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757 lines (642 loc) · 46.6 KB

Formance cloudprem Helm chart

Artifact Hub Version: 3.0.0-rc.15 Type: application AppVersion: v1.1.0

Formance control-plane

Formance Cloudprem is a platform that allows you to manage your users, organizations and your data plane.


Kubernetes: >=1.14.0-0

Repository Name Version
file://../console-v3 console-v3 2.X
file://../console console 2.X
file://../membership membership 2.X
file://../portal portal 2.X


You need to obtain a licence from the Formance team. (See EE Licence)

  • SSL Certificate (Let's Encrypt or another)
  • Public domain according to the certificate authority


export BASE_DOMAIN_WILDCARD_CERTIFICATE=example-com-wildcard-certificate-tls

helm install cloudprem oci:// \
  --set global.licence.token=$YOUR_LICENCE_KEY
  --set global.licence.clusterID=$YOUR_CLUSTER_ID
  --set global.serviceHost=$BASE_DOMAIN \
  --set membership.ingress.tls[0].secretName=$BASE_DOMAIN_WILDCARD_CERTIFICATE \
  --set portal.ingress.tls[0].secretName=$BASE_DOMAIN_WILDCARD_CERTIFICATE \
  --set console.ingress.tls[0].secretName=$BASE_DOMAIN_WILDCARD_CERTIFICATE \
  --set dex.ingress.tls[0].secretName=$BASE_DOMAIN_WILDCARD_CERTIFICATE


This chart bootstraps 5 different components that form the Formance Control Plane, additionally you will need to install the Formance Data Plane composed of a Kubernetes Operator.

In order to deploy the 5 different components, you must have a Kubernetes cluster with an Ingress Controller and valid SSL certificates for the different domains.

Following components need his own database:

  • Dex (Authentication)
  • Membership (User and Organization Management)

Addtionnaly all components need a public URL that can be accessible through a VPN or a public domain.

The deployment is done via Helm. Make sure you have Helm installed and configured.

You will first have to create a values.yaml file to define your values.


By default, a PostgreSQL database is included in this configuration without any data persistence.

In order to do your first deployment you will need to complete the following steps:

Minimal values.yaml profile


Each certificate must be in the form of .global.serviceHost following the example below:

  • Console: console.{{ }}
  • Portal: portal.{{ }}
  • Membership: membership.{{ }}
  • Dex: dex.{{ }}


A quick win is to use a wildcard certificate for all the components on *.{{ }}}. Then reference the secret same as the example bellow.


You can use Cert Manager to manage your certificates.

  serviceHost: ""

    enabled: true
      - secretName: example-com-wildcard-certificate-tls
      enabled: true
        - secretName: example-com-wildcard-certificate-tls

    enabled: true
      - secretName: example-com-wildcard-certificate-tls

    enabled: true
      - secretName: example-com-wildcard-certificate-tls

Init Cloudprem

# Linux amd64, arm64
ARCH="amd64"; curl -L -o fctl.tar.gz "$ARCH.tar.gz" \
&& tar -xvf fctl.tar.gz \
&& sudo mv fctl /usr/local/bin \
&& chmod +x /usr/local/bin/fctl \
&& rm fctl.tar.gz

# MacOS
brew install formancehq/tap/fctl
brew upgrade fctl

## Debian
deb [trusted=yes] / > /etc/apt/sources.list
apt update && apt install fctl
fctl version

Login on membership


According to Dex default configuration, you can login with the following credentials: [email protected] / password. You can also define Google, Github, Microsoft as OAuth2 connectors. Additional configuration can be found on the Dex documentation.

fctl -p $user login --membership-uri https://membership.$BASE_DOMAIN/api

This will create a new organization and a user.

(Optional) Add domain for Auto Login


fctl cloud organizations list

fctl cloud organizations update ORGANIZATION_ID --domain=$EMAIL_DOMAIN_NAME --default-organization-role=GUEST --default-stack-role=GUEST

fctl cloud organizations list

The possible values are GUEST or ADMIN. This allows to give the rights by default to a user who logs in with an email of domain DOMAIN_NAME.

Init databases

insert into membership."regions" (id, base_url, name, creator_id, created_at, production, active) values (
    (select id from membership."users" where id = (
        select owner_id from membership."organizations" limit 1
insert into membership."stacks" (name, organization_id, id, region_id, created_at, updated_at, stargate_enabled, client_secret, state, status, expected_status) values (
     (select id from membership."organizations" limit 1),
     'sdgsd', -- update if needed, this is your stack id
     (select id from membership."regions" limit 1),

This query will create the region and a stack associated with your organization in that region.

