diff --git a/locales/ar.json b/locales/ar.json index 97a1c8447b..ea1f8372d9 100644 --- a/locales/ar.json +++ b/locales/ar.json @@ -10254,11 +10254,38 @@ "Bank Transfer": "التحويل البنكي", "Domestic Wire Transfer (Enterprise)": "التحويل البنكي المحلي (المؤسسي)", "International Wire Transfer (Enterprise)": "التحويل البنكي الدولي (المؤسسات)", - "Search for inquiries": "Search for inquiries", - "Search by email": "Search by email", - "Reply": "Reply", - "Search for domains": "Search for domains", - "Search by domain name (RegExp supported) or email": "Search by domain name (RegExp supported) or email", - "Newsletter Enabled": "Newsletter Enabled", - "Domain requires SMTP access.": "Domain requires SMTP access." + "Search for inquiries": "البحث عن الاستفسارات", + "Search by email": "البحث عن طريق البريد الإلكتروني", + "Reply": "رد", + "Search for domains": "البحث عن المجالات", + "Search by domain name (RegExp supported) or email": "البحث حسب اسم المجال (يدعم RegExp) أو البريد الإلكتروني", + "Newsletter Enabled": "تمكين النشرة الإخبارية", + "Domain requires SMTP access.": "يتطلب النطاق الوصول إلى SMTP.", + "This API endpoint will automatically encode emojis for you if they are found in the headers (e.g. a subject line of": "ستقوم نقطة نهاية واجهة برمجة التطبيقات هذه بترميز الرموز التعبيرية تلقائيًا لك إذا تم العثور عليها في الرؤوس (على سبيل المثال سطر موضوع", + "gets converted to": "يتم تحويله إلى", + "automatically). Our goal was to make an extremely developer-friendly and dummy-proof email API.": "كان هدفنا هو إنشاء واجهة برمجة تطبيقات بريد إلكتروني صديقة للمطورين ومقاومة للأخطاء إلى حد كبير.", + "We're an all-in-one alternative to Gmail + Mailchimp + Sendgrid.": "نحن البديل الشامل لـ Gmail + Mailchimp + Sendgrid.", + "quantum-resistant encryption": "تشفير مقاوم للكم", + "If you want increased security, then you can also remove the \":user@gmail.com\" (or \":nobody@forwardemail.net\") part, leaving just \"!!!alias\" as in the example below.": "إذا كنت تريد زيادة الأمان، فيمكنك أيضًا إزالة الجزء \":user@gmail.com\" (أو \":nobody@forwardemail.net\")، وترك \"!!!alias\" فقط كما في المثال أدناه.", + "Email for enterprise": "البريد الإلكتروني للمؤسسات", + "Email for education": "البريد الإلكتروني للتعليم", + "Email for startups": "البريد الإلكتروني للشركات الناشئة", + "Email for stores": "البريد الإلكتروني للمتاجر", + "Email for designers": "البريد الإلكتروني للمصممين", + "Email for marketing": "البريد الإلكتروني للتسويق", + "Email for sales": "البريد الإلكتروني للمبيعات", + "Email for you": "البريد الإلكتروني لك", + "Email for everyone": "البريد الإلكتروني للجميع", + "All-in-one alternative to Gmail + Mailchimp + Sendgrid": "بديل متكامل لـ Gmail + Mailchimp + Sendgrid", + "Since 2017, we provide email service to 500,000+ domains and these notable users:": "منذ عام 2017، نقدم خدمة البريد الإلكتروني لأكثر من 500000 نطاق وهؤلاء المستخدمين البارزين:", + "Unlimited addresses and domains": "عناوين ومجالات غير محدودة", + "We're the world's first and only email service to use quantum-resistant and individually encrypted SQLite mailboxes": "نحن أول خدمة بريد إلكتروني في العالم تستخدم صناديق بريد SQLite المقاومة للكميات والمشفرة بشكل فردي", + "Unlimited inbound email": "بريد إلكتروني وارد غير محدود", + "%s attachment limit": "حد المرفقات %s", + "For families, groups, and organizations": "للعائلات والمجموعات والمنظمات", + "For education, universities, alumni email forwarding, healthcare, government, and custom implementations": "للتعليم والجامعات وإعادة توجيه البريد الإلكتروني للخريجين والرعاية الصحية والحكومة والتطبيقات المخصصة", + "The value %s was listed in our permanent and hard-coded denylist. Our team has been notified of your request for removal and we will follow up soon.": "تم إدراج القيمة %s في قائمة الرفض الدائمة والمبرمجة لدينا. لقد تم إخطار فريقنا بطلب الإزالة وسنتابع الأمر قريبًا.", + "%s approved for NEWSLETTER access": "تمت الموافقة على %s للوصول إلى النشرة الإخبارية", + "

Your domain %s was approved for NEWSLETTER access.

Complete Setup

": "

تمت الموافقة على نطاقك %s للوصول إلى النشرة الإخبارية.

الإعداد الكامل

", + "

Your domain %s had its NEWSLETTER access removed.

": "

لقد تم إزالة إمكانية الوصول إلى النشرة الإخبارية لنطاقك %s .

" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/locales/cs.json b/locales/cs.json index ff51f61361..434b6809a8 100644 --- a/locales/cs.json +++ b/locales/cs.json @@ -10254,11 +10254,38 @@ "Bank Transfer": "Bankovní převod", "Domestic Wire Transfer (Enterprise)": "Domácí bankovní převod (podnikové)", "International Wire Transfer (Enterprise)": "Mezinárodní bankovní převod (podnik)", - "Search for inquiries": "Search for inquiries", - "Search by email": "Search by email", - "Reply": "Reply", - "Search for domains": "Search for domains", - "Search by domain name (RegExp supported) or email": "Search by domain name (RegExp supported) or email", - "Newsletter Enabled": "Newsletter Enabled", - "Domain requires SMTP access.": "Domain requires SMTP access." + "Search for inquiries": "Hledejte dotazy", + "Search by email": "Vyhledávání e-mailem", + "Reply": "Odpověď", + "Search for domains": "Hledejte domény", + "Search by domain name (RegExp supported) or email": "Vyhledávání podle názvu domény (podporováno RegExp) nebo e-mailu", + "Newsletter Enabled": "Newsletter povolen", + "Domain requires SMTP access.": "Doména vyžaduje přístup SMTP.", + "This API endpoint will automatically encode emojis for you if they are found in the headers (e.g. a subject line of": "Tento koncový bod API za vás automaticky zakóduje emotikony, pokud je najdete v záhlaví (např.", + "gets converted to": "převádí se na", + "automatically). Our goal was to make an extremely developer-friendly and dummy-proof email API.": "automaticky). Naším cílem bylo vytvořit rozhraní API pro e-maily, které je extrémně přátelské pro vývojáře a odolné vůči falešným zprávám.", + "We're an all-in-one alternative to Gmail + Mailchimp + Sendgrid.": "Jsme all-in-one alternativou k Gmail + Mailchimp + Sendgrid.", + "quantum-resistant encryption": "kvantově odolné šifrování", + "If you want increased security, then you can also remove the \":user@gmail.com\" (or \":nobody@forwardemail.net\") part, leaving just \"!!!alias\" as in the example below.": "Pokud chcete vyšší zabezpečení, můžete také odstranit část „:user@gmail.com“ (nebo „:nobody@forwardemail.net“) a ponechat pouze „!!!alias“ jako v příkladu níže.", + "Email for enterprise": "E-mail pro podniky", + "Email for education": "Email pro vzdělávání", + "Email for startups": "E-mail pro začínající uživatele", + "Email for stores": "E-mail pro obchody", + "Email for designers": "Email pro designéry", + "Email for marketing": "E-mail pro marketing", + "Email for sales": "Email pro prodej", + "Email for you": "Email pro vás", + "Email for everyone": "Email pro všechny", + "All-in-one alternative to Gmail + Mailchimp + Sendgrid": "All-in-one alternativa k Gmail + Mailchimp + Sendgrid", + "Since 2017, we provide email service to 500,000+ domains and these notable users:": "Od roku 2017 poskytujeme e-mailové služby více než 500 000 doménám a těmto významným uživatelům:", + "Unlimited addresses and domains": "Neomezený počet adres a domén", + "We're the world's first and only email service to use quantum-resistant and individually encrypted SQLite mailboxes": "Jsme první a jediná e-mailová služba na světě, která používá kvantově odolné a individuálně šifrované poštovní schránky SQLite", + "Unlimited inbound email": "Neomezený příchozí e-mail", + "%s attachment limit": "%s limit příloh", + "For families, groups, and organizations": "Pro rodiny, skupiny a organizace", + "For education, universities, alumni email forwarding, healthcare, government, and custom implementations": "Pro vzdělávání , univerzity , přeposílání e-mailů absolventům , zdravotnictví , státní správu a vlastní implementace", + "The value %s was listed in our permanent and hard-coded denylist. Our team has been notified of your request for removal and we will follow up soon.": "Hodnota %s byla uvedena v našem trvalém a pevně zakódovaném seznamu odmítnutých. Náš tým byl informován o vaší žádosti o odstranění a brzy se vám ozveme.", + "%s approved for NEWSLETTER access": "%s schválen pro přístup k NEWSLETTERU", + "

Your domain %s was approved for NEWSLETTER access.

Complete Setup

": "

Přístup k vaší doméně %s byl schválen pro NEWSLETTER.

Dokončete nastavení

", + "

Your domain %s had its NEWSLETTER access removed.

": "

Vaší doméně %s byl odebrán přístup k NEWSLETTERU.

" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/locales/da.json b/locales/da.json index 45724773a5..b312be84e5 100644 --- a/locales/da.json +++ b/locales/da.json @@ -7225,11 +7225,38 @@ "Bank Transfer": "Bankoverførsel", "Domestic Wire Transfer (Enterprise)": "Indenlandsk bankoverførsel (virksomhed)", "International Wire Transfer (Enterprise)": "International bankoverførsel (Enterprise)", - "Search for inquiries": "Search for inquiries", - "Search by email": "Search by email", - "Reply": "Reply", - "Search for domains": "Search for domains", - "Search by domain name (RegExp supported) or email": "Search by domain name (RegExp supported) or email", - "Newsletter Enabled": "Newsletter Enabled", - "Domain requires SMTP access.": "Domain requires SMTP access." + "Search for inquiries": "Søg efter forespørgsler", + "Search by email": "Søg på e-mail", + "Reply": "Svar", + "Search for domains": "Søg efter domæner", + "Search by domain name (RegExp supported) or email": "Søg efter domænenavn (RegExp understøttet) eller e-mail", + "Newsletter Enabled": "Nyhedsbrev aktiveret", + "Domain requires SMTP access.": "Domæne kræver SMTP-adgang.", + "This API endpoint will automatically encode emojis for you if they are found in the headers (e.g. a subject line of": "Dette API-slutpunkt vil automatisk kode emojis for dig, hvis de findes i overskrifterne (f.eks. en emnelinje på", + "gets converted to": "bliver konverteret til", + "automatically). Our goal was to make an extremely developer-friendly and dummy-proof email API.": "automatisk). Vores mål var at lave en ekstremt udviklervenlig og dummy-sikker e-mail API.", + "We're an all-in-one alternative to Gmail + Mailchimp + Sendgrid.": "Vi er et alt-i-et alternativ til Gmail + Mailchimp + Sendgrid.", + "quantum-resistant encryption": "kvantebestandig kryptering", + "If you want increased security, then you can also remove the \":user@gmail.com\" (or \":nobody@forwardemail.net\") part, leaving just \"!!!alias\" as in the example below.": "Hvis du ønsker øget sikkerhed, så kan du også fjerne \":user@gmail.com\" (eller \":nobody@forwardemail.net\") delen, og efterlade blot \"!!!alias\" som i eksemplet nedenfor.", + "Email for enterprise": "E-mail til virksomheden", + "Email for education": "E-mail for uddannelse", + "Email for startups": "E-mail til startups", + "Email for stores": "E-mail til butikker", + "Email for designers": "E-mail til designere", + "Email for marketing": "E-mail til markedsføring", + "Email for sales": "E-mail for salg", + "Email for you": "E-mail til dig", + "Email for everyone": "E-mail til alle", + "All-in-one alternative to Gmail + Mailchimp + Sendgrid": "Alt-i-et alternativ til Gmail + Mailchimp + Sendgrid", + "Since 2017, we provide email service to 500,000+ domains and these notable users:": "Siden 2017 har vi leveret e-mailservice til 500.000+ domæner og disse bemærkelsesværdige brugere:", + "Unlimited addresses and domains": "Ubegrænsede adresser og domæner", + "We're the world's first and only email service to use quantum-resistant and individually encrypted SQLite mailboxes": "Vi er verdens første og eneste e-mail-tjeneste, der bruger kvantebestandige og individuelt krypterede SQLite-postkasser", + "Unlimited inbound email": "Ubegrænset indgående e-mail", + "%s attachment limit": "%s grænse for vedhæftede filer", + "For families, groups, and organizations": "For familier, grupper og organisationer", + "For education, universities, alumni email forwarding, healthcare, government, and custom implementations": "Til uddannelse , universiteter , alumni-e-mail-videresendelse , sundhedspleje , regering og tilpassede implementeringer", + "The value %s was listed in our permanent and hard-coded denylist. Our team has been notified of your request for removal and we will follow up soon.": "Værdien %s blev opført i vores permanente og hårdkodede afvisningsliste. Vores team er blevet underrettet om din anmodning om fjernelse, og vi vil snart følge op.", + "%s approved for NEWSLETTER access": "%s godkendt til NEWSLETTER-adgang", + "

Your domain %s was approved for NEWSLETTER access.

Complete Setup

": "

Dit domæne %s blev godkendt til NEWSLETTER-adgang.

Fuldfør opsætning

", + "

Your domain %s had its NEWSLETTER access removed.

": "

Dit domæne %s fik fjernet sin NEWSLETTER-adgang.

" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/locales/de.json b/locales/de.json index cddd5d2b9e..c4e9cca39a 100644 --- a/locales/de.json +++ b/locales/de.json @@ -9293,11 +9293,38 @@ "Bank Transfer": "Banküberweisung", "Domestic Wire Transfer (Enterprise)": "Inlandsüberweisung (Unternehmen)", "International Wire Transfer (Enterprise)": "Internationale elektronische Überweisung (Unternehmen)", - "Search for inquiries": "Search for inquiries", - "Search by email": "Search by email", - "Reply": "Reply", - "Search for domains": "Search for domains", - "Search by domain name (RegExp supported) or email": "Search by domain name (RegExp supported) or email", - "Newsletter Enabled": "Newsletter Enabled", - "Domain requires SMTP access.": "Domain requires SMTP access." + "Search for inquiries": "Suche nach Anfragen", + "Search by email": "Suche per E-Mail", + "Reply": "Antwort", + "Search for domains": "Suche nach Domänen", + "Search by domain name (RegExp supported) or email": "Suche nach Domänennamen (RegExp wird unterstützt) oder E-Mail", + "Newsletter Enabled": "Newsletter aktiviert", + "Domain requires SMTP access.": "Die Domäne erfordert SMTP-Zugriff.", + "This API endpoint will automatically encode emojis for you if they are found in the headers (e.g. a subject line of": "Dieser API-Endpunkt kodiert automatisch Emojis für Sie, wenn sie in den Headern gefunden werden (z. B. in einer Betreffzeile von", + "gets converted to": "wird umgewandelt in", + "automatically). Our goal was to make an extremely developer-friendly and dummy-proof email API.": "automatisch). Unser Ziel war es, eine äußerst entwicklerfreundliche und idiotensichere E-Mail-API zu erstellen.", + "We're an all-in-one alternative to Gmail + Mailchimp + Sendgrid.": "Wir sind eine Komplettalternative zu Gmail + Mailchimp + Sendgrid.", + "quantum-resistant encryption": "quantenresistente Verschlüsselung", + "If you want increased security, then you can also remove the \":user@gmail.com\" (or \":nobody@forwardemail.net\") part, leaving just \"!!!alias\" as in the example below.": "Wenn Sie mehr Sicherheit wünschen, können Sie auch den Teil „:user@gmail.com“ (oder „:nobody@forwardemail.net“) entfernen und nur „!!!alias“ übrig lassen, wie im folgenden Beispiel.", + "Email for enterprise": "E-Mail für Unternehmen", + "Email for education": "E-Mail für Bildung", + "Email for startups": "E-Mail für Startups", + "Email for stores": "E-Mail für Geschäfte", + "Email for designers": "E-Mail für Designer", + "Email for marketing": "E-Mail für Marketingzwecke", + "Email for sales": "E-Mail für den Vertrieb", + "Email for you": "E-Mail für Sie", + "Email for everyone": "E-Mail für alle", + "All-in-one alternative to Gmail + Mailchimp + Sendgrid": "All-in-One-Alternative zu Gmail + Mailchimp + Sendgrid", + "Since 2017, we provide email service to 500,000+ domains and these notable users:": "Seit 2017 bieten wir E-Mail-Dienste für über 500.000 Domänen und diese namhaften Benutzer an:", + "Unlimited addresses and domains": "Unbegrenzte Adressen und Domänen", + "We're the world's first and only email service to use quantum-resistant and individually encrypted SQLite mailboxes": "Wir sind der weltweit erste und einzige E-Mail-Dienst , der quantenresistente und individuell verschlüsselte SQLite-Postfächer verwendet", + "Unlimited inbound email": "Unbegrenzte eingehende E-Mails", + "%s attachment limit": "%s Anhangslimit", + "For families, groups, and organizations": "Für Familien, Gruppen und Organisationen", + "For education, universities, alumni email forwarding, healthcare, government, and custom implementations": "Für Bildung , Universitäten , E-Mail-Weiterleitung für Alumni , Gesundheitswesen , Behörden und benutzerdefinierte Implementierungen", + "The value %s was listed in our permanent and hard-coded denylist. Our team has been notified of your request for removal and we will follow up soon.": "Der Wert %s wurde in unserer permanenten und fest codierten Sperrliste aufgeführt. Unser Team wurde über Ihre Entfernungsanfrage informiert und wir werden uns in Kürze darum kümmern.", + "%s approved for NEWSLETTER access": "%s für NEWSLETTER-Zugriff zugelassen", + "

Your domain %s was approved for NEWSLETTER access.

Complete Setup

": "

Für Ihre Domäne %s wurde der NEWSLETTER-Zugriff genehmigt.

Vollständige Einrichtung

", + "

Your domain %s had its NEWSLETTER access removed.

": "

Der NEWSLETTER-Zugriff Ihrer Domäne %s wurde entfernt.

" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/locales/en.json b/locales/en.json index 2ce9e913e1..f655652562 100644 --- a/locales/en.json +++ b/locales/en.json @@ -9991,5 +9991,28 @@ "Search for domains": "Search for domains", "Search by domain name (RegExp supported) or email": "Search by domain name (RegExp supported) or email", "Newsletter Enabled": "Newsletter Enabled", - "Domain requires SMTP access.": "Domain requires SMTP access." + "Domain requires SMTP access.": "Domain requires SMTP access.", + "This API endpoint will automatically encode emojis for you if they are found in the headers (e.g. a subject line of": "This API endpoint will automatically encode emojis for you if they are found in the headers (e.g. a subject line of", + "gets converted to": "gets converted to", + "automatically). Our goal was to make an extremely developer-friendly and dummy-proof email API.": "automatically). Our goal was to make an extremely developer-friendly and dummy-proof email API.", + "We're an all-in-one alternative to Gmail + Mailchimp + Sendgrid.": "We're an all-in-one alternative to Gmail + Mailchimp + Sendgrid.", + "quantum-resistant encryption": "quantum-resistant encryption", + "If you want increased security, then you can also remove the \":user@gmail.com\" (or \":nobody@forwardemail.net\") part, leaving just \"!!!alias\" as in the example below.": "If you want increased security, then you can also remove the \":user@gmail.com\" (or \":nobody@forwardemail.net\") part, leaving just \"!!!alias\" as in the example below.", + "Email for enterprise": "Email for enterprise", + "Email for education": "Email for education", + "Email for startups": "Email for startups", + "Email for stores": "Email for stores", + "Email for designers": "Email for designers", + "Email for marketing": "Email for marketing", + "Email for sales": "Email for sales", + "Email for you": "Email for you", + "Email for everyone": "Email for everyone", + "All-in-one alternative to Gmail + Mailchimp + Sendgrid": "All-in-one alternative to Gmail + Mailchimp + Sendgrid", + "Since 2017, we provide email service to 500,000+ domains and these notable users:": "Since 2017, we provide email service to 500,000+ domains and these notable users:", + "Unlimited addresses and domains": "Unlimited addresses and domains", + "We're the world's first and only email service to use quantum-resistant and individually encrypted SQLite mailboxes": "We're the world's first and only email service to use quantum-resistant and individually encrypted SQLite mailboxes", + "Unlimited inbound email": "Unlimited inbound email", + "%s attachment limit": "%s attachment limit", + "For families, groups, and organizations": "For families, groups, and organizations", + "For education, universities, alumni email forwarding, healthcare, government, and custom implementations": "For education, universities, alumni email forwarding, healthcare, government, and custom implementations" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/locales/es.json b/locales/es.json index 93a70d3b0f..56fe7ad8f2 100644 --- a/locales/es.json +++ b/locales/es.json @@ -10252,11 +10252,38 @@ "Bank Transfer": "Transferencia bancaria", "Domestic Wire Transfer (Enterprise)": "Transferencia bancaria nacional (empresa)", "International Wire Transfer (Enterprise)": "Transferencia bancaria internacional (empresa)", - "Search for inquiries": "Search for inquiries", - "Search by email": "Search by email", - "Reply": "Reply", - "Search for domains": "Search for domains", - "Search by domain name (RegExp supported) or email": "Search by domain name (RegExp supported) or email", - "Newsletter Enabled": "Newsletter Enabled", - "Domain requires SMTP access.": "Domain requires SMTP access." + "Search for inquiries": "Buscar consultas", + "Search by email": "Buscar por correo electrónico", + "Reply": "Responder", + "Search for domains": "Búsqueda de dominios", + "Search by domain name (RegExp supported) or email": "Búsqueda por nombre de dominio (compatible con RegExp) o correo electrónico", + "Newsletter Enabled": "Boletín de noticias habilitado", + "Domain requires SMTP access.": "El dominio requiere acceso SMTP.", + "This API endpoint will automatically encode emojis for you if they are found in the headers (e.g. a subject line of": "Este punto final de API codificará automáticamente los emojis si se encuentran en los encabezados (por ejemplo, una línea de asunto de un mensaje).", + "gets converted to": "se convierte en", + "automatically). Our goal was to make an extremely developer-friendly and dummy-proof email API.": "automáticamente). Nuestro objetivo era crear una API de correo electrónico extremadamente fácil de usar y a prueba de tontos.", + "We're an all-in-one alternative to Gmail + Mailchimp + Sendgrid.": "Somos una alternativa todo en uno a Gmail + Mailchimp + Sendgrid.", + "quantum-resistant encryption": "cifrado resistente a los cuánticos", + "If you want increased security, then you can also remove the \":user@gmail.com\" (or \":nobody@forwardemail.net\") part, leaving just \"!!!alias\" as in the example below.": "Si desea mayor seguridad, también puede eliminar la parte \":user@gmail.com\" (o \":nobody@forwardemail.net\"), dejando solo \"!!!alias\" como en el siguiente ejemplo.", + "Email for enterprise": "Correo electrónico para empresas", + "Email for education": "Correo electrónico para educación", + "Email for startups": "Correo electrónico para empresas emergentes", + "Email for stores": "Correo electrónico para tiendas", + "Email for designers": "Correo electrónico para diseñadores", + "Email for marketing": "Correo electrónico para marketing", + "Email for sales": "Correo electrónico para ventas", + "Email for you": "Correo electrónico para usted", + "Email for everyone": "Correo electrónico para todos", + "All-in-one alternative to Gmail + Mailchimp + Sendgrid": "Alternativa todo en uno a Gmail + Mailchimp + Sendgrid", + "Since 2017, we provide email service to 500,000+ domains and these notable users:": "Desde 2017, brindamos servicio de correo electrónico a más de 500 000 dominios y a estos usuarios destacados:", + "Unlimited addresses and domains": "Direcciones y dominios ilimitados", + "We're the world's first and only email service to use quantum-resistant and individually encrypted SQLite mailboxes": "Somos el primer y único servicio de correo electrónico del mundo que utiliza buzones de correo SQLite encriptados individualmente y resistentes a la tecnología cuántica.", + "Unlimited inbound email": "Correo electrónico entrante ilimitado", + "%s attachment limit": "Límite de archivos adjuntos %s", + "For families, groups, and organizations": "Para familias, grupos y organizaciones.", + "For education, universities, alumni email forwarding, healthcare, government, and custom implementations": "Para educación , universidades , reenvío de correo electrónico a exalumnos , atención médica , gobierno e implementaciones personalizadas.", + "The value %s was listed in our permanent and hard-coded denylist. Our team has been notified of your request for removal and we will follow up soon.": "El valor %s se incluyó en nuestra lista de rechazos permanente y codificada. Nuestro equipo ha sido notificado de su solicitud de eliminación y le haremos seguimiento pronto.", + "%s approved for NEWSLETTER access": "%s aprobado para acceder al NEWSLETTER", + "

Your domain %s was approved for NEWSLETTER access.

Complete Setup

": "

Su dominio %s fue aprobado para el acceso al NEWSLETTER.

Configuración completa

", + "

Your domain %s had its NEWSLETTER access removed.

": "

A su dominio %s se le ha eliminado el acceso al NEWSLETTER.

" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/locales/fi.json b/locales/fi.json index 6c76adef50..fc84c2c5fc 100644 --- a/locales/fi.json +++ b/locales/fi.json @@ -10101,11 +10101,38 @@ "Bank Transfer": "Pankkisiirto", "Domestic Wire Transfer (Enterprise)": "Kotimainen pankkisiirto (yritys)", "International Wire Transfer (Enterprise)": "Kansainvälinen pankkisiirto (yritys)", - "Search for inquiries": "Search for inquiries", - "Search by email": "Search by email", - "Reply": "Reply", - "Search for domains": "Search for domains", - "Search by domain name (RegExp supported) or email": "Search by domain name (RegExp supported) or email", - "Newsletter Enabled": "Newsletter Enabled", - "Domain requires SMTP access.": "Domain requires SMTP access." + "Search for inquiries": "Etsi tiedustelut", + "Search by email": "Hae sähköpostilla", + "Reply": "Vastata", + "Search for domains": "Etsi verkkotunnuksia", + "Search by domain name (RegExp supported) or email": "Hae verkkotunnuksen nimellä (RegExp-tuki) tai sähköpostilla", + "Newsletter Enabled": "Uutiskirje käytössä", + "Domain requires SMTP access.": "Verkkotunnus vaatii SMTP-käytön.", + "This API endpoint will automatically encode emojis for you if they are found in the headers (e.g. a subject line of": "Tämä API-päätepiste koodaa automaattisesti hymiöt puolestasi, jos niitä löytyy otsikoista (esim.", + "gets converted to": "muunnetaan muotoon", + "automatically). Our goal was to make an extremely developer-friendly and dummy-proof email API.": "automaattisesti). Tavoitteenamme oli tehdä erittäin kehittäjäystävällinen ja tekosuojattu sähköpostisovellusliittymä.", + "We're an all-in-one alternative to Gmail + Mailchimp + Sendgrid.": "Olemme kaikki yhdessä vaihtoehto Gmail + Mailchimp + Sendgridille.", + "quantum-resistant encryption": "kvanttikestävä salaus", + "If you want increased security, then you can also remove the \":user@gmail.com\" (or \":nobody@forwardemail.net\") part, leaving just \"!!!alias\" as in the example below.": "Jos haluat lisätä turvallisuutta, voit myös poistaa osan \":user@gmail.com\" (tai \":nobody@forwardemail.net\") jättäen vain \"!!!aliaksen\" kuten alla olevassa esimerkissä.", + "Email for enterprise": "Sähköposti yritykselle", + "Email for education": "Sähköposti koulutusta varten", + "Email for startups": "Sähköposti aloittelijoille", + "Email for stores": "Sähköposti kaupoille", + "Email for designers": "Sähköposti suunnittelijoille", + "Email for marketing": "Sähköposti markkinointiin", + "Email for sales": "Sähköposti myyntiin", + "Email for you": "Sähköposti sinulle", + "Email for everyone": "Sähköposti kaikille", + "All-in-one alternative to Gmail + Mailchimp + Sendgrid": "All-in-one vaihtoehto Gmail + Mailchimp + Sendgrid", + "Since 2017, we provide email service to 500,000+ domains and these notable users:": "Vuodesta 2017 lähtien olemme tarjonneet sähköpostipalvelua yli 500 000 verkkotunnukselle ja näille merkittäville käyttäjille:", + "Unlimited addresses and domains": "Rajoittamaton määrä osoitteita ja verkkotunnuksia", + "We're the world's first and only email service to use quantum-resistant and individually encrypted SQLite mailboxes": "Olemme maailman ensimmäinen ja ainoa sähköpostipalvelu, joka käyttää kvanttikestäviä ja yksilöllisesti salattuja SQLite-postilaatikoita", + "Unlimited inbound email": "Rajoittamaton saapuva sähköposti", + "%s attachment limit": "%s liiterajoitus", + "For families, groups, and organizations": "Perheille, ryhmille ja organisaatioille", + "For education, universities, alumni email forwarding, healthcare, government, and custom implementations": "Koulutus , yliopistot , alumnien sähköpostin edelleenlähetys , terveydenhuolto , hallinto ja mukautetut toteutukset", + "The value %s was listed in our permanent and hard-coded denylist. Our team has been notified of your request for removal and we will follow up soon.": "Arvo %s on lueteltu pysyvässä ja koodatussa kieltoluettelossamme. Tiimillemme on ilmoitettu poistopyynnöstäsi, ja otamme yhteyttä pian.", + "%s approved for NEWSLETTER access": "%s hyväksytty NEWSLETTER-käyttöön", + "

Your domain %s was approved for NEWSLETTER access.

