A simple little Flask app which computes pi to the nth number to simulate CPU load to test autoscaling on the cloud provider.
python flask_app.py
(of course flask has to be installed, so you should do it in a virtualenv)
Displayed are the default values
COLOR=white # a color name (see below), a color hex code, or "`random`"
STARTUP_TIME=0.0 # sleep that many seconds before flask starts
FLASK_PORT=80 # port flask listens on ()
FLASK_DEBUG=0 # whether flask is put in debug mode
FLASK_THREADED=1 # whether flask is being run multi-threaded
LOADUMMY_NAME= # optional. set a name, useful for clusters - see below
LOADUMMY_NEXT= # optional. documentation for this - see below
The app will return HTML data (Content-type: text/html
), unless otherwise specified in the Accept:
If it finds the string yaml
in that header, YAML data is returned (Content-type: application/x-yaml
, like rails),
if it finds the string json
it returns JSON data (Content-type: application/json
endpoint | description |
/health |
Returns "OK" with a HTTP status code of 200. |
/pi/<digits> |
Computes the number pi with the number of digits given. |
/env |
Displays all environment variables in the docker container. |
Displays all environment variables starting with VAR_START_STR |
/distrib/<num>/<avg> |
see below |
Originally used to simulate load. Never really tried, but should work.
To use this endpoint variable LOADUMMY_DISTRIB
must be set: LOADUMMY_DISTRIB=https?://<next_host>[:<nextport>]
Now, if you call http://host:port/distrib/5/250
now, what happens then is ...
- it will create NUM requests for calculation of pi with
- (on average) DIGITS digits.
Or better: if you call it with /5/250
, it might query those urls:
(1st request)http://next_host:nextport/pi/229
(2nd request)http://next_host:nextport/pi/244
(5th request)
... where the numbers are made up randomly around the 250 digits marker (plus minus 10%).
color | color | color | color | color |
aliceblue | darkslategray | lightsalmon | paleturquoise | yellow |
antiquewhite | darkturquoise | lightsalmon | palevioletred | yellowgreen |
aqua | darkviolet | lightseagreen | papayawhip | |
aquamarine | deeppink | lightskyblue | peachpuff | |
azure | deepskyblue | lightslategray | peru | |
beige | dimgray | lightsteelblue | pink | |
bisque | dodgerblue | lightyellow | plum | |
black | firebrick | lime | powderblue | |
blanchedalmond | floralwhite | limegreen | purple | |
blue | forestgreen | linen | rebeccapurple | |
blueviolet | fuchsia | magenta | red | |
brown | gainsboro | maroon | rosybrown | |
burlywood | ghostwhite | mediumaquamarine | royalblue | |
cadetblue | gold | mediumblue | saddlebrown | |
chartreuse | goldenrod | mediumorchid | salmon | |
chocolate | gray | mediumpurple | sandybrown | |
coral | green | mediumseagreen | seagreen | |
cornflowerblue | greenyellow | mediumslateblue | seashell | |
cornsilk | honeydew | mediumspringgreen | sienna | |
crimson | hotpink | mediumturquoise | silver | |
cyan | indianred | mediumvioletred | skyblue | |
darkblue | indigo | midnightblue | slateblue | |
darkcyan | ivory | mintcream | slategray | |
darkgoldenrod | khaki | mistyrose | snow | |
darkgray | lavender | moccasin | springgreen | |
darkgreen | lavenderblush | navajowhite | steelblue | |
darkkhaki | lawngreen | navy | tan | |
darkmagenta | lemonchiffon | oldlace | teal | |
darkolivegreen | lightblue | olive | thistle | |
darkorange | lightcoral | olivedrab | tomato | |
darkorchid | lightcyan | orange | turquoise | |
darkred | lightgoldenrodyellow | orangered | violet | |
darksalmon | lightgray | orchid | wheat | |
darkseagreen | lightgreen | palegoldenrod | white | |
darkslateblue | lightpink | palegreen | whitesmoke |