This translation is for information purposes only and is not legally binding.
This electoral code came into effect by resolution of the Student Representative Group on Mar. 20, 2019.
This electoral code applies to elections of the Digital Engineering Student Representative Group at the University of Potsdam.
Based on the Statutes of the Digital Engineering Student Body, eight members are elected to serve in the Student Representative Group.
(1) The Student Representative Group is elected for a one-year term. The members remain in office until the succeeding members take office.
(2) Elections generally take place at the beginning of the start of classes in each summer semester, and, at the latest, in the sixth week of the lecture period. In the event of a new election before a complete legislative period has ended, this date will be adjusted accordingly.
(3) The election period is understood as the time between the convening of the election committee and the expiration of the appeals period.
(1) The elections are carried out in a manner that results in a free, fair, direct, and secret ballot.
(2) The election is decided based on the majority vote.
Every member of the student body has the right to vote and to stand as a candidate at election.
(1) The election committee shall be responsible for the proper preparation and conduct of elections.
(2) The election committee shall be formed six weeks before the planned election date at the latest. The committee shall be formed by the Student Representative Group from among members of the student body.
(3) The election committee is composed of at least three people.
(4) The members of the election committee cannot run for election.
(5) The election committee may call on additional people to assist in an election and vote counting. These people do not need to belong to the student body but must not have run for election.
(6) The Student Representative Group must provide the election committee with all materials necessary to prepare and conduct the election.
(1) The election committee shall announce the election to the Student Representative Group no later than three weeks before the election is to take place. The notice of election is to be made to the student body by email.
(2) The notice of election provides information about the time, place and other modalities of the election. It should contain the information listed in § 12 of the Framework Regulations for Elections of the Student Body of the University of Potsdam, dated February 6, 2018.
(1) A candidature for the Student Representative Group must be made in written form. Notification of a candidature must be submitted to the election committee no later than two weeks before the election. It must include the first and last name of the candidate as well as the candidate’s email address, degree program and, if applicable, the number of semesters the candidate has studied up to that time.
(2) The election committee may decide on an extension of the deadline for nominations, but it must be one week before the election takes place at the latest.
(3) Electoral proposals will be announced to the student body by email one week before the election at the latest.
(1) Each member of the student body has as many votes as are members to be elected to serve in the Student Representative Group. Cumulative voting is not allowed.
(2) Voters are not bound to the electoral proposals.
(3) Voters are given the opportunity to vote by postal ballot or in person.
(4) If a person has voted both by postal ballot and in person, the vote cast by postal ballot will be forfeited.
(5) If there are several people with the same name, the name used in the HPI domain with a number added to it will be used for voting. The election committee will explain this at the opening of the election.
(1) After the conclusion of the election, the election committee determines how many votes were cast for which person. The votes are to be counted publicly for the student body immediately following the election or on the first day of classes after the election. When the votes are to be counted must be announced by the election committee no later than two days before election by email to the student body.
(2) The persons elected into the Student Representative Group are the persons with the highest number of votes. If fewer than the required number of persons are elected, a new election is necessary.
(3) If there is a tie for the last place, overhang mandates will be created.
(4) Upon completion of the vote counting, the election committee shall immediately inform all persons of their election and ask them if they accept the office.
(5) Acceptance must be communicated to the election committee within four days after the election, otherwise the position will be considered denied.
(1) The election committee shall announce the results of the election to the student body via email, at the latest on the first day of classes after acceptance.
(2) The election committee shall invite those elected into the Student Representative Group to a constituent meeting one week, at the latest, after the results of the election have been made public.
(1) The election can be appealed within one week after the publication of the results. An appeal stating the reason(s) for the appeal must be made to the election committee. Only the reasons listed in § 21 (2) of the Framework Regulations for Elections of the Student Body of the University of Potsdam, dated February 6, 2018 will be considered.
(2) The admissibility and consequences of the appeal is decided by the election committee.
(1) Every member of the Student Representative Group can resign for good reason. The resignation, and its justification, must be made in writing to the other members of the Student Representative Group.
(2) Withdrawal from the student body results in immediate resignation from the Student Representative Group. This must be communicated to the other members of the Student Representative Group as soon as it is known.
(3) Resignations are handled according to the Rules of Procedure of the Digital Engineering Student Body. The Student Representative Group is responsible for the succession procedures and receives the acceptance of the person taking on the role of successor. The student body is to be informed about all changes in membership.
(1) In cases of doubt, this electoral code shall be interpreted in the sense of the regulations of the current Framework Regulations for Elections of the Student Body of the University of Potsdam.
(2) Insofar as this electoral code does not contain a regulation which is indispensable and that cannot be interpreted reliably, the provisions of the current Framework Regulations for Elections of the Student Body of the University of Potsdam shall be applied accordingly.
(1) The Student Representative Group has the authority to make changes to this electoral code. A corresponding resolution requires a two-thirds majority of all members of the Student Representative Group.
(2) A change in the electoral code can only be carried out if the student body is informed of the proposed change, and its wording, at least 14 days in advance, and if it receives a suitable opportunity for discussion.
(3) The Student Representative Group must inform the student body of the change by email within three days of the decision.
(4) During the period of the election, the electoral code applies in the version valid at the beginning of that period.