reconSpace.matrixSize)';
% TODO: At the moment for 2D the fov returns the slice thickness
g.res=structfun(@(x) x, g.xml.encoding.encodedSpace.fieldOfView_mm)' ./ g.dimEncod;
% Assume no acceleration in FE direction, ever.
g.AccFact=[1 structfun(@(x) x, g.xml.encoding.parallelImaging.accelerationFactor)'];
% EPI readout parameters.
g.TE = g.xml.sequenceParameters.TE; % ms
g.tAcq = g.upl('numSamples') * g.upd('dwellTime'); % us
g.tEchospace = (2*g.upl('rampUpTime')+g.upl('flatTopTime')); % us
% Our additions to the style sheet...
g.CAIPI = g.upl('CAIPI');
g.SegPE = g.upl('nSeg');
- '+steps' functions
- Functions taking and returning functions (function pointers, anyway).
- Analogous to gadgets in c++ Gadgetron stream.
- I've used for translating formatting and (parallel process) queueing data for util functions to actually process.
- globals, closure
- nested funcion to receive bucket
- pass-through if not reference
- +utils and built-ins to reconstruct the reference image
- "Data" structure, d, for passing between chain of functions or steps
- Example: passing reference bucket to MATLAB
function next = reconstruct_reference(input, g)
%RECONSTRUCT_REFERENCE Reconstruct fully-encoded sensitivity reference data
% Detailed explanation goes here
nCha = g.nCha; % No. of coil channels used for acquisition
nFE = g.dimEncod(1); % No. of frequency-encoded points in final image
nFEAcq = g.upl('numSamples'); % Typically will be nFE * over-sampling factor of 2
nNav = g.upl('numberOfNavigators'); % No. of phase reference echoes
AccPE = g.AccFact(2); % Acceleration factor of EPI readout
% Why doesn't dimEncod reflect partial Fourier?
% nPEAcq = g.dimEncod(2) / AccPE; % No. of lines *acquired* (assuming no partial Fourier) in main (not ref.) EPI readout
Acc3D = g.AccFact(3); % Acceleration factor in partition direction
nParAcq = g.dimEncod(3) / Acc3D; % No. of partitions acquired
% Processing choices:
nav_smooth = 10; % Smoothing to be applied to navigators [k-space span]
nav_padFactor = 2; % Padding multiple for extrapolating navigator correction
function retval = reconstruct_reference(bucket)
if bucket.ref.count == 0 % this is a (hopefully, data) bucket. Don't handle it here.
retval = bucket;
% N.B. Re. segmentation: For acc. acq. there are g.SegPE segments; for
% the reference there are g.SegPE * AccPE segments.
% We assume that the reference segments are acquired sequentially.
disp(['product=' num2str(nFEAcq*nCha*g.SegPE*AccPE*nParAcq*Acc3D)])
disp(['size_bucket=' num2str(size(bucket.ref.data))])
d.data=reshape(bucket.ref.data, nFEAcq, nCha, [], g.SegPE*AccPE, nParAcq, Acc3D);
% nRefETL = size(d,3); % Number of lines acquired in EPI Echo train
% %% Frequency Offset Correction
% % function data = frequency_offset_correction(data, FirstNav_Middle, TE, tAcq, echospaceSec, limits)
d = utils.frequency_offset_correction(d, g.FirstNav_Middle * 1e-6,...
g.TE * 1e-3,...
g.tAcq * 1e-6,...
g.tEchospace * 1e-6,...
%% Recon reference
d = utils.recon1d(d, g.M, nNav, nav_padFactor, nav_smooth);
% Partial Fourier
f1d=zeros([g.dimEncod(2) nFE nCha Acc3D*nParAcq],'like',single(1i));
f1d(1:size(d.f1d, 1),:,:,:)=d.f1d;
% f1d - Fully sampled reference volume in projection-space after TBR and
% navigator-based phase-correction; used to calculate sensitivities.
% vvv - Fully sampled reference volume now in image domain having performed
% FFT along 1st (PE) and 4th (PAR) dimensions:
vvv=fftshift(fft(fft(fftshift(f1d)),[],4)); % AccPE*nPEAcq, nFE, nCha, Acc3D*nParAcq
% To match undersampled data vol dimension order, for nifti saving, display, etc.
% nFE, AccPE*nPEAcq, nCha, Acc3D*nParAcq
vvv=permute(vvv,[2 1 3 4]);
% save -v7.3 -nocompression ref vvv
% sss - sqrt of sum of squares recon of reference volume:
% sss=sqrt(sum(conj(vvv).*vvv,3));
% figure(2);montage(sss*7e1);figure(1); % Need to remove for online case
next = @() reconstruct_reference(input());
- '+utils' function
- 'Normal' (first-order) functions
- Small utilities or components of recon.
- Your favourite (1000 line) reconstruction already coded.
- Analogous to toolboxes in c++ Gadgetron.
- Might be called directly and / or from steps.
