- React v19: refactor away from default props for functional components. Refs UICIRC-1080.
- Update Circulation permissions names. UICIRC-1051.
. Refs UICIRC-1177. - Migrate to shared GA workflows. Refs UICIRC-1174.
- BREAKING Update stripes-* dependencies to latest version. Refs UICIRC-1176.
- Add seven new item-level tokens to staff slip editor. Fixes UICIRC-1169.
- Refactor RulesEditor away from componentWillReceiveProps. Refs UICIRC-431.
- Add seven new item-level tokens to patron note editor. Fixes UICIRC-1178.
- Make
Consortium title level request
settings available only in Central tenant. Refs UICIRC-1192.
10.0.1 (2024-12-04)
- Added missing translations. Refs UICIRC-1128.
10.0.0 (2024-11-30)
- Move TLR enable settings to Circulation > General. Refs UICIRC-1038.
- Create a new setting - Enable ECS title level requests. Refs UICIRC-1040.
- Add view permissions for Circulation settings. Refs UICIRC-1056.
- Implement feature toggle for ECS and not ECS envs. Refs UICIRC-1118.
9.2.1 (2024-11-13)
- Fix DOMPurify import. Refs UICIRC-1122.
9.2.0 (2024-10-30)
- Use Save & close button label stripes-component translation key. Refs UICIRC-1066.
- Remove bigtests from github actions. Refs UICIRC-1079.
- Create new permission 'Settings (Circ): Can enable request print details'. Refs UICIRC-1093.
- Create a new circ settings page and configuration to enable request print history. Refs UICIRC-1087.
- Add page title to Circulation settings - View Print Details Page. Refs UICIRC-1089.
- Add staffUsername as staff slips token in Settings. Refs UICIRC-1101.
- Add request.barcodeImage as staff slips token in Settings. Refs UICIRC-1103.
- Update warning message when disabling the "Enable view print details (Pick slips)" configuration. Refs UICIRC-1106.
- Add new token sections and tokens to staff slips. Refs UICIRC-1111.
9.1.0 (2024-03-22)
- Also support
interface version19.0
. Refs UICIRC-992. - Create and Display new Staff slip (Search slip (Hold requests)). Refs UICIRC-1001.
- Create a new Circulation setting Print hold requests (Open – Not yet filled) – Printing search slips. Refs UICIRC-1000.
- Change label for count closed days. Refs UICIRC-1017.
- Unfreeze the first five selection menus for reminder fees. Refs UICIRC-1002, UICIRC-1005, UICIRC-1006.
- UI tests replacement with RTL/Jest for
. Refs UICIRC-959. - Change functionality for accordions on Circulation settings page (create/edit). Refs UICIRC-1010.
- Add "Print only" option to patron notice templates. Refs ICIRC-985.
- Add the possibility to correctly delete fixed due date schedule range. Refs UICIRC-1026.
- Cover Widget by jest tests. Refs UICIRC-899.
- Add page titles to Circulation settings pages. Refs UICIRC-970.
- RulesEditor should use stripes.hasPerm. Refs UICIRC-1047.
- Disable block template under reminder fees. Refs UICIRC-1046.
- UI tests replacement with RTL/Jest for
. Refs UICIRC-958. - Create a new permission "Settings (Circulation): Can view staff slips". Refs UICIRC-848.
- Add
token for patron notice templates and for staff slips templates. Refs UICIRC-1059. - Fix that Save & close button is missing in the circulation forms. Refs UICIRC-1064.
9.0.5 (2024-03-21)
- Only certain HTML tags should be rendered when displaying staff slips. Refs UICIRC-1070, UICIRC-1060.
9.0.4 (2024-02-22)
- Fix issue with 'Enter' key in circulation rules editor that adds indent to previous line. Refs UICIRC-1042.
9.0.3 (2023-11-09)
- Fix problem with accordions on Circulation settings page. Refs UICIRC-1009.
9.0.2 (2023-11-08)
- Fix permission error for Settings (Circ): Can create, edit and remove overdue fine policies. Refs UICIRC-1013.
- Fix wrong position of "Cancel" and "Save & close" button. Refs UICIRC-1014.
- Extend "Settings (Circ): Can create, edit and remove request policies" permission to be able to see service points. Refs UICIRC-1016.
9.0.1 (2023-11-02)
- Remove
option from notice methods. Fixes UICIRC-995.
9.0.0 (2023-10-12)
- Add metadata information to view of Staff Slips (Settings > Circulation > Staff Slips). Refs UICIRC-855.
- Implement General information accordion. Refs UICIRC-909
- Implement Template content accordion. Refs UICIRC-910
- Add "item.loanType" as notice token in Settings. Refs UICIRC-852
- Use camel case notation for all data-testid. Refs UICIRC-912.
- Replace
in props toControlledVocab
. Refs UICIRC-849. - Add metadata info to view of Patron Notice Templates (Settings > Circulation > Patron Notice Templates). Refs UICIRC-856.
- Add metadata info and accordion organization to Patron Notice Templates edit screen. REFs UICIRC-906.
- Create a new permission that grants View-only access to Settings > Circulation > Circulation rules. Refs UICIRC-843.
- Support
interface version18.0
. Refs UICIRC-920. - Add "Discovery display name" as notice token in Settings. Refs UICIRC-792.
- Add "Departments" as staff slip token in Settings. Refs UICIRC-844.
- FE | Make the token "feeCharge.additionalInfo" selectable for automated f/f adjustment notice templates. Refs UICIRC-862.
