- Provide consistent handling with concurrency two or more Marc Bib Update events for the same bib record MODINV-1100
- Enable system user for data-import processes MODINV-1115
- Missing x-okapi-user-id header in communications with inventory-storage MODINV-1134
- Fix handling optimistic locking behavior for instance update when consuming Marc Bib update event MODINV-1125
- Replace usage of deprecated instance-storage-batch API MODINV-1101
- Update the snapshot status from PROCESSING_FINISHED to COMMITTED in the InstanceIngressEventHandler MODINV-1161
- Existing "035" field is not retained the original position in imported record MODINV-1049
- Update Data Import logic to normalize OCLC 035 values MODINV-949
- The sorting for Items on Instance details page is not worked MODINV-1001
- "PMSystem" displayed as source in "quickmarc" view when record was created by "Non-matches" action of job profile MODSOURCE-608
- The result table is not displayed in the file details log MODINV-1003
- Invalid values (as it is) created in JSON when value is not matching accepted options provided in Instance field mapping for Nature of Content term MODINV-1012
- Remove null values from electronicAccess object before returning item and instance MODINV-1006
- 422 Unprocessable Content Error while updating Instances and Items with electronic access without URI field populated. MODINV-1024
- Error appears when edit via quickMARC MARC Instance shared from Member tenant MODDATAIMP-1052
- Fix mod-inventory OOM issue MODINV-1023
- Replace GET with POST request for fetching instances and holdings on /items endpoint to omit 414 error MODINV-943
- Call suppress-on-discovery for source record on holding update if discoverySuppress is true MODINV-977
- Requires
holdings-storage 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0
- Requires
bound-with-parts-storage 2.0
- InstanceIngress create events consumption MODINV-986
- Additional Requirements - Update Data Import logic to normalize OCLC 035 values MODINV-1044
- Implement endpoint to update ownership of Holdings MODINV-1031
- Handle assignment of ids during update ownership of holdings MODINV-1053
- Implement endpoint for updating ownership of Items MODINV-955
- Disallow updating holdings ownership with related boundwith MODINV-1051
- Disallow updating ownership of boundwith item MODINV-1052
- InstanceIngress update events consumption MODINV-1008
- Apply new date type fields to instance schema MODINV-1067
- Keep original UUIDs when updating ownership of Holdings/Items MODINV-1074
- API version update MODINV-1080
- Add
permissions - Fix inconsistencies in permission namings MODINV-1072
- Update suppressDiscovery in the MARC file when creating an instance with “suppressDiscovery=true” when importing data MODINV-1094
- Inventory cannot process Holdings with virtual fields (MODINV-941)
- Set instance record as deleted (MODINV-883)
- Remove step of initial saving of incoming records to SRS MODSOURMAN-1022
- Apply 005 logic before saving MARC Bib in SRS MODINV-921
- Remove extra fields from 'holdings/move' mechanism MODINV-948
- Allow to link local instance to shared instance MODINV-901
- OOM issue in mod-inventory (MODINV-944) (MODINV-982)
- Make configurable params for instance sharing MODINV-964
- Create Kafka topics instead of relying on auto create in mod-inventory MODINV-957
- Remove post-processing for Instance Update action MODINV-922
- The import of file is completed with errors MODINV-968
- Move Marc-Bib matching event handler to inventory MODINV-935
- The duplicate record is created after updating action MODINV-969
- Upgrade vertx to 4.5.4 MODDICORE-398
- Add 999 validation for instance creation MODDATAIMP-1001
- Adjust Match event handlers to take into account multiple search results from previous match MODINV-936
- SPIKE: Remove duplicated action DI_INVENTORY_INSTANCE_CREATED from Kafka event MODINV-782
- Allow to retrieve ITEM universally during HOLDINGS update MODINV-987
- Support same title being part of many (100+) bound-withs MODINV-839
- Provide event payload with incomingRecordId for logs MODSOURMAN-1141
- Correct tenantId for retrieving record while instance updating MODINV-972
- Implement Modify MARC Bib handler in mod-inventory MODINV-967
- MARC bib record with only required fields cannot be imported MODINV-951
- Call delete endpoint in SRS when Instance is marked for deletion MODINV-961
- Incorrect tenantId installed in received DI_ERROR message MODINV-952
- Remove jsonld-java dependency fixing commons-io 2.5 CVE MODINV-965
- Fix exception when deciding to update Field 005 FAT-9178
- Extra Item for Orders Created during multiple import MODINV-928
- Adjust non-match by POL/VRN logic to not throw an exception MODINV-953
- Add new field "Display summary" for the item schema MODINV-959
- Add missed module permissions MODINV-901
- Fix exception when updating field 005 FAT-9178
- Remove extra fields from 'holdings/move' mechanism MODINV-948
- Move 001+003->035 logic to inventory and save SRS MARC by an HTTP request MODINV-849
- Preload orders not only with status Open MODINV-876
- Add subscription on DI_SRS_MARC_BIB_RECORD_UPDATED event about marc-bib update MODSOURMAN-1106
- Consortial: Local HRID gets added as 035 when instance is shared MODINV-918
- Consortial: non-MARC data not saved when local source = MARC instance is promoted MODINV-960
- Keep order of MARC fields while Creating/Deriving/Editing MARC records MODSOURMAN-1137
- Update status when user attempts to update shared auth record from member tenant (MODDATAIMP-926)
- Add cache to get and store consortium data configurations (MODINV-872)
- Data Import 3rd update Action on Item Record Fails (MODINV-842)
- Adjust Create Instance handler to use existing Instance UUID (MODINV-840)
- Upgrade mod-inventory to Java 17 (MODINV-826)
- Upgrade folio-kafka-wrapper to 3.0.0 version (MODINV-834)
- Add deduplication mechanism for sharing Instance (MODINV-866)
- Allow to overlay source 'MARC' instances without related MARC record (MODINV-846)
- Controlled Instance's field properly reflects updates made by user in MARC Authority's 1XX fields ([MODINV-773] (https://issues.folio.org/browse/MODINV-773))
- POLine ID now set correctly when present in batch imports ([MODINV-774] (https://issues.folio.org/browse/MODINV-774))
- Extend subjects, alternativeTitles, series with Authority ID (MODINV-761)
- Provides
inventory 13.0
- Provides
inventory-batch 2.0
- Requires
instance-storage 10.0
- Requires
instance-storage-batch 2.0
- Extend instance contributors schema with Authority ID (MODINV-729)
- Delete instance/item by CQL (MODINV-731)
- Removes MODS ingest process (MODINV-735)
- Removes minimal dublin core support for instances (MODINV-734)
- Removes self links from instances and items (MODINV-734)
- Pre-set event type to payload before processing event for entities matching (MODINV-723)
- Cannot add tags to Instance when unlinked preceding/succeeding titles are present (MODINV-674)
- Support MARC-MARC Holdings update action (MODINV-719)
- Use ExternalStorageModuleHoldingsRecordCollection for DI processes (MODINV-740)
- Add new endpoint "/admin/health" (MODINV-749)
- Provides
inventory 12.0
- Requires
instance-storage 9.0
- Requires
item-storage 10.0
- Requires
holdings-storage 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0
- Requires
users 15.0 16.0
- Add source record preparation before mapping to instance for instance update (MODINV-686)
- Fix http timeouts under huge loads when importing MARC files (MODSOURMAN-712)
- Update instance import overwrites instance status update date when profile is not editing the instance status (MODINV-715)
- Upgrade liquibase-core, httpclient, guava, and log4j (CVE-2022-0839, CVE-2020-13956) (MODINV-692)
- Import profile that worked on Kiwi is not working on Lotus, OL-related (MODINV-690)
- Instance null pointer exception due to missing _version causes import problems in Kiwi and Lotus (MODINV-684)
- Fixed update of an Instance to not erase administrative note (MODINV-679)
- The status of SRS MARC record is not updated after uploading MARC file with non-existing instanceId in 999ff$i field (MODINV-678)
- Fix latency in creating holdings flow (MODINV-669)
- Added permissions to search for item records to instance retrive by id endpoint (MODINV-662)
- The error appears when save "MARC Holding" record after editing in quickMARC (MODINV-661)
- Add parameter to allow deploying module without Kafka consumers (MODINV-658)
- Fix creation of holdings via data import (MODINV-657)
- Data Import Log > Authority toggle > JSON response does not show (MODINV-656)
- Record matches are not decreased when additional match conditions are added to a job profile (MODINV-652)
