From d7b49c7540063e3c9c1dda9f4cb5031cd7e98184 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Zihao Ye <>
Date: Tue, 29 Oct 2024 21:47:36 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] upd

 flashinfer-aot/csrc_aot/ |  39 ++--
 include/flashinfer/pos_enc.cuh            | 243 +++++++++++++---------
 python/csrc/        |  30 ++-
 python/csrc/                       | 132 ++++++------
 python/flashinfer/             |   2 +
 python/flashinfer/                 | 153 +++++++++++++-
 tests/                        | 133 ++++++++++--
 7 files changed, 521 insertions(+), 211 deletions(-)

diff --git a/flashinfer-aot/csrc_aot/ b/flashinfer-aot/csrc_aot/
index 05b259f5..9ab9a86c 100644
--- a/flashinfer-aot/csrc_aot/
+++ b/flashinfer-aot/csrc_aot/
@@ -61,10 +61,11 @@ torch::Tensor top_k_renorm_probs(torch::Tensor probs, std::optional<torch::Tenso
 torch::Tensor top_k_mask_logits(torch::Tensor logits, std::optional<torch::Tensor> maybe_top_k_arr,
                                 unsigned int top_k_val);
-torch::Tensor chain_speculative_sampling(
-    torch::Tensor draft_probs, torch::Tensor draft_token_ids, torch::Tensor uniform_samples,
-    torch::Tensor target_probs, torch::Tensor output_accepted_token_num,
-    torch::Tensor output_emitted_token_num, bool deterministic);
+torch::Tensor chain_speculative_sampling(torch::Tensor draft_probs, torch::Tensor draft_token_ids,
+                                         torch::Tensor uniform_samples, torch::Tensor target_probs,
+                                         torch::Tensor output_accepted_token_num,
+                                         torch::Tensor output_emitted_token_num,
+                                         bool deterministic);
 void rmsnorm(torch::Tensor& out, torch::Tensor& input, torch::Tensor& weight, double eps);
@@ -82,24 +83,30 @@ void gelu_tanh_and_mul(torch::Tensor& out, torch::Tensor& input);
 void gelu_and_mul(torch::Tensor& out, torch::Tensor& input);
-void apply_rope_inplace(torch::Tensor q, torch::Tensor k, torch::Tensor indptr,
-                        torch::Tensor offsets, bool interleave, float rope_scale, float rope_theta);
-void apply_llama31_rope_inplace(torch::Tensor q, torch::Tensor k, torch::Tensor indptr,
-                                torch::Tensor offsets, bool interleave, float rope_scale,
-                                float rope_theta, float low_freq_factor, float high_freq_factor,
-                                float old_context_length);
-std::vector<torch::Tensor> apply_rope(torch::Tensor q, torch::Tensor k, torch::Tensor indptr,
+std::vector<torch::Tensor> apply_rope(torch::Tensor q, torch::Tensor k, torch::Tensor q_rope,
+                                      torch::Tensor k_rope, torch::Tensor indptr,
                                       torch::Tensor offsets, bool interleave, float rope_scale,
                                       float rope_theta);
 std::vector<torch::Tensor> apply_llama31_rope(torch::Tensor q, torch::Tensor k,
+                                              torch::Tensor q_rope, torch::Tensor k_rope,
                                               torch::Tensor indptr, torch::Tensor offsets,
                                               bool interleave, float rope_scale, float rope_theta,
                                               float low_freq_factor, float high_freq_factor,
                                               float old_context_length);
+std::vector<torch::Tensor> apply_rope_pos_ids(torch::Tensor q, torch::Tensor k,
+                                              torch::Tensor q_rope, torch::Tensor k_rope,
+                                              torch::Tensor pos_ids, bool interleave,
+                                              float rope_scale, float rope_theta);
+std::vector<torch::Tensor> apply_llama31_rope_pos_ids(torch::Tensor q, torch::Tensor k,
+                                                      torch::Tensor q_rope, torch::Tensor k_rope,
+                                                      torch::Tensor pos_ids, bool interleave,
+                                                      float rope_scale, float rope_theta,
+                                                      float low_freq_factor, float high_freq_factor,
+                                                      float old_context_length);
 torch::Tensor packbits(torch::Tensor x, const std::string& bitorder);
 torch::Tensor segment_packbits(torch::Tensor x, torch::Tensor input_indptr,
@@ -141,11 +148,11 @@ PYBIND11_MODULE(TORCH_EXTENSION_NAME, m) {
   m.def("silu_and_mul", &silu_and_mul, "Fused SiLU and Mul");
   m.def("gelu_tanh_and_mul", &gelu_tanh_and_mul, "Fused GeLU Tanh and Mul");
   m.def("gelu_and_mul", &gelu_and_mul, "Fused GeLU and Mul");
-  m.def("apply_rope_inplace", &apply_rope_inplace, "Apply RoPE in-place");
-  m.def("apply_llama31_rope_inplace", &apply_llama31_rope_inplace,
-        "Apply Llama 3.1 style RoPE in-place");
   m.def("apply_rope", &apply_rope, "Apply RoPE");
   m.def("apply_llama31_rope", &apply_llama31_rope, "Apply Llama 3.1 style RoPE");
+  m.def("apply_rope_pos_ids", &apply_rope_pos_ids, "Apply RoPE with positional ids");
+  m.def("apply_llama31_rope_pos_ids", &apply_llama31_rope_pos_ids,
+        "Apply Llama 3.1 style RoPE with positional ids");
   m.def("packbits", &packbits, "GPU packbits operator");
   m.def("segment_packbits", &segment_packbits, "GPU segment packbits operator");
   m.def("cutlass_segment_gemm", &CutlassSegmentGEMM, "Cutlass Segment GEMM operator");
diff --git a/include/flashinfer/pos_enc.cuh b/include/flashinfer/pos_enc.cuh
index d6f96e4c..ed0b732a 100644
--- a/include/flashinfer/pos_enc.cuh
+++ b/include/flashinfer/pos_enc.cuh
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
 #include <cmath>
+#include <cstdint>
 #include <string>
 #include "layout.cuh"
@@ -94,6 +95,25 @@ __device__ __forceinline__ vec_t<float, vec_size> vec_apply_llama_rope(
   return vec;
+template <uint32_t vec_size, uint32_t bdx, typename T>
+__device__ __forceinline__ vec_t<float, vec_size> vec_apply_llama_rope_cos_sin(
+    const T* x, const vec_t<float, vec_size>& cos, const vec_t<float, vec_size>& sin) {
+  constexpr uint32_t head_dim = vec_size * bdx;
+  vec_t<float, vec_size> permuted_vec, vec;
+  vec.cast_load(x + threadIdx.x * vec_size);
+  permuted_vec.cast_load(x + ((threadIdx.x * vec_size < head_dim / 2)
+                                  ? threadIdx.x * vec_size + head_dim / 2
+                                  : threadIdx.x * vec_size - head_dim / 2));
+#pragma unroll
+  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < vec_size; ++i) {
+    vec[i] =
+        vec[i] * cos[i] +
+        ((threadIdx.x * vec_size < head_dim / 2) ? -permuted_vec[i] : permuted_vec[i]) * sin[i];
+  }
+  return vec;
  * \brief Apply RoPE (Rotary Positional Embeddings) to x[0: head_dim] with interleave,
  *   return thread-local vector.
