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Firedrake meeting 2021 01 06

JDBetteridge edited this page Jan 6, 2021 · 3 revisions

Date and time 2021-01-06 16:00UTC (16:00GMT)

Action Items

  1. Pick Chair and Minuter.
  2. ALL: (ongoing) triage the open issues and confirm if they are indeed still open (and perhaps provide labels)


Present: LM, DH, KS, JB, PK, CC, TG SK, CW, KK, SV


Ongoing install hell: DH

JB to build VTK wheel for Python3.9 on Linux

SV to build same for Mac

JB remove homebrew install of Python

Merge Firedrake PRs:

JB PR #1936 Fix L==0, action also fix RHS is literal 0

RH PR #1939, action rebase

LM PR #1897 merged fixing MPI wrapper issue when invoking firedrake update

SK PR #1930 merged, moved to new issue: #1941

JB PR #1928 fix style in get_petsc_variables

JX PR #1927 Lint code

XZ PR #1893 Merged

KS PR #1908 awaiting Jenkins

Merge PyOP2 PRs:

CW PR #606 (

SV PR #589 ( awaiting changes in


Fenics 21 Firedrake 21 SIAM CSE

Date of next meeting

2021-01-13 16:00UTC (16:00GMT)


Building locally

Install Frequently Asked Questions

Running on HPC


Developers Notes

Minutes and agenda of Firedrake meetings

Policies and procedures

Gravity wave scaling

Merge Complex Sprint

Reading Group

Firedrake 2021 Planning Meetings
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