- UIBULKED-566 Bulk edit form - options cleanup.
- UIBULKED-580 Refactor of publish coordinator related logic.
- UIBULKED-587 Only Users from the first page are displayed in "Users" dropdown on "Logs" page.
- UIBULKED-560 Update actions menu.
- UIBULKED-585 Adding missing translation and filters.
- UIBULKED-561 Add administrative data accordion to MARC bulk edit form.
- UIBULKED-562 Include statistical code option on Instances bulk edit forms.
- UIBULKED-574 Updates to Errors component.
- UIBULKED-571 Errors in response to UI calls.
- UIBULKED-568 Populating Are you sure? form
- UIBULKED-543 Rename Find (full field search) to Find.
- UIBULKED-599 Change Administrative note type is not supported for MARC instances.
- UIBULKED-597 Commit changes button enabled before preview is populated
- UIBULKED-599 Change Administrative note type is not supported for MARC instances.
- UIBULKED-589 Make options in the "Actions" dropdown in "Bulk edits" in alphabetical order.
- UIBULKED-588 Displaying errors and warnings.
- UIBULKED-570 Downloading files from Logs tab
- UIBULKED-605 Enabling Confirm changes button based on forms state.
- UIBULKED-606 Update upload-artifact actions from v3 to v4.
4.2.2 (2024-11-15)
- UIPQB-126 Use tenant timezone for building queries (adds use of permission
). - UIBULKED-582 Temporarily remove error handling from publish-coordinator related logic.
- UIBULKED-581 "Something went wrong" error notification displays
- UIBULKED-583 Include tenants array into request if there is "final" action selected.
4.2.1 (2024-11-08)
- UIBULKED-540 Update identifiers names for Item record.
4.2.0 (2024-10-31)
- UIBULKED-441 Bulk edit form enhancements - part 1.
- UIBULKED-442 Bulk edit form enhancements - part 2.
- UIBULKED-465 Local approach - Incorrect numbers of changed records and errors are displayed on Confirmation screen
- UIBULKED-467 File is not downloaded to local machine when "Actions" menu is closed
- UIBULKED-454 Fix eslint problems in bulk-edit.
- UIBULKED-472 Fix 100% progress bar when progress is not available.
- UIBULKED-463 Update translation with new key fo columns
- UIBULKED-455 Update HTML Page Title on Bulk Edit Tabs Page.
- UIBULKED-471 Rename "Find" to "Find (full field search)".
- UIBULKED-476 Remove local QueryClientProvider from bulk edit.
- UIBULKED-478 Update permissions related to export manager module.
- UIBULKED-470 "Apply to all holdings records", "Apply to all items records" checkboxes set to default value when delete other row.
- UIBULKED-458 Bulk Edit Actions for Item Notes - Staff Only for Added Notes.
- UIBULKED-459 Bulk Edit Actions for Holdings Notes - Staff Only for Added Notes.
- UIBULKED-479 Extend User search in User lookup.
- UIBULKED-445 Populate Bulk Edit Form with Instance Note Types.
- UIBULKED-446 Bulk Edit Actions for All Instance Notes - Add and Remove Notes.
- UIBULKED-447 Bulk Edit Actions for Instance Notes - Find and Replace or Remove.
- UIBULKED-449 Navigate to FOLIO Instances Bulk Edit Screen.
- UIBULKED-456 Provide User-friendly Error Message for Optimistic Locking.
- UIBULKED-493 Rename "Find (full field search)" to "Find" for bulk edit Email in Users record type.
- UIBULKED-450 Add button to navigate to MARC Instances Bulk Edit Screen.
- UIBULKED-490 Adding missing translations.
- UIBULKED-460 Add MARC Instances Bulk Edit Form.
- UIBULKED-443 Separate Instance Notes by Note Type.
- UIBULKED-496 Sorting patron groups list on bulk edit form.
- UIBULKED-462 Adding New MARC field.
