Stratix 10 Blinking LED Hierarchical Partial Reconfiguration Tutorial for the Stratix 10 GX FPGA Development Kit
This readme file accompanies the Stratix 10 Blinking LED Hierarchical Partial Reconfiguration (PR) Tutorial for the Stratix 10 GX FPGA Development Kit. This directory contains the design files for the Hierarchical PR (HPR) tutorial. This version of the design has been verified using Quartus Prime Pro v17.1.
This readme file contains the following information:
- Stratix 10 Blinking LED Partial Reconfiguration Tutorial Contents--lists the contents of this tutorial.
- Technical Documentation--directs you where to find documentation for Stratix 10 Blinking LED Partial Reconfiguration and HPR walkthrough.
- System Requirements--lists the system requirements.
flat/ - This directory contains the flat version of the design.
hpr/ - This directory contains the hierarchical PR version of the design.
- AN-826.pdf Application Note provides information about the hierarchical PR tutorial, and walks you through partially reconfiguring a flat design using HPR.
- This document is available on the GitHub: here
- Quartus Prime Pro Edition software version 17.1
- Stratix 10 GX FPGA Development Kit