We welcome all contributions
- Fork the repo
- Fix an issue or create an issue and fix it
- Create a Pull Request that fixes the issue
- Sign the CLA
- Once processed, our CLA bot will automatically clear the CLA check on the PR
- Good Job! Thanks for being awesome!
We do not advise cloning from your own fork (see Getting the Repository below).
Instead we suggest:
- Clone from the original repo
- Add your fork as a remote
- Push your changes to your fork
- Create your Pull Requests as normal
When creating a Pull Request, make sure that you also update the documentation accordingly.
Most of the time, when making some behavior more explicit or adding a feature, documentation update is necessary.
You will either update a file inside docs/ or create one. Prefer the former over the latter. If you are unsure, do not hesitate to open a PR with a comment asking for suggestions on how to address the documentation part.
$ git clone https://github.com/fnproject/cli.git $GOPATH/src/github.com/fnproject/cli
Note that Go will require the exact path given above in order to build (beware forkers).
Change to the correct directory (if not already there):
$ cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/fnproject/cli
Download required Go package dependencies:
$ make dep
Build and install:
$ make install
To test that your client has built correctly:
$ fn --version
It should return something like:
fn version 0.4.57
Congratulations! You're all set :-)