sudo dnf install -y git # kinda obvious huh
git clone
cd franco_fedora_script
chmod +x
chmod +x
sudo ./
This two scripts are created only for personal use, if the script break your system(idk how but if that happened), I have no responsibility for that.
This script is for Fedora 37 and above. It installs some packages and configures some things. Including the following:
- add fastestmirror=true and parallel downloads=10 to dnf config file
- add rpmfusion repos (free and nonfree)
- add flathub repo
- add vscode repo
- add multimedia codecs
- change mesa-va-drivers to mesa-va-drivers-freeworld
- add Posy Improved Cursors to ~/.icons
this script will not setup timeshift, if you wanna use timeshift properly, i recommend you to configure it yourself
- vim
- htop
- neofetch
- @virtualization
- virt-manager
- mpv
- vlc
- fish
- ffmpeg
- timeshift
- steam
- code
- firewall-config
- gnome-tweaks
- protonup-qt
- discord
- android-studio
- peazip
- lutris
- amberol
- flatseal
- telegram
- obs-studio
- librewolf
- krita
- bottles
- extension manager