- Add logic to skip sending DI_ERROR from mod-inventory in case for duplicates (MODINV-646)
- Delete MARC Authority: Create processor for Delete Authority record (MODINV-635)
- Match logic for POL matches to Inventory records (MODINV-578)
- Match logic for VRN matches to Inventory records (MODINV-577)
- Bound-with-parts gets an empty collection (MODINV-550)
- added Marc Authority handler for entities created via MARC Authority Data Import (MODINV-501)
- added support for new administrative notes field (MODINV-580, MODINV-581, MODINV-582)
- Update Log4j to 2.16.0. (CVE-2021-44228) (MODINV-599)
- Remove Kafka cache for QuickMarcKafkaHandler (MODINV-614) (MODINV-599)
- Edit MARC Authorities via quickMARC | Update Inventory Authorities (MODINV-503)
- Fixed incorrect optimistic locking behavior for instance update when uploading file via data import (MODINV-546)
- Fixed holdings record created via MARC Bib Data Import shows incorrect source (MODINV-549)
- Fixed put for mappingParams into dataImportEventPayload (MODINV-571)
- Adds
property to individual bound-with item (MODINV-443) - Removed explicit dependencies on mod-source-record-manager and mod-data-import-converter-storage clients (MODINV-541)
- Provides
inventory 11.0
- Provides
inventory-batch 1.0
- Provides
inventory-config 0.2
- Requires
item-storage 8.0 or 9.0
- Requires
instance-storage 7.8 or 8.0
- Requires
instance-storage-batch 0.2 or 1.0
- Requires
holdings-storage 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 or 5.0
- Optionally requires
mapping-metadata-provider 1.0
- Optionally requires
data-import-converter-storage 1.2
- Sets
flag on instances and items (MODINV-388) - Provides end-point
(MODINV-418) - Introduces
publication period
for instances (MODINV-428) - QuickMARC updates now use Kafka instead of pub-sub (MODINV-407)
- Includes fix for item update failure (MODINV-404)
- No longer removes instance tags during MARC record import (MODINV-419)
- Preceding/succeeding titles may be updated during MARC record import (MODINV-429, MODINV-434)
- Introduces parameters to set a number of data import verticle instances (MODINV-393, MODINV-423)
- Provides support for USER_CONTEXT in handling QM-update events (MODINV-399)
- Provides
inventory 10.12
- No longer provides
inventory-event-handlers 1.0
- No longer provides
_tenant 1.2
- No longer provides
pubsub-event-types 0.1
- No longer provides
pubsub-publishers 0.1
- No longer provides
pubsub-subscribers 0.1
- No longer provides
pubsub-publish 0.1
- Requires
instance-storage 7.8
- Requires
bound-with-parts-storage 1.0
- Requires
source-storage-records 3.0
- Introduces
CQL index for searchinginstances
(MODINV-390) - Tracks processed data import events to ensure events are only processed once (MODINV-373)
- Provides
inventory 10.10
- Requires
instance-storage 7.7
- Uses Kafka to coordinate data import process (MODINV-326)
- Allows matching between MARC records during import (MODINV-379)
- Can mark an item as
(MODINV-356, MODINV-366) - Can mark an item as
In process
(MODINV-356, MODINV-366) - Can mark an item as
In process (non-requestable)
(MODINV-356, MODINV-366) - Can mark an item as an
Intellectual item
(MODINV-356, MODINV-366) - Can mark an item as
Long missing
(MODINV-356, MODINV-366) - Can mark an item as
(MODINV-356, MODINV-366) - Can mark an item as
(MODINV-356, MODINV-366) - Includes
effective shelving order
property for items (MODINV-155) - Upgrades to vert.x 4.0.0 (MODINV-371)
- Provides
inventory 10.9
- Provides
inventory-event-handlers 1.0
- Requires
item-storage 8.9
- Requires
Kafka 2.6
- Provides the ability to move items between holdings (MODINV-309)
- Provides the ability to move holdings between instances (MODINV-309)
- Marking an item as missing changes request status (MODINV-312)
- Introduces
match key
property for instances - Introduces
andAged to lost
item statuses (MODINV-299) - Can map public and staff holdings holdings statement notes during import (MODINV-343)
- Restricts item status transitions during import (MODINV-296)
- Fixes instance statistical code and nature of content import issues (MODINV-336)
- Fixes problem with the repeatable check in/out notes field mapping actions (MODINV-346)
- Saves source record state during quick MARC edit (MODINV-324)
- Requires JDK 11 (MODINV-335)
- Provides
inventory 10.7
- Requires
item-storage 8.6
- Requires
instance-storage 7.5