Complete Setup

": "

Verkkotunnuksesi %s hyväksyttiin NEWSLETTER-käyttöön.

Täydellinen asennus

", + "

Your domain %s had its NEWSLETTER access removed.

": "

Verkkotunnuksesi %s UUTISKIRJE-käyttöoikeus poistettiin.

" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/locales/fr.json b/locales/fr.json index 7376165a6a..8f3e3efd82 100644 --- a/locales/fr.json +++ b/locales/fr.json @@ -7777,11 +7777,38 @@ "Bank Transfer": "Virement bancaire", "Domestic Wire Transfer (Enterprise)": "Virement bancaire national (entreprise)", "International Wire Transfer (Enterprise)": "Virement bancaire international (entreprise)", - "Search for inquiries": "Search for inquiries", - "Search by email": "Search by email", - "Reply": "Reply", - "Search for domains": "Search for domains", - "Search by domain name (RegExp supported) or email": "Search by domain name (RegExp supported) or email", - "Newsletter Enabled": "Newsletter Enabled", - "Domain requires SMTP access.": "Domain requires SMTP access." + "Search for inquiries": "Rechercher des demandes de renseignements", + "Search by email": "Recherche par email", + "Reply": "Répondre", + "Search for domains": "Recherche de domaines", + "Search by domain name (RegExp supported) or email": "Recherche par nom de domaine (RegExp pris en charge) ou par e-mail", + "Newsletter Enabled": "Newsletter activée", + "Domain requires SMTP access.": "Le domaine nécessite un accès SMTP.", + "This API endpoint will automatically encode emojis for you if they are found in the headers (e.g. a subject line of": "Ce point de terminaison d'API encodera automatiquement les émojis pour vous s'ils se trouvent dans les en-têtes (par exemple, une ligne d'objet de", + "gets converted to": "est converti en", + "automatically). Our goal was to make an extremely developer-friendly and dummy-proof email API.": "(automatiquement). Notre objectif était de créer une API de messagerie extrêmement conviviale pour les développeurs et à l'épreuve des mannequins.", + "We're an all-in-one alternative to Gmail + Mailchimp + Sendgrid.": "Nous sommes une alternative tout-en-un à Gmail + Mailchimp + Sendgrid.", + "quantum-resistant encryption": "cryptage résistant aux quanta", + "If you want increased security, then you can also remove the \":user@gmail.com\" (or \":nobody@forwardemail.net\") part, leaving just \"!!!alias\" as in the example below.": "Si vous souhaitez une sécurité accrue, vous pouvez également supprimer la partie « :user@gmail.com » (ou « :nobody@forwardemail.net »), en laissant simplement « !!!alias » comme dans l'exemple ci-dessous.", + "Email for enterprise": "Courriel pour entreprise", + "Email for education": "Courriel pour l'éducation", + "Email for startups": "Courriel pour les startups", + "Email for stores": "Courriel pour les magasins", + "Email for designers": "Courriel pour les concepteurs", + "Email for marketing": "Courriel à des fins marketing", + "Email for sales": "Courriel pour les ventes", + "Email for you": "Un e-mail pour vous", + "Email for everyone": "Le courrier électronique pour tous", + "All-in-one alternative to Gmail + Mailchimp + Sendgrid": "Alternative tout-en-un à Gmail + Mailchimp + Sendgrid", + "Since 2017, we provide email service to 500,000+ domains and these notable users:": "Depuis 2017, nous fournissons un service de messagerie électronique à plus de 500 000 domaines et à ces utilisateurs notables :", + "Unlimited addresses and domains": "Adresses et domaines illimités", + "We're the world's first and only email service to use quantum-resistant and individually encrypted SQLite mailboxes": "Nous sommes le premier et le seul service de messagerie au monde à utiliser des boîtes aux lettres SQLite résistantes aux quanta et chiffrées individuellement", + "Unlimited inbound email": "E-mails entrants illimités", + "%s attachment limit": "Limite de pièces jointes %s", + "For families, groups, and organizations": "Pour les familles, les groupes et les organisations", + "For education, universities, alumni email forwarding, healthcare, government, and custom implementations": "Pour l'éducation , les universités , la redirection de courrier électronique des anciens élèves , les soins de santé , le gouvernement et les implémentations personnalisées", + "The value %s was listed in our permanent and hard-coded denylist. Our team has been notified of your request for removal and we will follow up soon.": "La valeur %s a été répertoriée dans notre liste de blocage permanente et codée en dur. Notre équipe a été informée de votre demande de suppression et nous y donnerons suite prochainement.", + "%s approved for NEWSLETTER access": "%s approuvé pour l'accès à la NEWSLETTER", + "

Your domain %s was approved for NEWSLETTER access.

Complete Setup

": "

Votre domaine %s a été approuvé pour l'accès à la NEWSLETTER.

Installation complète

", + "

Your domain %s had its NEWSLETTER access removed.

": "

Votre domaine %s a vu son accès NEWSLETTER supprimé.

" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/locales/he.json b/locales/he.json index 0794bfe634..1fb4658f21 100644 --- a/locales/he.json +++ b/locales/he.json @@ -8273,11 +8273,38 @@ "Bank Transfer": "העברה בנקאית", "Domestic Wire Transfer (Enterprise)": "העברה בנקאית מקומית (ארגוני)", "International Wire Transfer (Enterprise)": "העברה בנקאית בינלאומית (ארגוני)", - "Search for inquiries": "Search for inquiries", - "Search by email": "Search by email", - "Reply": "Reply", - "Search for domains": "Search for domains", - "Search by domain name (RegExp supported) or email": "Search by domain name (RegExp supported) or email", - "Newsletter Enabled": "Newsletter Enabled", - "Domain requires SMTP access.": "Domain requires SMTP access." + "Search for inquiries": "חפש פניות", + "Search by email": "חפש במייל", + "Reply": "תְגוּבָה", + "Search for domains": "חפש דומיינים", + "Search by domain name (RegExp supported) or email": "חפש לפי שם דומיין (נתמך ב-RegExp) או דוא\"ל", + "Newsletter Enabled": "ניוזלטר מופעל", + "Domain requires SMTP access.": "הדומיין דורש גישת SMTP.", + "This API endpoint will automatically encode emojis for you if they are found in the headers (e.g. a subject line of": "נקודת קצה זו של ממשק API תקודד עבורך אימוג'י אוטומטית אם הם נמצאים בכותרות (למשל שורת נושא של", + "gets converted to": "מומר ל", + "automatically). Our goal was to make an extremely developer-friendly and dummy-proof email API.": "אוטומטית). המטרה שלנו הייתה ליצור ממשק API ידידותי למפתחים ועמיד בפני דמה.", + "We're an all-in-one alternative to Gmail + Mailchimp + Sendgrid.": "אנחנו אלטרנטיבה הכל באחד ל-Gmail + Mailchimp + Sendgrid.", + "quantum-resistant encryption": "הצפנה עמידה קוונטית", + "If you want increased security, then you can also remove the \":user@gmail.com\" (or \":nobody@forwardemail.net\") part, leaving just \"!!!alias\" as in the example below.": "אם אתה רוצה אבטחה מוגברת, אתה יכול גם להסיר את החלק \":user@gmail.com\" (או \":nobody@forwardemail.net\"), ולהשאיר רק \"!!!כינוי\" כמו בדוגמה למטה.", + "Email for enterprise": "אימייל לארגון", + "Email for education": "דוא\"ל לחינוך", + "Email for startups": "אימייל לסטארט-אפים", + "Email for stores": "מייל לחנויות", + "Email for designers": "מייל למעצבים", + "Email for marketing": "מייל לשיווק", + "Email for sales": "דוא\"ל למכירה", + "Email for you": "דוא\"ל בשבילך", + "Email for everyone": "דוא\"ל לכולם", + "All-in-one alternative to Gmail + Mailchimp + Sendgrid": "אלטרנטיבה הכל באחד ל-Gmail + Mailchimp + Sendgrid", + "Since 2017, we provide email service to 500,000+ domains and these notable users:": "מאז 2017, אנו מספקים שירות דוא\"ל ל-500,000+ דומיינים ולמשתמשים הבולטים האלה:", + "Unlimited addresses and domains": "כתובות ודומיינים ללא הגבלה", + "We're the world's first and only email service to use quantum-resistant and individually encrypted SQLite mailboxes": "אנחנו שירות הדואר האלקטרוני הראשון והיחיד בעולם שמשתמש בתיבות דואר SQLite עמידות קוונטיות ומוצפנות בנפרד", + "Unlimited inbound email": "אימייל נכנס ללא הגבלה", + "%s attachment limit": "מגבלת קבצים מצורפים %s", + "For families, groups, and organizations": "למשפחות, קבוצות וארגונים", + "For education, universities, alumni email forwarding, healthcare, government, and custom implementations": "לחינוך , אוניברסיטאות , העברת דוא"ל לבוגרים , שירותי בריאות , ממשלה והטמעות מותאמות אישית", + "The value %s was listed in our permanent and hard-coded denylist. Our team has been notified of your request for removal and we will follow up soon.": "הערך %s היה רשום ברשימת ההכחשה הקבועה והמקודדת שלנו. הצוות שלנו קיבל הודעה על בקשתך להסרה ואנו נעקוב בקרוב.", + "%s approved for NEWSLETTER access": "%s אושרה לגישה ל-NEWSLETTER", + "

Your domain %s was approved for NEWSLETTER access.

Complete Setup

": "

הדומיין שלך %s אושר לגישה ל-NEWSLETTER.

השלם את ההגדרה

", + "

Your domain %s had its NEWSLETTER access removed.

": "

הגישה שלו ל-NEWSLETTER הוסרה לדומיין %s שלך.

" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/locales/hu.json b/locales/hu.json index 6ffdefcb2c..0c54c8b785 100644 --- a/locales/hu.json +++ b/locales/hu.json @@ -10254,11 +10254,38 @@ "Bank Transfer": "Banki átutalás", "Domestic Wire Transfer (Enterprise)": "Belföldi banki átutalás (vállalati)", "International Wire Transfer (Enterprise)": "Nemzetközi banki átutalás (vállalati)", - "Search for inquiries": "Search for inquiries", - "Search by email": "Search by email", - "Reply": "Reply", - "Search for domains": "Search for domains", - "Search by domain name (RegExp supported) or email": "Search by domain name (RegExp supported) or email", - "Newsletter Enabled": "Newsletter Enabled", - "Domain requires SMTP access.": "Domain requires SMTP access." + "Search for inquiries": "Érdeklődni", + "Search by email": "Keresés e-mailben", + "Reply": "Válasz", + "Search for domains": "Domainek keresése", + "Search by domain name (RegExp supported) or email": "Keresés domain név (RegExp támogatott) vagy e-mail alapján", + "Newsletter Enabled": "Hírlevél engedélyezve", + "Domain requires SMTP access.": "A domain SMTP-hozzáférést igényel.", + "This API endpoint will automatically encode emojis for you if they are found in the headers (e.g. a subject line of": "Ez az API-végpont automatikusan kódolja az emojikat, ha azok megtalálhatók a fejlécekben (pl.", + "gets converted to": "-ra konvertálódik", + "automatically). Our goal was to make an extremely developer-friendly and dummy-proof email API.": "automatikusan). Célunk egy rendkívül fejlesztőbarát és álbiztos email API létrehozása volt.", + "We're an all-in-one alternative to Gmail + Mailchimp + Sendgrid.": "A Gmail + Mailchimp + Sendgrid teljes körű alternatívája vagyunk.", + "quantum-resistant encryption": "kvantumálló titkosítás", + "If you want increased security, then you can also remove the \":user@gmail.com\" (or \":nobody@forwardemail.net\") part, leaving just \"!!!alias\" as in the example below.": "Ha nagyobb biztonságot szeretne, akkor eltávolíthatja a \":user@gmail.com\" (vagy \":nobody@forwardemail.net\") részt is, és csak az \"!!!alias\" marad, mint az alábbi példában.", + "Email for enterprise": "Vállalati e-mail", + "Email for education": "E-mail az oktatáshoz", + "Email for startups": "E-mail induló vállalkozásoknak", + "Email for stores": "E-mail az üzletek számára", + "Email for designers": "E-mail tervezőknek", + "Email for marketing": "E-mail marketinghez", + "Email for sales": "E-mail az értékesítéshez", + "Email for you": "E-mail az Ön számára", + "Email for everyone": "E-mail mindenkinek", + "All-in-one alternative to Gmail + Mailchimp + Sendgrid": "A Gmail + Mailchimp + Sendgrid többfunkciós alternatívája", + "Since 2017, we provide email service to 500,000+ domains and these notable users:": "2017 óta több mint 500 000 domainnek és a következő figyelemre méltó felhasználóknak nyújtunk e-mail szolgáltatást:", + "Unlimited addresses and domains": "Korlátlan címek és domainek", + "We're the world's first and only email service to use quantum-resistant and individually encrypted SQLite mailboxes": "Mi vagyunk a világ első és egyetlen olyan e-mail szolgáltatása, amely kvantumálló és egyedileg titkosított SQLite postafiókokat használ", + "Unlimited inbound email": "Korlátlan bejövő e-mail", + "%s attachment limit": "%s csatolási korlát", + "For families, groups, and organizations": "Családoknak, csoportoknak és szervezeteknek", + "For education, universities, alumni email forwarding, healthcare, government, and custom implementations": "Oktatáshoz , egyetemekhez , öregdiákok e - mail továbbításához , egészségügyhöz , kormányzathoz és egyedi megvalósításokhoz", + "The value %s was listed in our permanent and hard-coded denylist. Our team has been notified of your request for removal and we will follow up soon.": "A %s érték szerepel az állandó és kódolt tiltólistánkon. Csapatunk értesítést kapott az eltávolítási kérelméről, és hamarosan jelentkezünk.", + "%s approved for NEWSLETTER access": "%s jóváhagyva a HÍRLEVÉL-hozzáféréshez", + "

Your domain %s was approved for NEWSLETTER access.

