Components are the main way in which mtriage is intended to be extended. A custom component can either be a selector (to index and retrieve media to kick of an mtriage workflow) or an analyser (to process media in an mtriage workflow).
Components currently sit within src/lib/selectors and src/lib/analysers. Each component is self-contained (along with a listing of the dependencies it requires) inside a folder there.
If you are contributing a new analyser or selector, you should confirm that it runs without issues in a standalone build. Mtriage uses whitelists to allow the creation of standalone builds. Work through the following steps to create a custom build with your component:
- Create a 'whitelist.txt' in the core mtriage directory, which contains
a single line with the name of your new component. For example, if your
component is called 'MyCustomComponent', your whitelist would look like
- Create the custom mtriage image with solely your component with the
following command:
./mtriage dev build --tag mycustomcomponent --whitelist whitelist.txt
- Test the running of your component with the following command:
./mtriage run path/to/config.yml --tag mycustomcomponent --dev
Please note that mtriage is still in a very early stage of development, but we will keep updating this document as the code changes.
Thanks again for your interest and for your future contributions!