- Update SRS client requests for v4.0.0, change dependency on interface (from source-storage-suppress-discovery 1.0 to source-storage-records 2.0) (MODINV-316)
- Fix adding/changing Instance notes triggered by quickMarc updates (MODINV-311)
- Updates instances based upon imported MARC records (MODINV-207, MODINV-243
- Updates holdings based upon imported MARC records (MODINV-232,
- Updates items based upon imported MARC records (MODINV-259,
- Can add preceding / succeeding titles during MARC record import (MODINV-302, MODINV-294)
- Can mark items withdrawn (MODINV-216, MODINV-286, MODINV-287)
- Introduces
Lost and paid
item status (MODINV-291) - Title is required for unconnected preceding / succeeding titles (MODINV-218)
- Doubled recommended memory usage to support receiving pub-sub messages (MODINV-279)
- Provides
inventory 10.5
- Requires
item-storage 8.4
- Requires
request-storage 3.3
- Requires
source-storage-suppress-discovery 1.0
- Processes data import events to create or update inventory records (MODINV-182, MODINV-182, MODINV-183, MODINV-184, MODINV-201, MODINV-204)
- Fetches preceding and succeeding titles in batches partitioned by
- Makes item status required (MODINV-189)
- Makes item status date read-only (MODINV-189)
- Allows only one copy number for an item (MODINV-189)
- Includes
effective call number
for items (MODINV-177) - Introduces
Claimed returned
item status (MODINV-194, MODINV-200) - Introduces preceding and succeeding titles (MODINV-198)
- Includes
last check in
for items (MODINV-173, MODINV-190) - Disallows editing of mode of issuance when instance has underlying MARC record (MODINV-192)
- Allows editing of cataloged date when instance has underlying MARC record (MODINV-202)
- Registers event subscriptions with pub sub (MODINV-181)
- Provides
inventory 10.2
- Provides
inventory-batch 0.5
- Provides
_tenant 1.2
- Requires
item-storage 8.1
- Requires
instance-preceding-succeeding-titles 0.1
- Requires
pub-sub-event-types 0.1
- Requires
pubsub-publishers 0.1
- Requires
pubsub-subscribers 0.1
- Requires
pubsub-publish 0.1
- Generates HRIDs for instance and item records (MODINV-160, MODINV-162)
- Allow editing of instance relationships when source is MARC (MODINV-163)
- Includes
effective location ID
property for instances (MODINV-157) - Includes
effective call number
properties for instances (MODINV-174) - Includes
last check in
properties for items (MODINV-173) - Forwards X-Okapi-Request-Id (MODINV-156)
- Changes container memory management (MODINV-175, FOLIO-2358)
- Provides
inventory 9.6
- Requires
item-storage 7.8
- Requires
holdings-storage 2.0, 3.0 or 4.0
- No longer requires
source-record-storage 2.2
- Adds nature of content terms to
(MODINV-149) - Adds tags to
(MODINV-147) - Adds tags to
(MODINV-146) ISBN validation
uses 422 responses instead of 400 for errors (MODINV-139)Instance batch
API uses batch storage API (MODINV-134)- Provides
inventory 9.4
interface (MODINV-149, MODINV-146, MODINV-147) - Provides
inventory-batch 0.3
interface (MODINV-149) - Provides
isbn-utils 2.0
interface (MODINV-139) - Requires
item-storage 7.5
interface (MODINV-147) - Requires
instance-storage 7.2
interface (MODINV-149)
- Provides
interface 9.1 (MODINV-132, MODINV-129) - Provides
interface 0.2 (MODINV-132) - Provides
interface 0.1 (MODINV-121) - Requires
interface 7.4 (MODINV-129) - Requires
interface 7.0 (MODINV-132) - Propagates changed instance notes structure to/from storage (MODINV-132)
- Adds configuration for protected instance fields (MODINV-124)
- Generates source, date for circulation notes (MODINV-129)
- Provides
interface 0.1 (MODINV-119)
- Adds Instance contributor names to Item representation (MODINV-112)
- Adds missing module permissions for managing instance relationships (MODINV-113)
- Propagates property
of Instance contributors (MODINV-117)
- Optimizes use of HttpClients (MODINV-102)
- Use Alpine docker container (MODINV-100)
- Return new
as JSON on POST (MODINV-106)
- Provides
interface 8.3 (MODINV-104) - Requires
interface 7.3 (MODINV-104) - Adds
schema (MODINV-104)
- Provides
interface 8.2 (MODINV-101 MODINV-103) - Requires
interface 7.2 (MODINV-101 MODINV-103) - Adds
circulationNotes' to
item` schema (MODINV-101) - Adds
schema (MODINV-103)
- Provides
interface 8.0 (MODINV-90) - Requires
interface 2.0 or 3.0 (MODINV-93) - Requires
interface 6.0 (MODINV-90) - Requires
