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Getting started tutorial

This is a quick start tutorial which aims to explain the basics of Turbine as briefly as possible.

Turbine is a fairly small library build on top of the FRP library Hareactive. When learning Turbine the bulk of the work is actually to learn Hareactive and FRP. This tutorial covers most of Turbine but only the essential types in Hareactive and a small fraction of its API.

A small Turbine app

The following code is a small complete Turbine app:

import Hareactive.Combinators (accum)
import Turbine (Component, use, component, output, (</>), runComponent)
import Turbine.HTML as E

counter :: Component { count :: Behavior Int } {}
counter id = component \on -> do
  count <- accum (+) 0 (on.increment <> on.decrement)
  ( E.div { class: pure "wrapper" } (
      E.text "Counter " </>
      E.span {} (E.textB $ map show count) </>
      E.button {} (E.text "+" ) `use` (\o -> { increment: $> 1 }) </>
      E.button {} (E.text "-" ) `use` (\o -> { decrement: $> -1 })
  ) `output` { count }

main = runComponent "#mount" counter

The code creates an application that functions as shown in the GIF below.

single counter GIF

This small example uses almost every important function in Turbine. Hence, by explaining every detail of the example from top to bottom this tutorial covers most of Turbine.

The types

Let's first consider each of the types used in the example. The three key FRP types from Hareactive all come into play:

  • Behavior: A Behavior a represents a value of type a that changes over time. In the example above count has the type Behavior Int because the count changes over time in response to the buttons.
  • Stream: A Stream a represents events or occurrences that happens at specific moments in time. In the example, increment and decrement are streams created from the click events on each button.
  • Now. A Now a represents a computation that runs in an atomic moment of time, which has access to the current time, and which can have side-effects. A Now a can be though of as equivalent to Time -> Effect a. In the example the function passed to component returns a Now hence the do makes the function run in the Now-monad.

The primary type which Turbine adds on top of Hareactive is Component. A component is an encapsulated description of a piece of user interface as well as the logic and state controlling it. The Component type constructor takes two type parameters. For instance, counter in the example is of the type:

counter :: Component { count :: Behavior Int } {}

The first argument to Component is called the component's available output and the second is called the component's selected output. Similarly to how Effect a denotes a computation with side-effects that produces a value of type a the type Component a b denotes a component that when constructed produces two outputs, one of type a and one of type b. A component's available output represents all the events and values that it exposes and the selected output is the part of this which the user of the component has explicitly declared interest in.

If you think of a DOM element, then the available output corresponds to all the events that we could listen to by calling addEventListener on the element and the selected output corresponds to the things that we have already declared interest in by calling addEventListener on the element.


In the example counter is a component created with the component function. A Turbine application is structured using components and the component function is the primary way to create custom components. It has the type:

component :: forall a o p. (o -> Now (ComponentResult a o p)) -> Component p {}

Values of type ComponentResult are constructed with the output function:

output :: forall a o p. Component a o -> p -> Now (ComponentResult a o p)

Hence, the function given to component essentially returns two values. A component of type Component a o and a value of some type p. The function then receives an argument of type o. Notice the recursive dependency: the selected output of the returned component is passed as input to the function.

The selected output of the component returned in the example has the type { increment :: Stream Int, decrement :: Stream Int }. These streams come from the HTML view construct further down and they correspond to the click events from each of the buttons. The increment stream has an occurrence with the value 1 whenever the "+" button is pressed and the decrement stream has an occurrence with the value -1 whenever the "-" is pressed.

Streams are monoids and the expression on.increment <> on.decrement results in a new stream that combines the occurrences of both streams.

We then apply accum to the combined streams: accum (+) 0 (on.increment <> on.decrement). The accum function can be though of as a "fold over time" and it has a type that resembles that of foldr.

accum :: forall a b. (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Stream a -> Now (Behavior b)

accum returns a value in the Now monad because whenever we accumulate state over time the result depends on when we start accumulating. If you count how many cars pass by a certain road starting from right now you are not going to have the same count as someone who started counting yesterday. Hence, accum returns a Now and the Now returned to component is run when the component is constructed. Thus, our counter will begin accumulating right when it is constructed. It starts with the initial value 0 (the second argument to accum) and every time the stream has an occurrence + (the first argument to accum) is applied to the current value and the value of the occurrence. The result becomes the new current value.

As in the example below component is typically used following this pattern or template:

myComponent = component \on -> do
  // Logic/model
  // View
  view `output` { ... }

As indicated returned component is often called the componen's "view" and the code above is called the component's "logic" or "model". The view can use values defined in the model and the model can use selected output from the view. This circular dependency arises naturally when using FRP to build UI.

Building HTML

The next part of the example is the part that constructs the HTML for the counter:

E.div { class: pure "wrapper" } (
  E.text "Counter " </>
  E.span {} (E.textB $ map show count) </>
  E.button {} (E.text "+" ) `use` (\o -> { increment: $> 1 }) </>
  E.button {} (E.text "-" ) `use` (\o -> { decrement: $> -1 })

The module Turbine.HTML contains element functions for creating components that correspond to HTML elements. These takes a record of attributes and a child component---except in cases when a HTML doesn't support one or both of those things.

As mentioned, in FRP behaviors are used to represent values that change over time. To support creating HTML that change over time behaviors can be given to the element functions. Since we want the outer div to constantly have the class wrapper we use pure "wrapper" which creates a constant behavior.

The function textB has the type Behavior String -> Component {} {}. It takes a behavior and returns a component which creates a text node that changes its content as the given behavior changes. Therefore the expression E.textB count creates a text node that always shows the current count.

Components are composed with the merge function, used as its </> operator. The expression a </> b is a new component which creates the HTML from a followed by the HTML from b. merge has the type:

merge :: forall a o b p q. Union o p q => Component a { | o } -> Component b { | p } -> Component {} { | q }

From the constraint Union o p q the PureScript compiler infers q to be the union of o and p. This means that when combining two components merge throws away the two component's available output (notice how a and b does not appear in the return type) and it combines the two component's selected output as the selected output of the resulting component. Hence, when composing components their selected output propagates out into the final component while the available output it discarded.

If, for some component, we want to use parts of its available output we apply the use function. This function copies output from the available part into the selected part. It has the type:

use :: forall a o p q. Union o p q => Component a { | o } -> (a -> { | p }) -> Component {} { | q }

In other words, use takes a component and a function. The component's available output is passed to the function which must return a record. A new component is returned with its selected output being the union of the existing selected output and what the function returned.

We are now equipped with the knowledge necessary to understand this part of the example:

E.button {} (E.text "+" ) `use` (\o -> { increment: $> 1 }) </>
E.button {} (E.text "-" ) `use` (\o -> { decrement: $> -1 })

The expression E.button {} (E.text "+") has the type Compenent { click :: Stream ClickEvent, ... } {}. In other words, a stream of click events is part of the available output from a button. For each of the buttons we apply use to select the click stream first with the property name increment and then with the property name decrement. Streams are functors and we use $> to turn the value of each event or occurrence into 1 and -1 respectively. Finally, we compose the two components with </> and the resulting type of the above becomes:

Component {} { increment :: Stream Int, decrement :: Stream Int }

This composed component is then given as the child component to the div function:

div :: forall r a o. Subrow r Attributes => Record r -> Component a o -> Component Output o

Notice how the div function propagates the selected output of its child into the selected output of the returned component. All the element functions behave in this way and, combined with how </> works, this ensures that selected output always "bubbles up" when HTML is constructed. The final component passed to output therefore has the selected output { increment :: Stream Int, decrement :: Stream Int } and this gets passed as input to the function given to component. We have come full circle.

Running the application

The last line calls runComponent which has the type:

runComponent :: forall a o. String -> Component a o -> Effect Unit

The function takes a CSS selector string and a component. It then runs the component with the first element matching the selector as its parent. Similarly to how Effect describes side-effects a Component only describes a piece of UI or a part of an application. A Turbine application always has an invocation of runComponent which then runs the entire application.