Create stack on cluster

After creating your region and your Stack. You can retrieve your Organization ID and search & replace the value of your organization ID and BASE_URL


In the Formance CRDs, the stack name has format <organization ID>-<stack ID>

cat <<"EOF" >


export BASE_DOMAIN_WILDCARD_CERTIFICATE=example-com-wildcard-certificate-tls
export ORGANIZATION_ID=ylzsigispivc
export STACK_ID=sdgs

cat <<EOF > stack.yaml
kind: Stack
  debug: true
  dev: true
  versionsFromFile: v2.0
kind: Gateway
    scheme: https
kind: Ledger
kind: Auth
  enableScopes: true
    clientID: stack_${ORGANIZATION_ID}_${STACK_ID}
    clientSecret: changeMe
    issuer: $(echo "https://membership.${BASE_DOMAIN}/api")

echo "EOF" >> && bash

kubectl apply -f . /stack.yml

Here, we have deployed a basic configuration. Refer to the Formance operator documentation for information on possible configurations.

Access to the portal

fctl ui


See profiles for more examples.


From v2.X.X To v3.0.0

EE Licence

Membership now need a EE licence. You can get a licence from the Formance team. The licence is valid for 1 cluster. Then configure it through the global.licence.token and global.licence.clusterID values. See Licence configuration for more information.


Membership service contains a behavior-breaking change within the RBAC module.

Before, permissions were managed dynamically on the organization and stack with a fallback on the organization resource. (default organization accesses and default stack accesses). Which led to a lot of confusion and inconsistency regarding the user's permissions

The fallback has been removed from the RBAC module and is only used when a new user joins the organization.

OAuth clients and cookies

Portal and Console v3 are no longer sharing Oauth clients and cookies. The cookie domain is now set on the app domain. Enabling console will set the domain on the parent domain. See #breaking-changes for config changes.

Breaking changes

The structure does not change

  • .global.platform.portal.cookie has been removed in favor of .portal.config.cookie
    • .global.platform.portal.cookie.secretKeys.encryptionKey -> .portal.config.cookie.secretKeys.secret
    • .global.platform.portal.cookie.encryptionKey -> .portal.config.cookie.secret
  • .global.platform.membership.oauthClient has been moved to .global.platform.portal.oauth.client for console backward compatibility but can be different when using console-v3.
  • .console.enabled -> .global.platform.console.enabled
  • .membership.enabled -> .global.platform.membership.enabled
  • .portal.enabled -> .global.platform.portal.enabled


  • global.platform.consoleV3.oauth.client has been added to manage the new console-v3 oauth client.
  • console-v3.config.cookie has been added to manage the new console-v3 cookie.

From v1.0.X To v2.0.X

A global configuration has been introduced to manage values accross different services. To see the detail of the default values, please refer to the Global Parameters section.

Each platform key has beeen moved to global.platform

This chart adds several existingSecret and secretKeys to manage the secret either from configuration or from a secret.

The chart is now divided into 5 charts :

  • Portal
  • Console
  • Membership
  • Dex
  • Postgresql

Breaking changes by service


  • Each service now depends on the global configuration to manage the labels according to Kubernetes best recommendations
    • Each service now has a static label overridable by with .<service>.nameOverride
  • By default, if not using the .<service>.nameOverride, the changes and will generate a breaking change in the deployment.
    • To keep the default behavior managed by formance. Make sure if you use the embedded postgresql to Retain the related volume. Then you can helm uninstall <release> --namespace <namespace> and then helm install <release> --namespace <namespace>. (If you change the name of the release, make sure to bind the postgresql.primary.persistence.existingClaim accordingly)
    • This change permits Formance to help you debugging any resources created by the chart by using the, and `` (then withkubectl get pods -l -A` or all the instance `kubectl get pods -l -A`)


  • .serviceAccount has been removed, use .<service>.serviceAccount instead.
  • .commonLabels has been removed


  • .console.membership has been removed, and is now managed through the .global.platform.membership.oauthClient. It's going to be used by all platform services.


  • .dex.config has been moved .dex.configOverrides enabled by default with.dex.createConfigSecretOverrides allowing templating.

Others changes


  • .console.config.stargate_url has been removed, it will be managed for a kubernetes service.

  • .console.config.feature_disabled has been removed, it will be managed through .console.config.additionalEnv.FEATURE_DISABLED.