@@ -122,13 +142,28 @@ __device__ __forceinline__ vec_t<float, vec_size> vec_apply_llama_rope_interleav
   return vec;
+template <uint32_t vec_size, uint32_t bdx, typename T>
+__device__ __forceinline__ vec_t<float, vec_size> vec_apply_llama_rope_cos_sin_interleave(
+    const T* x, const vec_t<float, vec_size>& cos, const vec_t<float, vec_size>& sin) {
+  vec_t<float, vec_size> vec, vec_before;
+  vec.cast_load(x + threadIdx.x * vec_size);
+  vec_before = vec;
+#pragma unroll
+  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < vec_size; ++i) {
+    vec[i] = vec[i] * cos[i] + ((i % 2 == 0) ? -vec_before[i ^ 1] : vec_before[i ^ 1]) * sin[i];
+  }
+  return vec;
 template <bool interleave, uint32_t head_dim, uint32_t vec_size, uint32_t bdx, typename DType,
           typename IdType>
-__global__ void BatchQKApplyRotaryInPlaceKernel(
-    DType* __restrict__ q, DType* __restrict__ k, IdType* __restrict__ indptr,
-    IdType* __restrict__ offsets, uint32_t batch_size, uint32_t num_qo_heads, uint32_t num_kv_heads,
-    size_t q_stride_n, size_t q_stride_h, size_t k_stride_n, size_t k_stride_h, float smooth_a,
-    float smooth_b, float rope_rcp_scale, float rope_rcp_theta) {
+__global__ void BatchQKApplyRotaryPosIdsKernel(
+    DType* q, DType* k, DType* q_rope, DType* k_rope, IdType* __restrict__ pos_ids, uint32_t nnz,
+    uint32_t num_qo_heads, uint32_t num_kv_heads, size_t q_stride_n, size_t q_stride_h,
+    size_t k_stride_n, size_t k_stride_h, size_t q_rope_stride_n, size_t q_rope_stride_h,
+    size_t k_rope_stride_n, size_t k_rope_stride_h, float smooth_a, float smooth_b,
+    float rope_rcp_scale, float rope_rcp_theta) {
   uint32_t bx = blockIdx.x, tx = threadIdx.x, ty = threadIdx.y;
   const uint32_t bdy = blockDim.y;
   vec_t<float, vec_size> freq;
@@ -146,61 +181,56 @@ __global__ void BatchQKApplyRotaryInPlaceKernel(
     freq[i] = (1 - smooth) * (freq[i] * rope_rcp_scale) + smooth * freq[i];
-  if (bx < batch_size * num_qo_heads) {
-    // apply rotary to q
-    const uint32_t batch_idx = bx / num_qo_heads;
-    const uint32_t qo_head_idx = bx % num_qo_heads;
-    const uint32_t seq_len = indptr[batch_idx + 1] - indptr[batch_idx];
-    const uint32_t offset = offsets[batch_idx];
-#pragma unroll 2
-    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < (seq_len + bdy - 1) / bdy; ++i) {
+  vec_t<float, vec_size> cos, sin;
+  if (bx * bdy + ty < nnz) {
+    const uint32_t idx = bx * bdy + ty;
+    const IdType pos = pos_ids[idx];
+#pragma unroll
+    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < vec_size; ++i) {
+      float embed = float(pos) * freq[i];
+      __sincosf(embed, &sin[i], &cos[i]);
+    }
+#pragma unroll 1
+    for (uint32_t qo_head_idx = 0; qo_head_idx < num_qo_heads; ++qo_head_idx) {
+      DType* q_ptr = q + get_elem_offset_impl(idx, qo_head_idx, 0, q_stride_n, q_stride_h);
+      DType* q_rope_ptr =
+          q_rope + get_elem_offset_impl(idx, qo_head_idx, 0, q_rope_stride_n, q_rope_stride_h);
       vec_t<float, vec_size> q_vec;
-      if (i * bdy + ty < seq_len) {
-        DType* q_ptr = q + get_elem_offset_impl(indptr[batch_idx] + i * bdy + ty, qo_head_idx, 0,
-                                                q_stride_n, q_stride_h);
-        if constexpr (interleave) {
-          q_vec =
-              vec_apply_llama_rope_interleave<vec_size, bdx>(q_ptr, freq, offset + i * bdy + ty);
-        } else {
-          q_vec = vec_apply_llama_rope<vec_size, bdx>(q_ptr, freq, offset + i * bdy + ty);
-        }
-        q_vec.cast_store(q_ptr + tx * vec_size);
+      if constexpr (interleave) {
+        q_vec = vec_apply_llama_rope_cos_sin_interleave<vec_size, bdx>(q_ptr, cos, sin);
+      } else {
+        q_vec = vec_apply_llama_rope_cos_sin<vec_size, bdx>(q_ptr, cos, sin);
+      q_vec.cast_store(q_rope_ptr + tx * vec_size);
-  } else {
-    // apply rotary to k
-    uint32_t batch_idx = (bx - batch_size * num_qo_heads) / num_kv_heads;
-    uint32_t kv_head_idx = (bx - batch_size * num_qo_heads) % num_kv_heads;
-    const uint32_t seq_len = indptr[batch_idx + 1] - indptr[batch_idx];
-    const uint32_t offset = offsets[batch_idx];
-#pragma unroll 2
-    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < (seq_len + bdy - 1) / bdy; ++i) {
+#pragma unroll 1
+    for (uint32_t kv_head_idx = 0; kv_head_idx < num_kv_heads; ++kv_head_idx) {
+      DType* k_ptr = k + get_elem_offset_impl(idx, kv_head_idx, 0, k_stride_n, k_stride_h);
+      DType* k_rope_ptr =
+          k_rope + get_elem_offset_impl(idx, kv_head_idx, 0, k_rope_stride_n, k_rope_stride_h);
       vec_t<float, vec_size> k_vec;
-      if (i * bdy + ty < seq_len) {
-        DType* k_ptr = k + get_elem_offset_impl(indptr[batch_idx] + i * bdy + ty, kv_head_idx, 0,
-                                                k_stride_n, k_stride_h);
-        if constexpr (interleave) {
-          k_vec =
-              vec_apply_llama_rope_interleave<vec_size, bdx>(k_ptr, freq, offset + i * bdy + ty);
-        } else {
-          k_vec = vec_apply_llama_rope<vec_size, bdx>(k_ptr, freq, offset + i * bdy + ty);
-        }
-        k_vec.cast_store(k_ptr + tx * vec_size);
+      if constexpr (interleave) {
+        k_vec = vec_apply_llama_rope_cos_sin_interleave<vec_size, bdx>(k_ptr, cos, sin);
+      } else {
+        k_vec = vec_apply_llama_rope_cos_sin<vec_size, bdx>(k_ptr, cos, sin);
+      k_vec.cast_store(k_rope_ptr + tx * vec_size);
 template <bool interleave, uint32_t head_dim, uint32_t vec_size, uint32_t bdx, typename DType,
           typename IdType>
-__global__ void BatchQKApplyRotaryKernel(DType* __restrict__ q, DType* __restrict__ k,
-                                         DType* __restrict__ q_rope, DType* __restrict__ k_rope,
-                                         IdType* __restrict__ indptr, IdType* __restrict__ offsets,
-                                         uint32_t batch_size, uint32_t num_qo_heads,
-                                         uint32_t num_kv_heads, size_t q_stride_n,
-                                         size_t q_stride_h, size_t k_stride_n, size_t k_stride_h,
-                                         float smooth_a, float smooth_b, float rope_rcp_scale,
-                                         float rope_rcp_theta) {
+__global__ void BatchQKApplyRotaryKernel(
+    DType* q, DType* k, DType* q_rope, DType* k_rope, IdType* __restrict__ indptr,
+    IdType* __restrict__ offsets, uint32_t batch_size, uint32_t num_qo_heads, uint32_t num_kv_heads,
+    size_t q_stride_n, size_t q_stride_h, size_t k_stride_n, size_t k_stride_h,
+    size_t q_rope_stride_n, size_t q_rope_stride_h, size_t k_rope_stride_n, size_t k_rope_stride_h,
+    float smooth_a, float smooth_b, float rope_rcp_scale, float rope_rcp_theta) {
   uint32_t bx = blockIdx.x, tx = threadIdx.x, ty = threadIdx.y;
   const uint32_t bdy = blockDim.y;
   vec_t<float, vec_size> freq;
@@ -232,8 +262,7 @@ __global__ void BatchQKApplyRotaryKernel(DType* __restrict__ q, DType* __restric
                                                 q_stride_n, q_stride_h);
