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Hannover Emacs Themes





Light and dark Emacs themes with moderate contrast. Provides carefully crafted faces for lots of packages.

Colors and some other aspects of the theme can be configured (See the hannover-theme group).


Clone the repository:

git clone git://

Include the theme in your init file:

(add-to-list 'custom-theme-load-path "/path/to/the/cloned/theme/")
(add-to-list 'load-path "/path/to/the/cloned/theme/")
(load-theme 'hannover-night t) ;; or hannover-day, or hannover-midnight


You can customize the colors and other parameters. Have a look at the hannover-theme group.

If you use powerline or similar packages, you might want to set hannover-night-mode-box-width to 0 or 1.

Supported Packages

tab-line, tab-bar, powerline, window-divider, term, eshell, multiple cursors, dired, diredfl, dired-filter, magit, diff, diff-hl, git-gutter, wgrep, avy, anzu, ivy/swiper, selectrum, vertico, orderless, show-paren, compilation, display-line-numbers, company, company-posframe, popup, corfu, rainbow-delimiters, highlight, highlight-changes, symbol-overlay, bookmark, bm, sh, auctex, outline, org, hyperbole, devdocs, markdown, flymake, Flyspell, Flycheck, writegood, hexl, imenu-list, ledger, neotree, goggles, tree-sitter, eglot, lsp, treemacs, yascroll, which-func, minimap, hideshowvis, persp