  • .console.config.managed_stack has been removed, console now manage the stack through portal.

  • .console.config.database has been removed, console now manage the session through portal cookie.

  • .console.config.redirect_url has been deprecated, it is now templated with

  • .console.config.encryption_key has been deprecated, it will be managed through .global.platform.cookie.encryptionKey.


  • .membership.config.url has been removed, it will be templated through and .global.platform.membership.scheme
  • .membership.config.postgresqlUrl has been deprecated, it will be mangaged through .global.postgresql.auth.
  • OAuth clients are now managed within the template and disablable with .global.platform.enabled, .membership.config.fctl. Additionaly, you can add new client with .membership.config.additionalOAuthClients


  • .dex.envVars and .dex.configOverrides.staticClients.[].secretEnv can be used together to set static clients secrets.



Name Email Url
Formance Team [email protected]

Source Code


Global AWS configuration

Key Type Default Description bool false Enable AWS ELB across all services, appropriate .aws.targertGroup must be set bool false Enable AWS IAM Authentification object {"targetGroups":{"http":{"ipAddressType":"ipv4","serviceRef":{"name":"{{ include \"core.fullname\" $ }}","port":"{{ .Values.service.ports.http.port }}"},"targetGroupARN":"","targetType":"ip"}}} AWS Console target groups object {"targetGroups":{"grpc":{"ipAddressType":"ipv4","serviceRef":{"name":"{{ include \"core.fullname\" $ }}","port":"{{ .Values.service.ports.grpc.port }}"},"targetGroupARN":"","targetType":"ip"},"http":{"ipAddressType":"ipv4","serviceRef":{"name":"{{ include \"core.fullname\" $ }}","port":"{{ .Values.service.ports.http.port }}"},"targetGroupARN":"","targetType":"ip"}}} AWS Membership target groups object {"targetGroups":{"dex-http":{"ipAddressType":"ipv4","serviceRef":{"name":"{{ include \"dex.fullname\" .Subcharts.dex }}","port":"{{ .Values.dex.service.ports.http.port }}"},"targetGroupARN":"","targetType":"ip"}}} AWS Target Groups object {"targetGroups":{"http":{"ipAddressType":"ipv4","serviceRef":{"name":"{{ include \"core.fullname\" $ }}","port":"{{ .Values.service.ports.http.port }}"},"targetGroupARN":"","targetType":"ip"}}} AWS Portal target groups