- Changed translation for token section. Refs UICIRC-911.
- Fields use full use screen width (part 1). Refs UICIRC-917.
- Update patron notice policy: Multiples options for "Lost item fee(s) charged". Refs UICIRC-895.
- Make the token feeCharge.additionalInfo selectable for automated f/f charge notice templates. Refs UICIRC-838.
- Add new multiples token: Multiple fee/fine charges for the Fee/fine charge section. Refs UICIRC-904.
- Remove unnecessary
manifest param. Refs UIREQ-858. - Add "Current date/time" as staff slip token in Settings. Refs UICIRC-793.
- Add item.effectiveLocationPrimaryServicePointName as staff slip token in Settings. Ref CIRC-1785
- Leverage cookie-based authentication in all API requests. Refs UICIRC-881.
- Also support
. Refs UICIRC-935. - Add request.requestDate as staff slip token in Settings. Ref CIRC-1784
- Add new template token
for loan notifications. Fixes UICIRC-939. - Add new template tokens for user addresses under patron notice templates Fixes UICIRC-938.
- Add "Reminder fees" sub-section to Overdue Fine Policy. Refs UICIRC-931.
- UI tests replacement with RTL/Jest for rules-show-hint (part 2). Refs UICIRC-845.
- Update record metadata object when saving circulation rules. Refs UICIRC-858.
- Add extra fields to reminder fees policy. Refs UICIRC-955.
- Add New setting to enable hold requests to fail. Refs UICIRC-949.
- Fix Circ rules editor crashes when certain special characters entered in filter box. Refs UICIRC-921.
- Prevent editing of shared settings from outside "Consortium manager". Refs UICIRC-962.
- Allowing Selection of Some Pickup Service Points as Optional When Creating a New Request Policy. Refs UICIRC-963.
- Upgrade babel config. Refs UICIRC-968.
- Add possible for run axe tests. Refs UICIRC-965.
- Update Node.js to v18 in GitHub Actions. Refs UICIRC-969.
- BREAKING Upgrade React to v18. Refs UICIRC-966.
- Make visible selected service points after page reloading. Refs UICIRC-972.
- Get rid of automatic alert after request failure. UICIRC-967.
- Change enums for notice method. UICIRC-973.
. Refs UICIRC-977. - Add informational message for Holds to New Request Policy page. Refs UICIRC-981.
- Restore previously deleted Jest/RTL tests that were failing. Refs UICIRC-971.
- Add "hour" to the time frequency for reminder fees. Fixes UICIRC-983.
- Freeze the first five selection menus for reminder fees. Refs UICIRC-982.
- Remove outdated imports. Refs UICIRC-987.
8.0.1 (2023-03-07)
- Update
. Refs UICIRC-916.
8.0.0 (2023-02-22)
- Make consistent view of delete functionality of "Fixed due date schedules". Refs UICIRC-874.
- Increase code coverage of "PatronNotices.js" file. Refs UICIRC-866.
- Add "Settings (Circ): Can edit staff slips" permission. Refs UICIRC-876.
- UI tests replacement with RTL/Jest for
folder inValidation
. Refs UICIRC-811. - Add "requester.preferredFirstName" as staff slip token in Settings. Refs UICIRC-819.
- Remove bigtest tests and associated dependencies. Refs UICIRC-591.
- Bump major versions of several @folio/stripes-* packages. Refs UICIRC-891.
- Add "user.preferredFirstName" as notice token in Settings. Refs UICIRC-462.
- Add "Patron Group" as staff slip token in Settings. Refs UICIRC-791.
- UI tests replacement with RTL/Jest for
. Refs UICIRC-864. - UI tests replacement with RTL/Jest for
folder inValidation
. Refs UICIRC-810. - Removed unused file. Refs UICIRC-865.
- UI tests replacement with RTL/Jest for
folder inValidation
. Refs UICIRC-809. - UI tests replacement with RTL/Jest for
. Refs UICIRC-867. - An error for spacebar before symbols in "Subject" field when create Patron notice template. Fixes UICIRC-898.
- UI tests replacement with RTL/Jest for component
. Refs UICIRC-827. - UI tests replacement with RTL/Jest for
. Refs UICIRC-831.
7.2.1 (2022-11-29)
- Fix problem with saving Notice template. UICIRC-870.
- Fix problem with saving Due date schedules. UICIRC-872.
- Fix problem with saving Request policy. UICIRC-873.
7.2.0 (2022-10-20)
- UI tests replacement with RTL/Jest for
. UICIRC-814. - UI tests replacement with RTL/Jest for
. UICIRC-828. - Add RTL/Jest testing for
. Refs UICIRC-829. - UI tests replacement with RTL/Jest for
file inValidation
. Refs UICIRC-813. - UI tests replacement with RTL/Jest for hooks in
. UICIRC-830. - Correctly import components from @folio/stripes/* packages. UICIRC-839.
- Change setting "Loan history" setting to "Loan anonymization". UICIRC-685
- Split
into a few files and cover new files by RTL/Jest test. Refs UICIRC-823. - Cover functions in
by RTL/jest tests. UICIRC-832. - Do not allow only space characters in the notice template body. UICIRC-783
- Create a new permission "Settings (Circ): Can edit loan history". UICIRC-766.
- With the permission "Settings (Circ): Can view loan history", hide the Save button on the Loan history pane. UICIRC-767
- UI tests replacement with RTL/Jest for initRulesCMM. Refs UICIRC-837.