- UIBULKED-481 Find (full subfield search) for MARC field
- UIBULKED-483 Find (full subfield search) and Remove field in MARC Instance
- UIBULKED-485 Find (full subfield search) and Replace with in MARC Instance
- UIBULKED-498 Find (full subfield search) and Remove subfield in MARC Instance
- UIBULKED-461 Basic UI only data entry validation on the MARC instance bulk edit form.
- UIBULKED-482 Find (full subfield search) and Append a new subfield for MARC Instance
- UIBULKED-468 Query - File with errors encountered during the record matching is downloaded in .txt format with wrong name from Logs tab
- UIBULKED-504 Names under "User" dropdown are consistent with the names in "Run by" column on "Bulk edit logs" page.
- UIBULKED-425 Holdings record's column names cleanup.
- UIBULKED-487 Bulk edit of user records in local mode is not supported.
- UIBULKED-440 Add Search box to Group Component.
- UIBULKED-381 Localize Item record's column names
- UIBULKED-489"User" dropdown doesn't include Users that did bulk edit of ONLY Instance record type
- UIBULKED-488 Bulk edit of user records in local mode (CSV approach) is not supported in Query search.
- UIBULKED-512 Add missing translation for preferredEmailCommunications.
- UIBULKED-507 MARC Instance - Update required field notification.
- UIBULKED-517 Show "Are you sure?" form for MARK fields
- UIBULKED-499 Downloading .mrc file from Are you sure? form
- UIBULKED-527 include queryId to bulk-edit query request
- UIBULKED-518 The size of the dropdowns in the 'Actions' column is not consistent.
- UIBULKED-522 The progress bar disappears after clicking the 'Reset all' button on the 'Logs' tab.
- UIBULKED-515 Limit identifiers options for holdings and items in ECS environment on Central tenant.
- UIBULKED-528 Add more sortings options to bulk edit logs.
- UIBULKED-536 Declare dependency on FQM
interface; support new response format. - UIBULKED-526 Localize S3 error messages.
- UIBULKED-535 Permissions for editing Instances with MARC source.
- UIBULKED-524 Localize Item's and Holdings' Notes names in ECS.
- UIBULKED-538 “Are you sure" form notification banner wording for the case of bulk editing MARC fields for FOLIO Instances
- UIBULKED-525 Include tenantId in reference data values in ECS.
- UIBULKED-542 Remove "Actions" Header from Actions menu.
- UIBULKED-501 Downloading .mrc file from Confirmation form
- UIBULKED-539 Handle validation cases for “In.1“, “In.2“, "Subfield" fields on Bulk edit MARC fields form.
- UIBULKED-549 Add additional item status.
- UIBULKED-555Rearrange item statuses order.
- UIBULKED-559 Update subfield validation in MARC form.
- UIBULKED-558 Add translation for new "Member" column.
- UIBULKED-556 ECS - remove link to affected record in Optimistic error for holdings and items.
- UIBULKED-545 Clean up permissions.
- UIBULKED-572 Include additional field to 'actions'.
- UIBULKED-497 "Are you sure" preview displays outdated values after User changed selection on bulk edit form and clicked "Confirm changes".
- UIBULKED-557 Add hover effect to improve text visibility in dropdowns in Bulk Edit in-app form.
- UIBULKED-575 Fix "Something went wrong" toast notifications when starting bulk edit.
- Bump "@folio/stripes-acq-components" version to v6.0.0
4.1.4 (2024-05-29)
- UIBULKED-493 Rename "Find (full field search)" to "Find" for bulk edit Email in Users record type.
4.1.3 (2024-04-19)
- UIBULKED-478 Update permissions related to export manager module.
4.1.2 (2024-04-12)
- UIBULKED-467 File is not downloaded to local machine when "Actions" menu is closed
- UIBULKED-463 Update translation with new key fo columns
- UIBULKED-472 Fix 100% progress bar when progress is not available.
- UIBULKED-471 Rename "Find" to "Find (full field search)".
4.1.1 (2024-04-03)
- UIBULKED-465 Local approach - Incorrect numbers of changed records and errors are displayed on Confirmation screen
4.1.0 (2024-03-19)
- UIBULKED-355 Remove reference to Query tab on the landing page.
- UIBULKED-315 Group holdings record properties using optgroup component
- UIBULKED-354 Two identical files with the preview of proposed changes are downloaded from Logs
- UIBULKED-373 "User" dropdown doesn't include Users recently run bulk edit jobs
- UIBULKED-316 Bulk edit actions for holdings notes - add and remove Mark as staff only.
- UIBULKED-331 Bulk edit actions for holdings notes - add and remove notes.
- UIBULKED-332 Bulk edit actions for holdings notes - find and replace or remove.
- UIBULKED-333 Bulk edit actions for holdings notes - change note type.
- UIBULKED-377 Not all note types are displayed using "Change note type".
- UIBULKED-372 Bulk edit - Element IDs are not unique.
- UIBULKED-371 Bulk edit - Grouped form controls missing accessible name.
- UIBULKED-353 Update Electronic access - URI.
- UIBULKED-356 Separate holdings notes by note type
- UIBULKED-349 Update Electronic access - URL relationship
- UIBULKED-347 Group holdings record properties using optgroup component.
- UIBULKED-359 Update Electronic access - Materials specified.
- UIBULKED-378 "Select location" can be selected for item's location, and the "Confirm changes" button will remain active.
- UIBULKED-358 Update Electronic access - Link text.
- UIBULKED-375 Localize alphabetical order of Bulk edit elements.
- UIBULKED-376 Separate Item circulation notes in different columns.
- UIBULKED-388 Bulk edit - Scrollable element not keyboard accessible.
- UIBULKED-384 Rendering holdings electronic access properties.
- UIBULKED-382 Update Item record column names.
- UIBULKED-313 Filter column names.
- UIBULKED-362 Add inventory - instance option
- UIBULKED-363 Populate instance records identifiers drop-down
- UIBULKED-391 Changing value in dropdown, influences to change value in the other dropdown.
- UIBULKED-392 Unhide Query tab
- UIBULKED-393 Add Inventory - instances filter to the Logs tab.
- UIBULKED-387 Permissions for bulk editing instances.
- UIBULKED-390 Add Staff suppress option to Instance records edits.
- UIBULKED-364 Instance records - preview of matching records.
- UIBULKED-389 Add Suppress from discovery option to Instance records edits.
- UIBULKED-400 Enabling Build query button on Query tab.
- UIBULKED-399 Update label verbiage on the Identifier tab.
- UIBULKED-407 When selecting action "Find" in Bulk Edit, the last dropdown on the row moves to the right.
- UIBULKED-403 Integrate query-plugin with bulk-edit API.
- UIBULKED-246 Enabling Build query button on Query tab.
- UIBULKED-367 Logs - Provide a link to file with identifiers of the records affected by query.
- UIBULKED-412 Not all but up to 10 note types are displayed in Bulk edit.
- UIBULKED-411 Refactoring of ListFilters component
- UIBULKED-404 Render preview after query executed.
- UIBULKED-415 Query Tab - Support for Instance and Holdings Record Types.
- UIBULKED-434 Electronic access table is resized incorrectly when to go through pagination and back.
- UIBULKED-451 Set Maximum Limit for Bulk Edit.
- UIBULKED-416 Refactoring of bulk-edit preview components.
- UIBULKED-437 Remove ISBN and ISSN from the list of instance records identifiers drop-down
- UIBULKED-453 Disable "run query" button if test query has not results.
- UIBULKED-426 Query String Display After Query Builder Closes.
4.0.0 (2023-10-12)
- UIBULKED-255 Incorrect message on the logs landing page.
- UIBULKED-252 Selected filters are not reset on "Logs" tab
- UIBULKED-267 User's names in "Run by" column of Bulk edit logs.
- UIBULKED-277 Birth date column shows time.