Global configuration

Key Type Default Description
global.debug bool false Enable debug mode
global.monitoring.batch bool false Enable otel batching
global.monitoring.logs.enabled bool true Enable logging
global.monitoring.logs.format string "json" Format
global.monitoring.logs.level string "info" Level: Info, Debug, Error
global.monitoring.traces.enabled bool false Enable otel tracing
global.monitoring.traces.endpoint string "localhost" Endpoint
global.monitoring.traces.exporter string "otlp" Exporter
global.monitoring.traces.insecure bool true Insecure
global.monitoring.traces.mode string "grpc" Mode
global.monitoring.traces.port int 4317 Port
global.nats.url string "" NATS URL: nats://nats:4222 nats://$PUBLISHER_NATS_USERNAME:$PUBLISHER_NATS_PASSWORD@nats:4222 string "console.{{ }}" is the host for the console
global.platform.console.scheme string "https" is the scheme for the console
global.platform.consoleV3 object {"host":"console.v3.{{ }}","oauth":{"client":{"existingSecret":"","id":"console-v3","secret":"changeMe2","secretKeys":{"secret":""}}},"scheme":"https"} Console V3: EXPERIMENTAL string "console.v3.{{ }}" is the host for the console
global.platform.consoleV3.oauth.client.existingSecret string "" is the name of the secret string "console-v3" is the id of the client
global.platform.consoleV3.oauth.client.scopes list ["supertoken","accesses","remember_me","keep_refresh_token"] is the name of the secret
global.platform.consoleV3.oauth.client.secret string "changeMe2" is the secret of the client
global.platform.consoleV3.oauth.client.secretKeys object {"secret":""} is the key contained within the secret
global.platform.consoleV3.scheme string "https" is the scheme for the console string "membership.{{ }}" is the host for the membership string "dex.{{ }}" is the host for the membership
global.platform.membership.relyingParty.path string "" is the path for the relying party issuer
global.platform.membership.relyingParty.scheme string "https" is the scheme for the membership
global.platform.membership.scheme string "https" is the scheme for the membership string "portal.{{ }}" is the host for the portal
global.platform.portal.oauth.client.existingSecret string "" is the name of the secret string "portal" is the id of the client
global.platform.portal.oauth.client.scopes list ["supertoken","accesses","remember_me","keep_refresh_token"] is the name of the secret
global.platform.portal.oauth.client.secret string "changeMe1" is the secret of the client
global.platform.portal.oauth.client.secretKeys object {"secret":""} is the key contained within the secret
global.platform.portal.oauth.cookie.encryptionKey string "changeMe00" is used to encrypt a cookie that share authentication between platform services (console, portal, ...),is used to store the current state organizationId-stackId It is not shared with console-v3 and the domain is only limited to portal app
global.platform.portal.oauth.cookie.existingSecret string "" is the name of the secret
global.platform.portal.oauth.cookie.secretKeys object {"encryptionKey":""} is the key contained within the secret
global.platform.portal.scheme string "https" is the scheme for the portal
global.postgresql.additionalArgs string "sslmode=disable" Additional arguments for PostgreSQL Connection URI
global.postgresql.auth.database string "formance" Name for a custom database to create (overrides auth.database)
global.postgresql.auth.existingSecret string "" Name of existing secret to use for PostgreSQL credentials (overrides auth.existingSecret).
global.postgresql.auth.password string "formance" Password for the "postgres" admin user (overrides auth.postgresPassword)
global.postgresql.auth.postgresPassword string "formance" Password for the custom user to create (overrides auth.password)
global.postgresql.auth.secretKeys.adminPasswordKey string "" Name of key in existing secret to use for PostgreSQL credentials (overrides auth.secretKeys.adminPasswordKey). Only used when global.postgresql.auth.existingSecret is set.
global.postgresql.auth.secretKeys.userPasswordKey string "" Name of key in existing secret to use for PostgreSQL credentials (overrides auth.secretKeys.userPasswordKey). Only used when global.postgresql.auth.existingSecret is set.
global.postgresql.auth.username string "formance" Name for a custom user to create (overrides auth.username) string "" Host for PostgreSQL (overrides included postgreql host)
global.postgresql.service.ports.postgresql int 5432 PostgreSQL service port (overrides service.ports.postgresql)
global.serviceHost string "" is the base domain for portal and console
console-v3.config.cookie.encryptionKey string "changeMe00" is used to encrypt a cookie value
console-v3.config.cookie.existingSecret string "" is the name of the secret string "" is the name of the cookie. It is intended to be unique when having multiple console-v3 instances.
console-v3.config.cookie.secretKeys object {"encryptionKey":""} is the key contained within the secret
membership.config.migration.enabled bool true Enable migration job
membership.config.migration.postgresql.auth.existingSecret string "" Name of existing secret to use for PostgreSQL credentials (overrides auth.existingSecret).
membership.config.migration.postgresql.auth.password string "" Password for the "postgres" admin user (overrides auth.postgresPassword)
membership.config.migration.postgresql.auth.secretKeys.adminPasswordKey string "" Name of key in existing secret to use for PostgreSQL credentials (overrides auth.secretKeys.adminPasswordKey). Only used when global.postgresql.auth.existingSecret is set.
membership.config.migration.postgresql.auth.username string "" Name for a custom user to create (overrides auth.username)

Licence configuration

Key Type Default Description
global.licence.clusterID string "" Obtain your licence cluster id with kubectl get ns kube-system -o jsonpath='{.metadata.uid}'
global.licence.existingSecret string "" Licence Client Token as a secret
global.licence.issuer string "" Licence Environment
global.licence.secretKeys.token string "" Key in existing secret to use for Licence Client Token
global.licence.token string "" Licence Client Token delivered by contacting Formance