7.1.0 (2022-06-29)
- Add RTL/Jest testing for
component insettings/LostItemFeePolicy
. Refs UICIRC-758. - Add RTL/Jest testing for
component insettings/PatronNotices
. Refs UICIRC-760. - Add RTL/Jest testing for
component insrc/settings/StaffSlips
. Refs UICIRC-762. - Add RTL/Jest testing for
component insrc/settings/LoanPolicy
. Refs UICIRC-757. - Add RTL/Jest testing for
component insettings/NoticePolicy
. Refs UICIRC-759. - Add RTL/Jest testing for
component insettings/RequestPolicy
. Refs UICIRC-761. - Add RTL/Jest testing for
component insrc/settings/LoanHistory
. Refs UICIRC-763. - Add RTL/Jest testing for
component insrc/settings/components/AnonymizingTypeSelect
. Refs UICIRC-654. - Add id for Pane component. Refs UICIRC-756.
- Fix problem with module launch. Refs UICIRC-768.
- Cover LoansSection component by RTL/jest tests. Refs UICIRC-613.
- Add RTL/Jest testing for
component insrc/settings/RequestPolicy
. Refs UICIRC-647. - Add RTL/Jest testing for
component insrc\settings\NoticePolicy\components\EditSections\components
. Refs UICIRC-636. - Cover FixedDueDateScheduleForm component by RTL/jest tests. Refs UICIRC-609.
- Add RTL/Jest testing for
component insrc/settings/PatronNotices
. Refs UICIRC-644. - Cypress issue with circulation rules form. Refs UICIRC-776.
- User can save "Overdue fine" and "Overdue recall fine" with values less than 0. Refs UICIRC-784.
- Lost item processing fee can be saved with a value less than 0. Refs UICIRC-779.
- Fix tests fails. Refs UICIRC-816.
- Unable to delete fixed due date schedule with permission
. Refs UICIRC-715. - Extract repeatable part of code from
. Refs UICIRC-804. - Add RTL/Jest testing for
folder. Refs UICIRC-806. - Update NodeJS to v16 in GitHub Actions. Refs UICIRC-815.
- Add RTL/Jest testing for
folder. Refs UICIRC-795. - UI tests replacement with RTL/Jest for
folder inModels
. Refs UICIRC-796. - Add RTL/Jest testing for
folder. Refs UICIRC-797. - Fix problems in
tests. Refs UICIRC-817. - Replace babel-eslint with @babel/eslint-parser. Refs UICIRC-780.
- No validation for spacebar when create Patron notice template. Refs UICIRC-782.
- Fix eslint error. Refs UICIRC-820.
- Adjust
permission set. Refs UICIRC-697. - Create common helper, cover it by RTL/jest tests. UICIRC-803.
- Cover
folder inModels
by RTL/jest tests. Refs UICIRC-798. - Add RTL/Jest testing for
. Refs UICIRC-802. - Add RTL/Jest testing for
component insrc/settings/lib/RuleEditor
. Refs UICIRC-826. - Add RTL/Jest testing for
folder. Refs UICIRC-805. - Cover
by RTL/jest tests. Refs UICIRC-801. - Add RTL/Jest testing for
component insrc/settings/lib/RuleEditor
. Refs UICIRC-825. - Add RTL/Jest testing for
folder. Refs UICIRC-799. - Add RTL/Jest testing for
components insrc/settings/Validation
. Refs UICIRC-812. - UI tests replacement with RTL/Jest for
folder inModels
. UICIRC-800. - Add RTL/Jest testing for
folder. Refs UICIRC-808. - Add RTL/Jest testing for
folder. Refs UICIRC-807.
7.0.3 (2022-04-11)
- Hide title level requests settings. Refs UICIRC-777.
7.0.2 (2022-04-06)
- Lost Item Policy validation error with aging only recalls to lost. Refs UICIRC-772.
7.0.1 (2022-03-31)
- Add the possibility to select only active templates. Refs UICIRC-771.
7.0.0 (2022-02-24)
- Add RTL/Jest testing for
component inLoanPolicy/components/ViewSections
. Refs UICIRC-695. - Add RTL/Jest testing for
component insettings/StaffSlips
. Refs UICIRC-650. - Add RTL/Jest testing for
component inLoanPolicy/components/EditSections
. Refs UICIRC-615. - Add RTL/Jest testing for
component inFixedDueDateSchedule/components/EditSections/components
. Refs UICIRC-603. - Add RTL/Jest testing for
component insettings/NoticePolicy/components/DetailSections/components/NoticeCard
. Refs UICIRC-635. - Add RTL/Jest testing for
component inPatronNotices/TokensList/TokensList.js
. Refs UICIRC-645. - Add Title Level Request permission. Refs UICIRC-699.
- Add RTL/Jest testing for
component inLostItemFeePolicy/components/EditSections
. Refs UICIRC-623. - Create new setting for title level requests. Refs UICIRC-698.
- UI tests replacement with RTL/Jest for component
(EditSections). Refs UICIRC-641. - Locations display as
{code} {name}
and thus should be sorted by code, name. Refs UICIRC-703. - Add RTL/Jest testing for
component insettings/PatronNotices
. Refs UICIRC-643. - Title level request setting cannot be disabled when there is an active title level request in the system. Refs UICIRC-708.
- Add possible for resizing panel in circulation rules editor. Refs UICIRC-709.
- Use constants instead of hardcoded value for query limits. Refs UICIRC-724.
- Prevent deletion of policies if they're in use. Refs UICIRC-669.
