Starlark files should be formatted by buildifier. We suggest using a pre-commit hook to automate this. First install pre-commit, then run
pre-commit install
Otherwise, later tooling on CI will inform you about formatting/linting violations.
Some targets are generated from sources.
Currently, this is just the bzl_library
Run bazel run //:gazelle
to keep them up-to-date.
Once the MODULE.bazel
and //pkl:private:constants.bzl
files have been updated, you
can update the maven lock file using bazel run @unpinned_rules_pkl_deps//:pin
You'll commonly find that you develop in another WORKSPACE, such as some other ruleset that depends on rules_pkl, or in a nested WORKSPACE in the integration_tests folder.
To always tell Bazel to use this directory rather than some release artifact or a version fetched from the internet, run this from this directory:
echo "common $OVERRIDE" >> ~/.bazelrc
This means that any usage of @rules_pkl
on your system will point to this folder.
- Determine the next release version, following semver (could automate in the future from changelog)
- Use the GitHub UI to tag the repo with the next release version and create a release