Dex configuration

Key Type Default Description
membership.dex.configOverrides object {"enablePasswordDB":true,"oauth2":{"responseTypes":["code","token","id_token"],"skipApprovalScreen":true},"staticPasswords":[{"email":"[email protected]","hash":"$2a$10$2b2cU8CPhOTaGrs1HRQuAueS7JTT5ZHsHSzYiFPm1leZck7Mc8T4W","userID":"08a8684b-db88-4b73-90a9-3cd1661f5466","username":"admin"}],"storage":{"type":"postgres"}} Config override allow template function. Database is setup on the chart global, make sure that user/password when using kubernetes secret
membership.dex.configOverrides.enablePasswordDB bool true enable password db
membership.dex.configOverrides.oauth2.responseTypes list ["code","token","id_token"] oauth2 response types
membership.dex.configOverrides.oauth2.skipApprovalScreen bool true oauth2 skip approval screen
membership.dex.configOverrides.staticPasswords[0] object {"email":"[email protected]","hash":"$2a$10$2b2cU8CPhOTaGrs1HRQuAueS7JTT5ZHsHSzYiFPm1leZck7Mc8T4W","userID":"08a8684b-db88-4b73-90a9-3cd1661f5466","username":"admin"} static passwords email
membership.dex.configOverrides.staticPasswords[0].hash string "$2a$10$2b2cU8CPhOTaGrs1HRQuAueS7JTT5ZHsHSzYiFPm1leZck7Mc8T4W" static passwords hash
membership.dex.configOverrides.staticPasswords[0].userID string "08a8684b-db88-4b73-90a9-3cd1661f5466" static passwords user id
membership.dex.configOverrides.staticPasswords[0].username string "admin" static passwords username
membership.dex.configSecret.create bool false Dex config secret create Default secret provided by the dex chart
membership.dex.configSecret.createConfigSecretOverrides bool true Dex config secret create config secret overrides Enable secret config overrides provided by the cloudprem chart string "membership-dex-config" Dex config secret name
membership.dex.enabled bool true Enable dex
membership.dex.envVars list [] Dex additional environment variables
membership.dex.image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" image pull policy
membership.dex.image.repository string "" image repository
membership.dex.image.tag string "v1.0.4" image tag
membership.dex.ingress.annotations object {} Dex ingress annotations
membership.dex.ingress.className string "" Dex ingress class name
membership.dex.ingress.enabled bool true Dex ingress enabled
membership.dex.ingress.hosts[0] object {"host":"{{ tpl $ }}","paths":[{"path":"/","pathType":"Prefix"}]} Dex ingress host
membership.dex.ingress.hosts[0].paths[0] object {"path":"/","pathType":"Prefix"} Dex ingress path refer to
membership.dex.ingress.hosts[0].paths[0].pathType string "Prefix" Dex ingress path type
membership.dex.ingress.tls list [] Dex ingress tls
membership.dex.resources object {} Dex resources

Membership Feature

Key Type Default Description
membership.feature.disableEvents bool true Membership feature disable events
membership.feature.managedStacks bool true Membership feature managed stacks
membership.feature.migrationHooks bool false Run migration in a hook

Postgresql configuration

Key Type Default Description
membership.postgresql.architecture string "standalone" Postgresql architecture
membership.postgresql.enabled bool true Enable postgresql
membership.postgresql.fullnameOverride string "postgresql" Postgresql fullname override
membership.postgresql.primary object {"persistence":{"enabled":false}} Postgresql primary persistence enabled