         DType* q_rope_ptr =
             q_rope + get_elem_offset_impl(indptr[batch_idx] + i * bdy + ty, qo_head_idx, 0,
-                                          /*q_stride_n=*/num_qo_heads * head_dim,
-                                          /*q_stride_h=*/head_dim);
+                                          q_rope_stride_n, q_rope_stride_h);
         if constexpr (interleave) {
           q_vec =
               vec_apply_llama_rope_interleave<vec_size, bdx>(q_ptr, freq, offset + i * bdy + ty);
@@ -257,8 +286,7 @@ __global__ void BatchQKApplyRotaryKernel(DType* __restrict__ q, DType* __restric
                                                 k_stride_n, k_stride_h);
         DType* k_rope_ptr =
             k_rope + get_elem_offset_impl(indptr[batch_idx] + i * bdy + ty, kv_head_idx, 0,
-                                          /*kv_stride_n=*/num_kv_heads * head_dim,
-                                          /*kv_stride_h=*/head_dim);
+                                          k_rope_stride_n, k_rope_stride_h);
         if constexpr (interleave) {
           k_vec =
               vec_apply_llama_rope_interleave<vec_size, bdx>(k_ptr, freq, offset + i * bdy + ty);
@@ -281,13 +309,14 @@ __global__ void BatchQKApplyRotaryKernel(DType* __restrict__ q, DType* __restric
 template <typename DType, typename IdType>
-cudaError_t BatchQKApplyRotaryInPlace(DType* __restrict__ q, DType* __restrict__ k,
-                                      IdType* __restrict__ indptr, IdType* __restrict__ offsets,
-                                      uint32_t batch_size, uint32_t num_qo_heads,
-                                      uint32_t num_kv_heads, uint32_t head_dim, size_t q_stride_n,
-                                      size_t q_stride_h, size_t k_stride_n, size_t k_stride_h,
-                                      bool interleave, float rope_scale, float rope_theta,
-                                      cudaStream_t stream = nullptr) {
+cudaError_t BatchQKApplyRotaryPosIds(DType* q, DType* k, DType* q_rope, DType* k_rope,
+                                     IdType* __restrict__ pos_ids, uint32_t nnz,
+                                     uint32_t num_qo_heads, uint32_t num_kv_heads,
+                                     uint32_t head_dim, size_t q_stride_n, size_t q_stride_h,
+                                     size_t k_stride_n, size_t k_stride_h, size_t q_rope_stride_n,
+                                     size_t q_rope_stride_h, size_t k_rope_stride_n,
+                                     size_t k_rope_stride_h, bool interleave, float rope_scale,
+                                     float rope_theta, cudaStream_t stream = nullptr) {
   float rope_rcp_scale = 1.0f / rope_scale;
   float rope_rcp_theta = 1.0f / rope_theta;
   float smooth_a = 0.f;
@@ -299,21 +328,26 @@ cudaError_t BatchQKApplyRotaryInPlace(DType* __restrict__ q, DType* __restrict__
       constexpr uint32_t bdx = HEAD_DIM / vec_size;
       uint32_t num_threads = std::max(128U, bdx);
       uint32_t bdy = num_threads / bdx;
-      dim3 nblks(batch_size * (num_qo_heads + num_kv_heads));
+      dim3 nblks((nnz + bdy - 1) / bdy);
       dim3 nthrs(bdx, bdy);
       auto kernel =
-          BatchQKApplyRotaryInPlaceKernel<INTERLEAVE, HEAD_DIM, vec_size, bdx, DType, IdType>;
+          BatchQKApplyRotaryPosIdsKernel<INTERLEAVE, HEAD_DIM, vec_size, bdx, DType, IdType>;
       void* args[] = {(void*)&q,
-                      (void*)&indptr,
-                      (void*)&offsets,
-                      (void*)&batch_size,
+                      (void*)&q_rope,
+                      (void*)&k_rope,
+                      (void*)&pos_ids,
+                      (void*)&nnz,
+                      (void*)&q_rope_stride_n,
+                      (void*)&q_rope_stride_h,
+                      (void*)&k_rope_stride_n,
+                      (void*)&k_rope_stride_h,
@@ -326,16 +360,18 @@ cudaError_t BatchQKApplyRotaryInPlace(DType* __restrict__ q, DType* __restrict__
 template <typename DType, typename IdType>
-cudaError_t BatchQKApplyLlama31RotaryInPlace(
-    DType* __restrict__ q, DType* __restrict__ k, IdType* __restrict__ indptr,
-    IdType* __restrict__ offsets, uint32_t batch_size, uint32_t num_qo_heads, uint32_t num_kv_heads,
-    uint32_t head_dim, size_t q_stride_n, size_t q_stride_h, size_t k_stride_n, size_t k_stride_h,
-    bool interleave, float rope_scale, float rope_theta, float low_freq_factor,
-    float high_freq_factor, float old_context_length, cudaStream_t stream = nullptr) {
+cudaError_t BatchQKApplyRotary(DType* q, DType* k, DType* q_rope, DType* k_rope,
+                               IdType* __restrict__ indptr, IdType* __restrict__ offsets,
+                               uint32_t batch_size, uint32_t num_qo_heads, uint32_t num_kv_heads,
+                               uint32_t head_dim, size_t q_stride_n, size_t q_stride_h,
+                               size_t k_stride_n, size_t k_stride_h, size_t q_rope_stride_n,
+                               size_t q_rope_stride_h, size_t k_rope_stride_n,
+                               size_t k_rope_stride_h, bool interleave, float rope_scale,
+                               float rope_theta, cudaStream_t stream = nullptr) {
   float rope_rcp_scale = 1.0f / rope_scale;
   float rope_rcp_theta = 1.0f / rope_theta;
-  float smooth_a = old_context_length / (2 * M_PI * high_freq_factor - 2 * M_PI * low_freq_factor);
-  float smooth_b = -1.0f / (high_freq_factor / low_freq_factor - 1.0f);
+  float smooth_a = 0.f;
+  float smooth_b = 0.f;
     DISPATCH_HEAD_DIM(head_dim, HEAD_DIM, {
@@ -345,10 +381,11 @@ cudaError_t BatchQKApplyLlama31RotaryInPlace(
       uint32_t bdy = num_threads / bdx;
       dim3 nblks(batch_size * (num_qo_heads + num_kv_heads));
       dim3 nthrs(bdx, bdy);
-      auto kernel =
-          BatchQKApplyRotaryInPlaceKernel<INTERLEAVE, HEAD_DIM, vec_size, bdx, DType, IdType>;
+      auto kernel = BatchQKApplyRotaryKernel<INTERLEAVE, HEAD_DIM, vec_size, bdx, DType, IdType>;
       void* args[] = {(void*)&q,
+                      (void*)&q_rope,
+                      (void*)&k_rope,
@@ -358,6 +395,10 @@ cudaError_t BatchQKApplyLlama31RotaryInPlace(
+                      (void*)&q_rope_stride_n,
+                      (void*)&q_rope_stride_h,
+                      (void*)&k_rope_stride_n,
+                      (void*)&k_rope_stride_h,
@@ -370,17 +411,17 @@ cudaError_t BatchQKApplyLlama31RotaryInPlace(
 template <typename DType, typename IdType>
-cudaError_t BatchQKApplyRotary(DType* __restrict__ q, DType* __restrict__ k,
-                               DType* __restrict__ q_rope, DType* __restrict__ k_rope,
-                               IdType* __restrict__ indptr, IdType* __restrict__ offsets,
-                               uint32_t batch_size, uint32_t num_qo_heads, uint32_t num_kv_heads,
-                               uint32_t head_dim, size_t q_stride_n, size_t q_stride_h,
-                               size_t k_stride_n, size_t k_stride_h, bool interleave,