- Add RTL/Jest testing for
component inNoticePolicy/components/EditSections/FeeFineNoticesSection
. Refs UICIRC-637. - Add RTL/Jest testing for
component insettings/LoanHistory/ExceptionCard
. Refs UICIRC-604. - Add RTL/Jest testing for
component insettings\FixedDueDateSchedule
. Refs UICIRC-608. - Add RTL/Jest testing for
component insrc\settings\RequestPolicy
. Refs UICIRC-646. - UI fee/fine date/time token previews are hard-coded. Refs UICIRC-480.
- Also support
. Refs UICIRC-729. - Add RTL/Jest testing for
component insrc/settings/CheckoutSettings
. Refs UICIRC-592. - Add RTL/Jest testing for
component insrc/settings/NoticePolicy
. Refs UICIRC-629. - Add RTL/Jest testing for
component insrc/settings/LostItemFeePolicy
. Refs UICIRC-619. - Add RTL/Jest testing for
component insrc/settings/NoticePolicy
. Refs UICIRC-630. - Add RTL/Jest testing for
component insrc/settings/FinePolicy
. Refs UICIRC-737. - Add RTL/Jest testing for
component insrc/settings/LoanPolicy
. Refs UICIRC-611. - Add RTL/Jest testing for
component insrc/settings/StaffSlips
. Refs UICIRC-649. - Add RTL/Jest testing for
component insrc/settings/LoanHistory
. Refs UICIRC-606. - Add RTL/Jest testing for
component insrc/settings/FinePolicy
. Refs UICIRC-738. - Add RTL/Jest testing for
component insrc/settings/FixedDueDateSchedule
. Refs UICIRC-600. - Also support
. Refs UICIRC-732. - Date format in preview should change depending on localization in
Staff slips
. Refs UICIRC-734. Preview of patron notice template
title is broken.Preview of staff slips
title is broken. Refs UICIRC-735.- Add RTL/Jest testing for
component insrc\settings\LostItemFeePolicy
. Refs UICIRC-621. - Add RTL/Jest testing for
component insrc/settings/FinePolicy
. Refs UICIRC-593. - Permission errors with
. Refs UICIRC-717. - Add setting to enable and disable wildcard barcode lookup. Refs UICIRC-712.
- Remove "Requests" from list of circulation apps to enable perform wildcard lookup of items by barcode in Circulation settings. Refs UICIRC-754.
- Permission errors with
. Refs UICIRC-747. - Permission errors with
. Refs UICIRC-748. - Permission errors with
. Refs UICIRC-742. - Add
as subpermission forui-circulation.settings.view-lost-item-fees-policies
. Refs UICIRC-745. - Add
as subpermission forui-circulation.settings.view-overdue-fines-policies
. Refs UICIRC-746. - Permission errors with
. Refs UICIRC-744. - Add
as subpermission forui-circulation.settings.other-settings
. Refs UICIRC-750. - Add
as subpermissions forui-circulation.settings.circulation-rules
. Refs UICIRC-714.
[6.0.1] (https://github.com/folio-org/ui-circulation/tree/v6.0.1) (2021-11-23)
- Provide read-only access to loan policies. Refs UICIRC-693.
6.0.0 (2021-09-30)
- Fix a typo in the word Year(s) in the Period interval. Refs UICIRC-662.
- Update
. Refs UICIRC-576. - Update
. Refs UICIRC-575 - Fix bug causing incorrect validation in lost item fee policies. Fixes UICIRC-667, UICIRC-668.
- Add RTL/Jest testing for
component. Refs UICIRC-601. - Add RTL/Jest testing for
component inFinePolicy/components/EditSections
. Refs UICIRC-595. - Add RTL/Jest testing for
function inFinePolicy/utils
. Refs UICIRC-599. - Add RTL/Jest testing for
function inLostItemFeePolicy/utils
. Refs UICIRC-628. - Add RTL/Jest testing for
component. Refs UICIRC-631. - Add RTL/Jest testing for
function inLoanHistory/utils
. Refs UICIRC-607. - Add RTL/Jest testing for
function inLoanPolicy/utils
. Refs UICIRC-620. - Add RTL/Jest testing for
component inFinePolicy/components/ViewSections
. Refs UICIRC-598. - Add RTL/Jest testing for
component inLostItemFeePolicy/components/ViewSections
. Refs UICIRC-625. - Add RTL/Jest testing for
component inLoanPolicy/components/ViewSections
. Refs UICIRC-616. - Add RTL/Jest testing for all functions in
. Refs UICIRC-642. - Support
interface version17.0
. Refs UICIRC-671. - Investigate possibility to run tests successfully. Refs UICIRC-681.
