eEMU=qemu-system-aarch64 Qration
distro packages may not work as you need nightly builds
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
Choose default installation
source "$HOME/.cargo/env"
Update your login script with this
cargo install cargo-xbuild
rustup component add rust-src
Assuming in $HOME
mkdir workspace
cd $HOME/workspace
git clone
cd demangle
cargo build
We assume qemu is installed and operational
cd $HOME/workspace/
git clone
cd barekit
./runon qemu
Assuming you already have built barekit for Qemu.
cd $HOME/workspace/
git clone
cd kvmtool
update $HOME/workspace/barekit/runon and modify the LKVM variable to reflect you lvm actual path, $HOME/workspace/kvmtool/lkvm if you followed the above procedure
cd $HOME/workspace/barekit
./runon kvmtool
cd $HOME/workspace/
git clone
cd u-boot
there is a bug in master related to virtio so, let’s just use 2023.01 git checkout -b v2023.01 v2023.01 make qemu_arm64_defconfig make menuconfig make cp u-boot-nodtb.bin ../barekit
Then place u_boot into a flash to be used by Qemu
cd $HOME/workspace/barekit
truncate --size 64M run_efi/QEMU_UBOOT.fd
dd if=u-boot.bin of=run_efi/QEMU_UBOOT.fd bs=4096 conv=notrunc
Create a virtual disk contaiing the EFI partition
Then each time you want to run a new barekit (after make) ./run_efi/ ./runon qemu-uboot
for the first time, interupt the boot process by pressing any key at the prompt to setup the boot script
setenv bootcmd 'virtio scan; load virtio 0:1 $kernel_addr_r /barekit.afx; bootefi $kernel_addr_r $fdtcontroladdr'
run bootcmd
From now on you can just use
./runon qemu-uboot
to test the new compiled version. To exit Qemu, type CTRL-A x.
cd $HOME/workspace
git clone
cd arm-trusted-firmware
git checkout -brusteed rusteed
the rusteed branch is based on TFA v2.8.0, it adds rusteed SPD service so that we have a clean BL32 interface
Assumes that barekit.afx is already built to be integrated in the fip
make ARM_LINUX_KERNEL_AS_BL33=1 BL33=../barekit/target/aarch64-unknown-uefi/release/barekit.afx PLAT=qemu all fip
cd ../barekit
./runon qemu-tfa1
Then each time you update barekit:
cd ../arm-trusted-firmware
make ARM_LINUX_KERNEL_AS_BL33=1 BL33=../barekit/target/aarch64-unknown-uefi/release/barekit.afx PLAT=qe
cd -
./runon qemu-tfa1
same as for BL33 except you need to apply a patch:
cd $HOME/workspace/arm-trusted-firmware
git apply ../barekit/bl32.patch
make distclean
make SPD=tlkd ARM_LINUX_KERNEL_AS_BL33=1 BL33=../barekit/target/aarch64-unknown-uefi/release/barekit.afx BL32=../barekit/target/aarch64-unknown-uefi/release/barekit.afx PLAT=qemu all fip
cd $HOME/workspace/barekit
./runon qemu-tfa1
alternatively you can use U-Boot as BL33 with barekit as BL32 and EFI payload:
cd $HOME/workspace/arm-trusted-firmware
make distclean
make SPD=tlkd BL33=../u-boot/u-boot-nodtb.bin BL32=../barekit/target/aarch64-unknown-uefi/release/barekit.afx PLAT=qemu all fip
cd $HOME/workspace/barekit
./runon qemu-tfa1
Create a bootable RPI4 64 bits image (use Raspberry PI Imager tool). copy barekit.afx in the FAT root directory update config.txt: