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How to describe a set of quantum states? *.hsl

This file may contain multiple lines. Each line represents a quantum state. A quantum state is naturally described by a linear combination of computational basis states with complex coefficients. Coefficients here can be expressed in [addition +], [subtraction -], [multiplication *] operations on [rationals], $[e^{i2\pi(r)}\ |\ r=k/8,\ k\in\mathbb Z]$, $[e^{i\pi(r)}\ |\ r=k/4,\ k\in\mathbb Z]$ and the [exponentiation ^] operation with "nonnegative" exponents. Operator precedence follows the standard convention. You can also do $/\sqrt2 ^ k$ by writing / sqrt2 ^ k after the above operations are already done if you wish.

# Extended Dirac

Here is one example.

Extended Dirac
(-1 + -1 * ei2pi(2/8) + -2 * ei2pi(3/8)) |10> + ei2pi(3/8) |11> - ei2pi(1/8) |01>
eipi(1/4) |00> + (1 + 1 * eipi(1/2) + -2 * eipi(3/4)) |11> - eipi(3/4) |10>

This file contains two quantum states $-e^{i2\pi(1/8)}\ |01\rangle + (-1 - e^{i2\pi(2/8)} - 2\cdot e^{i2\pi(3/8)})\ |10\rangle + e^{i2\pi(3/8)}\ |11\rangle$ and $e^{i\pi(1/4)}\ |00\rangle - e^{i\pi(3/4)}\ |10\rangle + (1 + e^{i\pi(1/2)} - 2\cdot e^{i\pi(3/4)})\ |11\rangle$. If there are so many states having the same amplitude, you can also use the "wildcard state" $|*\rangle$ at the end of a line to denote all other computational basis states whose amplitudes have not been specified so far. For instance, $0.5\ |00\rangle - 0.5\ |*\rangle = 0.5\ |00\rangle - 0.5\ |01\rangle - 0.5\ |10\rangle - 0.5\ |11\rangle$.

# Constants

For simplicity, one can define some complex constants in the Constants section before the Extended Dirac section, and the example becomes

c1 := ei2pi(1/8)
c2 := ei2pi(2/8)
c3 := eipi(3/4)
Extended Dirac
(-1 + -1 * c2 + -2 * c3) |10> + c3 |11> - c1 |01>
c1 |00> + (1 + 1 * c2 + -2 * c3) |11> - c3 |10>

# Variables and Constraints

Nonconstant tokens not defined in the Constants section are automatically regarded as free symbolic variables. These variables may have some constraints such as not being zero. One can impose some constraints on these variables in the Constraints section after the Extended Dirac section. For instance,

c0 := 0
Extended Dirac
c0 |00> + c0 |11> + v |*>
imag(v) = 0

the above file describes (at least) all quantum states which are linear combinations of $|01\rangle$ and $|10\rangle$ where both of them have the same real amplitude.

The Constraints section may contain multiple lines. Each line consists of a boolean formula that will be automatically conjoined (with the and operator) eventually. Each formula is expressed in logical operations [not !], [and &], [or |] on boolean subformulae. These subformulae are expressed in comparison operations [greater than >], [less than <] on real numbers and the [equal =] operation on complex numbers. Operator precedence follows the standard convention. AutoQ also supports two functions real(.) and imag(.) to extract the real part and the imaginary part of a complex number.

One may want to take the absolute value of a real number in some applications. Due to the branching nature of this operation, the SMT solver may not be able to solve constraints involving this operation. Please use (.) ^ 2 as an alternative instead.

We say a description file contains a quantum state $|s\rangle$ only if $|s\rangle$ satisfies all the boolean formulae in the Constraints section.

# Logical $\lor$ Operator

We use the logical $\lor$ operator to compute the union of the two sets of quantum states connected by this operator. For instance, |00> \/ |01> means that $|00\rangle$ and $|01\rangle$ are both included in the file. Please note that you can also use V in place of \/ to obtain the same result.

# Existentially Quantified Variables

Many real-world sets of quantum states have some common patterns in qubits. In light of this, AutoQ supports the existentially quantified variable \/|i|=n: over all $n$-bit binary strings. This variable is used to constrain all substrings i and i' (i.e., $1$'s complement of i) appearing after this notation in a line. If there is some quantum state $|s\rangle$ matches the pattern in this line for some $\{i\in\{0,1\}^n\}$, then we say $|s\rangle$ is contained in this line. For instance, \/|i|=2: a|i0> + b|i'1> describes the following four states $\{a|000\rangle+b|111\rangle,\ a|010\rangle+b|101\rangle,\ a|100\rangle+b|011\rangle,\ a|110\rangle+b|001\rangle\}$.

# Tensor Products

For convenience, AutoQ also supports the tensor product operator #. The usage is very easy: just put # between the two sets of quantum states $S_1$ and $S_2$ in a line to denote the resulting set of quantum states $\{|x\rangle \otimes |y\rangle\ |\ |x\rangle\in S_1,\ |y\rangle\in S_2\}$.

# Operator Precedence

The tensor product operator # has the lowest precedence. That is, they split a line into multiple units. In each unit, logical $\lor$ operators and existentially quantified variables cannot be used at the same time. Besides, substrings i and i' in different units are invisible to each other.

Finally, we should be noticed that not all strings described by *.hsl are valid quantum states. For instance, the sum of absolute squares of amplitudes of all computational basis states may not be $1$.