These notes detail works on figuring out the data fields stored in the standardized bar code data on Québec's restaurant bills.
- PDF417 barcode with BASE64 encoded binary payload
- Always 0x7A bytes long == 122 bytes == 976 bits
- Endianness appears to be Little Endian (Intel)
- [0x00, 0x39] Always differs from bill to bill
- Hypothesis: this area contains signature, hash, checksum, etc...
- [0x40, 0x43] MEV serial number
- Notes: left-aligned binary 32-bits little endian, zero padded (0x00)
- [0x44, 0x47] MEV transaction counter (monotonically increasing)
- Notes: left-aligned binary 32-bits little endian, zero padded (0x00)
- [0x48, 0x4B] Unknown data
- Hypothesis: Potential 32-bit number ???
- [0x4C, 0x55] Unique bill/transaction number
- Notes: right-aligned ASCII text, whitespace padded (0x20)
- [0x56, 0x59] Bill datetime
- Note: Number of seconds from MRQ Epoch (2009-01-01)
- Example: python -c "import struct; import sys; import datetime; print datetime.datetime(2009,1,1) + datetime.timedelta(seconds=struct.unpack('<L','\x5a\x91\x6f\x05')[0])"
- Sample: 2011-11-22T12:43:06 --> 5A:91:6F:05
- Sample: 2011-11-25T13:18:?? --> 16:8E:6F:05
- Sample: 2011-11-25T13:20:?? --> 95:8E:6F:05
- [0x5A, 0x63] Employee name
- Notes: right-aligned ASCII text, whitespace padded (0x20)
- [0x64, 0x6B] Vendor field, typically table number, takeout, etc.
- Notes: right-aligned ASCII text, whitespace padded (0x20)
- [0x6C, 0x6E] TPS value in cents
- Notes: left-aligned binary 24-bits, little-endian, zero padded (0x00)
- Sample: 0B:00:00 == 11 cents == 0.11$
- [0x6F, 0x71] TVQ value in cents
- Notes: left-aligned binary 24-bits, little-endian, zero padded (0x00)
- Sample: 13:00:00 == 19 cents == 0.19$
- [0x72, 0x77] Total price (including TPS+TVQ) in cents
- Notes: left-aligned binary 24-bits, little-endian, zero padded (0x00)
- Sample: 13:00:00 == 246 cents == 2.46$
- [0x78, 0x7A] Constant data (0C:43:0E)