- UIBULKED-223 Add types for all backend entities
- UIBULKED-244 Add Suppress from discovery option
- UIBULKED-283 Make column names sticky
- UIBULKED-269 Modify text when updates are committed
- UIBULKED-279 Reorder columns on Logs page to be consistent with other apps
- UIBULKED-273 User is able to bulk edit Users records with CSV view + In app Edit permissions
- UIBULKED-291 "Preview of record changed" and filename disappear after resetting filters on "Logs" tab
- UIBULKED-294 Log tab paginates by 50 records instead of 100
- UIBULKED-295 Make column names sticky for preview and confirmation screens
- UIBULKED-292 Arrow icons in "ID", "# of records" and "Processed" columns remain visible after resetting filters
- UIBULKED-293 Default sorting order on Logs tab
- UIBULKED-308 CSV: Cancel button doesn't stop file uploading
- UIBULKED-306 "Next" button remains disabled for a while after uploading modified file for Bulk edit (CSV approach)
- UIBULKED-287 "Something went wrong" error occurred clicking "Bulk edit" icon from the bulk edit In app form
- UIBULKED-310 Apply to all items checkbox - default values
- UIBULKED-289 Landing page is not cleared switching to "Query" tab after completed Bulk edit
- UIBULKED-289 Bulk edit actions for notes - add and remove Mark as staff only
- UIBULKED-298 Group Item record properties using optgroup component.
- UIBULKED-296 White line on the top of Bulk Edit landing page.
- UIBULKED-302 Bulk edit actions for notes - change note type.
- UIBULKED-301 Bulk edit actions for notes - find and replace or remove.
- UIBULKED-281 Rename filters by start and end date
- UIBULKED-314 Remove "New bulk edit" button
- UIBULKED-328 Rename Actions menu option for Bulk edit (CSV) approach
- UIBULKED-319 Bulk edit permission names cleanup.
- UIBULKED-282 Files generated more than 30 days ago can be downloaded from the "Logs".
- UIBULKED-274 Create reusable permission-select component
- UIBULKED-311 Bulk edit actions for notes - duplicate note.
- UIBULKED-321 Permissions for editing Inventory records.
- UIBULKED-322 Permissions for editing User records.
- UIBULKED-335 Reset state to default when changing "Record identifier"
- UIBULKED-330 Order alphabetically record types on the landing page.
- UIBULKED-340 Wrong message on Bulk edit main page without View Inventory/Users permissions.
- UIBULKED-318 Add User filter to Logs tab
- UIBULKED-325 Rename "Suppressed from discovery" option to "Suppress from discovery" for Items and Holdings
. - UIBULKED-312 CSV: On cancel button click uploaded file should be deleted.
. - UIBULKED-343 Refactor logic for downloading file from actions menu.
- UIBULKED-341 Separate Item notes in different columns based on the note type
- UIBULKED-351 Hide Query tab
- UIBULKED-276 Rename "Instance" column for holdings records preview
- UIBULKED-352 Localize numbers displayed in bulk edit
- UIBULKED-408 Bulk edit - Add accessibility testing to automated tests.
- UIBULKED-210 Improve user errors for invalid data - IncorrectTokenCountException error.
- UIBULKED-398 Add Holdings column to Item record columns .
- UIBULKED-414 Query search results display.
