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9131d53 · Aug 29, 2010


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File metadata and controls

310 lines (209 loc) · 9.48 KB


zpaste is a simple, single-user (or not-too-many-user) pastebin/tinyurl hybrid, in case you want something a bit more tweakable than the myriad of web services around.

Main selling points:

  • Can specify Content-Type: to handle binaries somewhat.
  • Does the job of both pastebin and tinyurl.
  • Allow meaningful names as well as update/delete of past pastes.


... | zpaste [name]
zpaste --link [name]

The first command above pastes the contents of standard input. A link to the generated paste is written to standard output. The optional argument name gives the name (alphanumerics, underscore and dash only); if not provided, a random name is used.

The second form makes a tinyurl-style address redirection entry to the provided URL.

Command line options accepted by the command:

  • --force: If specified, existing pastes/links are overwritten; otherwise, a duplicate name is an error.
  • --del: Instead of adding a new paste, delete an existing one. The name argument is required in this case.



You will need an Apache server, most likely one you can configure freely. Some bits of the system are done with mod_rewrite, and others with mod_alias, and you'll also need mod_cern_meta loaded for the content type specifying to work. If your server is very friendly with overrides, you may be able to get things rolling with just suitable .htaccess files.

You will also need Perl, and the following heap of Perl modules.

The paste submission script needs LWP's HTTP client, and if you want to put the paste submission script behind HTTPS (you really should), you'll need IO::Socket::SSL too (Debian/Ubuntu: libio-socket-ssl-perl).

The server-side CGI script for accepting pastes needs a DBM library. By default, SDBM_File (which is part of the core Perl distribution) is used, but it is possible to use GDBM too. In this case, though, your Apache will need to be built with GDBM support.

The syntax-highlight support script needs the Perl interface of this syntax highlighting machine (Debian/Ubuntu: libhighlight-perl).


The instructions here assume you will dedicate a single vhost for the publicly accessible side, and stick the server-side paste accepting script to another HTTPS-enabled vhost on the same server. If your setup differs from this, adapt accordingly.

Step 1: decide where to put the stuff

You will need one data directory that is writable by the user/group the server-side scripts run as. This probably should not be under the DocumentRoot of your server. Let's call this directory DATADIR. The default settings of the scripts use /space/www/data/zpaste.

You will also need to put the server-side script itself somewhere. Let's call the absolute path to this script SCRIPTPATH. By default, this is in /space/www/data/zpaste.cgi. This should be visible to the world using the address SCRIPTURL; by default,

Finally, you will need to put the web server's document root somewhere; let's call this directory WEBDIR. The default value here is /space/www/zpaste. Make this directory accessible as WEBURL; by default,

Step 2: edit the configuration sections of the scripts

In the command-line client zpaste, you will need to change:

  • KEY: set to arbitrary string used for shared-secret authentication.
  • SCRIPT: set to SCRIPTURL defined in Step 1.

In the server-side zpaste.cgi, you will need to change:

  • KEY: set to the same arbitrary string as you did above.
  • DATADIR: set to DATADIR of Step 1.
  • METADIR: set to DATADIR/.web, unless you change mod_cern_meta configs.
  • METASUFFIX: set to .meta, unless you change mod_cern_meta configs.
  • BASEURL: set to WEBURL of Step 1.

Finally, in the highlight script zpaste-hl.cgi, you will need to change:

  • DATADIR: set like in zpaste.cgi.
  • BASEURL: set like in zpaste.cgi.
  • HL_LANGS: set to highlight engine's language defs; default will work in Debian/Ubuntu.
  • HL_THEMES: set to highlight engine's themes; default will work in Debian/Ubuntu.

Step 3: putting stuff in place

Make the directories DATADIR and DATADIR/.web, and set their permissions so that the server-side paste-accepting script can make new files in both.

Put the edited zpaste.cgi to SCRIPTPATH.

