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Merge pull request #14 from jvdp1/hash_maps_tests
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Addition of test_maps using test-drive
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wclodius2 authored Jun 19, 2022
2 parents f705430 + 45fd15c commit a8cf88e
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Showing 2 changed files with 388 additions and 0 deletions.
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions src/tests/hashmaps/CMakeLists.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,3 +1,13 @@
### Pre-process: .fpp -> .f90 via Fypp

# Create a list of the files to be preprocessed

fypp_f90("${fyppFlags}" "${fppFiles}" outFiles)


378 changes: 378 additions & 0 deletions src/tests/hashmaps/test_maps.fypp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,378 @@
#:set HASH_NAME = ["fnv_1_hasher", "fnv_1a_hasher", "seeded_nmhash32_hasher", "seeded_nmhash32x_hasher", "seeded_water_hasher"]
#:set SIZE_NAME = ["16", "256"]
module test_stdlib_chaining_maps
!! Test various aspects of the runtime system.
!! Running this program may require increasing the stack size to above 48 MBytes
!! or decreasing rand_power to 20 or less
use testdrive, only : new_unittest, unittest_type, error_type, check
use :: stdlib_kinds, only : dp, int8, int32
use stdlib_hashmaps, only : chaining_hashmap_type, int_depth, int_index
use stdlib_hashmap_wrappers

implicit none

type dummy_type
integer(int8), allocatable :: value(:)
end type dummy_type

integer(int32), parameter :: huge32 = huge(0_int32)
real(dp), parameter :: hugep1 = real(huge32, dp) + 1.0_dp
integer, parameter :: rand_power = 18
integer, parameter :: rand_size = 2**rand_power
integer, parameter :: test_size = rand_size*4
integer, parameter :: test_16 = 2**4
integer, parameter :: test_256 = 2**8

public :: collect_stdlib_chaining_maps


!> Collect all exported unit tests
subroutine collect_stdlib_chaining_maps(testsuite)
!> Collection of tests
type(unittest_type), allocatable, intent(out) :: testsuite(:)

testsuite = [ &
new_unittest("chaining-maps-fnv_1_hasher-16-byte-words", test_fnv_1_hasher_16_byte_words) &
#:for hash_ in HASH_NAME
#:for size_ in SIZE_NAME
, new_unittest("chaining-maps-${hash_}$-${size_}$-byte-words", test_${hash_}$_${size_}$_byte_words) &

end subroutine collect_stdlib_chaining_maps

#:for hash_ in HASH_NAME
#:for size_ in SIZE_NAME
subroutine test_${hash_}$_${size_}$_byte_words(error)
!> Error handling
type(error_type), allocatable, intent(out) :: error

type(chaining_hashmap_type) :: map
integer(int8) :: test_8_bits(test_size)

call generate_vector(test_8_bits)

call map % init( ${hash_}$, slots_bits=10 )

call test_input_random_data(error, map, test_8_bits, test_${size_}$)
if (allocated(error)) return

call test_inquire_data(error, map, test_8_bits, test_${size_}$)
if (allocated(error)) return

call test_get_data(error, map, test_8_bits, test_${size_}$)
if (allocated(error)) return

call test_removal(error, map, test_8_bits, test_${size_}$)
if (allocated(error)) return

end subroutine

subroutine generate_vector(test_8_bits)
integer(int8), intent(out) :: test_8_bits(test_size)

integer :: index
real(dp) :: rand2(2)
integer(int32) :: rand_object(rand_size)

do index=1, rand_size
call random_number(rand2)
if (rand2(1) < 0.5_dp) then
rand_object(index) = ceiling(-rand2(2)*hugep1, int32) - 1
rand_object(index) = floor(rand2(2)*hugep1, int32)
end if
end do

test_8_bits(:) = transfer( rand_object, 0_int8, test_size )

end subroutine

subroutine test_input_random_data(error, map, test_8_bits, test_block)
type(error_type), allocatable, intent(out) :: error
type(chaining_hashmap_type), intent(inout) :: map
integer(int8), intent(in) :: test_8_bits(test_size)
integer(int_index), intent(in) :: test_block
class(*), allocatable :: dummy
type(dummy_type) :: dummy_val
integer :: index2
type(key_type) :: key
type(other_type) :: other
logical :: conflict