Other Values

Key Type Default Description
global.nats.auth.existingSecret string ""
global.nats.auth.password string ""
global.nats.auth.secretKeys.password string "password"
global.nats.auth.secretKeys.username string "username"
global.nats.auth.user string ""
global.nats.enabled bool false
global.platform.console.enabled bool true
global.platform.consoleV3.enabled bool false string "dex.{{ }}" is the host for the oidc
global.platform.membership.oidc.scheme string "https" is the scheme for the issuer
global.platform.portal.enabled bool true
console.affinity object {} Console affinity
console.annotations object {} Console annotations
console.autoscaling.enabled bool false
console.autoscaling.maxReplicas int 100
console.autoscaling.minReplicas int 1
console.autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage int 80 string "ipv4" Target group IP address type string "{{ include \"core.fullname\" $ }}" Target group service reference name string "{{ .Values.service.ports.http.port }}" Target group service reference port string "" Target group ARN string "ip" Target group target type
console.config.additionalEnv list [] Console additional environment variables
console.config.environment string "production" Console environment
console.config.sentry.authToken object {"existingSecret":"","secretKeys":{"value":""},"value":""} Sentry Auth Token
console.config.sentry.dsn string "" Sentry DSN
console.config.sentry.enabled bool false Sentry enabled
console.config.sentry.environment string "" Sentry environment
console.config.sentry.release string "" Sentry release
console.image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" image pull policy
console.image.repository string "" image repository
console.image.tag string "" image tag
console.imagePullSecrets list [] image pull secrets
console.ingress.annotations object {} ingress annotations
console.ingress.className string "" ingress class name
console.ingress.enabled bool true ingress enabled
console.ingress.hosts[0].host string "{{ tpl $ }}" ingress host
console.ingress.hosts[0].paths[0] object {"path":"/","pathType":"Prefix"} ingress path
console.ingress.hosts[0].paths[0].pathType string "Prefix" ingress path type
console.ingress.tls list [] ingress tls
console.livenessProbe object {} Console liveness probe
console.nodeSelector object {} Console node selector
console.podDisruptionBudget.enabled bool false Enable pod disruption budget
console.podDisruptionBudget.maxUnavailable int 0 Maximum unavailable pods
console.podDisruptionBudget.minAvailable int 1 Minimum available pods
console.podSecurityContext object {} Pod Security Context
console.readinessProbe object {} Console readiness probe
console.replicas int 1 Number of replicas
console.resources object {} Console resources
console.securityContext object {} Container Security Context
console.service.annotations object {} service annotations
console.service.clusterIP string "" service cluster IP
console.service.ports.http object {"port":3000} service http port
console.service.type string "ClusterIP" service type
console.serviceAccount.annotations object {} Service account annotations
console.serviceAccount.create bool true Service account creation string "" Service account name
console.tolerations list [] Console tolerations
console.volumeMounts list [] Console volume mounts
console.volumes list [] Console volumes
console-v3.affinity object {} Console affinity
console-v3.annotations object {} Console annotations
console-v3.autoscaling.enabled bool false
console-v3.autoscaling.maxReplicas int 100
console-v3.autoscaling.minReplicas int 1
console-v3.autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage int 80 string "ipv4" Target group IP address type string "{{ include \"core.fullname\" $ }}" Target group service reference name string "{{ .Values.service.ports.http.port }}" Target group service reference port string "" Target group ARN string "ip" Target group target type
console-v3.config.additionalEnv list [] Console additional environment variables
console-v3.config.environment string "production" Console environment
console-v3.config.sentry object {"authToken":{"existingSecret":"","secretKeys":{"value":""},"value":""},"dsn":"","enabled":false,"environment":"","release":""} Console additional environment variables FEATURE_DISABLED - name: FEATURE_DISABLED value: "true"
console-v3.config.sentry.authToken object {"existingSecret":"","secretKeys":{"value":""},"value":""} Sentry Auth Token
console-v3.config.sentry.dsn string "" Sentry DSN
console-v3.config.sentry.enabled bool false Sentry enabled
console-v3.config.sentry.environment string "" Sentry environment
console-v3.config.sentry.release string "" Sentry release
console-v3.image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" image pull policy
console-v3.image.repository string "" image repository
console-v3.image.tag string "" image tag
console-v3.imagePullSecrets list [] image pull secrets
console-v3.ingress.annotations object {} ingress annotations
console-v3.ingress.className string "" ingress class name
console-v3.ingress.enabled bool true ingress enabled
console-v3.ingress.hosts[0] object {"host":"{{ tpl $ }}","paths":[{"path":"/","pathType":"Prefix"}]} ingress host
console-v3.ingress.hosts[0].paths[0] object {"path":"/","pathType":"Prefix"} ingress path
console-v3.ingress.hosts[0].paths[0].pathType string "Prefix" ingress path type
console-v3.ingress.tls list [] ingress tls
console-v3.livenessProbe object {} Console liveness probe