3.0.5 (2023-03-22)
- UIBULKED-264 "Download matched records (CSV)" option is enabled on the confirmation screen
- UIBULKED-270 Hide "Start bulk edit (CSV)" option on the confirmation screen
3.0.4 (2023-03-16)
UIBULKED-260 "Something went wrong" error message appears when search by Query is done by no-existing or no-result value
3.0.3 (2023-03-10)
- UIBULKED-261 Replace UUID with HRID on Logs
- UIBULKED-265 Columns on the 'Are you sure' form are mixed in case simultaneously running jobs
- UIBULKED-266 Confirmation screen is missing for completed with errors operations
3.0.2 (2023-03-02)
- UIBULKED-253 User without "Users: Can view user profile" permission can download file from "Logs" tab
- UIBULKED-262 "Clear" action is disabled for Item's permanent location
3.0.0 (2023-02-24)
- UIBULKED-163 User can add more rows than supported options
- UIBULKED-156 Add Logs tab to the landing page
- UIBULKED-162 Make In-app Options selection consistent
- UIBULKED-158 Add search and filters pane to bulk edit logs
- UIBULKED-157 Display logs of bulk edit jobs
- UIBULKED-186 Hide actions button on Logs form
- UIBULKED-184Increase unit test code coverage for ui-bulk-edit
- UIBULKED-197 Bulk Edit app loses state when navigating to another app and back, and remembers filename but not record type
- UIBULKED-178 Displaying retrieved data
- UIBULKED-200 Some translations for permissions are missing
- UIBULKED-179 Provide list of columns
- UIBULKED-180 Paginate through results sets
- UIBULKED-206 [FE] Query search isn't working
- UIBULKED-219 Users record type is selected by default with only In-app permissions
- UIBULKED-220 Bulk edit state isn't reset to its default value when the Record type is changed
- UIBULKED-229 Query search doesn't work twice in a row
- UIBULKED-230 Missing spinner for long executing query
- UIBULKED-193 Filter and paginate logs of bulk edit jobs
- UIBULKED-234 bump stripes to 8.0.0 for Orchid/2023-R1
- UIBULKED-221 Add config files for TypeScript supporting
- UIBULKED-164 Query tab permissions
- UIBULKED-196 Integration with mod-bulk-operations
- UIBULKED-235 Move @testing-library/dom to dev-deps
- UIBULKED-256 "Expiration date +1 day" is shown on the "Are you sure" form
- UIBULKED-257 Text in the center of "Bulk edit" pane doesn't return to default state when switch from "Identifier" to "Query" tab
2.1.3 (2022-12-02)
- UIBULKED-202 The "Commit changes" button is enabled before Preview of records to be changed displayed
2.1.2 (2022-11-29)
- UIBULKED-182 404 Error occurred uploading file with identifiers for Bulk Edit on Nolana bugfest env.
- UIBULKED-174 Confirmation screen requires manual refresh
- UIBULKED-176 Loader disappears before data is loaded
2.1.1 (2022-11-11)
- UIBULKED-170 "Something went wrong" appears after modifying Holdings record.
- UIBULKED-172 Missing bulk edit Inventory-holdings UI permissions
- UIBULKED-175 400 Error when user change Item's status to "Intellectual item" via Bulk edit
2.1.0 (2022-10-28)
- UIBULKED-135 Upgrade Users interface to 16.0
- UIBULKED-127 Type non existing location and press enter. Error while bulk edit items.
- UIBULKED-140 Update ITEMS content update
- UIBULKED-107 Expiration date - User records - in app approach.
- UIBULKED-104 Bulk edit user records - in app permission -landing page.
- UIBULKED-125 User-records - commit changes - in app
- UIBULKED-124 User-records - confirm changes - in app.
- UIBULKED-110 Populate holdings record identifiers dropdown
- UIBULKED-129 Preserve column selection from preview to Are you sure? form and confirmation page
- UIBULKED-115 In-app bulk edit form - holdings location.
- UIBULKED-146 Disable "Confirm changes" till form isn't filled - in app approach
- UIBULKED-115 In-app bulk edit form - holdings location.
- UIBULKED-142 Bulk edit holdings locations - Are you sure? form.
- UIBULKED-143 Prevent user from clicking on "Commit changes" in "Are you sure" form until preview is completed
- UIBULKED-149 The progressbar freezes when file with edited Users records uploading
- UIBULKED-133 The Bulk edit modal displays previous filename starting Bulk Edit from confirmation screen
- UIBULKED-139 Preview of matched records reloads when User select any other Identifier type
- UIBULKED-147 The "Options" dropdown on the in-app bulk edit form does not contain placeholder
- UIBULKED-150 Remove record count on the Are you sure? form until the loading of data is done
- UIBULKED-153 Rearrange elements in the left pane.
- UIBULKED-152 @babel/eslint-parser is incorrectly listed as a direct dependency.
- UIBULKED-154 Missing bulk edit Inventory-holdings permissions.
- UIBULKED-151 Incorrect data on confirmation screen after the holdings location update.
