diff --git a/NEWS.md b/NEWS.md index 45024dc857..1475e3a785 100644 --- a/NEWS.md +++ b/NEWS.md @@ -1,3 +1,75 @@ +## 24.0.0 2023-10-11 + +* Fix NPE when user without barcode tries to check out an item that is already requested (CIRC-1550) +* Show both decimals for fee amount tokens in patron notices (CIRC-1580) +* Fix unexpected error message when attempting to renew loan with non-loanable item (CIRC-1592) +* Add required module permissions to fix aged to lost item renewal issue (CIRC-1738) +* Add effective location discovery display name token support (CIRC-1584) +* Only notify patron for recalls that change due date (CIRC-1747) +* Make a TLR recall keep the same item when edited (CIRC-1760) +* Add required module permissions to fix aged to lost item renewal issue (CIRC-1738) +* Fix charge action for automated fee/fine created with service point name in `createdAt` (CIRC-1730) +* Remove search index fields from request's extended representation (CIRC-1752) +* Save call number, shelving order and pickup location name in request (CIRC-1753) +* Make "Declare lost" fail when a fee/fine should be charged and fee/fine owner doesn't exist (CIRC-1758) +* Add `additionalInfo` token to the fee/fine notice context (CIRC-1767) +* Handle fee/fine balance changed events (CIRC-1765) +* Add support for `feeCharge.additionalInfo` token in patron notices (CIRC-1766) +* Fix periodic test failures on Jenkins (CIRC-1771) +* Add support for `requester.departments` token in staff slips generated in Check-in app (CIRC-1591) +* Logging: override, policy, reorder (CIRC-1772) +* Add support for `requester.departments` token in staff slips generated in Requests app (CIRC-1590) +* Add support for `currentDateTime` token in staff slips generated in Requests app (CIRC-1581) +* Add support for `currentDateTime` token in staff slips generated in Check-in app (CIRC-1582) +* Bundle multiple aged to lost fees/fines into one single notice (CIRC-1725) +* Update staff slips to have the primary service point for an effective location (CIRC-1785) +* Fix incorrect spelling of fulfillment preference for requests (CIRC-253) +* Logging: packages representations, subscribers, validation (CIRC-1779) +* Add support for `requestDate` token in pick slips (CIRC-1784) +* Fix NPE during item context creation (CIRC-1797) +* Increase request-storage interface version (CIRC-1800) +* Do not refresh loan during update to avoid issues with R/W split (CIRC-1788) +* Circulation rules decoupling and timer-based refresh enhancement (CIRC-1783) +* Update copyright year (FOLIO-1021) +* Ensure API-related GitHub Workflows are used (FOLIO-3678) +* Bundle multiple overdue fines into one single notice (CIRC-1726) +* Logging: packages storage inventory-loans (CIRC-1792) +* Fix potential NPE for items in transit report (CIRC-1704) +* Add API for adding loan info (CIRC-1823) +* Pickup notices not sent when another item is Awaiting pickup (CIRC-1832) +* Migrate to Java 17 (CIRC-1830) +* Handle flag `tlrHoldShouldFollowCirculationRules` in TLR-settings (CIRC-1819) +* Do not prohibit check-out when another item is recalled (CIRC-1831) +* Implement checkout lock feature (CIRC-1756) +* Add allowedServicePoints to request policy (CIRC-1824) +* New endpoint for allowed service points (CIRC-1825) +* Determine allowed service points for ILR (CIRC-1826) +* Use correct permissions for circulation rules reloading (CIRC-1860) +* Respect allowed service points in Request Policy (CIRC-1834) +* Determine allowed service points for TLR (CIRC-1827) +* Fix immediately expiring actual cost records (CIRC-1778) +* Add missing permissions (CIRC-1866) +* Add code to error "Service point is not a pickup location" (CIRC-1876) +* Return allowed service points for all enabled request types (CIRC-1781) +* Filter request types based on item statuses (CIRC-1875) +* Fix spelling in an error message (CIRC-1877) +* Add support for logging variables (CIRC-1709) +* Logging: circulation rules (CIRC-1809) +* Fix missing pickup locations when Page request is edited (CIRC-1885) +* Add missing permission for add-info endpoint to work (CIRC-1848) +* Add support for address tokens in patron notices (CIRC-1789) +* Consider TLR-settings for Hold when fetching allowed service points (CIRC-1883) +* Logging: drools (CIRC-1880) +* Logging: rules package (CIRC-1881) +* Add support for token `loan.additionalInfo` in patron notices (CIRC-1793) +* Allowed service points: fix move operation (CIRC-1890) +* Improve logging circulation resources: A-D (CIRC-1894) +* Improve logging circulation resources: E-N (CIRC-1895) +* Create process to bill reminder fees (CIRC-1527) +* Setup job to run for billing of reminder fees (CIRC-1528) +* Add fee/fine charge info into reminder fees (CIRC-1906) +* Fix NPE in when getting user's personal info (CIRC-1905) + ## 23.5.0 2023-02-23 * Allow hold TLR for a title with no holding records (CIRC-1677)