console-v3.nodeSelector object {} Console node selector
console-v3.podDisruptionBudget.enabled bool false Enable pod disruption budget
console-v3.podDisruptionBudget.maxUnavailable int 0 Maximum unavailable pods
console-v3.podDisruptionBudget.minAvailable int 1 Minimum available pods
console-v3.podSecurityContext object {} Pod Security Context
console-v3.readinessProbe object {} Console readiness probe
console-v3.replicas int 1 Number of replicas
console-v3.resources object {} Console resources
console-v3.securityContext object {} Container Security Context
console-v3.service.annotations object {} service annotations
console-v3.service.clusterIP string "" service cluster IP
console-v3.service.ports.http object {"port":3000} service http port
console-v3.service.type string "ClusterIP" service type
console-v3.serviceAccount.annotations object {} Service account annotations
console-v3.serviceAccount.create bool true Service account creation string "" Service account name
console-v3.tolerations list [] Console tolerations
console-v3.volumeMounts list [] Console volume mounts
console-v3.volumes list [] Console volumes
membership.affinity object {} Membership affinity
membership.annotations object {} Membership annotations
membership.autoscaling object {} Membership autoscaling
membership.commonLabels object {} DEPRECATED Membership service
membership.config.additionalEnv list [] Additional Environment variables on the main deployment
membership.config.auth.additionalOAuthClients list [] Membership additional oauth clients
membership.config.auth.tokenValidity object {"accessToken":"5m","refreshToken":"72h"} According to "nsuµmh" And
membership.config.fctl bool true Enable Fctl
membership.config.grpc.existingSecret string ""
membership.config.grpc.secretKeys.secret string "TOKENS"
membership.config.grpc.tokens list [] Membership agent grpc token
membership.config.job object {"garbageCollector":{"concurrencyPolicy":"Forbid","enabled":false,"resources":{},"restartPolicy":"Never","schedule":"0 0 * * *","startingDeadlineSeconds":200,"suspend":false,"tolerations":[],"volumeMounts":[],"volumes":[]},"invitationGC":{"concurrencyPolicy":"Forbid","resources":{},"restartPolicy":"Never","schedule":"0/30 * * * *","startingDeadlineSeconds":200,"suspend":false,"tolerations":[],"volumeMounts":[],"volumes":[]},"stackLifeCycle":{"concurrencyPolicy":"Forbid","enabled":false,"resources":{},"restartPolicy":"Never","schedule":"*/30 * * * *","startingDeadlineSeconds":200,"suspend":false,"tolerations":[],"volumeMounts":[],"volumes":[]}} CronJob to manage the stack life cycle and the garbage collector
membership.config.job.garbageCollector object {"concurrencyPolicy":"Forbid","enabled":false,"resources":{},"restartPolicy":"Never","schedule":"0 0 * * *","startingDeadlineSeconds":200,"suspend":false,"tolerations":[],"volumeMounts":[],"volumes":[]} Clean expired tokens and refresh tokens after X time
membership.config.job.stackLifeCycle object {"concurrencyPolicy":"Forbid","enabled":false,"resources":{},"restartPolicy":"Never","schedule":"*/30 * * * *","startingDeadlineSeconds":200,"suspend":false,"tolerations":[],"volumeMounts":[],"volumes":[]} Job create 2 jobs to eaither warn or prune a stacks This does not change the state of the stack WARN: Mark stack Disposable -> trigger a mail PRUNE: Mark stack Warned -> trigger a mail It blocks stack cycles if supendend It is highly recommended to enable it as it is the only way we control
membership.config.migration.annotations object {} Membership job migration annotations Argo CD translate pre-install,pre-upgrade to: PreSync
membership.config.migration.serviceAccount.annotations object {}
membership.config.migration.serviceAccount.create bool true string ""
membership.config.migration.ttlSecondsAfterFinished string ""
membership.config.migration.volumeMounts list []
membership.config.migration.volumes list []
membership.config.oidc object {"clientId":"membership","clientSecret":"changeMe","existingSecret":"","scopes":["openid","email","federated:id"],"secretKeys":{"secret":""}} Membership relying party connection url
membership.config.oidc.clientId string "membership" Membership oidc client id
membership.config.oidc.clientSecret string "changeMe" Membership oidc client secret
membership.config.oidc.existingSecret string "" Membership oidc existing secret
membership.config.oidc.scopes list ["openid","email","federated:id"] Membership oidc redirect uri
membership.config.oidc.scopes[2] string "federated:id" Membership Dex federated id scope
membership.config.oidc.secretKeys object {"secret":""} Membership oidc secret key
membership.config.publisher.clientID string "membership"
membership.config.publisher.jetstream.replicas int 1
membership.config.publisher.topicMapping string "membership"
membership.config.stack.cycle.delay.disable string "72h"
membership.config.stack.cycle.delay.disablePollingDelay string "1m"
membership.config.stack.cycle.delay.disposable string "360h"
membership.config.stack.cycle.delay.prune string "720h"
membership.config.stack.cycle.delay.prunePollingDelay string "1m"
membership.config.stack.cycle.delay.warn string "72h"
membership.config.stack.cycle.dryRun bool true
membership.config.stack.minimalStackModules[0] string "Auth"
membership.config.stack.minimalStackModules[1] string "Ledger"
membership.config.stack.minimalStackModules[2] string "Payments"
membership.config.stack.minimalStackModules[3] string "Gateway"
membership.debug bool false Membership debug bool false Membership dev, disable ssl verification
