Module tests are ment to be run against local postgres databases available in docker image smartmet-server-test-db; see Pull and run the image with following command:
docker run --net host -p 5432:5432 fmidev/smartmet-server-test-db
Test configurations expect following directory structure (note: module directories and named using short module names, e.g. authentication instead of smartmet-engine-authentication):
denotes root of module tree; e.g. /smartmet-server
To create such environment for module testing, one could for example
- clone spine, server, engines and plugins to
- build and install spine, server, engines and plugins
- create directories engines and plugins in
- using short module names, create symbolic links in engines/plugins directory for each engine/plugin module;
e.g. cd<basedirectory>
engines; ln -s ../smartmet-engine-authentication ./authentication
Module test can be run in module directory by running 'make test'; e.g.
cd <basedirectory>
/smartmet-engine-authentication; make test