-                               float rope_scale, float rope_theta, cudaStream_t stream = nullptr) {
+cudaError_t BatchQKApplyLlama31Rotary(
+    DType* q, DType* k, DType* q_rope, DType* k_rope, IdType* __restrict__ indptr,
+    IdType* __restrict__ offsets, uint32_t batch_size, uint32_t num_qo_heads, uint32_t num_kv_heads,
+    uint32_t head_dim, size_t q_stride_n, size_t q_stride_h, size_t k_stride_n, size_t k_stride_h,
+    size_t q_rope_stride_n, size_t q_rope_stride_h, size_t k_rope_stride_n, size_t k_rope_stride_h,
+    bool interleave, float rope_scale, float rope_theta, float low_freq_factor,
+    float high_freq_factor, float old_context_length, cudaStream_t stream = nullptr) {
   float rope_rcp_scale = 1.0f / rope_scale;
   float rope_rcp_theta = 1.0f / rope_theta;
-  float smooth_a = 0.f;
-  float smooth_b = 0.f;
+  float smooth_a = old_context_length / (2 * M_PI * high_freq_factor - 2 * M_PI * low_freq_factor);
+  float smooth_b = -1.0f / (high_freq_factor / low_freq_factor - 1.0f);
     DISPATCH_HEAD_DIM(head_dim, HEAD_DIM, {
@@ -404,6 +445,10 @@ cudaError_t BatchQKApplyRotary(DType* __restrict__ q, DType* __restrict__ k,
+                      (void*)&q_rope_stride_n,
+                      (void*)&q_rope_stride_h,
+                      (void*)&k_rope_stride_n,
+                      (void*)&k_rope_stride_h,
@@ -416,15 +461,13 @@ cudaError_t BatchQKApplyRotary(DType* __restrict__ q, DType* __restrict__ k,
 template <typename DType, typename IdType>
-cudaError_t BatchQKApplyLlama31Rotary(DType* __restrict__ q, DType* __restrict__ k,
-                                      DType* __restrict__ q_rope, DType* __restrict__ k_rope,
-                                      IdType* __restrict__ indptr, IdType* __restrict__ offsets,
-                                      uint32_t batch_size, uint32_t num_qo_heads,
-                                      uint32_t num_kv_heads, uint32_t head_dim, size_t q_stride_n,
-                                      size_t q_stride_h, size_t k_stride_n, size_t k_stride_h,
-                                      bool interleave, float rope_scale, float rope_theta,
-                                      float low_freq_factor, float high_freq_factor,
-                                      float old_context_length, cudaStream_t stream = nullptr) {
+cudaError_t BatchQKApplyLlama31RotaryPosIds(
+    DType* q, DType* k, DType* q_rope, DType* k_rope, IdType* pos_ids, uint32_t nnz,
+    uint32_t num_qo_heads, uint32_t num_kv_heads, uint32_t head_dim, size_t q_stride_n,
+    size_t q_stride_h, size_t k_stride_n, size_t k_stride_h, size_t q_rope_stride_n,
+    size_t q_rope_stride_h, size_t k_rope_stride_n, size_t k_rope_stride_h, bool interleave,
+    float rope_scale, float rope_theta, float low_freq_factor, float high_freq_factor,
+    float old_context_length, cudaStream_t stream = nullptr) {
   float rope_rcp_scale = 1.0f / rope_scale;
   float rope_rcp_theta = 1.0f / rope_theta;
   float smooth_a = old_context_length / (2 * M_PI * high_freq_factor - 2 * M_PI * low_freq_factor);
@@ -436,22 +479,26 @@ cudaError_t BatchQKApplyLlama31Rotary(DType* __restrict__ q, DType* __restrict__
       constexpr uint32_t bdx = HEAD_DIM / vec_size;
       uint32_t num_threads = std::max(128U, bdx);
       uint32_t bdy = num_threads / bdx;
-      dim3 nblks(batch_size * (num_qo_heads + num_kv_heads));
+      dim3 nblks((nnz + bdy - 1) / bdy);
       dim3 nthrs(bdx, bdy);
-      auto kernel = BatchQKApplyRotaryKernel<INTERLEAVE, HEAD_DIM, vec_size, bdx, DType, IdType>;
+      auto kernel =
+          BatchQKApplyRotaryPosIdsKernel<INTERLEAVE, HEAD_DIM, vec_size, bdx, DType, IdType>;
       void* args[] = {(void*)&q,
-                      (void*)&indptr,
-                      (void*)&offsets,
-                      (void*)&batch_size,
+                      (void*)&pos_ids,
+                      (void*)&nnz,
+                      (void*)&q_rope_stride_n,
+                      (void*)&q_rope_stride_h,
+                      (void*)&k_rope_stride_n,
+                      (void*)&k_rope_stride_h,
diff --git a/python/csrc/ b/python/csrc/
index 4075930b..ef046ead 100644
--- a/python/csrc/
+++ b/python/csrc/
@@ -15,28 +15,36 @@
 #include <torch/extension.h>
-void apply_rope_inplace(torch::Tensor q, torch::Tensor k, torch::Tensor indptr,
-                        torch::Tensor offsets, bool interleave, float rope_scale, float rope_theta);
+#include <vector>
-void apply_llama31_rope_inplace(torch::Tensor q, torch::Tensor k, torch::Tensor indptr,
-                                torch::Tensor offsets, bool interleave, float rope_scale,
-                                float rope_theta, float low_freq_factor, float high_freq_factor,
-                                float old_context_length);
-std::vector<torch::Tensor> apply_rope(torch::Tensor q, torch::Tensor k, torch::Tensor indptr,
+std::vector<torch::Tensor> apply_rope(torch::Tensor q, torch::Tensor k, torch::Tensor q_rope,
+                                      torch::Tensor k_rope, torch::Tensor indptr,
                                       torch::Tensor offsets, bool interleave, float rope_scale,
                                       float rope_theta);
 std::vector<torch::Tensor> apply_llama31_rope(torch::Tensor q, torch::Tensor k,
+                                              torch::Tensor q_rope, torch::Tensor k_rope,
                                               torch::Tensor indptr, torch::Tensor offsets,
                                               bool interleave, float rope_scale, float rope_theta,
                                               float low_freq_factor, float high_freq_factor,
                                               float old_context_length);
+std::vector<torch::Tensor> apply_rope_pos_ids(torch::Tensor q, torch::Tensor k,
+                                              torch::Tensor q_rope, torch::Tensor k_rope,
+                                              torch::Tensor pos_ids, bool interleave,
+                                              float rope_scale, float rope_theta);
+std::vector<torch::Tensor> apply_llama31_rope_pos_ids(torch::Tensor q, torch::Tensor k,
+                                                      torch::Tensor q_rope, torch::Tensor k_rope,
+                                                      torch::Tensor pos_ids, bool interleave,
+                                                      float rope_scale, float rope_theta,
+                                                      float low_freq_factor, float high_freq_factor,
+                                                      float old_context_length);
-  m.def("apply_rope_inplace", &apply_rope_inplace, "Apply RoPE in-place");
-  m.def("apply_llama31_rope_inplace", &apply_llama31_rope_inplace,
-        "Apply Llama 3.1 style RoPE in-place");
   m.def("apply_rope", &apply_rope, "Apply RoPE");
   m.def("apply_llama31_rope", &apply_llama31_rope, "Apply Llama 3.1 style RoPE");
+  m.def("apply_rope_pos_ids", &apply_rope_pos_ids, "Apply RoPE with positional ids");
+  m.def("apply_llama31_rope_pos_ids", &apply_llama31_rope_pos_ids,
+        "Apply Llama 3.1 style RoPE with positional ids");
diff --git a/python/csrc/ b/python/csrc/
index bb8d5a19..d2ca9155 100644
--- a/python/csrc/
+++ b/python/csrc/
@@ -19,9 +19,10 @@
 using namespace flashinfer;
-void apply_rope_inplace(torch::Tensor q, torch::Tensor k, torch::Tensor indptr,
-                        torch::Tensor offsets, bool interleave, float rope_scale,
-                        float rope_theta) {
+std::vector<torch::Tensor> apply_rope(torch::Tensor q, torch::Tensor k, torch::Tensor q_rope,
+                                      torch::Tensor k_rope, torch::Tensor indptr,
+                                      torch::Tensor offsets, bool interleave, float rope_scale,
+                                      float rope_theta) {
   CHECK_CUDA(q);  // not necessarily contiguous
   CHECK_CUDA(k);  // not necessarily contiguous
@@ -44,68 +45,80 @@ void apply_rope_inplace(torch::Tensor q, torch::Tensor k, torch::Tensor indptr,
   size_t q_stride_h = q.stride(1);
   size_t k_stride_n = k.stride(0);
   size_t k_stride_h = k.stride(1);
+  size_t q_rope_stride_n = q_rope.stride(0);
+  size_t q_rope_stride_h = q_rope.stride(1);
+  size_t k_rope_stride_n = k_rope.stride(0);
+  size_t k_rope_stride_h = k_rope.stride(1);
   indptr =;
   offsets =;
   cudaStream_t torch_current_stream = c10::cuda::getCurrentCUDAStream(device.index());
   DISPATCH_PYTORCH_DTYPE_TO_CTYPE_FP16(q.scalar_type(), c_type, [&] {
-    cudaError_t status = BatchQKApplyRotaryInPlace(
+    cudaError_t status = BatchQKApplyRotary(
         static_cast<c_type*>(q.data_ptr()), static_cast<c_type*>(k.data_ptr()),
+        static_cast<c_type*>(q_rope.data_ptr()), static_cast<c_type*>(k_rope.data_ptr()),
         static_cast<int32_t*>(indptr.data_ptr()), static_cast<int32_t*>(offsets.data_ptr()),
         batch_size, num_qo_heads, num_kv_heads, head_dim, q_stride_n, q_stride_h, k_stride_n,
-        k_stride_h, interleave, rope_scale, rope_theta, torch_current_stream);
-    TORCH_CHECK(status == cudaSuccess, "BatchQKApplyRotaryInPlace failed with error code " +
+        k_stride_h, q_rope_stride_n, q_rope_stride_h, k_rope_stride_n, k_rope_stride_h, interleave,
+        rope_scale, rope_theta, torch_current_stream);
+    TORCH_CHECK(status == cudaSuccess, "BatchQKApplyRotary failed with error code " +
     return true;
+  return {q_rope, k_rope};
-void apply_llama31_rope_inplace(torch::Tensor q, torch::Tensor k, torch::Tensor indptr,
-                                torch::Tensor offsets, bool interleave, float rope_scale,
-                                float rope_theta, float low_freq_factor, float high_freq_factor,
-                                float old_context_length) {
+std::vector<torch::Tensor> apply_rope_pos_ids(torch::Tensor q, torch::Tensor k,
+                                              torch::Tensor q_rope, torch::Tensor k_rope,
+                                              torch::Tensor pos_ids, bool interleave,
+                                              float rope_scale, float rope_theta) {
   CHECK_CUDA(q);  // not necessarily contiguous
   CHECK_CUDA(k);  // not necessarily contiguous
-  CHECK_INPUT(indptr);
-  CHECK_INPUT(offsets);
+  CHECK_INPUT(pos_ids);
   auto device = q.device();
   CHECK_EQ(k.device(), device);
-  CHECK_DIM(3, q);        // q: (nnz, H_Q, D)
-  CHECK_DIM(3, k);        // k: (nnz, H_K, D)
-  CHECK_DIM(1, indptr);   // indptr: (B + 1)
-  CHECK_DIM(1, offsets);  // offsets: (B)
+  CHECK_DIM(3, q);  // q: (nnz, H_Q, D)
+  CHECK_DIM(3, k);  // k: (nnz, H_K, D)
   CHECK_EQ(q.size(0), k.size(0));
   CHECK_EQ(q.size(2), k.size(2));
   unsigned int num_qo_heads = q.size(1);
   unsigned int num_kv_heads = k.size(1);
   unsigned int head_dim = q.size(2);
-  unsigned int batch_size = offsets.size(0);
-  CHECK_EQ(indptr.size(0), batch_size + 1);
+  unsigned int nnz = q.size(0);
   size_t q_stride_n = q.stride(0);
   size_t q_stride_h = q.stride(1);
   size_t k_stride_n = k.stride(0);
   size_t k_stride_h = k.stride(1);
-  indptr =;
-  offsets =;
+  size_t q_rope_stride_n = q_rope.stride(0);
+  size_t q_rope_stride_h = q_rope.stride(1);
+  size_t k_rope_stride_n = k_rope.stride(0);
+  size_t k_rope_stride_h = k_rope.stride(1);
+  pos_ids =;
   cudaStream_t torch_current_stream = c10::cuda::getCurrentCUDAStream(device.index());
   DISPATCH_PYTORCH_DTYPE_TO_CTYPE_FP16(q.scalar_type(), c_type, [&] {
-    cudaError_t status = BatchQKApplyLlama31RotaryInPlace(
+    cudaError_t status = BatchQKApplyRotaryPosIds(
         static_cast<c_type*>(q.data_ptr()), static_cast<c_type*>(k.data_ptr()),
-        static_cast<int32_t*>(indptr.data_ptr()), static_cast<int32_t*>(offsets.data_ptr()),
-        batch_size, num_qo_heads, num_kv_heads, head_dim, q_stride_n, q_stride_h, k_stride_n,
-        k_stride_h, interleave, rope_scale, rope_theta, low_freq_factor, high_freq_factor,
-        old_context_length, torch_current_stream);
-    TORCH_CHECK(status == cudaSuccess, "BatchQKApplyLlama31RotaryInPlace failed with error code " +
+        static_cast<c_type*>(q_rope.data_ptr()), static_cast<c_type*>(k_rope.data_ptr()),
+        static_cast<int32_t*>(pos_ids.data_ptr()), nnz, num_qo_heads, num_kv_heads, head_dim,
+        q_stride_n, q_stride_h, k_stride_n, k_stride_h, q_rope_stride_n, q_rope_stride_h,
+        k_rope_stride_n, k_rope_stride_h, interleave, rope_scale, rope_theta, torch_current_stream);
+    TORCH_CHECK(status == cudaSuccess, "BatchQKApplyRotaryPosIds failed with error code " +
     return true;
+  return {q_rope, k_rope};
-std::vector<torch::Tensor> apply_rope(torch::Tensor q, torch::Tensor k, torch::Tensor indptr,
-                                      torch::Tensor offsets, bool interleave, float rope_scale,
-                                      float rope_theta) {
+std::vector<torch::Tensor> apply_llama31_rope(torch::Tensor q, torch::Tensor k,
+                                              torch::Tensor q_rope, torch::Tensor k_rope,
+                                              torch::Tensor indptr, torch::Tensor offsets,
+                                              bool interleave, float rope_scale, float rope_theta,
+                                              float low_freq_factor, float high_freq_factor,
+                                              float old_context_length) {
   CHECK_CUDA(q);  // not necessarily contiguous
   CHECK_CUDA(k);  // not necessarily contiguous
@@ -128,21 +141,24 @@ std::vector<torch::Tensor> apply_rope(torch::Tensor q, torch::Tensor k, torch::T
   size_t q_stride_h = q.stride(1);
   size_t k_stride_n = k.stride(0);
   size_t k_stride_h = k.stride(1);
+  size_t q_rope_stride_n = q_rope.stride(0);
+  size_t q_rope_stride_h = q_rope.stride(1);
+  size_t k_rope_stride_n = k_rope.stride(0);
+  size_t k_rope_stride_h = k_rope.stride(1);
   indptr =;
   offsets =;
-  // NOTE(Zihao): empty_like do not copy strides so it's okay to use it here.
-  auto q_rope = torch::empty_like(q);
-  auto k_rope = torch::empty_like(k);
   cudaStream_t torch_current_stream = c10::cuda::getCurrentCUDAStream(device.index());
   DISPATCH_PYTORCH_DTYPE_TO_CTYPE_FP16(q.scalar_type(), c_type, [&] {
-    cudaError_t status = BatchQKApplyRotary(
+    cudaError_t status = BatchQKApplyLlama31Rotary(
         static_cast<c_type*>(q.data_ptr()), static_cast<c_type*>(k.data_ptr()),
         static_cast<c_type*>(q_rope.data_ptr()), static_cast<c_type*>(k_rope.data_ptr()),
         static_cast<int32_t*>(indptr.data_ptr()), static_cast<int32_t*>(offsets.data_ptr()),
         batch_size, num_qo_heads, num_kv_heads, head_dim, q_stride_n, q_stride_h, k_stride_n,
-        k_stride_h, interleave, rope_scale, rope_theta, torch_current_stream);
-    TORCH_CHECK(status == cudaSuccess, "BatchQKApplyRotary failed with error code " +
+        k_stride_h, q_rope_stride_n, q_rope_stride_h, k_rope_stride_n, k_rope_stride_h, interleave,
+        rope_scale, rope_theta, low_freq_factor, high_freq_factor, old_context_length,
+        torch_current_stream);
+    TORCH_CHECK(status == cudaSuccess, "BatchQKApplyLlama31Rotary failed with error code " +
     return true;
@@ -150,50 +166,46 @@ std::vector<torch::Tensor> apply_rope(torch::Tensor q, torch::Tensor k, torch::T
   return {q_rope, k_rope};
-std::vector<torch::Tensor> apply_llama31_rope(torch::Tensor q, torch::Tensor k,
-                                              torch::Tensor indptr, torch::Tensor offsets,
-                                              bool interleave, float rope_scale, float rope_theta,
-                                              float low_freq_factor, float high_freq_factor,
-                                              float old_context_length) {
+std::vector<torch::Tensor> apply_llama31_rope_pos_ids(torch::Tensor q, torch::Tensor k,
+                                                      torch::Tensor q_rope, torch::Tensor k_rope,
+                                                      torch::Tensor pos_ids, bool interleave,
+                                                      float rope_scale, float rope_theta,
+                                                      float low_freq_factor, float high_freq_factor,
+                                                      float old_context_length) {
   CHECK_CUDA(q);  // not necessarily contiguous
   CHECK_CUDA(k);  // not necessarily contiguous
-  CHECK_INPUT(indptr);
-  CHECK_INPUT(offsets);
+  CHECK_INPUT(pos_ids);
   auto device = q.device();
   CHECK_EQ(k.device(), device);
-  CHECK_DIM(3, q);        // q: (nnz, H_Q, D)
-  CHECK_DIM(3, k);        // k: (nnz, H_K, D)
-  CHECK_DIM(1, indptr);   // indptr: (B + 1)
-  CHECK_DIM(1, offsets);  // offsets: (B)
+  CHECK_DIM(3, q);  // q: (nnz, H_Q, D)
+  CHECK_DIM(3, k);  // k: (nnz, H_K, D)
   CHECK_EQ(q.size(0), k.size(0));
   CHECK_EQ(q.size(2), k.size(2));
   unsigned int num_qo_heads = q.size(1);
   unsigned int num_kv_heads = k.size(1);
   unsigned int head_dim = q.size(2);
-  unsigned int batch_size = offsets.size(0);
-  CHECK_EQ(indptr.size(0), batch_size + 1);
+  unsigned int nnz = q.size(0);
   size_t q_stride_n = q.stride(0);
   size_t q_stride_h = q.stride(1);
   size_t k_stride_n = k.stride(0);
   size_t k_stride_h = k.stride(1);
-  indptr =;
-  offsets =;
-  // NOTE(Zihao): empty_like do not copy strides so it's okay to use it here.
-  auto q_rope = torch::empty_like(q);
-  auto k_rope = torch::empty_like(k);
+  size_t q_rope_stride_n = q_rope.stride(0);
+  size_t q_rope_stride_h = q_rope.stride(1);
+  size_t k_rope_stride_n = k_rope.stride(0);
+  size_t k_rope_stride_h = k_rope.stride(1);
+  pos_ids =;
   cudaStream_t torch_current_stream = c10::cuda::getCurrentCUDAStream(device.index());
   DISPATCH_PYTORCH_DTYPE_TO_CTYPE_FP16(q.scalar_type(), c_type, [&] {
-    cudaError_t status = BatchQKApplyLlama31Rotary(
+    cudaError_t status = BatchQKApplyLlama31RotaryPosIds(
         static_cast<c_type*>(q.data_ptr()), static_cast<c_type*>(k.data_ptr()),
         static_cast<c_type*>(q_rope.data_ptr()), static_cast<c_type*>(k_rope.data_ptr()),
-        static_cast<int32_t*>(indptr.data_ptr()), static_cast<int32_t*>(offsets.data_ptr()),
-        batch_size, num_qo_heads, num_kv_heads, head_dim, q_stride_n, q_stride_h, k_stride_n,
-        k_stride_h, interleave, rope_scale, rope_theta, low_freq_factor, high_freq_factor,
-        old_context_length, torch_current_stream);
-    TORCH_CHECK(status == cudaSuccess, "BatchQKApplyLlama31Rotary failed with error code " +
+        static_cast<int32_t*>(pos_ids.data_ptr()), nnz, num_qo_heads, num_kv_heads, head_dim,
+        q_stride_n, q_stride_h, k_stride_n, k_stride_h, q_rope_stride_n, q_rope_stride_h,
+        k_rope_stride_n, k_rope_stride_h, interleave, rope_scale, rope_theta, low_freq_factor,
+        high_freq_factor, old_context_length, torch_current_stream);
+    TORCH_CHECK(status == cudaSuccess, "BatchQKApplyLlama31RotaryPosIds failed with error code " +
     return true;
diff --git a/python/flashinfer/ b/python/flashinfer/
index cb023a67..724fc3f0 100644
--- a/python/flashinfer/
+++ b/python/flashinfer/
@@ -60,6 +60,8 @@
     apply_llama31_rope_inplace as apply_llama31_rope_inplace,
     apply_rope as apply_rope,
     apply_rope_inplace as apply_rope_inplace,
+    apply_rope_pos_ids as apply_rope_pos_ids,
+    apply_rope_pos_ids_inplace as apply_rope_pos_ids_inplace,
 from .sampling import (
     chain_speculative_sampling as chain_speculative_sampling,
diff --git a/python/flashinfer/ b/python/flashinfer/
index 408c1f4a..29c2fcb7 100644
--- a/python/flashinfer/
+++ b/python/flashinfer/
@@ -118,8 +118,8 @@ def apply_rope_inplace(
-    return get_rope_module().apply_rope_inplace(
-        q, k, indptr, offsets, interleave, rope_scale, rope_theta
+    get_rope_module().apply_rope(
+        q, k, q, k, indptr, offsets, interleave, rope_scale, rope_theta
@@ -136,6 +136,70 @@ def _fake_apply_rope_inplace(
+@register_custom_op("flashinfer::apply_rope_pos_ids_inplace", mutates_args=("q", "k"))
+def apply_rope_pos_ids_inplace(
+    q: torch.Tensor,
+    k: torch.Tensor,
+    pos_ids: torch.Tensor,
+    interleave: bool = False,
+    rope_scale: float = 1,
+    rope_theta: float = 1e4,
+) -> None:
+    r"""Apply rotary embedding to a batch of queries/keys (stored as RaggedTensor) inplace.