- Add RTL/Jest testing for
component inLoanPolicy/components/EditSections
. Refs UICIRC-612. - Add RTL/Jest testing for
component inLostItemFeePolicy/components/EditSections
. Refs UICIRC-622. - Add RTL/Jest testing for
component inNoticePolicy/components/DetailSections
. Refs UICIRC-634. - Add RTL/Jest testing for functions in
. Refs UICIRC-682. - Add RTL/Jest testing for
component inFinePolicy/components/ViewSections
. Refs UICIRC-597. - Add RTL/Jest testing for
component inNoticePolicy/components/DetailSections
. Refs UICIRC-632. - Add RTL/Jest testing for
component insettings/components/AnonymizingTypeSelect
. Refs UICIRC-653. - Add RTL/Jest testing for
component insettings/components
. Refs UICIRC-652. - Add RTL/Jest testing for
component inNoticePolicy/components/DetailSections
. Refs UICIRC-633. - Add RTL/Jest testing for
component inNoticePolicy/components/EditSections
. Refs UICIRC-639. - Add RTL/Jest testing for
function insettings/utils/rules-string-convertors.js
. Refs UICIRC-686. - Add RTL/Jest testing for functions in
. Refs UICIRC-656. - Add RTL/Jest testing for
component inLoanPolicy/components/ViewSections
. Refs UICIRC-617. - Add RTL/Jest testing for
component inLoanPolicy/components/ViewSections
. Refs UICIRC-618. - Add RTL/Jest testing for
component inLostItemFeePolicy/components/EditSections
. Refs UICIRC-624. - Increment
. Refs UICIRC-676. - Add RTL/Jest testing for
component inNoticePolicy/components/EditSections
. Refs UICIRC-640. - Add RTL/Jest testing for
components inFinePolicy/components/EditSections/RangeSection
. Refs UICIRC-596. - Add RTL/Jest testing for
component insettings/components/Period
. Refs UICIRC-655. - Improve circ rules location list display, at least a tiny bit. Refs UICIRC-430.
- Add RTL/Jest testing for
component inFinePolicy/components/EditSections
. Refs UICIRC-594. - Add RTL/Jest testing for
component inLoanPolicy/components/EditSections
. Refs UICIRC-614. - Add RTL/Jest testing for
component inNoticePolicy/components/EditSections
. Refs UICIRC-638. - Add RTL/Jest testing for
component inRequestPolicy/components/EditSections
. Refs UICIRC-648. - Add RTL/Jest testing for
component inLostItemFeePolicy/components/ViewSections/LostItemFeeSection
. Refs UICIRC-627. - Add RTL/Jest testing for
component insettings/StaffSlips/TokensList
. Refs UICIRC-651. - Add RTL/Jest testing for
component inFixedDueDateSchedule/components/EditSections/components
. Refs UICIRC-602. - Add RTL/Jest testing for
component insettings/LoanHistory
. Refs UICIRC-605. - Add RTL/Jest testing for
component insrc/settings/LoanPolicy
. Refs UICIRC-610.
5.1.1 (2021-08-06)
- Fix bug causing incorrect validation in lost item fee policies. Fixes UICIRC-667, UICIRC-668.
5.1.0 (2021-06-14)
- Update the .gitignore file. Refs UICIRC-550.
- Add pull request template. Refs UICIRC-551.
- Added ability to use user Custom Fields as patron IDs during checkout. Refs UICIRC-549
- Add settings up for Jest/RTL tests. Refs UICIRC-557.
- Also support
. Refs UICIRC-563. - Support configurable audio themes. Refs UICIRC-556.
- Fix limit in policy settings. Fixes UICIRC-568.
- Larger query limits for circulation-rules related queries. Fixes UICIRC-568.
- Also support
. Refs UICIRC-578. - Checked out an item with due date/time in the past. Refs UICIRC-565.
- Fix failed build on ui-circulation. Fixes UICIRC-657.
5.0.1 (2021-04-21)
- Shown notice template name on notice policy for fees/fines notices (view mode). Refs UICIRC-566.
5.0.0 (https://github.com/folio-org/ui-circulation/tree/v5.0.0) (2021-03-09)
- Keyword all - allowed by backend. Refs UICIRC-506.
- Update version of
okapi interface tov16.0
. - Modifier ! (not) - preceding value entered for a criteria, means any value except. Refs UICIRC-507.
- Add
Allow recalls to extend overdue loans
setting. Refs UICIRC-525. - Duplicate patron notice template names allowed - case is not considered in validation. Refs UICIRC-528.
- Circ rules editor does not generate space as expected when adding criteria to multiple criteria rule. Refs UICIRC-488.
- Add aged to lost triggers to notice policy. Refs UICIRC-515.
- Add a staff slips token for patron comments. Refs UICIRC-523.
- Add fee/fine action tokens to template with fee/fine charge or adjustment. Refs UICIRC-537.
- Add separate aged to lost settings for recalled items in lost item fee policies. Refs UICIRC-529.
- First field should be in focus for all forms in circulation settings. Refs UICIRC-541.
- Consistent UI for circulation settings. Refs UICIRC-542.
- Update to stripes v6. Refs UICIRC-543.
- Move moment from a regular to a peer and dev dependencies. Refs UICIRC-513.
- Order of settings when viewing Lost Item Fee Policy not same as new/edit order. Refs UICIRC-531.
- Update to
stripes-cli v2.0.0
. Refs UICIRC-547.
4.0.2 (2020-11-24)
- Incorrect validation blocking user from saving overdue fine policy. Refs UICIRC-533.
4.0.1 (2020-11-05)
- Errors with new validation for 'Lost item fee policy' page. Refs UICIRC-512.
- Unable to enter decimal places on Overdue Fines Policy on Honeysuckle and Snapshot Dev. Refs UICIRC-514.
- Validation and other issues with patron notice template names. Refs UICIRC-518.
4.0.0 (2020-10-13)
- Accessibility work with color contrast. Refs UICIRC-463.
- Able to set Overdue Fine Max to value less than Overdue Fine. Refs UICIRC-475.
- Fee/Fine Overdue Fine Policies: Additional validation not in original user story. Refs UICIRC-476.
- Adjust UI for fee/fine notice token options on templates. Refs UICIRC-479.
- Lost item fee policy: Additional validation not in original user story. Refs UICIRC-478.
- Lost item fee policy: Handle processing fees same as fee amount. Refs UICIRC-482.
