##General CSS cheat sheet
div > *
selector = selects all elements where parent is div.
div > * + *
The adjacent sibling combinator '+'
is only applied where the element is preceded by another element.
The universal (wildcard) selector *
ensures any and all elements are affected.
* + *
is knows as the owl.
* + * {
margin-top: 1.5em;
The OG reference to Owl Selector
When the element is div > * + *
it ensures that only children are affected.
div * + *
is recursive and will inject the css into every element at all nesting levels.
Would read as "All elements in the flow of the document that proceed other elements must receive a top margin of one line."
##WordPress Generated CSS
This File contains WP_Theme_JSON
which autogenerates Custom Props and default body styles.
##Body Tag
<body class="home
When a user creates a template, it saves as a CPT and renders the following CSS class:
##Block Template wrapper WordPress Generates wp-site-blocks as a wrapper
<div class="wp-site-blocks">
<!-- template files appear here,
e.g. <header>, post_content, <footer> -->
Within the body tag, there is a div wrapper that has the site-blocks inside, e.g:
<body class="<!-- reference body tag notes above-->">
<div class="wp-site-blocks">
<!-- hidden SVG files here for accessibility -->
<header class="wp-block-template-part"></header>
<div class="wp-container-* entry-content wp-block-post-content">
<!-- the_content -->
<footer class="wp-block-template-part"></footer>
This class is autogenerated with a unique ID and is setting values such as spacing. Renders with max-width, margins, floats
and uses > *
and > * + *
Wraps the following blocks:
- Columns
- Group
Any block that can inherit site width properties from theme.json gets this bloat.
--This-- CSS is autogenerated by php, not by a css file enqueued.
& wp_get_layout_style()
The wp_render_layout_support_flag function renders an entirely new id via php's uniqid() every single time the page is rendered or refreshed - and has existed since version one. I can't think of a single reason as to why this even exists.
When the wp_render_layout_support_flag() is removed via remove_filter('render_blocks') and replaced with a different custom function that uses the same name, it still works - however, using a different one where it references the same CSS class file currently does not.
The only logical explanation for why a unique id exists is so that if the user has a custom setting for wide and content size that it properly renders as a lazier alternative to an if() statement that would only create a unique id if the user has inputted a unique value for that particular block.
Larger example:
.wp-container-61f5a9d413d0b > * {
max-width: 42.5rem;
margin-left: auto !important;
margin-right: auto !important;
.wp-container-61f5a9d413d0b > .alignwide {
max-width: clamp(48.5rem, 62vw, 96rem);
.wp-container-61f5a9d413d0b .alignfull {
max-width: none;
.wp-container-61f5a9d413d0b .alignleft {
float: left;
margin-right: 2em;
.wp-container-61f5a9d413d0b .alignright {
float: right;
margin-left: 2em;
.wp-container-61f5a9d413d0b > * {
margin-top: 0;
margin-bottom: 0;
.wp-container-61f5a9d413d0b > * + * {
margin-top: var( --wp--style--block-gap );
margin-bottom: 0;
Renders all 7 of the above if the block is set to alignfull OR if alignwide. IF content is inside the block. If it's an empty block, then only the 4 props that don't include max-width load.
If the setting is alignwide, then only the 4 load. If empty then loads all 7?
Mostly blank, wraps all block content. Default CSS rendered:
.wp-site-blocks > .alignleft {
float: left;
margin-right: 2em;
.wp-site-blocks > .alignright {
float: right;
margin-left: 2em;
.wp-site-blocks > .aligncenter {
justify-content: center;
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
.wp-site-blocks > * {
margin-top: 0;
margin-bottom: 0;
.wp-site-blocks > * + * {
margin-top: var( --wp--style--block-gap );