- "Data" structure, d
- Example: EPI non-uniform Fourier transform (for ramp-sampled data)
function d = recon1d(d, a1, a2, a3, a4)
%RECON1d TBR 1d reconstuction of a bucket of acquistions
% Only d.data is read, d.f1d created
d.f1d = recon1d(d.data, a1, a2, a3, a4);
function f1d = recon1d(d, M, nNav, nav_padFactor, nav_smooth)
% Reconstruct aliased image
[nFEAcq, nCha, nLin, nSeg, nParAcq, Acc3D] = size(d);
nFE = size(M,1);
% Collect phase and 3D segments dimensions at end
meas=permute(d,[1 2 5 3 4 6]); % nFEAcq, nCha, nParAcq, nlin, nSeg, Acc3D
% Merge channels and acquired partions
meas=reshape(meas,[nFEAcq, nCha*nParAcq, nLin, nSeg, Acc3D]);
if exist('pagemtimes','builtin')
% R2020b - new built-in function
% vectorised matrix multiplication
f1d = pagemtimes(M(:,:,1:nLin), meas);
% f1d: matrix to store the TBR-transformed phase-encoded data in projection domain
f1d=zeros(nFE, nCha*nParAcq, nLin, nSeg, Acc3D, 'like', single(1i));
% M: [nFE, nFEAcq, nPEAcq];
% Note: because of M f1d is centred in the FoV (relevant for
% understanding fftshifts etc)
for parseg=1:Acc3D
% Looping over through-plane segments
for seg=1:nSeg
% Looping over in-plane segmented readouts
for line = 1 : nLin
% Looping over EPI readouts (lines)
f1d(:,:,line,seg,parseg)=M(:,:,line)*meas(:,:,line,seg,parseg); % nFE nCha*nParAcq = [nFE nFEAcq] * [nFEAcq nCha*nParAcq], e.g. 128x(52*30) = 128x256 * 256x(52*30)
- working with data and headers within MATLAB
- Works but further development in progress (6/2020).
- Typically take geometry from appropriate acquisition to create header for image.
- N.B. d.header, d.vol - information only available once buckets have arrived, unlike for g.
- Example: returning images to the scanner database
function next = mrm_volume(input, g)
%MRM_VOLUME Convert volume to ISMRM multi slice image (step).
function mrmimage = mrm_volume(d)
headerScan=structfun(@(arr) arr(:, end)', d.header, 'UniformOutput', false);
mrmimage = gadgetron.types.Image.from_data(vol_data, headerScan);
mrmimage.header.image_type = gadgetron.types.Image.MAGNITUDE;
mrmimage.header.repetition = headerScan.repetition;
mrmimage.header.channels = 1;
next = @() mrm_volume(input());
Matlab multi-core processing
- Yair Altman "Accelerating MATLAB Performance" https://doi.org/10.1201/b17924
- Getting a little dated
- Implicit parallisation
- LAPACK (e.g. svd)
- Vectorisation (e.g.
matlab randn(1,1,10).*rand(1,10,1)
and other similar idioms)- Multi-threaded built-ins (e.g. from R2020b pagemtimes() - multiple matrix multiplicaton)
- MATLAB Parallel Toolbox
- Since R2020a thread pools
- Yair Altman "Accelerating MATLAB Performance" https://doi.org/10.1201/b17924
Kristoffer's functional programming paradigm steps are executed by MATLAB sequentially.
- Difficult to get multiple cores working continuously with block processing.
- Often memory allocation / setting (single threaded / slow) interspersed by multicore cpu operation
- During single threaded stages other cores are idle.
Solution for EPI (multiple, separably reconstruced repetitions)
- Pipeline
- Implementation within Kristoffer's +steps functional framework
- MATLAB PCT parfeval (NB this function also does the work under the bonnet for "parfor")
- Simple FIFO operation to keep cpus busy and minimise stalling
function next = reconstruct_1d(input, g)
%RECONSTRUCT_1D Trajectory based reconstruction of multi partition EPI volume
% Detailed explanation goes here
nFEAcq = g.upl('numSamples'); % Typically will be nFE * over-sampling factor of 2
nNav = g.upl('numberOfNavigators'); % No. of phase reference echoes
Acc3D = g.AccFact(3); % Acceleration factor in partition direction
nParAcq = g.dimEncod(3) / Acc3D; % No. of partitions acquired
% Processing choices:
nav_smooth = 10; % Smoothing to be applied to navigators [k-space span]
nav_padFactor = 2; % Padding multiple for extrapolating navigator correction
% Parallel processing
function d = reconstruct_1d()
% Read Finished Jobs %
% Is the next image available?
if length(F) >=1 && strcmp({F(1).State},'finished')
% Return it
d = fetchOutputs(F(1));
disp([jobnum readnum])
% Get Next Volume of Raw Data %
d = input();
% Submit New Job %
% d.f1d=utils.recon1d(d.data, g.M, nNav, nav_padFactor, nav_smooth);
F(jobnum)=parfeval(@utils.recon1d, 1, d, g.M, nNav, nav_padFactor, nav_smooth);
% Clear 'unavailable' slots (below jobnum)
if jobnum==g.nRep % || rem(jobnum,25)==0
% End of scanner run
% Tail recursion to check again
d = reconstruct_1d();
next = @() reconstruct_1d();
- I have been involved helping to get MATLAB and Gadgetron integrated since 2012 and have had fantastic interactions with great people. I would like to give special credit to Michael Hansen and Souheil Inati for the first version of Gadgetron Matlab and to David Hansen and Kristoffer Knudsen for their fantastic external language interface re-engineering of the concept.
- If you have Matlab or other knowledge and want to contribute to the future of Gadgetron development, please collaborate.
- Developer hangouts are every Friday, 3pm CET. Videoconference links are posted on https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/gadgetron.