- Fix of accessibility errors. Refs UICIRC-464.
- Increment
. - Refactor
. - Display loans section when
is set toNo
. Fixes UICIRC-392. - Localized permission names. Refs UICIRC-504.
- Fix of Lost item fee displays as
Set cost of NaN
. Refs UICIRC-500. - Incorrect error validation for 'Patron billed after aged to lost' on Lost Item Fee Policy. Refs UICIRC-499.
- In circulation rule editor last line cannot be seen. Refs UICIRC-456.
- Migrate Request policy form to react-final-form. Refs UICIRC-438.
- Migrate Staff slips form to react-final-form. Refs UICIRC-446.
- Migrate Patron notice template form to react-final-form. Refs UICIRC-439.
- Change "...close the loan after" to "...scrub the loan after" in Lost Item Fee Policy. Refs UICIRC-485.
- Migrate fixed due date schedule form to react-final-form. Refs UICIRC-445.
- Migrate patron notice policy form to react-final-form. Refs UICIRC-440.
- Migrate Loan policy form to react-final-form. Refs UICIRC-443.
- Move circulation rules form to react-final-from. UICIRC-448.
- Migrate other settings form to react-final-from. UICIRC-447.
- Loan tokens should be unavailable (and greyed out) for manual fee/fine charge category. Refs UICIRC-494.
- Move Overdue fine policy form to react-final-form. Refs UICIRC-442.
- Move Lost item fee policy form to react-final-form. Refs UICIRC-441.
- Move Loan history form to react-final-form. Refs UICIRC-444.
- Modify default values and validation for 'Lost item fee policy. Refs UICIRC-502.
3.0.0 (2020-06-10)
- New/Edit Patron notice policy: do not display inactive loan and request notice templates in the dropdown. Refs UICIRC-418.
- Overdue fee/fine notices. Refs UICIRC-451.
- Update
to avoid2.25.x
bugs. Refs STRIPES-678. - Purge
in prep forreact-intl
migration. Refs STRIPES-672. - Upgrade to
. Refs STRIPES-672. - Extend fee/fine tokens available for notices. Refs UICIRC-458.
- Grey out unavailable tokens on patron notice template token modal. Refs UICIRC-459.
- Use
prefix for deprecated React methods. We know, we know. Refs UICIRC-431. - Fixed Due Date Schedule - Dates on Edit/Create and View out of sync. Refs UICIRC-460.
- Incorrect footer displaying for circulation settings. Refs UICIRC-469.
2.0.0 (2020-03-13)
- Provide two options for barcode tokens on staff slips. Refs UICIRC-393.
- Add hold shelf exp and request exp date/time tokens to patron notice templates. UICIRC-396.
- Provide two options for barcode tokens on patron notices. Refs UICIRC-400.
- Settings > Circulation > Other Settings | Move Save button to the footer. Refs UICIRC-374.
- Settings > Circulation > Loan history | Move Save button to the footer. Refs UICIRC-375.
- Settings > Circulation > Lost item fee policy | increase fee fields box width. Refs UICIRC-402.
- Update circulation okapiInterface to version
. Part of UICIRC-411. - Add translations for aria-label values in EditorToolbar(WYSIWYG). Refs UICIRC-421.
- Migrate to
and movereact-intl
to peerDependencies. - Remove extraneous accordion styling from lost-item fee-fine form.
- Loan policy: Data silently fails to save when interval is missing. Refs UICIRC-327.
- Security update eslint to >= 6.2.1 or eslint-util >= 1.4.1. Refs UICIRC-414.
- Should use Integer not String for checkout timeout value. Refs UICIRC-435.
1.12.0 (2019-12-06)
- Add location items filtering into the circulation rules editor menu. Refs UICIRC-314.
- Validate for closed loans and fines/fees in loan history settings. Refs UITEN-42.
- Fix incorrect save button behavior in Circulation Rules Editor. Refs UICIRC-296.
- Add handling of the special item Any for intermediate menus. Refs UICIRC-334.
- Add full hierarchial path to location codes that are used in the input field of the circulation rules editor. Refs UICIRC-333.
- Fix loan policy holds section. Refs UICIRC-349.
- Clean up Loan history model. Refs UITEN-57.
- Clean up unused dependencies.
- Fix data replacement issues in the circulation rules editor. Refs UICIRC-305.
- Add BigTest and CRUD Fee/Fine Lost Item Fee Policies. Refs UIU-1156.
- Add filter value match highlighting to the location menu of the circulation rules editor. Refs UICIRC-318.
- Fix validation error message display in the circulation rules editor. Refs UICIRC-377.
- Validate the creation of the settings in the Anonymize closed loans section. Refs UITEN-58.
- Create/Edit loan policy | Move Save/Cancel buttons to the footer Refs UICIRC-372.
- Lost item fee policies | Create/Edit Request policies | Move Save/Cancel buttons to the footer UICIRC-370
- Add the overdue fine policies menu to the circulation rules editor. Refs UICIRC-353.
- Add minutes and hours support to the loan history form. Refs UICIRC-388.
- Update structure of the circulation rules editor tests. Refs UICIRC-382.
- Add the lost item fee policies menu to the circulation rules editor. Refs UICIRC-341.
- Add "lastCheckedInDateTime" and remove "lastScannedServicePoint" tokens for staff slips. Refs UICIRC-291.
- View/edit request delivery slip. Refs UICIRC-316.
- Tokens for request delivery slip. Refs UICIRC-319.
- Request delivery slip preview. Refs UICIRC-320.