+    We use :attr:`indptr` to denote the start pointer of each segment in the batch, the i-th
+    segment the query of the i-th segment is ``q[indptr[i]:indptr[i+1]]`` and the key of the
+    i-th segment is ``k[indptr[i]:indptr[i+1]]``, the first element of :attr:`indptr` is always
+    0 and the last element of :attr:`indptr` is the total number of queries/keys in the batch.
+    Please see :ref:`Ragged Tensor tutorial <ragged-layout>` for more details about the
+    ragged tensor.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    q : torch.Tensor
+        Query ragged tensor, shape: ``(nnz, num_q_heads, head_dim)`, where ``nnz`` is the last
+        element of ``indptr``.
+    k : torch.Tensor
+        Key ragged tensor, shape: ``(nnz, num_k_heads, head_dim)``, where ``nnz`` is the last
+        element of ``indptr``.
+    pos_ids : torch.Tensor
+        Position indices, shape: ``(nnz)``.
+    interleave : bool
+        Whether to use interleaved layout in the last dimension, default: ``False``.
+        * If ``True``, the last dimension of the query/key tensor is interleaved, i.e.,
+          we rotate the even dimensions ``([..., ::2])`` and odd dimensions ``([..., 1::2])``.
+        * If ``False``, the last dimension of the query/key tensor is not interleaved, i.e.,
+          we rorate the first half dimensions ``([..., :head_dim//2])`` and the second half
+          dimensions ``([..., head_dim//2:])``.
+    rope_scale : float
+        The scaling factor used in the rope embedding, default: ``1``.
+    rope_theta : float
+        The theta value used in the rope embedding, default: ``1e4``.
+    See Also
+    --------
+    apply_rope_pos_ids
+    """
+    get_rope_module().apply_rope_pos_ids(
+        q, k, q, k, pos_ids, interleave, rope_scale, rope_theta
+    )
+def _fake_apply_rope_pos_ids_inplace(
+    q: torch.Tensor,
+    k: torch.Tensor,
+    pos_ids: torch.Tensor,
+    interleave: bool = False,
+    rope_scale: float = 1,
+    rope_theta: float = 1e4,
+) -> None:
+    pass
 @register_custom_op("flashinfer::apply_llama31_rope_inplace", mutates_args=("q", "k"))
 def apply_llama31_rope_inplace(
     q: torch.Tensor,
@@ -222,7 +286,9 @@ def apply_llama31_rope_inplace(
-    return get_rope_module().apply_llama31_rope_inplace(
+    get_rope_module().apply_llama31_rope(
+        q,
+        k,
@@ -339,8 +405,10 @@ def apply_rope(
+    q_rope = torch.empty_like(q)
+    k_rope = torch.empty_like(k)
     return get_rope_module().apply_rope(
-        q, k, indptr, offsets, interleave, rope_scale, rope_theta
+        q, k, q_rope, k_rope, indptr, offsets, interleave, rope_scale, rope_theta
@@ -357,6 +425,79 @@ def _fake_apply_rope(
     return torch.empty_like(q), torch.empty_like(k)
+@register_custom_op("flashinfer::apply_rope_pos_ids", mutates_args=())
+def apply_rope_pos_ids(
+    q: torch.Tensor,
+    k: torch.Tensor,
+    pos_ids: torch.Tensor,
+    interleave: bool = False,
+    rope_scale: float = 1,
+    rope_theta: float = 1e4,
+) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]:
+    r"""Apply rotary embedding to a batch of queries/keys (stored as RaggedTensor).
+    We use :attr:`indptr` to denote the start pointer of each segment in the batch, the i-th
+    segment the query of the i-th segment is ``q[indptr[i]:indptr[i+1]]`` and the key of the
+    i-th segment is ``k[indptr[i]:indptr[i+1]]``, the first element of :attr:`indptr` is always
+    0 and the last element of :attr:`indptr` is the total number of queries/keys in the batch.
+    Please see :ref:`Ragged Tensor tutorial <ragged-layout>` for more details about the
+    ragged tensor.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    q : torch.Tensor
+        Query ragged tensor, shape: ``(nnz, num_q_heads, head_dim)`, where ``nnz`` is the last
+        element of ``indptr``.
+    k : torch.Tensor
+        Key ragged tensor, shape: ``(nnz, num_k_heads, head_dim)``, where ``nnz`` is the last
+        element of ``indptr``.
+    pos_ids : torch.Tensor
+        Position indices, shape: ``(batch_size + 1)``.
+    interleave : bool
+        Whether to use interleaved layout in the last dimension, default: ``False``.
+        * If ``True``, the last dimension of the query/key tensor is interleaved, i.e.,
+          we rotate the even dimensions ``([..., ::2])`` and odd dimensions ``([..., 1::2])``.
+        * If ``False``, the last dimension of the query/key tensor is not interleaved, i.e.,
+          we rorate the first half dimensions ``([..., :head_dim//2])`` and the second half
+          dimensions ``([..., head_dim//2:])``.
+    rope_scale : float
+        The scaling factor used in the rope embedding, default: ``1``.
+    rope_theta : float
+        The theta value used in the rope embedding, default: ``1e4``.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    q_rope : torch.Tensor
+        The rotated query tensor, shape: ``(nnz, num_q_heads, head_dim)``.
+    k_rope : torch.Tensor
+        The rotated key tensor, shape: ``(nnz, num_k_heads, head_dim)``.