Complete Setup

": "

A(z %s domainhez jóváhagyták a HÍRLEVÉL-hozzáférést.

Teljes beállítás

", + "

Your domain %s had its NEWSLETTER access removed.

": "

A(z %s domainnek eltávolították a HÍRLEVÉL-hozzáférését.

" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/locales/id.json b/locales/id.json index d29ee5c262..d944d837fc 100644 --- a/locales/id.json +++ b/locales/id.json @@ -10254,11 +10254,38 @@ "Bank Transfer": "Transfer Bank", "Domestic Wire Transfer (Enterprise)": "Transfer Kawat Domestik (Perusahaan)", "International Wire Transfer (Enterprise)": "Transfer Bank Internasional (Perusahaan)", - "Search for inquiries": "Search for inquiries", - "Search by email": "Search by email", - "Reply": "Reply", - "Search for domains": "Search for domains", - "Search by domain name (RegExp supported) or email": "Search by domain name (RegExp supported) or email", - "Newsletter Enabled": "Newsletter Enabled", - "Domain requires SMTP access.": "Domain requires SMTP access." + "Search for inquiries": "Pencarian pertanyaan", + "Search by email": "Pencarian melalui email", + "Reply": "Membalas", + "Search for domains": "Pencarian domain", + "Search by domain name (RegExp supported) or email": "Cari berdasarkan nama domain (mendukung RegExp) atau email", + "Newsletter Enabled": "Newsletter Diaktifkan", + "Domain requires SMTP access.": "Domain memerlukan akses SMTP.", + "This API endpoint will automatically encode emojis for you if they are found in the headers (e.g. a subject line of": "Titik akhir API ini akan secara otomatis mengodekan emoji untuk Anda jika ditemukan di header (misalnya baris subjek", + "gets converted to": "diubah menjadi", + "automatically). Our goal was to make an extremely developer-friendly and dummy-proof email API.": "secara otomatis). Tujuan kami adalah membuat API email yang sangat ramah bagi pengembang dan anti-palsu.", + "We're an all-in-one alternative to Gmail + Mailchimp + Sendgrid.": "Kami adalah alternatif lengkap untuk Gmail + Mailchimp + Sendgrid.", + "quantum-resistant encryption": "enkripsi tahan kuantum", + "If you want increased security, then you can also remove the \":user@gmail.com\" (or \":nobody@forwardemail.net\") part, leaving just \"!!!alias\" as in the example below.": "Jika Anda menginginkan keamanan yang lebih baik, maka Anda juga dapat menghapus bagian \":user@gmail.com\" (atau \":nobody@forwardemail.net\"), dan hanya menyisakan \"!!!alias\" seperti pada contoh di bawah.", + "Email for enterprise": "Email untuk perusahaan", + "Email for education": "Email untuk pendidikan", + "Email for startups": "Email untuk perusahaan rintisan", + "Email for stores": "Email untuk toko", + "Email for designers": "Email untuk desainer", + "Email for marketing": "Email untuk pemasaran", + "Email for sales": "Email untuk penjualan", + "Email for you": "Email untuk Anda", + "Email for everyone": "Email untuk semua orang", + "All-in-one alternative to Gmail + Mailchimp + Sendgrid": "Alternatif lengkap untuk Gmail + Mailchimp + Sendgrid", + "Since 2017, we provide email service to 500,000+ domains and these notable users:": "Sejak 2017, kami telah menyediakan layanan email ke lebih dari 500.000 domain dan pengguna terkemuka berikut ini:", + "Unlimited addresses and domains": "Alamat dan domain tak terbatas", + "We're the world's first and only email service to use quantum-resistant and individually encrypted SQLite mailboxes": "Kami adalah layanan email pertama dan satu-satunya di dunia yang menggunakan kotak surat SQLite yang tahan kuantum dan dienkripsi secara individual", + "Unlimited inbound email": "Email masuk tak terbatas", + "%s attachment limit": "Batas lampiran %s", + "For families, groups, and organizations": "Untuk keluarga, kelompok, dan organisasi", + "For education, universities, alumni email forwarding, healthcare, government, and custom implementations": "Untuk pendidikan , universitas , penerusan email alumni , perawatan kesehatan , pemerintah , dan implementasi khusus", + "The value %s was listed in our permanent and hard-coded denylist. Our team has been notified of your request for removal and we will follow up soon.": "Nilai %s tercantum dalam daftar penolakan permanen dan berkode keras. Tim kami telah diberi tahu tentang permintaan penghapusan Anda dan kami akan segera menindaklanjutinya.", + "%s approved for NEWSLETTER access": "%s disetujui untuk akses NEWSLETTER", + "

Your domain %s was approved for NEWSLETTER access.

Complete Setup

": "

Domain Anda %s telah disetujui untuk akses NEWSLETTER.

Pengaturan Lengkap

", + "

Your domain %s had its NEWSLETTER access removed.

": "

Akses NEWSLETTER domain Anda %s telah dihapus.

" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/locales/it.json b/locales/it.json index 4257b3ce8a..08cc09149d 100644 --- a/locales/it.json +++ b/locales/it.json @@ -10254,11 +10254,38 @@ "Bank Transfer": "Bonifico bancario", "Domestic Wire Transfer (Enterprise)": "Bonifico bancario nazionale (impresa)", "International Wire Transfer (Enterprise)": "Bonifico bancario internazionale (aziendale)", - "Search for inquiries": "Search for inquiries", - "Search by email": "Search by email", - "Reply": "Reply", - "Search for domains": "Search for domains", - "Search by domain name (RegExp supported) or email": "Search by domain name (RegExp supported) or email", - "Newsletter Enabled": "Newsletter Enabled", - "Domain requires SMTP access.": "Domain requires SMTP access." + "Search for inquiries": "Cerca per richieste", + "Search by email": "Cerca tramite email", + "Reply": "Rispondere", + "Search for domains": "Cerca domini", + "Search by domain name (RegExp supported) or email": "Cerca per nome di dominio (RegExp supportato) o email", + "Newsletter Enabled": "Newsletter abilitata", + "Domain requires SMTP access.": "Il dominio richiede l'accesso SMTP.", + "This API endpoint will automatically encode emojis for you if they are found in the headers (e.g. a subject line of": "Questo endpoint API codificherà automaticamente gli emoji per te se vengono trovati nelle intestazioni (ad esempio una riga dell'oggetto di", + "gets converted to": "viene convertito in", + "automatically). Our goal was to make an extremely developer-friendly and dummy-proof email API.": "automaticamente). Il nostro obiettivo era di realizzare un'API di posta elettronica estremamente intuitiva e a prova di idiota.", + "We're an all-in-one alternative to Gmail + Mailchimp + Sendgrid.": "Siamo un'alternativa completa a Gmail + Mailchimp + Sendgrid.", + "quantum-resistant encryption": "crittografia resistente ai quanti", + "If you want increased security, then you can also remove the \":user@gmail.com\" (or \":nobody@forwardemail.net\") part, leaving just \"!!!alias\" as in the example below.": "Se vuoi aumentare la sicurezza, puoi anche rimuovere la parte \":user@gmail.com\" (o \":nobody@forwardemail.net\"), lasciando solo \"!!!alias\" come nell'esempio seguente.", + "Email for enterprise": "E-mail per le aziende", + "Email for education": "E-mail per l'istruzione", + "Email for startups": "Email per startup", + "Email for stores": "Email per i negozi", + "Email for designers": "Email per i designer", + "Email for marketing": "E-mail per il marketing", + "Email for sales": "E-mail per le vendite", + "Email for you": "E-mail per te", + "Email for everyone": "Email per tutti", + "All-in-one alternative to Gmail + Mailchimp + Sendgrid": "Alternativa all-in-one a Gmail + Mailchimp + Sendgrid", + "Since 2017, we provide email service to 500,000+ domains and these notable users:": "Dal 2017 forniamo servizi di posta elettronica a oltre 500.000 domini e ai seguenti utenti illustri:", + "Unlimited addresses and domains": "Indirizzi e domini illimitati", + "We're the world's first and only email service to use quantum-resistant and individually encrypted SQLite mailboxes": "Siamo il primo e unico servizio di posta elettronica al mondo a utilizzare caselle di posta SQLite crittografate individualmente e resistenti ai quanti", + "Unlimited inbound email": "Email in entrata illimitata", + "%s attachment limit": "Limite di allegati %s", + "For families, groups, and organizations": "Per famiglie, gruppi e organizzazioni", + "For education, universities, alumni email forwarding, healthcare, government, and custom implementations": "Per istruzione , università , inoltro e-mail per ex studenti , assistenza sanitaria , governo e implementazioni personalizzate", + "The value %s was listed in our permanent and hard-coded denylist. Our team has been notified of your request for removal and we will follow up soon.": "Il valore %s è stato elencato nella nostra denylist permanente e hard-coded. Il nostro team è stato informato della tua richiesta di rimozione e ti contatteremo presto.", + "%s approved for NEWSLETTER access": "%s approvato per l'accesso alla NEWSLETTER", + "

Your domain %s was approved for NEWSLETTER access.

Complete Setup

": "

Il tuo dominio %s è stato approvato per l'accesso alla NEWSLETTER.

Configurazione completa

", + "

Your domain %s had its NEWSLETTER access removed.

": "

L'accesso alla NEWSLETTER è stato rimosso dal tuo dominio %s .

" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/locales/ja.json b/locales/ja.json index 90b92da51a..9f144c94a2 100644 --- a/locales/ja.json +++ b/locales/ja.json @@ -10254,11 +10254,38 @@ "Bank Transfer": "銀行振込", "Domestic Wire Transfer (Enterprise)": "国内電信送金(企業)", "International Wire Transfer (Enterprise)": "国際電信送金(エンタープライズ)", - "Search for inquiries": "Search for inquiries", - "Search by email": "Search by email", - "Reply": "Reply", - "Search for domains": "Search for domains", - "Search by domain name (RegExp supported) or email": "Search by domain name (RegExp supported) or email", - "Newsletter Enabled": "Newsletter Enabled", - "Domain requires SMTP access.": "Domain requires SMTP access." + "Search for inquiries": "お問い合わせを検索", + "Search by email": "メールで検索", + "Reply": "返事", + "Search for domains": "ドメインを検索", + "Search by domain name (RegExp supported) or email": "ドメイン名(正規表現対応)またはメールアドレスで検索", + "Newsletter Enabled": "ニュースレターが有効", + "Domain requires SMTP access.": "ドメインには SMTP アクセスが必要です。", + "This API endpoint will automatically encode emojis for you if they are found in the headers (e.g. a subject line of": "このAPIエンドポイントは、ヘッダーに絵文字が含まれている場合(例:", + "gets converted to": "に変換されます", + "automatically). Our goal was to make an extremely developer-friendly and dummy-proof email API.": "私たちの目標は、開発者にとって非常に使いやすく、初心者でも簡単に使用できるメール API を作成することでした。", + "We're an all-in-one alternative to Gmail + Mailchimp + Sendgrid.": "当社は、Gmail + Mailchimp + Sendgrid のオールインワン代替品です。", + "quantum-resistant encryption": "量子耐性暗号", + "If you want increased security, then you can also remove the \":user@gmail.com\" (or \":nobody@forwardemail.net\") part, leaving just \"!!!alias\" as in the example below.": "セキュリティを強化したい場合は、以下の例のように「:user@gmail.com」(または「:nobody@forwardemail.net」) の部分を削除し、「!!!alias」だけを残すこともできます。", + "Email for enterprise": "企業向けメール", + "Email for education": "教育用メール", + "Email for startups": "スタートアップ向けメール", + "Email for stores": "店舗向けメール", + "Email for designers": "デザイナー向けメール", + "Email for marketing": "マーケティング用メール", + "Email for sales": "販売用メール", + "Email for you": "あなたへのメール", + "Email for everyone": "みんなのためのメール", + "All-in-one alternative to Gmail + Mailchimp + Sendgrid": "Gmail + Mailchimp + Sendgrid のオールインワン代替品", + "Since 2017, we provide email service to 500,000+ domains and these notable users:": "2017 年以来、当社は 500,000 以上のドメインと以下の著名なユーザーに電子メール サービスを提供しています。", + "Unlimited addresses and domains": "無制限のアドレスとドメイン", + "We're the world's first and only email service to use quantum-resistant and individually encrypted SQLite mailboxes": "当社は、量子耐性個別に暗号化されたSQLiteメールボックスを使用する世界初かつ唯一のメールサービスです。", + "Unlimited inbound email": "無制限の受信メール", + "%s attachment limit": "%s添付ファイルの制限", + "For families, groups, and organizations": "家族、グループ、組織向け", + "For education, universities, alumni email forwarding, healthcare, government, and custom implementations": "教育大学卒業生のメール転送医療政府、カスタム実装向け", + "The value %s was listed in our permanent and hard-coded denylist. Our team has been notified of your request for removal and we will follow up soon.": "値%s 、当社の永久的かつハードコードされた拒否リストに記載されています。当社チームは削除リクエストを通知されており、すぐに対応します。", + "%s approved for NEWSLETTER access": "%sニュースレターへのアクセスが承認されました", + "

Your domain %s was approved for NEWSLETTER access.

Complete Setup

": "

ドメイン%s NEWSLETTER アクセスが承認されました。


", + "

Your domain %s had its NEWSLETTER access removed.

": "

ドメイン%sの NEWSLETTER アクセスが削除されました。

" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/locales/ko.json b/locales/ko.json index 3e85e26cea..a71db4143b 100644 --- a/locales/ko.json +++ b/locales/ko.json @@ -10254,11 +10254,38 @@ "Bank Transfer": "은행 송금", "Domestic Wire Transfer (Enterprise)": "국내 송금(기업)", "International Wire Transfer (Enterprise)": "국제 송금(기업)", - "Search for inquiries": "Search for inquiries", - "Search by email": "Search by email", - "Reply": "Reply", - "Search for domains": "Search for domains", - "Search by domain name (RegExp supported) or email": "Search by domain name (RegExp supported) or email", - "Newsletter Enabled": "Newsletter Enabled", - "Domain requires SMTP access.": "Domain requires SMTP access." + "Search for inquiries": "문의사항 검색", + "Search by email": "이메일로 검색", + "Reply": "회신하다", + "Search for domains": "도메인 검색", + "Search by domain name (RegExp supported) or email": "도메인 이름(RegExp 지원) 또는 이메일로 검색", + "Newsletter Enabled": "뉴스레터 활성화됨", + "Domain requires SMTP access.": "도메인에 SMTP 액세스가 필요합니다.", + "This API endpoint will automatically encode emojis for you if they are found in the headers (e.g. a subject line of": "이 API 엔드포인트는 헤더(예: 제목줄)에서 이모지가 발견되면 자동으로 이를 인코딩합니다.", + "gets converted to": "로 변환됩니다", + "automatically). Our goal was to make an extremely developer-friendly and dummy-proof email API.": "자동으로). 우리의 목표는 개발자에게 매우 친화적이고 더미 테스트가 가능한 이메일 API를 만드는 것이었습니다.", + "We're an all-in-one alternative to Gmail + Mailchimp + Sendgrid.": "저희는 Gmail + Mailchimp + Sendgrid를 대체하는 올인원 솔루션입니다.", + "quantum-resistant encryption": "양자 저항 암호화", + "If you want increased security, then you can also remove the \":user@gmail.com\" (or \":nobody@forwardemail.net\") part, leaving just \"!!!alias\" as in the example below.": "보안을 강화하려면 아래 예와 같이 \":user@gmail.com\"(또는 \":nobody@forwardemail.net\") 부분을 제거하고 \"!!!alias\"만 남겨두면 됩니다.", + "Email for enterprise": "기업용 이메일", + "Email for education": "교육을 위한 이메일", + "Email for startups": "스타트업을 위한 이메일", + "Email for stores": "매장 이메일", + "Email for designers": "디자이너를 위한 이메일", + "Email for marketing": "마케팅을 위한 이메일", + "Email for sales": "판매를 위한 이메일", + "Email for you": "당신을 위한 이메일", + "Email for everyone": "모든 사람을 위한 이메일", + "All-in-one alternative to Gmail + Mailchimp + Sendgrid": "Gmail + Mailchimp + Sendgrid에 대한 올인원 대안", + "Since 2017, we provide email service to 500,000+ domains and these notable users:": "2017년부터 500,000개 이상의 도메인과 다음과 같은 주요 사용자에게 이메일 서비스를 제공하고 있습니다.", + "Unlimited addresses and domains": "무제한 주소 및 도메인", + "We're the world's first and only email service to use quantum-resistant and individually encrypted SQLite mailboxes": "우리는 양자 저항개별 암호화된 SQLite 사서함을 사용하는 세계 최초이자 유일한 이메일 서비스입니다.", + "Unlimited inbound email": "무제한 수신 이메일", + "%s attachment limit": "%s 첨부파일 제한", + "For families, groups, and organizations": "가족, 그룹 및 조직을 위해", + "For education, universities, alumni email forwarding, healthcare, government, and custom implementations": "교육 , 대학 , 동문 이메일 전달 , 의료 , 정부 및 맞춤형 구현을 위해", + "The value %s was listed in our permanent and hard-coded denylist. Our team has been notified of your request for removal and we will follow up soon.": "값 %s 영구적이고 하드코딩된 거부 목록에 등록되었습니다. 저희 팀은 귀하의 제거 요청에 대해 통보를 받았으며 곧 후속 조치를 취할 것입니다.", + "%s approved for NEWSLETTER access": "%s NEWSLETTER 접근을 승인했습니다.", + "

Your domain %s was approved for NEWSLETTER access.

Complete Setup

": "

귀하의 도메인 %s 이 뉴스레터 접근이 승인되었습니다.

완전한 설정

", + "

Your domain %s had its NEWSLETTER access removed.

": "

귀하의 도메인 %s 의 뉴스레터 접근 권한이 제거되었습니다.

" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/locales/nl.json b/locales/nl.json index f9b4f74e31..3762b7d8a2 100644 --- a/locales/nl.json +++ b/locales/nl.json @@ -10254,11 +10254,38 @@ "Bank Transfer": "Bankoverschrijving", "Domestic Wire Transfer (Enterprise)": "Binnenlandse overschrijving (zakelijk)", "International Wire Transfer (Enterprise)": "Internationale overschrijving (onderneming)", - "Search for inquiries": "Search for inquiries", - "Search by email": "Search by email", - "Reply": "Reply", - "Search for domains": "Search for domains", - "Search by domain name (RegExp supported) or email": "Search by domain name (RegExp supported) or email", - "Newsletter Enabled": "Newsletter Enabled", - "Domain requires SMTP access.": "Domain requires SMTP access." + "Search for inquiries": "Zoeken naar vragen", + "Search by email": "Zoeken op e-mail", + "Reply": "Antwoord", + "Search for domains": "Zoeken naar domeinen", + "Search by domain name (RegExp supported) or email": "Zoeken op domeinnaam (RegExp ondersteund) of e-mail", + "Newsletter Enabled": "Nieuwsbrief ingeschakeld", + "Domain requires SMTP access.": "Domein vereist SMTP-toegang.", + "This API endpoint will automatically encode emojis for you if they are found in the headers (e.g. a subject line of": "Dit API-eindpunt codeert automatisch emoji's voor u als ze in de headers voorkomen (bijvoorbeeld een onderwerpregel van", + "gets converted to": "wordt omgezet naar", + "automatically). Our goal was to make an extremely developer-friendly and dummy-proof email API.": "(automatisch). Ons doel was om een uiterst ontwikkelaarsvriendelijke en dummy-proof e-mail-API te maken.", + "We're an all-in-one alternative to Gmail + Mailchimp + Sendgrid.": "Wij zijn een alles-in-één alternatief voor Gmail + Mailchimp + Sendgrid.", + "quantum-resistant encryption": "kwantumbestendige encryptie", + "If you want increased security, then you can also remove the \":user@gmail.com\" (or \":nobody@forwardemail.net\") part, leaving just \"!!!alias\" as in the example below.": "Als u meer beveiliging wilt, kunt u ook het gedeelte \":user@gmail.com\" (of \":nobody@forwardemail.net\") verwijderen, zodat alleen \"!!!alias\" overblijft, zoals in het onderstaande voorbeeld.", + "Email for enterprise": "E-mail voor bedrijven", + "Email for education": "E-mail voor onderwijs", + "Email for startups": "E-mail voor startups", + "Email for stores": "E-mail voor winkels", + "Email for designers": "E-mail voor ontwerpers", + "Email for marketing": "E-mail voor marketing", + "Email for sales": "E-mail voor verkoop", + "Email for you": "E-mail voor jou", + "Email for everyone": "E-mail voor iedereen", + "All-in-one alternative to Gmail + Mailchimp + Sendgrid": "Alles-in-één alternatief voor Gmail + Mailchimp + Sendgrid", + "Since 2017, we provide email service to 500,000+ domains and these notable users:": "Sinds 2017 bieden wij e-maildiensten aan meer dan 500.000 domeinen en deze opmerkelijke gebruikers:", + "Unlimited addresses and domains": "Onbeperkt aantal adressen en domeinen", + "We're the world's first and only email service to use quantum-resistant and individually encrypted SQLite mailboxes": "Wij zijn 's werelds eerste en enige e-mailservice die gebruikmaakt van kwantumbestendige en individueel gecodeerde SQLite-mailboxen", + "Unlimited inbound email": "Onbeperkt inkomende e-mail", + "%s attachment limit": "%s bijlage limiet", + "For families, groups, and organizations": "Voor gezinnen, groepen en organisaties", + "For education, universities, alumni email forwarding, healthcare, government, and custom implementations": "Voor onderwijs , universiteiten , alumni-e-maildoorsturing , gezondheidszorg , overheid en aangepaste implementaties", + "The value %s was listed in our permanent and hard-coded denylist. Our team has been notified of your request for removal and we will follow up soon.": "De waarde %s stond in onze permanente en hard-coded weigeringslijst. Ons team is op de hoogte gesteld van uw verzoek tot verwijdering en we zullen er binnenkort op terugkomen.", + "%s approved for NEWSLETTER access": "%s goedgekeurd voor NIEUWSBRIEF-toegang", + "

Your domain %s was approved for NEWSLETTER access.

Complete Setup

": "

Uw domein %s is goedgekeurd voor toegang tot de NIEUWSBRIEF.

Volledige installatie

", + "

Your domain %s had its NEWSLETTER access removed.

": "

De NIEUWSBRIEF-toegang tot uw domein %s is verwijderd.

" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/locales/no.json b/locales/no.json index 6e726e49d6..e6ed7cb53f 100644 --- a/locales/no.json +++ b/locales/no.json @@ -10259,11 +10259,38 @@ "Bank Transfer": "Bankoverføring", "Domestic Wire Transfer (Enterprise)": "Innenlandsk bankoverføring (bedrift)", "International Wire Transfer (Enterprise)": "Internasjonal bankoverføring (enterprise)", - "Search for inquiries": "Search for inquiries", - "Search by email": "Search by email", - "Reply": "Reply", - "Search for domains": "Search for domains", - "Search by domain name (RegExp supported) or email": "Search by domain name (RegExp supported) or email", - "Newsletter Enabled": "Newsletter Enabled", - "Domain requires SMTP access.": "Domain requires SMTP access." + "Search for inquiries": "Søk etter henvendelser", + "Search by email": "Søk på e-post", + "Reply": "Svar", + "Search for domains": "Søk etter domener", + "Search by domain name (RegExp supported) or email": "Søk etter domenenavn (RegExp støttet) eller e-post", + "Newsletter Enabled": "Nyhetsbrev aktivert", + "Domain requires SMTP access.": "Domene krever SMTP-tilgang.", + "This API endpoint will automatically encode emojis for you if they are found in the headers (e.g. a subject line of": "Dette API-endepunktet vil automatisk kode emojier for deg hvis de finnes i overskriftene (f.eks. en emnelinje for", + "gets converted to": "blir konvertert til", + "automatically). Our goal was to make an extremely developer-friendly and dummy-proof email API.": "automatisk). Målet vårt var å lage et ekstremt utviklervennlig og dummysikkert e-post-API.", + "We're an all-in-one alternative to Gmail + Mailchimp + Sendgrid.": "Vi er et alt-i-ett-alternativ til Gmail + Mailchimp + Sendgrid.", + "quantum-resistant encryption": "kvantebestandig kryptering", + "If you want increased security, then you can also remove the \":user@gmail.com\" (or \":nobody@forwardemail.net\") part, leaving just \"!!!alias\" as in the example below.": "Hvis du vil ha økt sikkerhet, kan du også fjerne \":user@gmail.com\" (eller \":nobody@forwardemail.net\") delen, og la bare \"!!!alias\" være igjen som i eksemplet nedenfor.", + "Email for enterprise": "E-post for bedrift", + "Email for education": "E-post for utdanning", + "Email for startups": "E-post for oppstart", + "Email for stores": "E-post for butikker", + "Email for designers": "E-post for designere", + "Email for marketing": "E-post for markedsføring", + "Email for sales": "E-post for salg", + "Email for you": "E-post til deg", + "Email for everyone": "E-post til alle", + "All-in-one alternative to Gmail + Mailchimp + Sendgrid": "Alt-i-ett-alternativ til Gmail + Mailchimp + Sendgrid", + "Since 2017, we provide email service to 500,000+ domains and these notable users:": "Siden 2017 har vi levert e-posttjenester til 500 000+ domener og disse bemerkelsesverdige brukerne:", + "Unlimited addresses and domains": "Ubegrensede adresser og domener", + "We're the world's first and only email service to use quantum-resistant and individually encrypted SQLite mailboxes": "Vi er verdens første og eneste e-posttjeneste som bruker kvantebestandige og individuelt krypterte SQLite-postbokser", + "Unlimited inbound email": "Ubegrenset innkommende e-post", + "%s attachment limit": "%s grense for vedlegg", + "For families, groups, and organizations": "For familier, grupper og organisasjoner", + "For education, universities, alumni email forwarding, healthcare, government, and custom implementations": "For utdanning , universiteter , videresending av e-post fra alumni , helsetjenester , myndigheter og tilpassede implementeringer", + "The value %s was listed in our permanent and hard-coded denylist. Our team has been notified of your request for removal and we will follow up soon.": "Verdien %s ble oppført i vår permanente og hardkodede avvisningsliste. Teamet vårt har blitt varslet om forespørselen din om fjerning, og vi vil følge opp snart.", + "%s approved for NEWSLETTER access": "%s godkjent for NEWSLETTER-tilgang", + "

Your domain %s was approved for NEWSLETTER access.

Complete Setup

": "

Domenet ditt %s ble godkjent for NEWSLETTER-tilgang.

Fullfør oppsett

", + "

Your domain %s had its NEWSLETTER access removed.

": "

Domenet ditt %s fikk fjernet tilgangen til NEWSLETTER.

" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/locales/pl.json b/locales/pl.json index 8e564db8a8..756f01f6d3 100644 --- a/locales/pl.json +++ b/locales/pl.json @@ -10254,11 +10254,38 @@ "Bank Transfer": "Przelew bankowy", "Domestic Wire Transfer (Enterprise)": "Przelew krajowy (Enterprise)", "International Wire Transfer (Enterprise)": "Międzynarodowy przelew bankowy (Enterprise)", - "Search for inquiries": "Search for inquiries", - "Search by email": "Search by email", - "Reply": "Reply", - "Search for domains": "Search for domains", - "Search by domain name (RegExp supported) or email": "Search by domain name (RegExp supported) or email", - "Newsletter Enabled": "Newsletter Enabled", - "Domain requires SMTP access.": "Domain requires SMTP access." + "Search for inquiries": "Wyszukaj zapytania", + "Search by email": "Szukaj według adresu e-mail", + "Reply": "Odpowiedź", + "Search for domains": "Wyszukaj domeny", + "Search by domain name (RegExp supported) or email": "Wyszukaj według nazwy domeny (obsługiwane RegExp) lub adresu e-mail", + "Newsletter Enabled": "Biuletyn włączony", + "Domain requires SMTP access.": "Domena wymaga dostępu SMTP.", + "This API endpoint will automatically encode emojis for you if they are found in the headers (e.g. a subject line of": "Ten punkt końcowy interfejsu API automatycznie zakoduje dla Ciebie emotikony, jeśli zostaną znalezione w nagłówkach (np. w temacie wiadomości).", + "gets converted to": "zostaje przekonwertowany na", + "automatically). Our goal was to make an extremely developer-friendly and dummy-proof email API.": "automatycznie). Naszym celem było stworzenie niezwykle przyjaznego dla programistów i odpornego na błędy API poczty e-mail.", + "We're an all-in-one alternative to Gmail + Mailchimp + Sendgrid.": "Jesteśmy kompleksową alternatywą dla Gmaila + Mailchimpa + Sendgrida.", + "quantum-resistant encryption": "szyfrowanie odporne na kwantowanie", + "If you want increased security, then you can also remove the \":user@gmail.com\" (or \":nobody@forwardemail.net\") part, leaving just \"!!!alias\" as in the example below.": "Jeśli zależy Ci na bezpieczeństwie, możesz też usunąć część „:user@gmail.com” (lub „:nobody@forwardemail.net”), pozostawiając tylko „!!!alias”, jak w przykładzie poniżej.", + "Email for enterprise": "E-mail dla przedsiębiorstw", + "Email for education": "E-mail dla edukacji", + "Email for startups": "E-mail dla startupów", + "Email for stores": "E-mail dla sklepów", + "Email for designers": "E-mail dla projektantów", + "Email for marketing": "E-mail do celów marketingowych", + "Email for sales": "E-mail do sprzedaży", + "Email for you": "E-mail dla Ciebie", + "Email for everyone": "E-mail dla każdego", + "All-in-one alternative to Gmail + Mailchimp + Sendgrid": "Kompleksowa alternatywa dla Gmaila + Mailchimp + Sendgrid", + "Since 2017, we provide email service to 500,000+ domains and these notable users:": "Od 2017 roku świadczymy usługi poczty e-mail dla ponad 500 000 domen, a wśród naszych użytkowników znajdują się:", + "Unlimited addresses and domains": "Nieograniczona liczba adresów i domen", + "We're the world's first and only email service to use quantum-resistant and individually encrypted SQLite mailboxes": "Jesteśmy pierwszą i jedyną na świecie usługą poczty e-mail wykorzystującą skrzynki pocztowe SQLite , które są odporne na ataki kwantowe i szyfrowane pojedynczo", + "Unlimited inbound email": "Nieograniczona ilość poczty przychodzącej", + "%s attachment limit": "%s limit załączników", + "For families, groups, and organizations": "Dla rodzin, grup i organizacji", + "For education, universities, alumni email forwarding, healthcare, government, and custom implementations": "Do celów edukacyjnych , uniwersyteckich , przekazywania wiadomości e-mail absolwentom , opieki zdrowotnej , rządu i wdrożeń niestandardowych", + "The value %s was listed in our permanent and hard-coded denylist. Our team has been notified of your request for removal and we will follow up soon.": "Wartość %s została wymieniona na naszej stałej i zakodowanej liście odrzucanych. Nasz zespół został powiadomiony o Twojej prośbie o usunięcie i wkrótce się z Tobą skontaktujemy.", + "%s approved for NEWSLETTER access": "%s zatwierdzono do dostępu do NEWSLETTERA", + "

Your domain %s was approved for NEWSLETTER access.

Complete Setup

": "

Twoja domena %s została zatwierdzona w celu uzyskania dostępu do NEWSLETTERA.

Pełna konfiguracja

", + "

Your domain %s had its NEWSLETTER access removed.

": "

Twojej domenie %s usunięto dostęp do NEWSLETTERA.

" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/locales/pt.json b/locales/pt.json index edef3e1247..58e55e56ba 100644 --- a/locales/pt.json +++ b/locales/pt.json @@ -10254,11 +10254,38 @@ "Bank Transfer": "Transferência bancária", "Domestic Wire Transfer (Enterprise)": "Transferência bancária nacional (empresarial)", "International Wire Transfer (Enterprise)": "Transferência bancária internacional (empresarial)", - "Search for inquiries": "Search for inquiries", - "Search by email": "Search by email", - "Reply": "Reply", - "Search for domains": "Search for domains", - "Search by domain name (RegExp supported) or email": "Search by domain name (RegExp supported) or email", - "Newsletter Enabled": "Newsletter Enabled", - "Domain requires SMTP access.": "Domain requires SMTP access." + "Search for inquiries": "Pesquisar por consultas", + "Search by email": "Pesquisar por e-mail", + "Reply": "Responder", + "Search for domains": "Pesquisar por domínios", + "Search by domain name (RegExp supported) or email": "Pesquisar por nome de domínio (suportado por RegExp) ou e-mail", + "Newsletter Enabled": "Boletim informativo habilitado", + "Domain requires SMTP access.": "O domínio requer acesso SMTP.", + "This API endpoint will automatically encode emojis for you if they are found in the headers (e.g. a subject line of": "Este ponto de extremidade da API codificará automaticamente os emojis para você se eles forem encontrados nos cabeçalhos (por exemplo, uma linha de assunto de", + "gets converted to": "é convertido para", + "automatically). Our goal was to make an extremely developer-friendly and dummy-proof email API.": "automaticamente). Nosso objetivo era criar uma API de e-mail extremamente amigável ao desenvolvedor e à prova de falhas.", + "We're an all-in-one alternative to Gmail + Mailchimp + Sendgrid.": "Somos uma alternativa completa ao Gmail + Mailchimp + Sendgrid.", + "quantum-resistant encryption": "criptografia resistente a quantum", + "If you want increased security, then you can also remove the \":user@gmail.com\" (or \":nobody@forwardemail.net\") part, leaving just \"!!!alias\" as in the example below.": "Se você quiser maior segurança, também pode remover a parte \":user@gmail.com\" (ou \":nobody@forwardemail.net\"), deixando apenas \"!!!alias\", como no exemplo abaixo.", + "Email for enterprise": "E-mail para empresas", + "Email for education": "E-mail para educação", + "Email for startups": "E-mail para startups", + "Email for stores": "E-mail para lojas", + "Email for designers": "E-mail para designers", + "Email for marketing": "E-mail para marketing", + "Email for sales": "E-mail para vendas", + "Email for you": "E-mail para você", + "Email for everyone": "E-mail para todos", + "All-in-one alternative to Gmail + Mailchimp + Sendgrid": "Alternativa completa para Gmail + Mailchimp + Sendgrid", + "Since 2017, we provide email service to 500,000+ domains and these notable users:": "Desde 2017, fornecemos serviços de e-mail para mais de 500.000 domínios e estes usuários notáveis:", + "Unlimited addresses and domains": "Endereços e domínios ilimitados", + "We're the world's first and only email service to use quantum-resistant and individually encrypted SQLite mailboxes": "Somos o primeiro e único serviço de e-mail do mundo a usar caixas de correio SQLite criptografadas individualmente e resistentes a quantum", + "Unlimited inbound email": "E-mail de entrada ilimitado", + "%s attachment limit": "Limite de anexos %s", + "For families, groups, and organizations": "Para famílias, grupos e organizações", + "For education, universities, alumni email forwarding, healthcare, government, and custom implementations": "Para educação , universidades , encaminhamento de e-mail de ex-alunos , assistência médica , governo e implementações personalizadas", + "The value %s was listed in our permanent and hard-coded denylist. Our team has been notified of your request for removal and we will follow up soon.": "O valor %s foi listado em nossa denylist permanente e codificada. Nossa equipe foi notificada sobre sua solicitação de remoção e entraremos em contato em breve.", + "%s approved for NEWSLETTER access": "%s aprovado para acesso à NEWSLETTER", + "

Your domain %s was approved for NEWSLETTER access.

Complete Setup

": "

Seu domínio %s foi aprovado para acesso à NEWSLETTER.

Configuração completa

", + "

Your domain %s had its NEWSLETTER access removed.

": "

O acesso à NEWSLETTER do seu domínio %s foi removido.

" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/locales/ru.json b/locales/ru.json index ef267c70ba..02624ee151 100644 --- a/locales/ru.json +++ b/locales/ru.json @@ -10254,11 +10254,38 @@ "Bank Transfer": "Банковский перевод", "Domestic Wire Transfer (Enterprise)": "Внутренний банковский перевод (корпоративный)", "International Wire Transfer (Enterprise)": "Международный банковский перевод (корпоративный)", - "Search for inquiries": "Search for inquiries", - "Search by email": "Search by email", - "Reply": "Reply", - "Search for domains": "Search for domains", - "Search by domain name (RegExp supported) or email": "Search by domain name (RegExp supported) or email", - "Newsletter Enabled": "Newsletter Enabled", - "Domain requires SMTP access.": "Domain requires SMTP access." + "Search for inquiries": "Поиск запросов", + "Search by email": "Поиск по электронной почте", + "Reply": "Отвечать", + "Search for domains": "Поиск доменов", + "Search by domain name (RegExp supported) or email": "Поиск по доменному имени (поддерживается RegExp) или электронной почте", + "Newsletter Enabled": "Рассылка включена", + "Domain requires SMTP access.": "Домену требуется доступ по протоколу SMTP.", + "This API endpoint will automatically encode emojis for you if they are found in the headers (e.g. a subject line of": "Эта конечная точка API будет автоматически кодировать для вас эмодзи, если они будут найдены в заголовках (например, в строке темы", + "gets converted to": "преобразуется в", + "automatically). Our goal was to make an extremely developer-friendly and dummy-proof email API.": "автоматически). Нашей целью было создать чрезвычайно удобный для разработчиков и защищенный от «чайников» API электронной почты.", + "We're an all-in-one alternative to Gmail + Mailchimp + Sendgrid.": "Мы являемся комплексной альтернативой Gmail + Mailchimp + Sendgrid.", + "quantum-resistant encryption": "квантово-устойчивое шифрование", + "If you want increased security, then you can also remove the \":user@gmail.com\" (or \":nobody@forwardemail.net\") part, leaving just \"!!!alias\" as in the example below.": "Если вы хотите повысить безопасность, то вы также можете удалить часть «:user@gmail.com» (или «:nobody@forwardemail.net»), оставив только «!!!alias», как в примере ниже.", + "Email for enterprise": "Электронная почта для предприятий", + "Email for education": "Электронная почта для образования", + "Email for startups": "Электронная почта для стартапов", + "Email for stores": "Электронная почта для магазинов", + "Email for designers": "Электронная почта для дизайнеров", + "Email for marketing": "Электронная почта для маркетинга", + "Email for sales": "Электронная почта для продаж", + "Email for you": "Электронная почта для вас", + "Email for everyone": "Электронная почта для всех", + "All-in-one alternative to Gmail + Mailchimp + Sendgrid": "Универсальная альтернатива Gmail + Mailchimp + Sendgrid", + "Since 2017, we provide email service to 500,000+ domains and these notable users:": "С 2017 года мы предоставляем услуги электронной почты более чем 500 000 доменов и следующим известным пользователям:", + "Unlimited addresses and domains": "Неограниченное количество адресов и доменов", + "We're the world's first and only email service to use quantum-resistant and individually encrypted SQLite mailboxes": "Мы являемся первым и единственным в мире сервисом электронной почты, использующим квантово-устойчивые и индивидуально зашифрованные почтовые ящики SQLite.", + "Unlimited inbound email": "Неограниченная входящая электронная почта", + "%s attachment limit": "%s лимит вложений", + "For families, groups, and organizations": "Для семей, групп и организаций", + "For education, universities, alumni email forwarding, healthcare, government, and custom implementations": "Для образования , университетов , пересылки электронной почты выпускникам , здравоохранения , правительства и индивидуальных реализаций", + "The value %s was listed in our permanent and hard-coded denylist. Our team has been notified of your request for removal and we will follow up soon.": "Значение %s было указано в нашем постоянном и жестко закодированном списке запрещенных. Наша команда была уведомлена о вашем запросе на удаление, и мы скоро свяжемся с вами.", + "%s approved for NEWSLETTER access": "%s одобрен для доступа к ИНФОРМАЦИОННОМУ БЮЛЛЕТЕНЮ", + "

Your domain %s was approved for NEWSLETTER access.

Complete Setup

": "

Ваш домен %s был одобрен для доступа к НОВОСТНОЙ РАССЫЛКЕ.

Полная настройка

", + "

Your domain %s had its NEWSLETTER access removed.

": "

У вашего домена %s отозван доступ к NEWSLETTER.

" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/locales/sv.json b/locales/sv.json index 9153eac3d5..bfbc710b7a 100644 --- a/locales/sv.json +++ b/locales/sv.json @@ -10254,11 +10254,38 @@ "Bank Transfer": "Banköverföring", "Domestic Wire Transfer (Enterprise)": "Inrikes banköverföring (företag)", "International Wire Transfer (Enterprise)": "Internationell banköverföring (företag)", - "Search for inquiries": "Search for inquiries", - "Search by email": "Search by email", - "Reply": "Reply", - "Search for domains": "Search for domains", - "Search by domain name (RegExp supported) or email": "Search by domain name (RegExp supported) or email", - "Newsletter Enabled": "Newsletter Enabled", - "Domain requires SMTP access.": "Domain requires SMTP access." + "Search for inquiries": "Sök efter förfrågningar", + "Search by email": "Sök via e-post", + "Reply": "Svar", + "Search for domains": "Sök efter domäner", + "Search by domain name (RegExp supported) or email": "Sök efter domännamn (RegExp stöds) eller e-post", + "Newsletter Enabled": "Nyhetsbrev aktiverat", + "Domain requires SMTP access.": "Domän kräver SMTP-åtkomst.", + "This API endpoint will automatically encode emojis for you if they are found in the headers (e.g. a subject line of": "Denna API-slutpunkt kommer automatiskt att koda emojis åt dig om de finns i rubrikerna (t.ex. en ämnesrad för", + "gets converted to": "konverteras till", + "automatically). Our goal was to make an extremely developer-friendly and dummy-proof email API.": "automatiskt). Vårt mål var att skapa ett extremt utvecklarvänligt och dummysäkert e-post-API.", + "We're an all-in-one alternative to Gmail + Mailchimp + Sendgrid.": "Vi är ett allt-i-ett-alternativ till Gmail + Mailchimp + Sendgrid.", + "quantum-resistant encryption": "kvantbeständig kryptering", + "If you want increased security, then you can also remove the \":user@gmail.com\" (or \":nobody@forwardemail.net\") part, leaving just \"!!!alias\" as in the example below.": "Om du vill ha ökad säkerhet kan du också ta bort delen \":användare@gmail.com\" (eller \":nobody@forwardemail.net\") och lämna bara \"!!!alias\" som i exemplet nedan.", + "Email for enterprise": "E-post för företag", + "Email for education": "E-post för utbildning", + "Email for startups": "E-post för nystartade företag", + "Email for stores": "E-post för butiker", + "Email for designers": "E-post för designers", + "Email for marketing": "E-post för marknadsföring", + "Email for sales": "E-post för försäljning", + "Email for you": "Mejla till dig", + "Email for everyone": "E-post för alla", + "All-in-one alternative to Gmail + Mailchimp + Sendgrid": "Allt-i-ett-alternativ till Gmail + Mailchimp + Sendgrid", + "Since 2017, we provide email service to 500,000+ domains and these notable users:": "Sedan 2017 tillhandahåller vi e-posttjänster till 500 000+ domäner och dessa anmärkningsvärda användare:", + "Unlimited addresses and domains": "Obegränsade adresser och domäner", + "We're the world's first and only email service to use quantum-resistant and individually encrypted SQLite mailboxes": "Vi är världens första och enda e-posttjänst som använder kvantresistenta och individuellt krypterade SQLite-postlådor", + "Unlimited inbound email": "Obegränsad inkommande e-post", + "%s attachment limit": "%s gräns för bilagor", + "For families, groups, and organizations": "För familjer, grupper och organisationer", + "For education, universities, alumni email forwarding, healthcare, government, and custom implementations": "För utbildning , universitet , vidarebefordran av e-post från alumner , sjukvård , myndigheter och anpassade implementeringar", + "The value %s was listed in our permanent and hard-coded denylist. Our team has been notified of your request for removal and we will follow up soon.": "Värdet %s listades i vår permanenta och hårdkodade avvisningslista. Vårt team har underrättats om din begäran om borttagning och vi kommer snart att följa upp.", + "%s approved for NEWSLETTER access": "%s godkänd för åtkomst till NEWSLETTER", + "

Your domain %s was approved for NEWSLETTER access.

Complete Setup

": "

Din domän %s godkändes för åtkomst till NEWSLETTER.

Slutför installationen

", + "

Your domain %s had its NEWSLETTER access removed.

": "

Din domän %s fick sin NEWSLETTER-åtkomst borttagen.

" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/locales/th.json b/locales/th.json index b5c1cc5714..6708f2d09d 100644 --- a/locales/th.json +++ b/locales/th.json @@ -10254,11 +10254,38 @@ "Bank Transfer": "โอนเงินผ่านธนาคาร", "Domestic Wire Transfer (Enterprise)": "การโอนเงินภายในประเทศ (องค์กร)", "International Wire Transfer (Enterprise)": "การโอนเงินระหว่างประเทศ (องค์กร)", - "Search for inquiries": "Search for inquiries", - "Search by email": "Search by email", - "Reply": "Reply", - "Search for domains": "Search for domains", - "Search by domain name (RegExp supported) or email": "Search by domain name (RegExp supported) or email", - "Newsletter Enabled": "Newsletter Enabled", - "Domain requires SMTP access.": "Domain requires SMTP access." + "Search for inquiries": "ค้นหาเพื่อสอบถาม", + "Search by email": "ค้นหาด้วยอีเมล์", + "Reply": "ตอบ", + "Search for domains": "ค้นหาโดเมน", + "Search by domain name (RegExp supported) or email": "ค้นหาตามชื่อโดเมน (รองรับ RegExp) หรืออีเมล", + "Newsletter Enabled": "เปิดใช้งานจดหมายข่าวแล้ว", + "Domain requires SMTP access.": "โดเมนต้องมีการเข้าถึง SMTP", + "This API endpoint will automatically encode emojis for you if they are found in the headers (e.g. a subject line of": "จุดสิ้นสุด API นี้จะเข้ารหัสอิโมจิให้คุณโดยอัตโนมัติหากพบในส่วนหัว (เช่น บรรทัดหัวเรื่องของ", + "gets converted to": "ได้รับการแปลงเป็น", + "automatically). Our goal was to make an extremely developer-friendly and dummy-proof email API.": "โดยอัตโนมัติ) เป้าหมายของเราคือการสร้าง API อีเมลที่เป็นมิตรกับนักพัฒนาและป้องกันข้อผิดพลาดได้ดียิ่งขึ้น", + "We're an all-in-one alternative to Gmail + Mailchimp + Sendgrid.": "เราเป็นทางเลือกแบบครบวงจรสำหรับ Gmail + Mailchimp + Sendgrid", + "quantum-resistant encryption": "การเข้ารหัสที่ทนทานต่อควอนตัม", + "If you want increased security, then you can also remove the \":user@gmail.com\" (or \":nobody@forwardemail.net\") part, leaving just \"!!!alias\" as in the example below.": "หากคุณต้องการเพิ่มความปลอดภัย คุณสามารถลบส่วน \":user@gmail.com\" (หรือ \":nobody@forwardemail.net\") ออกได้ โดยเหลือเพียง \"!!!alias\" ตามตัวอย่างด้านล่าง", + "Email for enterprise": "อีเมล์สำหรับองค์กร", + "Email for education": "อีเมล์เพื่อการศึกษา", + "Email for startups": "อีเมล์สำหรับการเริ่มต้นธุรกิจ", + "Email for stores": "อีเมล์สำหรับร้านค้า", + "Email for designers": "อีเมล์สำหรับนักออกแบบ", + "Email for marketing": "อีเมล์เพื่อการตลาด", + "Email for sales": "อีเมล์สำหรับฝ่ายขาย", + "Email for you": "อีเมล์สำหรับคุณ", + "Email for everyone": "อีเมล์สำหรับทุกคน", + "All-in-one alternative to Gmail + Mailchimp + Sendgrid": "ทางเลือกแบบครบวงจรสำหรับ Gmail + Mailchimp + Sendgrid", + "Since 2017, we provide email service to 500,000+ domains and these notable users:": "ตั้งแต่ปี 2017 เราให้บริการอีเมลกับโดเมนมากกว่า 500,000 โดเมน และผู้ใช้ที่โดดเด่นเหล่านี้:", + "Unlimited addresses and domains": "ที่อยู่และโดเมน ไม่จำกัด", + "We're the world's first and only email service to use quantum-resistant and individually encrypted SQLite mailboxes": "เราเป็นบริการอีเมลแห่งแรกและแห่งเดียวของโลกที่ใช้ เมลบ็อกซ์ SQLite ที่ทนทานต่อควอนตัม และเข้ารหัสเป็นรายบุคคล", + "Unlimited inbound email": "อีเมล์ขาเข้าไม่จำกัด", + "%s attachment limit": "ขีดจำกัดการแนบไฟล์ %s", + "For families, groups, and organizations": "สำหรับครอบครัว กลุ่ม และองค์กร", + "For education, universities, alumni email forwarding, healthcare, government, and custom implementations": "สำหรับ การศึกษา มหาวิทยาลัย การส่งต่ออีเมลของศิษย์เก่า การดูแลสุขภาพ รัฐบาล และการนำไปใช้งานแบบกำหนดเอง", + "The value %s was listed in our permanent and hard-coded denylist. Our team has been notified of your request for removal and we will follow up soon.": "ค่า %s ถูกระบุไว้ในรายการปฏิเสธแบบถาวรและแบบฮาร์ดโค้ดของเรา ทีมงานของเราได้รับแจ้งเกี่ยวกับคำขอการลบของคุณแล้ว และเราจะดำเนินการตามในเร็วๆ นี้", + "%s approved for NEWSLETTER access": "%s ได้รับการอนุมัติให้เข้าถึงจดหมายข่าว", + "

Your domain %s was approved for NEWSLETTER access.

Complete Setup

": "

โดเมน %s ของคุณได้รับการอนุมัติให้เข้าถึงจดหมายข่าวได้


", + "

Your domain %s had its NEWSLETTER access removed.

": "

โดเมน %s ของคุณถูกเพิกถอนการเข้าถึงจดหมายข่าว

" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/locales/tr.json b/locales/tr.json index 1a3cf61682..e21495f5cd 100644 --- a/locales/tr.json +++ b/locales/tr.json @@ -10254,11 +10254,38 @@ "Bank Transfer": "Banka Havalesi", "Domestic Wire Transfer (Enterprise)": "Yurtiçi Havale (Kurumsal)", "International Wire Transfer (Enterprise)": "Uluslararası Havale (Kurumsal)", - "Search for inquiries": "Search for inquiries", - "Search by email": "Search by email", - "Reply": "Reply", - "Search for domains": "Search for domains", - "Search by domain name (RegExp supported) or email": "Search by domain name (RegExp supported) or email", - "Newsletter Enabled": "Newsletter Enabled", - "Domain requires SMTP access.": "Domain requires SMTP access." + "Search for inquiries": "Soruları arayın", + "Search by email": "E-posta ile ara", + "Reply": "Cevap vermek", + "Search for domains": "Alan adlarını arayın", + "Search by domain name (RegExp supported) or email": "Alan adına (RegExp desteklenir) veya e-postaya göre arama yapın", + "Newsletter Enabled": "Haber Bülteni Etkinleştirildi", + "Domain requires SMTP access.": "Alan adı SMTP erişimi gerektiriyor.", + "This API endpoint will automatically encode emojis for you if they are found in the headers (e.g. a subject line of": "Bu API uç noktası, başlıklarda (örneğin bir konu satırı) bulunması durumunda emojileri sizin için otomatik olarak kodlayacaktır.", + "gets converted to": "dönüştürülür", + "automatically). Our goal was to make an extremely developer-friendly and dummy-proof email API.": "(otomatik olarak). Amacımız son derece geliştirici dostu ve aptallara karşı dayanıklı bir e-posta API'si yapmaktı.", + "We're an all-in-one alternative to Gmail + Mailchimp + Sendgrid.": "Biz Gmail + Mailchimp + Sendgrid'e hepsi bir arada bir alternatifiz.", + "quantum-resistant encryption": "kuantum dirençli şifreleme", + "If you want increased security, then you can also remove the \":user@gmail.com\" (or \":nobody@forwardemail.net\") part, leaving just \"!!!alias\" as in the example below.": "Eğer daha fazla güvenlik istiyorsanız, \":user@gmail.com\" (veya \":nobody@forwardemail.net\") kısmını da kaldırabilir ve aşağıdaki örnekte olduğu gibi sadece \"!!!alias\" ifadesini bırakabilirsiniz.", + "Email for enterprise": "İşletmeler için e-posta", + "Email for education": "Eğitim için e-posta", + "Email for startups": "Yeni başlayanlar için e-posta", + "Email for stores": "Mağazalar için e-posta", + "Email for designers": "Tasarımcılar için e-posta", + "Email for marketing": "Pazarlama için e-posta", + "Email for sales": "Satış için e-posta", + "Email for you": "Sizin için e-posta", + "Email for everyone": "Herkese e-posta", + "All-in-one alternative to Gmail + Mailchimp + Sendgrid": "Gmail + Mailchimp + Sendgrid'e hepsi bir arada alternatif", + "Since 2017, we provide email service to 500,000+ domains and these notable users:": "2017'den beri 500.000'den fazla alana e-posta hizmeti sağlıyoruz ve bu önemli kullanıcılar şunlardır:", + "Unlimited addresses and domains": "Sınırsız adres ve alan adı", + "We're the world's first and only email service to use quantum-resistant and individually encrypted SQLite mailboxes": "Kuantum dirençli ve ayrı ayrı şifrelenmiş SQLite posta kutularını kullanan dünyanın ilk ve tek e-posta hizmetiyiz", + "Unlimited inbound email": "Sınırsız gelen e-posta", + "%s attachment limit": "%s ek sınırı", + "For families, groups, and organizations": "Aileler, gruplar ve kuruluşlar için", + "For education, universities, alumni email forwarding, healthcare, government, and custom implementations": "Eğitim , üniversiteler , mezunlara yönelik e-posta yönlendirme , sağlık , hükümet ve özel uygulamalar için", + "The value %s was listed in our permanent and hard-coded denylist. Our team has been notified of your request for removal and we will follow up soon.": "%s değeri kalıcı ve sabit kodlu red listemizde listelenmiştir. Ekibimiz kaldırma talebiniz hakkında bilgilendirildi ve yakında takip edeceğiz.", + "%s approved for NEWSLETTER access": "%s NEWSLETTER erişimi için onaylandı", + "

Your domain %s was approved for NEWSLETTER access.

