The OpenAPI Specification is a project of the Open API Initiative (OAI), under the auspices of the Linux Foundation. For governance of the OAI, review the OAI's charter.
The TSC is a self-organizing sub-group of the OAI. Herein are its principles and guidelines.
Liaison — Elected by TSC members in a plurality vote (oral count). Liaison represents the TSC to the OAI's Business Governing Board (BGB) at board meetings (though this itself does not confer voting rights) and is the public facing mouthpiece of the TSC.
Maintainer — all and only members of the TSC are maintainers, and are responsible for approving proposed changes to the specification. If membership drops below 3, work is suspended until the BGB can re-establish the minimum. To maintain agility, the TSC should be capped at a maximum 9 members, though that number can be reconsidered by the TSC in the future. Past members will be noted as emeritus status once they are no longer members.
Rick — Responsible for not giving up or letting down. Requires plurality vote of TSC members.
At an open TSC meeting, the impending call-for-nominations period is communicated and subsequently tweeted, no more than once per quarter. Nominations for members happen at closed TSC meetings via a motion by a voting TSC member. A nominee must not receive negative votes from 25% or more of the TSC voting membership via a confidential vote held electronically within a week of the nomination. Approved nominees are expected to comport themselves during the provisional period of four weeks as full members of the TSC, though nominees do not have voting rights until their membership is confirmed. TSC subsequently votes on those nominees in the subsequent TSC meeting. At most there are four voting periods per year, with a minimum of 1 per year.
In dire situations, it may be necessary to remove a TSC member, such as behavior that violates the code of conduct (whether non-participation merits removal is a decision left to the TSC voting members). 75% vote (confidential, electronic) of the other TSC. members is required to remove a member. Otherwise, TSC members are removed when they renounce their position by informing the Liaison of their effective resignation date.
The group will strive to achieve all decisions via unopposed consensus. When not possible, unresolved conflicts will be raised to the OAI's Technical Oversight Board (TOB).
The TSC will maintain a publicly available document specifying the process in the contributor guidelines for how proposed changes are merged into the specification. The TSC will document and publicize the schedule of merge parties and release parties for the benefit of the technical developer community.