do index2=1, size(test_8_bits), test_block
call set( key, test_8_bits( index2:index2+test_block-1 ) )
if (allocated(dummy)) deallocate(dummy)
dummy_val % value = test_8_bits( index2:index2+test_block-1 )
allocate( dummy, source=dummy_val )
call set ( other, dummy )
call map % map_entry( key, other, conflict )
call check(error, .not.conflict, "Unable to map entry because of a key conflict.")
if (allocated(error)) return
end do

end subroutine

subroutine test_inquire_data(error, map, test_8_bits, test_block)
type(error_type), allocatable, intent(out) :: error
type(chaining_hashmap_type), intent(inout) :: map
integer(int8), intent(in) :: test_8_bits(test_size)
integer(int_index), intent(in) :: test_block
integer :: index2
logical :: present
type(key_type) :: key

do index2=1, size(test_8_bits), test_block
call set( key, test_8_bits( index2:index2+test_block-1 ) )
call map % key_test( key, present )
call check(error, present, "KEY not found in map KEY_TEST.")
if (allocated(error)) return
end do

end subroutine

subroutine test_get_data(error, map, test_8_bits, test_block)
type(error_type), allocatable, intent(out) :: error
type(chaining_hashmap_type), intent(inout) :: map
integer(int8), intent(in) :: test_8_bits(test_size)
integer(int_index), intent(in) :: test_block
integer :: index2
type(key_type) :: key
type(other_type) :: other
logical :: exists

do index2=1, size(test_8_bits), test_block
call set( key, test_8_bits( index2:index2+test_block-1 ) )
call map % get_other_data( key, other, exists )
call check(error, exists, "Unable to get data because key not found in map.")
end do

end subroutine

subroutine test_removal(error, map, test_8_bits, test_block)
type(error_type), allocatable, intent(out) :: error
type(chaining_hashmap_type), intent(inout) :: map
integer(int8), intent(in) :: test_8_bits(test_size)
integer(int_index), intent(in) :: test_block
type(key_type) :: key
integer(int_index) :: index2
logical :: existed

do index2=1, size(test_8_bits), test_block
call set( key, test_8_bits( index2:index2+test_block-1 ) )
call map % remove(key, existed)
call check(error, existed, "Key not found in entry removal.")
end do

end subroutine

end module

module test_stdlib_open_maps
!! Test various aspects of the runtime system.
!! Running this program may require increasing the stack size to above 48 MBytes
!! or decreasing rand_power to 20 or less
use testdrive, only : new_unittest, unittest_type, error_type, check
use :: stdlib_kinds, only : dp, int8, int32
use stdlib_hashmaps, only : open_hashmap_type, int_depth, int_index
use stdlib_hashmap_wrappers

implicit none

type dummy_type
integer(int8), allocatable :: value(:)
end type dummy_type

integer(int32), parameter :: huge32 = huge(0_int32)
real(dp), parameter :: hugep1 = real(huge32, dp) + 1.0_dp
integer, parameter :: rand_power = 18
integer, parameter :: rand_size = 2**rand_power
integer, parameter :: test_size = rand_size*4
integer, parameter :: test_16 = 2**4
integer, parameter :: test_256 = 2**8

public :: collect_stdlib_open_maps


!> Collect all exported unit tests
subroutine collect_stdlib_open_maps(testsuite)
!> Collection of tests
type(unittest_type), allocatable, intent(out) :: testsuite(:)

testsuite = [ &
new_unittest("open-maps-fnv_1_hasher-16-byte-words", test_fnv_1_hasher_16_byte_words) &
#:for hash_ in HASH_NAME
#:for size_ in SIZE_NAME
, new_unittest("open-maps-${hash_}$-${size_}$-byte-words", test_${hash_}$_${size_}$_byte_words) &

end subroutine collect_stdlib_open_maps

#:for hash_ in HASH_NAME
#:for size_ in SIZE_NAME
subroutine test_${hash_}$_${size_}$_byte_words(error)
!> Error handling
type(error_type), allocatable, intent(out) :: error

type(open_hashmap_type) :: map
integer(int8) :: test_8_bits(test_size)

call generate_vector(test_8_bits)

call map % init( ${hash_}$, slots_bits=10 )

call test_input_random_data(error, map, test_8_bits, test_${size_}$)
if (allocated(error)) return

call test_inquire_data(error, map, test_8_bits, test_${size_}$)
if (allocated(error)) return

call test_get_data(error, map, test_8_bits, test_${size_}$)
if (allocated(error)) return