- Recall notice trigger update. Refs UICIRC-279.
- Update the circulation API to support changes to the rule editor. Refs UICIRC-336.
- Allow user to resize text area for notice and staff slip templates. Refs UICIRC-295.
- Fix the impact of the API change as per MODINVSTOR-315 for ui-circulation. Refs UICIRC-348.
- Staff slip preview for token item.callNumberSuffix isn't working. Refs UICIRC-355.
- Create/Edit Patron notice policies | Move Save/Cancel buttons to the footer. Refs UICIRC-367.
- Create/Edit Patron notice templates| Move Save/Cancel buttons to the footer. Refs UICIRC-368.
- Create/Edit Request policies | Move Save/Cancel buttons to the footer. Refs UICIRC-369.
- Lost item fee policies | Create/Edit Request policies | Move Save/Cancel buttons to the footer. Refs UICIRC-370.
- Create/Edit Overdue fine policy| Move Save/Cancel buttons to the footer. Refs UICIRC-371.
- Create/Edit loan policy | Move Save/Cancel buttons to the footer. Refs UICIRC-372.
- Loan policy: Renewals section not displaying in view when Renewable = N. Refs UICIRC-350.
- Add date/time tokens to patron notice templates. Refs UICIRC-384.
- Add Item Limit to Loan Policy. Refs UICIRC-390.
- Overdue fine policy: Validation field incorrect for overdue recall fine. Refs UIU-1232.
- Lost item fee policy: Words "late" and "Set cost" missing on entry of new policy. Refs UIU-1315.
- Remove periods values from default config in
, handle CSS issue when the loan history form is being submitted and add tests for anonymizing intervals. Refs UICIRC-405.
1.11.0 (2019-09-13)
- CRUD for overdue fine policies. Refs UICIRC-1146
- Rearrange settings page. Refs UICIRC-1146
1.10.0 (2019-09-11)
- Retrieve 1000 elements on Settings pages instead of 10. Refs UICIRC-302.
- Add missing tests for request policy. Part of UICIRC-293.
- Integrate campus and library menus to circulation rules editor. Refs UICIRC-283.
- Update
to accept React viapeerDependencies
. UIIN-678. - Normalize a non alpha-numeric characters from Location Codes in circulation rules editor. Refs UICIRC-260.
- Add backward moving feature to organization hierarchy menus in circulation rules editor. Refs UICIRC-285.
- Integrate location menu into circulation rules editor. Refs UICIRC-259.
- Add CRUD and BigTest Fee/Fine Overdue Fine Policies. Refs UIU-1146.
1.9.0 (2019-07-25)
- Remove unnecessary permissions. Refs UIORG-150.
- Fix display position of autocompletion popup in circulation rules editor. UICIRC-209
- Create settings in UI for users to anonymize closed loans with fees/fines. UIORG-175.
- Add location data fetching to circulation rules editor. UICIRC-272
- Create settings in UI for users to anonymize closed loans with fees/fines and exception for payment method. UIORG-176.
- Refine list of tokens available for staff slip templates. UICIRC-189.
- Expand location-specific token list for patron notice templates. UICIRC-250.
- Integrate institution menu to circulation rules editor. UICIRC-282.
- Other bug fixes. UICIRC-96, UICIRC-269, UICIRC-271.
1.8.0 (2019-06-10)
- Anonymize closed loans. UIORG-169.
- Clearer select options for recall triggering events. UICIRC-252.
- Fix localization in fixed due date schedule form. UICIRC-254.
- Prevent deletion of patron notice template in use. UICIRC-185
- Modal consistency for staff slips and patron notices. UICIRC-262
- Expand user-specific token list for patron notice templates. UICIRC-247
- Move tokens to modal to accommodate growing list of tokens. UICIRC-253.
- Bug fix. UICIRC-255.
- Test coverage. UICIRC-235.
1.7.0 (2019-05-10)
- Eject from deprecated Settings component and demonstrate new routing guidelines. UICIRC-201.
- Provide IDs for loan-policy's actionmenu buttons. Refs UICIRC-237.
- Sort settings entries. Fixes UICIRC-196.
- Disallow deletion of request policies used in circ rules. Part of UICIRC-228.
- Disallow deletion of patron notice policy in use. UICIRC-184.
- Update to pane header to include dropdown menu for notice templates. UICIRC-143.
- Update to pane header to include dropdown menu for loan policies. UICIRC-226.
- Update to pane header to include "Cancel" option in dropdown menu for notice policy. UICIRC-229.
- Bug fixes: UICIRC-159, UICIRC-160, UICIRC-171, UICIRC-172, UICIRC-175, UICIRC-208, UICIRC-210, UICIRC-216, UICIRC-223, UICIRC-231, UICIRC-232.
1.6.0 (2019-03-17)
- Support
interface 7.0. UICIRC-192. - Support
interface 2.0. CIRCSTORE-96. - Add new policy types to policy menu in rules editor. Fixes UICIRC-164.
- Add new policy types to 'fallback policy' section. Fixes UICIRC-165.
- Remove
section from loan policy editor. UICIRC-188. - Add loan policy fields, request management. UICIRC-139.
- Add request management configurations to loan policy preview. UICIRC-186.
- Add request policy CRU v1. Fixes UIREQ-181.
- Permission set for request policy CRUD. UICIRC-163.
- Add notice policy view. UICIRC-108.
- Add request notices to notice policy. UICRIC-157.
- Refine notice policy forms. UICIRC-203, UICIRC-206.
