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WebLog: FORCE11 website and infrastructure

Simon Worthington edited this page May 27, 2022 · 4 revisions

The log is intended to help FORCE11 volunteers get information on past tasks carried out on the site, and to help coordinate resource allocation in regards to the amoount of time needed to maintain site and skills needed.

Please add estimate oftime taken and add your name initial to tasks

Task log


27 May

4 March

Timesheet: 1 hrs

  • Support: MathRank issue not collecting GA data: Mathrank support fixing - SW
  • New plugin: Temporary Login Without Password - SW
  • New plugin: WP Activity Log - SW

3 March

Timesheet: 1 hrs

Planned updates:

  • Plugin PRO update: Wordfence updated to PRO to allow for instant Wordfence threat fixes, and to allow country are targetted IP Blocking. - SW
  • New plugin added: MathRank SEO - better SEO, 404 handeling - SW
  • New plugin added: Google Site Kit - to add GA tracking code - SW
  • Plugin removed: WP Control - SW
  • Plugin removed: The SEO Framework - SW
  • Plugin removed: Buddy Blog - SW
  • Plugin removed: BP Groups Extra - SW
  • Plugin removed: Sched - SW


22 Nov

  • Buddy Press Activity Streams turned off (all: site, group, user) - SW