Releases: fixstars/ion-kit
Releases · fixstars/ion-kit
What's Changed
- specify numpy version by @xinyuli1204 in #227
- Testcase for multiple pipelines in the one builder by @iitaku in #230
- Avoid to create log directory when ION_LOG_LEVEL is not specified by @iitaku in #231
- Lean packaging by @iitaku in #228
Full Changelog: v1.3.0...v1.4.0
What's Changed
- Update/platform specific wheel by @xinyuli1204 in #220
- Fix/python package link by @xinyuli1204 in #221
- tentatively fixed with_bb_modeule issue on ionpy 1.2.0 by @Fixstars-momoko in #224
- Bumped ionpy version 1.3.0 by @iitaku in #225
Full Changelog: v1.2.0...v1.3.0
What's Changed
- Pip/python package install by @xinyuli1204 in #211
- remove opencv in v4l2 by @xinyuli1204 in #210
- Fixed MacOS compilation warning by @iitaku in #212
- Feature/simplified apple and unix build by @iitaku in #215
- type check for bool on param by @xinyuli1204 in #218
Full Changelog: v1.1.0...v1.2.0
What's Changed
- fix python binding to bind arrays by @xinyuli1204 in #207
- minor update on param value by @xinyuli1204 in #208
- Improve validation by @iitaku in #209
Full Changelog: v1.0.0...v1.1.0
🍾 First major release 🎉
What's Changed
- Turn off log in default by @iitaku in #162
- updated the gain/exposuretime type by @Fixstars-momoko in #160
- Feature/port access by @xinyuli1204 in #164
- switch USB only when the popped frame is valid by @Fixstars-momoko in #165
- Feature/port-access python binding by @xinyuli1204 in #167
- limit the number of device to access for Came1USB1 by @Fixstars-momoko in #169
- Feature/add color mode by @Fixstars-momoko in #170
- add pyproject.toml file by @xinyuli1204 in #171
- Access port index at final stage(using port_map to set) by @xinyuli1204 in #172
- Feature/halide 16 by @iitaku in #174
- Enabled C++20 by @iitaku in #179
- Feature/builder dispose hook by @iitaku in #175
- MacOS Support by @samywang92 in #178
- Update Readme by @samywang92 in #180
- Feature/restructure port map by @iitaku in #177
- Feature/improve python binding by @iitaku in #181
- Feature/rewrite test and example for new api by @iitaku in #184
- Update/python binding api by @xinyuli1204 in #185
- Build and CI improvement by @iitaku in #189
- Update/u3v by @xinyuli1204 in #183
- Multi-platform build and test by @iitaku in #191
- Fixed header dependency by updating serialization by @iitaku in #193
- Feature/opencv explicit linking by @xinyuli1204 in #194
- Support for optional input by @iitaku in #196
- fix-buffer-size by @xinyuli1204 in #197
- Tailor for release by @iitaku in #198
- Added include by @iitaku in #199
- Fixed release package by @iitaku in #200
- master -> main by @iitaku in #201
- Fixed by @iitaku in #202
Full Changelog: v0.3.6...v1.0.0
What's Changed
- initialize the gain and exposuretime to update from 0 by @Fixstars-momoko in #159
Full Changelog: v0.3.5...v0.3.6
What's Changed
- updated opencv version of vs solution file by @Fixstars-momoko in #143
- fixed a pamameter of API by @Fixstars-momoko in #144
- Feature/camera n frame count by @iitaku in #145
- Integrate logging feature by @iitaku in #147
- Refactoring by @iitaku in #146
- Fixed to set log level of entire logger, not only sink by @iitaku in #149
- Fixed installation path by @iitaku in #150
- Emit version by @iitaku in #151
- Fixed logging in dll by @iitaku in #152
- Fixed typo by @iitaku in #153
- Hotfix/buffer is null issue on u3v by @Fixstars-momoko in #156
- List all popped buffer framecount if ION_LOG_LEVEL=trace by @Fixstars-momoko in #154
- Feature/framecount update by @Fixstars-momoko in #155
- Feature/realtime display for came1usb2 by @Fixstars-momoko in #157
- Feature/image io save image by @Fixstars-momoko in #158
Full Changelog: v0.3.4...v0.3.5
What's Changed
- fixed syntax error: identifier 'uint' by @Fixstars-momoko in #142
Full Changelog: v0.3.3...v0.3.4
What's Changed
- updated ubuntu image version by @Fixstars-momoko in #141
- updated include directories on u3v tests by @Fixstars-momoko in #139
- update timeout limit from 3s to 30s by @Fixstars-momoko in #140
Full Changelog: v0.3.2...v0.3.3
What's Changed
- Feature/frame buffer mode by @Fixstars-momoko in #136
Full Changelog: v0.3.0...v0.3.1