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Releases: fleetimee/infinite-impermanence


08 Feb 07:36
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feat: bump version


06 Feb 14:19
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feat: up version


05 Feb 16:08
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feat: up version


03 Feb 11:54
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feat: up


26 Jan 13:47
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Merge pull request #143 from fleetimee/fix_print_neraca_v2

feat: add fvm


15 Jan 09:05
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feat: bump version


15 Jan 07:36
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feat: add image attribution


14 Jan 14:47
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New Features

  • Collateral Editing: You can now easily edit selected collaterals directly from the application. This will save you time and make your workflow more efficient.
  • New KUR Images: We've added a collection of new KUR images to help you better visualize your data. These images will enhance your overall user experience.


  • Captions: We've added new captions for Keuangan, Karakter, Bisnis, Jenis Usaha, and Agunan to make it more user-friendly and easy to understand
  • Placeholder: We've removed the placeholder on date and number on putusan and usulan baru to improve the overall user experience.


10 Jan 11:25
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Hotfix Release

  • Critical Bug Fix: Resolved issue causing user data to be scrambled in the backend, which prevented proper operation of the application
  • Improvement: Added a loading indicator to the submission detail page to provide feedback when the application is waiting for the API to complete

Full Changelog

  • Hotfix fixing backend when users array are scrambled
  • Add loader to submission detail when waiting for api to complete

We apologize for any inconvenience caused by this issue and are grateful for your patience as we worked to resolve it. Please let us know if you encounter any other issues.


10 Jan 00:03
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Release Highlights

  • New Feature: Implemented a new calculation formula for other loan options to provide more accurate and customized loan options
  • Improvement: Fixed alignment on input print to improve the appearance and readability of printed documents
  • Enhancement: Changed home analis banner to a more visually appealing design
  • Feature Update: Enabled the "agunan lainnya" checkbox for loans that exceed a certain threshold to allow for more flexibility in loan options
  • Design Update: Modified login page with a touch of 💖 to bring a little extra love to the user experience

Full Changelog

  • New calculation formula for other loan
  • Fixing alignment on input print
  • Change home analis banner
  • Enabled agunan lainnya checkbox if exceed certain threshold
  • Modify login page with 💖

We hope these updates bring convenience and delight to your experience with the app. Stay tuned for more exciting features and improvements in the future!