Complete Setup

": "

Alan adınız %s HABER BÜLTENİ erişimi için onaylandı.

Kurulumu Tamamla

", + "

Your domain %s had its NEWSLETTER access removed.

": "

%s alan adınızın HABER BÜLTENİ erişimi kaldırıldı.

" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/locales/uk.json b/locales/uk.json index 9643936943..cd04413085 100644 --- a/locales/uk.json +++ b/locales/uk.json @@ -10254,11 +10254,38 @@ "Bank Transfer": "Банківський переказ", "Domestic Wire Transfer (Enterprise)": "Внутрішній банківський переказ (підприємство)", "International Wire Transfer (Enterprise)": "Міжнародний банківський переказ (підприємство)", - "Search for inquiries": "Search for inquiries", - "Search by email": "Search by email", - "Reply": "Reply", - "Search for domains": "Search for domains", - "Search by domain name (RegExp supported) or email": "Search by domain name (RegExp supported) or email", - "Newsletter Enabled": "Newsletter Enabled", - "Domain requires SMTP access.": "Domain requires SMTP access." + "Search for inquiries": "Пошук запитів", + "Search by email": "Пошук по електронній пошті", + "Reply": "Відповісти", + "Search for domains": "Пошук доменів", + "Search by domain name (RegExp supported) or email": "Пошук за доменним іменем (підтримується RegExp) або електронною поштою", + "Newsletter Enabled": "Інформаційний бюлетень увімкнено", + "Domain requires SMTP access.": "Для домену потрібен доступ SMTP.", + "This API endpoint will automatically encode emojis for you if they are found in the headers (e.g. a subject line of": "Ця кінцева точка API автоматично кодуватиме для вас емодзі, якщо вони знайдені в заголовках (наприклад, у рядку теми", + "gets converted to": "перетворюється на", + "automatically). Our goal was to make an extremely developer-friendly and dummy-proof email API.": "автоматично). Наша мета полягала в тому, щоб зробити API електронної пошти надзвичайно зручним для розробників і захищеним від манекенів.", + "We're an all-in-one alternative to Gmail + Mailchimp + Sendgrid.": "Ми є універсальною альтернативою Gmail + Mailchimp + Sendgrid.", + "quantum-resistant encryption": "квантово стійке шифрування", + "If you want increased security, then you can also remove the \":user@gmail.com\" (or \":nobody@forwardemail.net\") part, leaving just \"!!!alias\" as in the example below.": "Якщо вам потрібна підвищена безпека, ви також можете видалити частину «:user@gmail.com» (або «:nobody@forwardemail.net»), залишивши лише «!!!alias», як у прикладі нижче.", + "Email for enterprise": "Електронна пошта для підприємства", + "Email for education": "Електронна пошта для навчання", + "Email for startups": "Електронна пошта для стартапів", + "Email for stores": "Електронна пошта для магазинів", + "Email for designers": "Електронна пошта для дизайнерів", + "Email for marketing": "Електронна пошта для маркетингу", + "Email for sales": "Електронна пошта для продажу", + "Email for you": "Електронна пошта для вас", + "Email for everyone": "Електронна пошта для всіх", + "All-in-one alternative to Gmail + Mailchimp + Sendgrid": "Універсальна альтернатива Gmail + Mailchimp + Sendgrid", + "Since 2017, we provide email service to 500,000+ domains and these notable users:": "З 2017 року ми надаємо послуги електронної пошти для понад 500 000 доменів і цих відомих користувачів:", + "Unlimited addresses and domains": "Необмежена кількість адрес і доменів", + "We're the world's first and only email service to use quantum-resistant and individually encrypted SQLite mailboxes": "Ми є першим і єдиним у світі сервісом електронної пошти, який використовує квантово стійкі та індивідуально зашифровані поштові скриньки SQLite", + "Unlimited inbound email": "Необмежена вхідна електронна пошта", + "%s attachment limit": "Ліміт вкладень %s", + "For families, groups, and organizations": "Для сімей, груп і організацій", + "For education, universities, alumni email forwarding, healthcare, government, and custom implementations": "Для освіти , університетів , пересилання електронної пошти випускників , охорони здоров'я , уряду та спеціальних реалізацій", + "The value %s was listed in our permanent and hard-coded denylist. Our team has been notified of your request for removal and we will follow up soon.": "Значення %s було зазначено в нашому постійному та жорстко закодованому списку заборони. Нашу команду повідомлено про ваш запит на видалення, і ми незабаром відповімо.", + "%s approved for NEWSLETTER access": "%s схвалено для доступу до НОВИНИ", + "

Your domain %s was approved for NEWSLETTER access.

Complete Setup

": "

Ваш домен %s схвалено для доступу до НОВИНИ.

Повне налаштування

", + "

Your domain %s had its NEWSLETTER access removed.

": "

Для вашого домену %s було скасовано доступ до інформаційних бюлетенів.

" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/locales/vi.json b/locales/vi.json index f98a84e981..048ee5e44c 100644 --- a/locales/vi.json +++ b/locales/vi.json @@ -7782,11 +7782,38 @@ "Bank Transfer": "Chuyển khoản ngân hàng", "Domestic Wire Transfer (Enterprise)": "Chuyển khoản trong nước (Doanh nghiệp)", "International Wire Transfer (Enterprise)": "Chuyển khoản quốc tế (Doanh nghiệp)", - "Search for inquiries": "Search for inquiries", - "Search by email": "Search by email", - "Reply": "Reply", - "Search for domains": "Search for domains", - "Search by domain name (RegExp supported) or email": "Search by domain name (RegExp supported) or email", - "Newsletter Enabled": "Newsletter Enabled", - "Domain requires SMTP access.": "Domain requires SMTP access." + "Search for inquiries": "Tìm kiếm yêu cầu", + "Search by email": "Tìm kiếm theo email", + "Reply": "Hồi đáp", + "Search for domains": "Tìm kiếm tên miền", + "Search by domain name (RegExp supported) or email": "Tìm kiếm theo tên miền (RegExp hỗ trợ) hoặc email", + "Newsletter Enabled": "Bản tin được bật", + "Domain requires SMTP access.": "Tên miền yêu cầu quyền truy cập SMTP.", + "This API endpoint will automatically encode emojis for you if they are found in the headers (e.g. a subject line of": "Điểm cuối API này sẽ tự động mã hóa biểu tượng cảm xúc cho bạn nếu chúng được tìm thấy trong tiêu đề (ví dụ: dòng chủ đề của", + "gets converted to": "được chuyển đổi thành", + "automatically). Our goal was to make an extremely developer-friendly and dummy-proof email API.": "Mục tiêu của chúng tôi là tạo ra một API email cực kỳ thân thiện với nhà phát triển và không thể bị giả mạo.", + "We're an all-in-one alternative to Gmail + Mailchimp + Sendgrid.": "Chúng tôi là giải pháp thay thế toàn diện cho Gmail + Mailchimp + Sendgrid.", + "quantum-resistant encryption": "mã hóa chống lượng tử", + "If you want increased security, then you can also remove the \":user@gmail.com\" (or \":nobody@forwardemail.net\") part, leaving just \"!!!alias\" as in the example below.": "Nếu bạn muốn tăng cường bảo mật, bạn cũng có thể xóa phần \":user@gmail.com\" (hoặc \":nobody@forwardemail.net\"), chỉ để lại \"!!!alias\" như trong ví dụ bên dưới.", + "Email for enterprise": "Email cho doanh nghiệp", + "Email for education": "Email cho giáo dục", + "Email for startups": "Email cho các công ty khởi nghiệp", + "Email for stores": "Email cho các cửa hàng", + "Email for designers": "Email cho nhà thiết kế", + "Email for marketing": "Email cho tiếp thị", + "Email for sales": "Email để bán hàng", + "Email for you": "Email cho bạn", + "Email for everyone": "Email cho mọi người", + "All-in-one alternative to Gmail + Mailchimp + Sendgrid": "Giải pháp thay thế tất cả trong một cho Gmail + Mailchimp + Sendgrid", + "Since 2017, we provide email service to 500,000+ domains and these notable users:": "Kể từ năm 2017, chúng tôi cung cấp dịch vụ email cho hơn 500.000 tên miền và những người dùng đáng chú ý sau:", + "Unlimited addresses and domains": "Địa chỉ và tên miền không giới hạn", + "We're the world's first and only email service to use quantum-resistant and individually encrypted SQLite mailboxes": "Chúng tôi là dịch vụ email đầu tiên và duy nhất trên thế giới sử dụng hộp thư SQLite được mã hóa riêngchống lượng tử", + "Unlimited inbound email": "Email đến không giới hạn", + "%s attachment limit": "Giới hạn đính kèm %s", + "For families, groups, and organizations": "Dành cho gia đình, nhóm và tổ chức", + "For education, universities, alumni email forwarding, healthcare, government, and custom implementations": "Dành cho giáo dục , trường đại học , chuyển tiếp email cựu sinh viên , chăm sóc sức khỏe , chính phủ và triển khai tùy chỉnh", + "The value %s was listed in our permanent and hard-coded denylist. Our team has been notified of your request for removal and we will follow up soon.": "Giá trị %s đã được liệt kê trong danh sách từ chối cố định và được mã hóa cứng của chúng tôi. Nhóm của chúng tôi đã được thông báo về yêu cầu xóa của bạn và chúng tôi sẽ sớm theo dõi.", + "%s approved for NEWSLETTER access": "%s đã được chấp thuận để truy cập BẢN TIN", + "

Your domain %s was approved for NEWSLETTER access.

Complete Setup

": "

Tên miền %s của bạn đã được chấp thuận để truy cập BẢN TIN.

Thiết lập hoàn chỉnh

", + "

Your domain %s had its NEWSLETTER access removed.

": "

Tên miền %s của bạn đã bị xóa quyền truy cập BẢN TIN.

" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/locales/zh.json b/locales/zh.json index c5ab26cc1b..f9d0cee009 100644 --- a/locales/zh.json +++ b/locales/zh.json @@ -9947,11 +9947,38 @@ "Bank Transfer": "银行转帐", "Domestic Wire Transfer (Enterprise)": "国内电汇(企业)", "International Wire Transfer (Enterprise)": "国际电汇(企业)", - "Search for inquiries": "Search for inquiries", - "Search by email": "Search by email", - "Reply": "Reply", - "Search for domains": "Search for domains", - "Search by domain name (RegExp supported) or email": "Search by domain name (RegExp supported) or email", - "Newsletter Enabled": "Newsletter Enabled", - "Domain requires SMTP access.": "Domain requires SMTP access." + "Search for inquiries": "搜索咨询", + "Search by email": "通过电子邮件搜索", + "Reply": "回复", + "Search for domains": "搜索域名", + "Search by domain name (RegExp supported) or email": "通过域名(支持 RegExp)或电子邮件搜索", + "Newsletter Enabled": "已启用简讯", + "Domain requires SMTP access.": "域需要 SMTP 访问权限。", + "This API endpoint will automatically encode emojis for you if they are found in the headers (e.g. a subject line of": "如果在标题中找到表情符号(例如,主题行),此 API 端点将自动为您编码表情符号", + "gets converted to": "转换为", + "automatically). Our goal was to make an extremely developer-friendly and dummy-proof email API.": "自动)。我们的目标是打造一个对开发人员极其友好且防假的电子邮件 API。", + "We're an all-in-one alternative to Gmail + Mailchimp + Sendgrid.": "我们是 Gmail + Mailchimp + Sendgrid 的一体化替代品。", + "quantum-resistant encryption": "抗量子加密", + "If you want increased security, then you can also remove the \":user@gmail.com\" (or \":nobody@forwardemail.net\") part, leaving just \"!!!alias\" as in the example below.": "如果您想要提高安全性,那么您也可以删除“:user@gmail.com”(或“:nobody@forwardemail.net”)部分,只留下“!!!alias”,如下例所示。", + "Email for enterprise": "企业邮箱", + "Email for education": "教育电子邮件", + "Email for startups": "初创企业电子邮件", + "Email for stores": "商店电子邮件", + "Email for designers": "设计师电子邮件", + "Email for marketing": "营销电子邮件", + "Email for sales": "销售电子邮件", + "Email for you": "给您的电子邮件", + "Email for everyone": "发给所有人的电子邮件", + "All-in-one alternative to Gmail + Mailchimp + Sendgrid": "Gmail + Mailchimp + Sendgrid 的一体化替代方案", + "Since 2017, we provide email service to 500,000+ domains and these notable users:": "自 2017 年起,我们为 500,000 多个域名和以下知名用户提供电子邮件服务:", + "Unlimited addresses and domains": "无限地址和域名", + "We're the world's first and only email service to use quantum-resistant and individually encrypted SQLite mailboxes": "我们是世界上第一个也是唯一一个使用抗量子单独加密的 SQLite 邮箱的电子邮件服务", + "Unlimited inbound email": "无限制接收电子邮件", + "%s attachment limit": "%s附件限制", + "For families, groups, and organizations": "适合家庭、团体和组织", + "For education, universities, alumni email forwarding, healthcare, government, and custom implementations": "适用于教育大学校友电子邮件转发医疗保健政府和定制实施", + "The value %s was listed in our permanent and hard-coded denylist. Our team has been notified of your request for removal and we will follow up soon.": "值%s已列入我们的永久和硬编码拒绝名单。我们的团队已收到您的移除请求通知,我们将尽快跟进。", + "%s approved for NEWSLETTER access": "%s已获准访问 NEWSLETTER", + "

Your domain %s was approved for NEWSLETTER access.

Complete Setup

": "

您的域%s已被批准访问 NEWSLETTER。


", + "

Your domain %s had its NEWSLETTER access removed.

": "

您的域%s的 NEWSLETTER 访问权限已被删除。

" } \ No newline at end of file