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81 lines (62 loc) · 2.59 KB


This repository hosts Mesh for Data Helm charts. The charts hosted in this repository are mirrors of charts that are maintained in other repositories within the fybrik organization.

Add Helm repository

helm repo add fybrik
helm repo update

Add more charts to this repository

Follow these steps to learn how to maintain a chart in a seperate repository and sync it to this charts repository on each new tagged release.

1. Add GitHub workflow for publishing the chart

Create a .github/workflows/chart-publish.yaml file. Replace <chart-name> with the name of the chart and <charts/chart-name> with the path to the chart:

name: Update Charts

      - 'v*'

    name: Update Charts
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Checkout main repository
        uses: actions/checkout@v2
          path: main
      - name: Checkout charts repository
        uses: actions/checkout@v2
          repository: fybrik/charts
          path: charts-repo
      - run: |
          rm -rf charts-repo/charts/<chart-name>
          cp -r main/<charts/chart-name> charts-repo/charts
      - uses: tibdex/github-app-token@v1
        id: generate-token
          app_id: ${{ secrets.CHARTS_APP_ID }}
          private_key: ${{ secrets.CHARTS_APP_PRIVATE_KEY }}
      - name: Create Pull Request
        uses: peter-evans/create-pull-request@v3
          path: charts-repo
          signoff: true
          token: ${{ steps.generate-token.outputs.token }}
          title: 'Update charts to new release'
          commit-message: Update charts
          committer: GitHub <[email protected]>
          delete-branch: true

You can easily modify the above to support more than a single chart.

2. Add GitHub workflow for testing the chart

It is recommended to add a workflow for linting and testing the chart. See examples for a chart-testing workflow and a KubeLinter workflow.

3. Create a new release

When creating a new release of your project, be sure to update the version accordingly:

  1. Use Semantic Versioning
  2. Update the version field in the Chart.yaml file of your chart if the chart has changed since the last release.
  3. Create a tag/release using the vX.Y.Z naming convention.

A pull request is automatically created in this charts repository after a tag is created.