diff --git a/Carleson/Defs.lean b/Carleson/Defs.lean index 7c55cb53..56543e2e 100644 --- a/Carleson/Defs.lean +++ b/Carleson/Defs.lean @@ -190,14 +190,19 @@ def CZOperator (K : X → X → ℂ) (r : ℝ) (f : X → ℂ) (x : X) : ℂ := ∫ y in {y | dist x y ∈ Ici r}, K x y * f y /-- `R_Q(θ, x)` defined in (1.0.20). -/ -def upperRadius [FunctionDistances ℝ X] (Q : X → Θ X) (θ : Θ X) (x : X) : ℝ≥0∞ := - sSup { r : ℝ≥0∞ | dist_{x, r.toReal} θ (Q x) < 1 } +def upperRadius [FunctionDistances ℝ X] (Q : X → Θ X) (θ : Θ X) (x : X) : ℝ := + sSup { r : ℝ | dist_{x, r} θ (Q x) < 1 } + +lemma le_upperRadius [FunctionDistances ℝ X] {Q : X → Θ X} {θ : Θ X} {x : X} {r : ℝ} + (hr : dist_{x, r} θ (Q x) < 1) : r ≤ upperRadius Q θ x := by + have bdd : BddAbove { r : ℝ | dist_{x, r} θ (Q x) < 1 } := by sorry + exact (Real.le_sSup_iff bdd ⟨r, hr⟩).mpr fun ε hε ↦ ⟨r, hr, add_lt_iff_neg_left.mpr hε⟩ /-- The linearized maximally truncated nontangential Calderon Zygmund operator `T_Q^θ` -/ def linearizedNontangentialOperator [FunctionDistances ℝ X] (Q : X → Θ X) (θ : Θ X) (K : X → X → ℂ) (f : X → ℂ) (x : X) : ℝ≥0∞ := ⨆ (R₁ : ℝ) (x' : X) (_ : dist x x' ≤ R₁), - ‖∫ y in {y | ENNReal.ofReal (dist x' y) ∈ Ioo (ENNReal.ofReal R₁) (upperRadius Q θ x')}, + ‖∫ y in {y | dist x' y ∈ Ioo R₁ (upperRadius Q θ x')}, K x' y * f y‖₊ /-- The maximally truncated nontangential Calderon Zygmund operator `T_*` -/ diff --git a/Carleson/ForestOperator/PointwiseEstimate.lean b/Carleson/ForestOperator/PointwiseEstimate.lean index 786feeb4..f5a270cc 100644 --- a/Carleson/ForestOperator/PointwiseEstimate.lean +++ b/Carleson/ForestOperator/PointwiseEstimate.lean @@ -631,7 +631,7 @@ lemma second_tree_pointwise (hu : u ∈ t) (hL : L ∈ 𝓛 (t u)) (hx : x ∈ L le_iSup₂_of_le (𝔰 p') ⟨s_ineq, scale_mem_Icc.2⟩ <| le_iSup_of_le ?_ ?_ · have : ((D : ℝ≥0∞) ^ (𝔰 p' - 1)).toReal = D ^ (s₂ - 1) := by rw [sp', ← ENNReal.toReal_zpow]; simp - apply le_sSup; rwa [mem_setOf, dist_congr rfl this] + apply le_upperRadius; convert d1 · convert le_rfl; change (Icc (𝔰 p) _).toFinset = _; rw [sp, sp'] apply subset_antisymm · rw [← Finset.toFinset_coe (t.σ u x), toFinset_subset_toFinset]