membership.fullnameOverride string "" Membership fullname override
membership.image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" Membership image pull policy
membership.image.repository string "" Membership image repository
membership.image.tag string "" Membership image tag
membership.imagePullSecrets list [] Membership image pull secrets
membership.ingress.annotations object {} Membership ingress annotations
membership.ingress.className string "" Membership ingress class name
membership.ingress.enabled bool true Membership ingress enabled
membership.ingress.hosts[0] object {"host":"{{ tpl $ }}","paths":[{"path":"/api","pathType":"Prefix"}]} Membership ingress host
membership.ingress.hosts[0].paths[0] object {"path":"/api","pathType":"Prefix"} Membership ingress path
membership.ingress.hosts[0].paths[0].pathType string "Prefix" Membership ingress path type
membership.ingress.tls list [] Membership ingress tls
membership.initContainers list [] Membership init containers
membership.nameOverride string "" Membership name override
membership.nodeSelector object {} Membership node selector
membership.podDisruptionBudget.enabled bool false Enable pod disruption budget
membership.podDisruptionBudget.maxUnavailable int 0 Maximum unavailable pods
membership.podDisruptionBudget.minAvailable int 1 Minimum available pods
membership.podSecurityContext object {} Membership pod security context
membership.replicaCount int 1 Count of replicas
membership.resources object {} Membership resources
membership.securityContext.capabilities object {"drop":["ALL"]} Membership security context capabilities drop
membership.securityContext.readOnlyRootFilesystem bool true Membership security context read only root filesystem
membership.securityContext.runAsNonRoot bool true Membership security context run as non root
membership.securityContext.runAsUser int 1000 Membership security context run as user
membership.service.annotations object {} service annotations
membership.service.clusterIP string "" service cluster IP
membership.service.ports.grpc.port int 8082 service grpc port
membership.service.ports.http object {"port":8080} service http port
membership.service.type string "ClusterIP" service type
membership.serviceAccount.annotations object {} Service account annotations
membership.serviceAccount.create bool true Service account creation string "" Service account name
membership.tolerations list [] Membership tolerations
membership.volumeMounts list [] Membership volume mounts
membership.volumes list [] Membership volumes
portal.affinity object {} Portal affinity
portal.annotations object {} Portal annotations
portal.autoscaling.enabled bool false
portal.autoscaling.maxReplicas int 100
portal.autoscaling.minReplicas int 1
portal.autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage int 80
portal.config.additionalEnv list [] Additional environment variables
portal.config.cookie.existingSecret string "" Cookie existing secret string "" if console-v2 the name is not configurable. if using console-v3 the name is configurable, it is intended to be used when having multiple console-v3 instances.
portal.config.cookie.secret string "changeMe2" Cookie secret
portal.config.cookie.secretKeys object {"secret":""} Cookie secret key
portal.config.environment string "production" Portal environment
portal.config.featuresDisabled[0] string "console_v3_beta"
portal.config.sentry.authToken object {"existingSecret":"","secretKeys":{"value":""},"value":""} Sentry Auth Token
portal.config.sentry.dsn string "" Sentry DSN
portal.config.sentry.enabled bool false Sentry enabled
portal.config.sentry.environment string "" Sentry environment
portal.config.sentry.release string "" Sentry release
portal.image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" image pull policy
portal.image.repository string "" image repository
portal.image.tag string "" image tag
portal.imagePullSecrets list []
portal.ingress.annotations object {} ingress annotations
portal.ingress.className string "" ingress class name
portal.ingress.enabled bool true ingress enabled
portal.ingress.hosts[0].host string "{{ tpl $ }}" ingress host
portal.ingress.hosts[0].paths[0] object {"path":"/","pathType":"Prefix"} ingress path
portal.ingress.hosts[0].paths[0].pathType string "Prefix" ingress path type
portal.ingress.tls list [] ingress tls
portal.livenessProbe object {} Portal liveness probe
portal.nodeSelector object {} Portal node selector
portal.podDisruptionBudget.enabled bool false Enable pod disruption budget
portal.podDisruptionBudget.maxUnavailable int 0 Maximum unavailable pods
portal.podDisruptionBudget.minAvailable int 1 Minimum available pods
portal.podSecurityContext object {} Pod Security Context
portal.readinessProbe object {} Portal readiness probe
portal.replicas int 1 Number of replicas
portal.resources object {} Portal resources
portal.securityContext object {} Container Security Context
portal.service.annotations object {} service annotations
portal.service.clusterIP string "" service cluster IP
portal.service.ports.http object {"port":3000} service http port
portal.service.type string "ClusterIP" service type
portal.serviceAccount.annotations object {} Service account annotations
portal.serviceAccount.create bool true Service account creation string "" Service account name
portal.tolerations list [] Portal tolerations
portal.volumeMounts list [] Portal volume mounts
portal.volumes list [] Portal volumes