For most local development it is not necessary to set up docker. Use the following script to create a python virtual environment and install the required dependencies
This only needs to be done once. Make sure you are working in that virtual environment.
source venv/bin/activate
From the dash/ directory python and direct your browser to .
From the updater/ directory python to fetch new data. R -f requirements.R to install new R packages and python to run the models.
Takes >3GB disk and 6m15s on my machine:
rm -rf /var/lib/docker
systemctl restart docker
docker network create web
docker-compose down
docker-compose up -d
Use docker container ls to see running containers by name, and docker logs to see the output of a running docker instance.
Before pushing commits you should locally build to run tests, check formatting and documentation. Use the following command to run the build
CI is performed on Travis. The configuration file is
A slight modification needed to be made to the normal Travis config in order for Python 3.7 to work travis-ci/travis-ci#9069 (comment)
To check PEP8 formatting we use flake8. Run flake8 by using the following
command, which will automatically discover the configuration in setup.cfg
To automatically format our code to PEP8 standard we use black. Run black by
using the following command which will automatically discover the configuration
in pyproject.toml
black ./
black will not reformat comments, so it is important that you run flake8 locally to discover any issues before pushing.