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vue-grid with pagination

See the demo: demo


If you aready use the vue-cli to build the project.Just copy Table.vue and Pagination.vue to your location. Import it and use it.

Used in the parent scope may like this:

 <vue-grid :columns="gridOption.columns" :data=""></vue-grid>
import VueGrid from './components/Table'

export default {
  components: {
    vueGrid: VueGrid
  data: function () {
    return {
      gridOption: {
        columns: [
          {en: 'id', cn: '编号'},
          {en: 'domain', cn: '网址'},
          {en: 'user', cn: '邮箱'}
        data: [
          { id: 1, domain: 'google', user: '[email protected]' }

More details see the built step.


Note: option like pageAble must used with page-able in the custorm elments.

  <vue-grid :page-able="true"></vue-grid>


  • type: Array
  • required: true
  • default: []
  • desc: the table's data that will be rendered.It requires below format:
[{'id':'1','name':'foo'},{id:'2',name:'bar'},{id: '3',name: 'baz'}]

It also suppot html in the field. Say if you want the name to <span>foo</span>,just format the data with the html.


  • type: Array
  • required: true
  • desc: columns will be showed.Eg.:
  {en:'name',cn: '姓名'}

The en field used to extact data from the table data. The cn field used to specify the column's name(name in the tag).


  • type: Number
  • default: 10


  • type: Boolean
  • default: flase
  • description: wheter to show the checkbox in each tr


  • type: String
  • default: 'id'
  • description: this option works with checkAble option. Say we have a data like this:
  [{'id':'1','name':'foo'},{id:'2',name:'bar'},{id: '3',name: 'baz'}]

If the checkedField is set to 'id', which is default, the id will be attached to the checkbox.


  • type: Array
  • default: [],
  • description: same with checkedField,but this option get all the checked id to this option. The checked option can find in the table grid-select property. Or you can set this to be sync with the parent componnet.
<vue-grid :checkedFields.sync="checkedFields"></vue-grid>

You can get checkedFields from the parent scope.


  • type: Boolean
  • default: true
  • description: whether to show the search input


  • type: Boolean
  • default: true
  • description: whether to show the pagination or not


  • type: Boolean
  • default: false
  • description: whether to show the index or not

Build Setup

# install dependencies
npm install

# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev

# build for production with minification
npm run build

# run unit tests
npm run unit

# run e2e tests
npm run e2e

# run all tests
npm test


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