- Constrain patron notices to one per notice policy. UICIRC-106.
- Add permission set for staff slips. Fixes UICIRC-194.
- Do not show unsaved changes popup when policy form is not dirty. Fixes UICIRC-104.
- Add permission set for other settings. Fixes UICIRC-193.
- Add test coverage. UICIRC-190, UICIRC-191.
- Convert source to standard reposity structure. UICIRC-146.
- Change output format for patron notices to 'text/html'.
- Bug fixes. UICIRC-207, UICIRC-213, UICIRC-134, UICIRC-170, UICIRC-205, UICIRC-211
1.5.0 (2019-01-25)
- Upgrade to stripes v2.0.0.
1.4.0 (2018-12-13)
- Provide
prop to<ControlledVocab>
. Refs STSMACOM-139. - Provide
prop to<Field>
. Refs PR #697. - Support circulation v5.0, requiring service-point information on loans. Refs UICIRC-100.
- Use documented react-intl patterns instead of stripes.intl, UICIRC-91.
- Apply internationalization to all hardcodded strings, UICIRC-97.
- Fix invalid dates. Fixes UICIRC-102.
- Implement settings for patron notices. Completes UICIRC-70, -73, -74, -85, -86, -87.
- Add Patron Barcode token to CRUD staff slip templates. UICIRC-95.
- Change From/To Location Tokens in Transit Slip to From/To Service Point. UICIRC-119.
- Loan Policy Editor - Context-based behavior for Closed Library Due Date Management. UICIRC-107.
- Loan Policy: Add "Opening Time Offset". UICIRC-64.
1.3.0 (2018-10-04)
- Update
dependency to v1.0.0 - Use
1.0 framework
1.2.0 (2017-09-12)
- Setup Loan Rules crud v1. For UICIRC-5.
- Add Scan ID setting. UICIRC-12.
- Create/Edit Loan Policy Form in Full-Page Overlay UICIRC-15.
- Add Real Loan Rule Params. Fixes UICIRC-17.
- Support permission for loan-policy maintenance. Fixes UICIRC-21.
- Replace
Fixes UICIRC-25. - Focus on name field for a newly-created loan policy. Fixes UICIRC-19.
- Get
from stripes-components v1.9.0 (and delete the local copy). Fixes UICIRC-26. - Use
to manage fixed-due-date-schedules. Fixes UICIRC-20, UICIRC-22. - Use
to manage loan policies. Fixes UICIRC-32. - Include fixed due date schedule list in loan-policy form. Fixes UICIRC-27.
- Show empty schedules in new Fixed Due Date Schedule form. Fixes UICIRC-30.
- Add empty schedule rows to top of list. Fixes UICIRC-29.
- Setup Callout component for loan policy settings. UICIRC-31.
- Fix loan policy form. Fixes UICIRC-34.
- Store and dereference UUID in loan rules. Fixes UICIRC-35.
- Use more-current stripes-components. Refs STRIPES-495.
- Update dependencies. Refs STRIPES-501.
- Provide ID for Scan-ID form for easy access by tests. Refs UITEST-20. Available from v1.1.2.
- Add setting for audio alerts in circulation. Fixes UICIRC-47.
- Ignore yarn-error.log file. Refs STRIPES-517.
- Match periodId and profileId values with the values on the server. Fixes UICIRC-53.
- Fix creating loan policy with fixed due date schedule. Fixes UICIRC-56.
- Remove "Indefinite" loan profile. Fixes UICIRC-55.
- Refined fixed due date schedule settings. UICIRC-40
- Add Record Metadata to Fixed Due Date Schedules. UICIRC-41.
- Favor metadata over metaData. One case to rule them all. Refs UICIRC-57.
- Show chosen Fixed due date schedule on loan policy details. Fixes UICIRC-58.
- Add checkout session timeout settings in circulation->otherSettings. Fixes UICIRC-48
- Hide "Renew from" option for loan policies with a fixed loan profile. Fixes UICIRC-60.
- Relocate language files. UICIRC-62.
- Replace int values with string representations for renewFromOptions. Fixes UICIRC-66.
- Loan policy intervals should display on read only view. Fixes UICIRC-65.
- Add last updated record metadata to loan policy form. Fixes UICIRC-63.
- Add view/edit hold staff strip. Fixes UICIRC-52.
- View/Edit Transit Slip. UICIRC-76.
- Update to stripes-components 3 for Pane/Paneset compatibility.
- Checkout scanning checkboxes sometimes would not display. They should ALWAYS display. Refs UICIRC-75.
- Refine View Mode for Hold Slip Template. UICIRC-79.
- Fix holding slip template to use a proper mustache. UICIRC-83.
- Depend on v3.0 or v4.0 of
interface. UICIRC-84. - Bug fixes without separate change log entry: UICIRC-14, UICIRC-28, UICIRC-33, UICIRC-37, UICIRC-42, UICIRC-43, UICIRC-45, UICIRC-51, UICIRC-69, UICIRC-78, UICIRC-82
1.1.1 (2017-09-02)
- Add new permissions,
. Towards UICIRC-10.
1.1.0 (2017-08-30)
- Add loan rules scaffolding. UICIRC-6.
- Make settings.loan-policies.all permission visible. For UIS-50.
- Align test stub with v4.0.0 of ui-testing. FOLIO-800.
1.0.0 (2017-08-25)
- Initial circulation module. UICIRC-2
- Contains loan policy settings carried over from ui-checkout. UICIRC-3.
- Contains a single test to confirm if loan policy settings open.