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This repository contains code for running a recurrent neural network for the purposes of modeling word-level phonotactics, and analyzing the output of this modeling. This project takes a lot of inspiration from the PyTorch word-level language modeling RNN (although that project has been updated to work with later versions of PyTorch: note that this will only work with 0.3.1).


  • LSTM modeling: Python 3.4+, with the following packages
  • Running ngram baselines:
  • Analysis and visualization: R, with the following packages
    • tidyverse
    • cluster
    • reshape2
    • dplyr
    • ggplot2
    • ggdendro
    • gplots
    • RColorBrewer


  • data contains the source data to run/evaluate the model on
    • src contains the preprocessing scripts that were used to get the data into a workable form for the model:
      • is for processing .cd files from the CELEX2 database. In our experiment, we used the from CELEX2 as input to this script.
      • is for processing nonwords from Daland et al., 2011. Many thanks to Robert Daland for making this data available on his website.
    • processed contains the result of the scripts from scripts. CELEX2/lemmas is what we used for training and testing the models in the experiment.
  • baselines contains ratings of words from other models that are not the neural network model
    • Daland-et-al_2011 contains results from human judgments of non-words, collected by Daland et al., 2011 (many thanks to Robert Daland for making this data available on his website)
    • ngram
      • src: You will need Python 2.7 to run these scripts, because they rely on the swig-SRILM script. Install into this directory, and use this as your working directory to run, which calculates ngram probabilities for all words in a corpus
      • results/CELEX2 contain results of running the ngram model on our source data, which was located at /data/processed/CELEX2/lemmas
        • 9gram.txt was generated by running SRiLM's ngram-count using /data/processed/CELEX2/lemmas/train.txt as the -text, with no smoothing and -order 9
        • 9gram-wb.txt was generated in the same manner, but using the -wb flag to trigger Witten-Bell smoothing.
  • src contains the files needed to instantiate our model, as well as run a grid-search over hyperparameters. Usage is explained in the "How-To" section of this document.
  • results was the data used for analysis in the experiment.
    • If you decide to run the model on your own, this is what will be generated:
      • final_eval-agg.csv contains log probabilities of each word in the training, test, and validation corpora from the experiment
      • summary.csv contains data generated during the training phase of each run of the model. Each row in this file represents one epoch of training.
      • You will notice several subdirectories, whose names are of the form [number1]-[number2] . Each subdirectory here is a random initialization, or a "run" of the model. number1 indexes the condition (whose precise description is given in summary.csv), and number2 indexes the initialization. Inside each directory is the following:
        • is the .pt file of the model at the point in training when it assignes the highest probability to the validation set
        • emb-before.txt is the phone embedding before training (for feature-aware conditions, these will be feature matrices)
        • emb-after.txt is the phone embedding after training
        • sample.txt is a sample of text generated from the model
        • saves the model activations before it's been exposed to any words. In the results I've provided, these weights are zeroed out, but you may wish to play around with these.
    • daland-probs.csv contains log probabilities of each word in the Daland et al., 2011 corpus, as computed by each initialization of the models. It was generated by running /src/ on /data/processed/Daland-et-al_2011/test.txt
  • analysis contains R files that interact with the results of experiments. You can use these to generate your own pretty plots, or to check my work. The easiest file to start with here will be analyze.Rmd.


Before anything, make sure your data is in the correct format for the experiment scripts to read it! All data files should have one word per line, with spaces separating each symbol (phonetic segment) in the word. Example:


Symbols can either be in IPA or ARPABET format, but you'll have to specify which one when you run the model.

A corpus should have these three data files:

  1. train.txt = the file to train the model on
  2. valid.txt = the file to use as validation set
  3. test.txt = the file to use as a test set

For an example of a well-formed corpus, see /data/processed/CELEX2/lemmas

Running the model once

Run src/ with the following parameters:

flag type description
--data string location of the data corpus
--model string type of recurrent net (possible values are "RNN_TANH", "RNN_RELU", "LSTM", "GRU")
--phonol_emb boolean use phonological embedding as a starting point
--fixed_emb boolean don't change embedding weights
--emsize integer size (length) of phone embedding
--nhid integer number of hidden units per layer
--nlayers integer number of recurrent layers
--lr integer initial learning rate
--anneal_factor float amount by which to anneal learning rate if no improvement on annealing criterion set (1 = no annealing, 0.5 = learning rate halved)
--anneal_train boolean anneal learning rate using the training loss instead of the validation loss
--patience integer number of training epochs to wait for validation loss to improve before annealing learning rate
--clip float amount of gradient clipping to employ (a maximum cap on gradients)
--epochs integer upper epoch limit
--dropout float dropout applied to layers (0 = no dropout)
--tied boolean tie phone embedding and softmax weights
--seed integer random seed
--cuda boolean use cuda
--stress boolean keep track of word stress
--log-interval integer interval at which to print a log
--save_dir string directory in which to save various characteristics of the final model
--summary string where to save the summary CSV, within --save_dir
--condition integer Condition index, referenced in summary CSV
--run integer Run index, within condition
--feat_tree string Feature tree to use. At present, only 'Futrell' or 'orig' are possible, and 'Futrell' is highly recommended
--alphabet string Format that the data is in (IPA or ARPA)
--set_unset_nodes boolean Use set/unset nodes
--random_reset boolean Reset the model's activations to an initial random state after each word.

So a command might look something like:

$ python src/ --data data/processed/CELEX2/lemmas --model LSTM --phonol_emb --cuda

Running an experiment

To run an experiment (i.e., train several models while running a single command, and keep track of them), edit lines 31-51 of of src/ with the model parameters you'd like to test. At present, these are set up as they were for our experiment: ready for replication!

You can also change some of the parameters of the experiment within the call itself:

flag type description
--data string location of the data corpus
--alphabet string Format that the data is in (IPA or ARPA)
--feat_tree string Feature tree to use. At present, only 'Futrell' or 'orig' are possible, and 'Futrell' is highly recommended
--condition_runs integer Runs per condition
--output_dir string path to save results, including summary CSV and model checkpoints
--summary_filename string path to save summary CSV, within results directory
--cuda boolean use CUDA
--run_start integer Where to start seeding the model

Evaluating the model

The src/ script is used for evaluation. You can evaluate your models one at a time, or a whole group of models (as from an experiment, described above) at once. Similarly, you can test just a single file at once, or a whole corpus directory. Here are all the flags that can be used with this script.

flag type description
--data string location of the data corpus
--data_file string location of a single test file (will override --data)
--checkpoint string single model checkpoint to test
--batch_dir string results directory to use for batch testing (will override --checkpoint)
--summary_file string file name of the summary file, within the batch_dir
--out string name of output file to write the results to
--cuda boolean use CUDA
--seed integer random seed
--stress boolean keep track of word stress