interface 7.0 (MODINV-94) - Changes structure of
(MODINV-90) - Renames
(MODINV-94) - Changes structure of
(MODINV-97) - Renames, changes structure of
(MODINV-98) - Adds 20 new properties to
- Propagates
(MODINV-88) - Requires
interface 2.0 or 3.0 (MODINV-89) - Upgrades to RAML 1.0 (MODINV-85)
- Removes
(MODINV-78) - Adds
(MODINV-78) - Removes
(MODINV-86) - Adds
(MODINV-86) - Provides
interface 7.0 (MODINV-83) - Requires
interface version 5.0 (MODINV-83) - Removes property
(MODINV-81) - Removes property
(MODINV-82) - Renames
- Propagates more properties from
(MODINV-71) - Provides
interface 6.4 (MODINV-71) - Requires
interface version 4.6 (MODINV-71)
- Implements Instance relationships (MODINV-69)
- Adds optional Instance properties
(MODINV-69) - Provides
interface 6.3 (MODINV-69) - Requires
interface version 4.5 (MODINV-69)
- Include
from holding in item (if present, MODINV-70) - Provides
6.2 interface (MODINV-70)
- Add properties
schema (MODINV-68)
- Reference record lookups use == CQL relation, instead of = (MODINV-64)
- Includes item
property for overall location of item (MODINV-56) - Changes item
to be property from storage instead of derived (MODINV-56) - Provides
interface 6.0 (MODINV-56) - Requires
interface 5.3 (MODINV-56) - Requires
interface 1.3 (MODINV-56) - Requires
interface 1.0 or 2.0 (MODINV-60)
- Expose change
property for items (MODINV-47) - Extend the offset and limit paging query parameters to allow maximum integer values (MODINV-55)
- Provides
interface 5.2 (MODINV-47, MODINV-55) - Requires
interface 1.0 or 2.0 (MODINV-49) - No longer requires
interface (MODINV-49)
- Use exact match for barcode and ID lookups using CQL (MODINV-43)
- Add optional field
(MODINV-52) - Provides inventory interface version 5.1
- Requires instance-storage interface version 4.2
- Require
(MODINV-39) - Removes
(MODINV-37) - Removes
(MODINV-38) - Removes
(MODINV-37) - Removes
(MODINV-41) - Adds
(MODINV-41) - Provides inventory interface version 5.0
- Requires item-storage interface version 5.0
- Requires instance-storage interface version 4.0
- Removes
property fromitem
record title
is now optional for anitem
(MODINV-34)- Adds
to item (MODINV-30) - MODS ingest now creates holdings records (MODINV-30)
- Introduces
(MODINV-33) - Introduces
properties (which include the name fetched fromshelf-locations
) - Provides inventory interface version 4.2
- Requires item-storage interface version 4.1
- Requires instance-storage interface version 3.0
- Requires holding-storage interface version 1.0
- Requires shelf-locations interface version 1.0
- Requires instance-types interface version 1.0
- Requires identifier-types interface version 1.0
- Requires contributor-name-types interface version 1.0
- Adds mod- prefix to names of the built artifacts (FOLIO-813)
- Generates Descriptors at build time from templates in ./descriptors (FOLIO-701)
- Remove
permissions frominventory.all
set, as part of moving permissions to UI modules (MODINV-23)
- MODINVSTOR-12 Searching and sorting on material type properties (e.g. materialType.name)
- Provides inventory interface version 2.1 (notes additional CQL indexes in comments)
- Requires item-storage interface version 3.1
- Include implementation version in
in Module Descriptor - MODINV-18 - Fix for unique barcode check when changing barcode
- Items do not require relating to an instance (instanceId is optional)
- Items do not require a barcode (no uniqueness check performed when not supplied)
- Items require a title
- Items require a reference to a material type
- Items require a reference to a permanent loan type
- Inventory.all permission set includes permissions for related UI tasks
- Requires item-storage interface version 3.0
- Requires instance-storage interface version 2.0
- Requires material-types interface version 2.0
- Requires loan-types interface version 2.0
- Makes the all inventory permissions set visible (requires Okapi 1.3.0)
- Includes permission definition for enabling the items UI module (included in all permissions set)
- Include total record count in item and instance collection resources
- Provide permanent and temporary loan type associations for items
- Include name of loan type in item representation (by querying loan type controlled vocabulary)
- Use UUID to reference material types
- Required permissions for requests
- Initial release