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Flashmob edited this page Feb 25, 2017 · 21 revisions

Welcome to the go-guerrilla wiki!

See for information about the project.


Dev Environment

InteliJ IDEA

Debugger configuration

If you're using InteliJ IDEA for your IDE with the Go plugin, you may be able to get debugging working with the following settings:

InteliJ Idea debuger config for Golang

(Note: for the program arguments, add -c goguerrilla.debug.conf - if you want the debugging session to use a different config file)

Happy debuggin'

Server Limitations

Size extension

The server doesn't fully implement the SIZE extension. Only SIZE with an argument is supported. The argument is a number of maximum bytes for each message. It does not support SIZE argument at the end of MAIL FROM. Such a feature may be useful for giving different clients custom sizes for various reasons. However, no such need is required yet. PR welcome if you need this. See more discussion about SIZE

Random Links

On buffering & pooling - source examples - nice writeup about Sized buffer pools - composite buffers (the unbounded bounder could be really useful, the ring buffer is interesting - Readable Go style