This file is used to list changes made in each version of the resolver cookbook.
- Fix blog link for wrapper cookbooks
- Merge resolv.conf options & remove extra colons
- Update
->Chef Infra
- Port recipes and attributes to resources
- Add support for overriding system configuration methods to resolver_config
- Add systemd-resolved support
- Sous Chefs Adoption
- Add InSpec Tests
- Remove Deprecated Platforms, Centos 6, Ubuntu 16.04, opensuse-42, fedora-29
- Test with Local Delivery instead of Rake
- Update Apache license string in metadata
- the search stanza should be an array rather than a single element. resolv.conf search allows up to six search domains to be defined. Have updated the recipes with some rules (no more than 6 domains or 256 chars), change the ['resolver']['search'] into an array and changed teh template unless block to search for an empty array instead
- add aix support
- Fix compatibility with old chef 12 clients
- Remove old recipe from the metadata
- Call out SUSE support in the readme and metadata
- add support for 'domain' resolv.conf key
- Switch to root group to support AIX/OS X/FreeBSD
- Removed the from_server_role recipe. This should be done with a wrapper cookbook instead
- Add testing with Travis CI and use kitchen-dokken for integration testing
- Add basic Chefspec testing
- Add integration testing with Test Kitchen
- Add Berksfile
- Update contributing, testing and maintainers docs
- Improve the readme with chef/platform Requirements
- Add a Rakefile for simplified testing
- Use strings for file modes to preserve the leading 0s
- Add source_url, issue_url and chef_version to the metadata
- Remove attributes from the metadata since they weren't up to date
- Add rubocop file and resolve all rubocop warnings
- Update the contributing doc to match the new process
- Use strings for file modes to preserve the leading 0s
- Add support the domain resolv.conf config option
- Add a gitignore and chefignore file
- Added a header to the resolv.conf file stating that chef edited the file
- Use the Ohai 'root_group' attribute for the config file to support non-Linux *nix platforms. This raises the minimum required version of Chef to 11.14.0 with Ohai 7.2.0.
- [#11] Improve safety and sanity of cookbook
- [#12] README update
- [#14] Exclude search in template if attribute is empty
- COOK-3375 - Add Solaris support
- [COOK-2977]: resolver cookbook has foodcritic failures
- [COOK-1242] - collect nameservers using a server role, adds
- 'node' went missing in the template.
- [COOK-1089] - accept resolver options via attributes
- [COOK-1109] - return from resolver recipe if no nameserver attribute is set so resolv.conf doesn't get broken during the run
- [COOK-1150] - drop the empty element from the nameserver attribute array