+    See Also
+    --------
+    apply_rope_inplace
+    """
+    q_rope = torch.empty_like(q)
+    k_rope = torch.empty_like(k)
+    return get_rope_module().apply_rope_pos_ids(
+        q, k, q_rope, k_rope, pos_ids, interleave, rope_scale, rope_theta
+    )
+def _fake_apply_rope_pos_ids(
+    q: torch.Tensor,
+    k: torch.Tensor,
+    pos_ids: torch.Tensor,
+    interleave: bool = False,
+    rope_scale: float = 1,
+    rope_theta: float = 1e4,
+) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]:
+    return torch.empty_like(q), torch.empty_like(k)
 @register_custom_op("flashinfer::apply_llama31_rope", mutates_args=())
 def apply_llama31_rope(
     q: torch.Tensor,
@@ -454,9 +595,13 @@ def apply_llama31_rope(
+    q_rope = torch.empty_like(q)
+    k_rope = torch.empty_like(k)
     return get_rope_module().apply_llama31_rope(
+        q_rope,
+        k_rope,
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 1750ed34..f7ee84c9 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -69,12 +69,8 @@ def test_llama_rope_inplace(
     # compare
-    torch.testing.assert_close(
-        q_rope_ref, q, rtol=1e-3, atol=1e-3
-    )
-    torch.testing.assert_close(
-        k_rope_ref, k, rtol=1e-3, atol=1e-3
-    )
+    torch.testing.assert_close(q_rope_ref, q, rtol=1e-3, atol=1e-3)
+    torch.testing.assert_close(k_rope_ref, k, rtol=1e-3, atol=1e-3)
 @pytest.mark.parametrize("batch_size", [1, 19, 99, 989])
@@ -125,12 +121,111 @@ def test_llama_rope(
     # compare
-    torch.testing.assert_close(
-        q_rope_ref, q_rope, rtol=1e-3, atol=1e-3
+    torch.testing.assert_close(q_rope_ref, q_rope, rtol=1e-3, atol=1e-3)
+    torch.testing.assert_close(k_rope_ref, k_rope, rtol=1e-3, atol=1e-3)
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("batch_size", [1, 19, 99, 989])
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("qkv_len", [1, 4, 19, 204])
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("num_qo_heads", [8, 16])
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("num_kv_heads", [8])
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("offset", [0, 15, 99])
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("head_dim", [64, 128, 256])
+def test_llama_rope_pos_ids(
+    batch_size,
+    qkv_len,
+    num_qo_heads,
+    num_kv_heads,
+    offset,
+    head_dim,
+    nnz = batch_size * qkv_len
+    qkv_packed = torch.randn(
+        nnz,
+        (num_qo_heads + 2 * num_kv_heads) * head_dim,
+        dtype=torch.float16,
+        device="cuda:0",
-    torch.testing.assert_close(
-        k_rope_ref, k_rope, rtol=1e-3, atol=1e-3
+    q = qkv_packed[:, : num_qo_heads * head_dim].reshape(nnz, num_qo_heads, head_dim)
+    k = qkv_packed[
+        :, num_qo_heads * head_dim : (num_qo_heads + num_kv_heads) * head_dim
+    ].reshape(nnz, num_kv_heads, head_dim)
+    indptr = torch.tensor(
+        [i * qkv_len for i in range(batch_size + 1)], dtype=torch.int32, device="cuda:0"
+    offsets = torch.full((batch_size,), offset, dtype=torch.int32, device="cuda:0")
+    pos_ids =
+        [
+            torch.arange(offset, qkv_len + offset, dtype=torch.int32)
+            for _ in range(batch_size)
+        ]
+    ).to("cuda:0")
+    q_rope, k_rope = flashinfer.apply_rope(
+        q, k, indptr, offsets, interleave=True, rope_theta=1e4
+    )
+    q_rope_pos_ids, k_rope_pos_ids = flashinfer.apply_rope_pos_ids(
+        q, k, pos_ids, interleave=True, rope_theta=1e4
+    )
+    # compare
+    torch.testing.assert_close(q_rope_pos_ids, q_rope, rtol=1e-3, atol=1e-3)
+    torch.testing.assert_close(k_rope_pos_ids, k_rope, rtol=1e-3, atol=1e-3)
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("batch_size", [1, 19, 99, 989])
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("qkv_len", [1, 4, 19, 204])
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("num_qo_heads", [8, 16])
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("num_kv_heads", [8])
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("offset", [0, 15, 99])
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("head_dim", [64, 128, 256])
+def test_llama_rope_pos_ids_inplace(
+    batch_size,
+    qkv_len,
+    num_qo_heads,
+    num_kv_heads,
+    offset,
+    head_dim,
+    nnz = batch_size * qkv_len
+    qkv_packed = torch.randn(
+        nnz,
+        (num_qo_heads + 2 * num_kv_heads) * head_dim,
+        dtype=torch.float16,
+        device="cuda:0",
+    )
+    q = qkv_packed[:, : num_qo_heads * head_dim].reshape(nnz, num_qo_heads, head_dim)
+    k = qkv_packed[
+        :, num_qo_heads * head_dim : (num_qo_heads + num_kv_heads) * head_dim
+    ].reshape(nnz, num_kv_heads, head_dim)
+    indptr = torch.tensor(
+        [i * qkv_len for i in range(batch_size + 1)], dtype=torch.int32, device="cuda:0"
+    )
+    offsets = torch.full((batch_size,), offset, dtype=torch.int32, device="cuda:0")
+    pos_ids =
+        [
+            torch.arange(offset, qkv_len + offset, dtype=torch.int32)
+            for _ in range(batch_size)
+        ]
+    ).to("cuda:0")
+    q_clone = q.clone()
+    k_clone = k.clone()
+    flashinfer.apply_rope_inplace(
+        q, k, indptr, offsets, interleave=True, rope_theta=1e4
+    )
+    flashinfer.apply_rope_pos_ids_inplace(
+        q_clone, k_clone, pos_ids, interleave=True, rope_theta=1e4
+    )
+    # compare
+    torch.testing.assert_close(q_clone, q, rtol=1e-3, atol=1e-3)
+    torch.testing.assert_close(k_clone, k, rtol=1e-3, atol=1e-3)
 @pytest.mark.parametrize("batch_size", [1, 19, 99, 989])
@@ -181,12 +276,8 @@ def test_llama31_rope_inplace(
     # compare
-    torch.testing.assert_close(
-        q_rope_ref, q, rtol=1e-3, atol=1e-3
-    )
-    torch.testing.assert_close(
-        k_rope_ref, k, rtol=1e-3, atol=1e-3
-    )
+    torch.testing.assert_close(q_rope_ref, q, rtol=1e-3, atol=1e-3)
+    torch.testing.assert_close(k_rope_ref, k, rtol=1e-3, atol=1e-3)
 @pytest.mark.parametrize("batch_size", [1, 19, 99, 989])
@@ -237,12 +328,8 @@ def test_llama31_rope(
     # compare
-    torch.testing.assert_close(
-        q_rope_ref, q_rope, rtol=1e-3, atol=1e-3
-    )
-    torch.testing.assert_close(
-        k_rope_ref, k_rope, rtol=1e-3, atol=1e-3
-    )
+    torch.testing.assert_close(q_rope_ref, q_rope, rtol=1e-3, atol=1e-3)
+    torch.testing.assert_close(k_rope_ref, k_rope, rtol=1e-3, atol=1e-3)
 if __name__ == "__main__":
@@ -250,3 +337,5 @@ def test_llama31_rope(
     test_llama31_rope_inplace(1, 1, 8, 8, 0, 128)
     test_llama_rope(2, 1, 8, 8, 1, 128)
     test_llama31_rope(1, 1, 8, 8, 0, 128)
+    test_llama_rope_pos_ids(2, 1, 8, 8, 1, 128)
+    test_llama_rope_pos_ids_inplace(2, 1, 8, 8, 1, 128)