Make the WEBDIR directory, set permissions so that the server can read it. Put some sort of index.html there if you want. Make the subdirectory WEBDIR/hl, and put the edited zpaste-hl.cgi there.

Put the edited zpaste to somewhere in your $PATH.

Step 4: server configuration editing

Into the HTTPS-enabled vhost, put the line:

ScriptAlias /zpaste.cgi *SCRIPTPATH*

If your SCRIPTURL has a subdirectory in it, remember to include that in the first argument.

The WEBURL vhost ( should look something like this; substitute the correct paths to places marked {{LIKE THIS}}.

    ServerAdmin [email protected]
    ServerSignature On

    DocumentRoot {{WEBDIR}}

    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteMap zpastemap dbm=sdbm:{{DATADIR}}/rewrite.db
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)$
    RewriteCond ${zpastemap:%1} !=""
    RewriteRule ^/([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)$ ${zpastemap:$1} [L,R=302]
    RewriteRule ^/([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)\.bin$ /$1 [PT,T=application/octet-stream]
    RewriteRule ^/([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)\.([a-z0-9]+)$ /hl/zpaste-hl.cgi?name=$1&lang=$2 [NS,QSA]

    AliasMatch ^(/[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)$ {{DATADIR}}$1

    <Directory {{WEBDIR}}>
        Order Allow,Deny
        Allow from all

    <Directory {{WEBDIR}}/hl>
        SetHandler cgi-script
        Options ExecCGI

    <Directory {{DATADIR}}>
        Order Allow,Deny
        Allow from all
        MetaFiles on

    CustomLog /whatever/access.log combined
    ErrorLog /whatever/error.log
    LogLevel warn


This section is automatically generated from the script docs.



zpaste - zpaste client for sending paste requests


... | zpaste [opts] [name]
zpaste --link [name]


This scripts sends a paste request to the server-side CGI script (zpaste.cgi). Contents of the paste are read from standard input. A link to the resulting paste is provided to standard output.

The optional name for the paste is provided as a regular command-line argument. The following command-line options are recognized:

  • --link URL

Instead of pasting the standard input contents, make a redirection entry to the URL provided as an argument to the --link option. In this case, nothing is read from the standard input.

  • --force

If specified, existing pastes (or links) are overwritten. If not, a duplicate name is an error. Note that if you do not specify a name, this flag does nothing, as the randomly selected name is always chosen not to conflict with any existing entries.

  • --del

Instead of adding a new paste, only delete an existing one. In this case, too, nothing is read from stdin. The name argument is not optional if this flag is specified.



zpaste.cgi - zpaste script for accepting paste requests



This scripts accepts a paste request from the command-line client (zpaste). The "form" submitted by zpaste has the following fields:

  • key (required)

The pre-shared authentication key: an arbitrary string. Just make sure the KEY constants in both this script and the zpaste client match.

  • data (required, unless del is set)

Contents of the paste. In most cases, this should (and has to) be a file attachment field, the contents of which will be directly written as the contents of the paste. The single exception is if link is set: in that case, this field needs to be a regular plain old text field, containing the URL to redirect to.

  • name (optional, unless del is set)

Name of the paste. If not specified, a random name will be generated.

  • link (optional, boolean)

If set, the paste is instead a link to redirect to.

  • force (optional, boolean)

If set, a paste with the same name than an existing one overwrites the old one. If not set, a duplicate name is an error.

  • del (optional, boolean)

If set, deletes the named paste instead of adding a new one.



zpaste-hl.cgi - zpaste script for syntax highlighting


Visible URL:[&theme=z&noln=1]

Underlying URL: \


This script is used to provide syntax highlighting for pastes. The script expects to be called via Apache rewriting module (as seen in the SYNOPSIS section), and the URLs generated when user switches languages or themes are written under this assumption.

The arguments accepted this script are the following:

  • name (required)

Name of the paste to syntax-highlight.

  • lang (required)

Language used for syntax-highlighting.

  • theme (optional)

Color theme.

  • noln (optional)

If set, omits the line numbers.