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This branch is up to date with astrilchuk/sd2xmltv:master.


This directory contains the tools to build a Kodi addon for sd2xmltv

This must be run on a Linux machine (tested on Xubuntu 14.0.4LTS)

To build the addon simply type ./build_kodi_addon in this directory.

This addon is designed for use as a replacement for the perl xmltv apps that are dificult/impossible to use on an OpenELEC
distro because perl is not available.

Using the addon:

1) Move the tools.module.sd2xmltv-<version>.zip to your OpenELEC machine using whatever method you are the most comfortable with.
2) Navilgate to SYSTEM->Addons->Install from zip
    == use the file browser to navigate to the file and select it.
3) Navigate to SYSTEM->Addons->My Addons->Program Addons->sd2xmltv
4) Select Configure and set your Schedules Direct Username and Password.
5) Reboot the machine
6) Congigure your tv backend to use tv_grab_sd2xmltv

For some reason Schecdules Direct doesn't seem to keep your headend configuration on the JSON servers.  
If you haven't used a JSON grabber before you will need to reconfigure your headend again using sd2xmltv
OpenELEC instructions:
ssh into your openelec machine.
cd /storage/.kodi/addons/tools.module.sd2xmltv
python -u <sduserid> -p <sdpassword> -m
--- follow the onscreen prompts to add your headend.

The runtime can be shortened by customizing the whitelist in to the channels you use, 
so that the programs and channels you don't use are not downloaded.  If you do this you will need 
to redo it every time you update this addon.