Variables in Ruby
$DATA_DIR = "/data/set1"
- global variable
- global scope
- starts with
- snake_case
my_fav_color = "red"
- local variable
- local scope (only valid in the current method)
- lower_snake_case
PI = 3.14
- constant
- local scope
- can't be changed
@name = "Adam"
- instance variable
- scoped to the class definition
- starts with
- lower_snake_case
- each instance gets its own unique copy of the variable
- class variable
- scope: anywhere in the class
- two
s - one copy shared within the class and it's instance
Instance Methods:
- defined without self in the name
- called on instances
- can reference instance vars
- can reference class vars
Class Methods:
- define with like:
def self.method_name
- called on the Class: e.g.
- can reference class vars
- can't reference instance methods/vars