call test_removal(error, map, test_8_bits, test_${size_}$)
if (allocated(error)) return

end subroutine

subroutine generate_vector(test_8_bits)
integer(int8), intent(out) :: test_8_bits(test_size)

integer :: index
real(dp) :: rand2(2)
integer(int32) :: rand_object(rand_size)

do index=1, rand_size
call random_number(rand2)
if (rand2(1) < 0.5_dp) then
rand_object(index) = ceiling(-rand2(2)*hugep1, int32) - 1
rand_object(index) = floor(rand2(2)*hugep1, int32)
end if
end do

test_8_bits(:) = transfer( rand_object, 0_int8, test_size )

end subroutine

subroutine test_input_random_data(error, map, test_8_bits, test_block)
type(error_type), allocatable, intent(out) :: error
type(open_hashmap_type), intent(inout) :: map
integer(int8), intent(in) :: test_8_bits(test_size)
integer(int_index), intent(in) :: test_block
class(*), allocatable :: dummy
type(dummy_type) :: dummy_val
integer :: index2
type(key_type) :: key
type(other_type) :: other
logical :: conflict

do index2=1, size(test_8_bits), test_block
call set( key, test_8_bits( index2:index2+test_block-1 ) )
if (allocated(dummy)) deallocate(dummy)
dummy_val % value = test_8_bits( index2:index2+test_block-1 )
allocate( dummy, source=dummy_val )
call set ( other, dummy )
call map % map_entry( key, other, conflict )
call check(error, .not.conflict, "Unable to map entry because of a key conflict.")
if (allocated(error)) return
end do

end subroutine

subroutine test_inquire_data(error, map, test_8_bits, test_block)
type(error_type), allocatable, intent(out) :: error
type(open_hashmap_type), intent(inout) :: map
integer(int8), intent(in) :: test_8_bits(test_size)
integer(int_index), intent(in) :: test_block
integer :: index2
logical :: present
type(key_type) :: key

do index2=1, size(test_8_bits), test_block
call set( key, test_8_bits( index2:index2+test_block-1 ) )
call map % key_test( key, present )
call check(error, present, "KEY not found in map KEY_TEST.")
if (allocated(error)) return
end do

end subroutine

subroutine test_get_data(error, map, test_8_bits, test_block)
type(error_type), allocatable, intent(out) :: error
type(open_hashmap_type), intent(inout) :: map
integer(int8), intent(in) :: test_8_bits(test_size)
integer(int_index), intent(in) :: test_block
integer :: index2
type(key_type) :: key
type(other_type) :: other
logical :: exists

do index2=1, size(test_8_bits), test_block
call set( key, test_8_bits( index2:index2+test_block-1 ) )
call map % get_other_data( key, other, exists )
call check(error, exists, "Unable to get data because key not found in map.")
end do

end subroutine

subroutine test_removal(error, map, test_8_bits, test_block)
type(error_type), allocatable, intent(out) :: error
type(open_hashmap_type), intent(inout) :: map
integer(int8), intent(in) :: test_8_bits(test_size)
integer(int_index), intent(in) :: test_block
type(key_type) :: key
integer(int_index) :: index2
logical :: existed

do index2=1, size(test_8_bits), test_block
call set( key, test_8_bits( index2:index2+test_block-1 ) )
call map % remove(key, existed)
call check(error, existed, "Key not found in entry removal.")
end do

end subroutine

end module

program tester
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : error_unit
use testdrive, only : run_testsuite, new_testsuite, testsuite_type
use test_stdlib_open_maps, only : collect_stdlib_open_maps
use test_stdlib_chaining_maps, only : collect_stdlib_chaining_maps
implicit none
integer :: stat, is
type(testsuite_type), allocatable :: testsuites(:)
character(len=*), parameter :: fmt = '("#", *(1x, a))'

stat = 0

testsuites = [ &
new_testsuite("stdlib-open-maps", collect_stdlib_open_maps) &
, new_testsuite("stdlib-chaining-maps", collect_stdlib_chaining_maps) &

do is = 1, size(testsuites)
write(error_unit, fmt) "Testing:", testsuites(is)%name
call run_testsuite(testsuites(is)%collect, error_unit, stat)
end do

if (stat > 0) then
write(error_unit, '(i0, 1x, a)') stat, "test(s) failed!"
error stop
end if
end program

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