2.0.3 (2022-09-09)
- UIBULKED-144 Update behavior of uploading CSV file with updated records
- UIBULKED-141 Holdings record - preview of matched records
2.0.2 (2022-08-05)
- UIBULKED-130 Progress bar blinks (reloads) on the first run
2.0.1 (2022-07-22)
- UIBULKED-121 Duplicate request to /bulk-edit/{UUID}/start
- UIBULKED-111 Added row's action by default should be "Select action"
- UIBULKED-95 Missing "Download matched records (CSV)" action menu after query search
- UIBULKED-131 Increase maximal upload file size
- UIBULKED-64 Replace babel-eslint with @babel/eslint-parser
- UIBULKED-132 Rename "Save and close" button to "Commit changes"
2.0.0 (2022-07-08)
- UIBULKED-53 Undefined permission 'bulk-edit.upload.post'
- UIBULKED-28 Replace checkboxes with radio buttons on the lading page
- UIBULKED-30 Record identifiers dropdown
- UIBULKED-31 Item record - preview of matched records
- UIBULKED-55 Replace or remove react-hot-loader
- UIBULKED-29 Modify bulk edit permissions.
- UIBULKED-60 Download matched records (CSV) - Items
- UIBULKED-57 In-app bulk edit permissions only
- UIBULKED-33 Starting bulk edit - in app approach
- UIBULKED-58 CSV bulk edit permissions only
- UIBULKED-56 Change bulk-edit preview endpoint
- UIBULKED-32 Error accordion - Items
- UIBULKED-34 In-app bulk edit form.
- UIBULKED-35 Are you sure form
- UIBULKED-36 Completion of the in-app bulk edit.
- UIBULKED-59 CSV and In app bulk edit permissions.
- UIBULKED-66 Progress bar for uploading identifier files and retrieving relevant data.
- UIBULKED-73 New bulk edit button
- UIBULKED-38 Add item status to In-app bulk edit form.
- UIBULKED-69 "Reset all" button is disabled after Query execution
- UIBULKED-81 Change Usernames and External IDs behavior
- UIBULKED-62 Incorrect matched records count when reporting errors.
- UIBULKED-90 Replace history only if the search params are different.
- UIBULKED-75 Enable type ahead in location look-up.
- UIBULKED-82 The labels on the Drag and drop and the body areas don't match selected Item identifiers.
- UIBULKED-76 Narrow down options dropdown choices on in-app bulk edit form
- UIBULKED-68 Changes to the Bulk edit left pane.
- UIBULKED-78 Clicking on Bulk Edit app icon does not fully rest the screen
- UIBULKED-100 Matched records label cleanup - Morning Glory
- UIBULKED-117 The "Invalid file" modal is not displayed in case of dragging multiple files on "Drag & drop" area
- UIBULKED-102 Inconsistent behavior when repeating updates on the same records - item locations
- UIBULKED-89 The name of previously uploaded file is not reset when user clicks Cancel button on the Confirmation modal
1.0.1 (2022-03-04)
- UIBULKED-2 Project Setup
- UIBULKED-1 Landing page
- UIBULKED-3 Add Identifier and Query options to the landing page
- UIBULKED-4 Add Record identifier component to the Set Criteria pane
- UIBULKED-6 Add file drag and drop component
- UIBULKED-5 Add Apps with bulk edit capability accordion
- UIBULKED-8 Add Saved queries accordion
- UIBULKED-23 Add "Drop to continue" label to the Drag and drop area
- UIBULKED-10 Actions menu
- UIBULKED-24 Link record identifier with the drag and drop area on the landing page
- UIBULKED-9 Uploading the file with identifiers
- UIBULKED-11 Bulk Edit app - permissions
- UIBULKED-19 Download errors (CSV)
- UIBULKED-17 Start bulk edit
- UIBULKED-18 Download matched records (CSV)
- UIBULKED-15 Add Query textarea
- UIBULKED-20 Bulk edit confirmation modal
- UIBULKED-12 Populating preview of matched records based on identifiers search
- UIBULKED-13 Populating error accordion
- UIBULKED-42 Typos in notifications
- UIBULKED-48 Refactor permissions
- UIBULKED-16 Populating preview of matched records based on query search
- UIBULKED-52 Modify behavior after user starts bulk edit