diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 05d7fc8b55c..ef8b8e7b045 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ This code is automatically generated by the [OpenAPI Generator](https://openapi-
## Versions
-- API version: 0.11.7535
-- SDK version: 2.0.1390
+- API version: 0.11.7538
+- SDK version: 2.0.1391
## Requirements
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ Add this dependency to your pom.xml
- 2.0.1390
+ 2.0.1391
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ Add this dependency to your build.gradle
dependencies {
- implementation "com.finbourne:lusid-sdk:2.0.1390"
+ implementation "com.finbourne:lusid-sdk:2.0.1391"
diff --git a/sdk/README.md b/sdk/README.md
index 5e01afaeb3d..d85b0996992 100644
--- a/sdk/README.md
+++ b/sdk/README.md
@@ -97,9 +97,9 @@ Class | Method | HTTP request | Description
*ChartOfAccountsApi* | [**upsertAccountProperties**](docs/ChartOfAccountsApi.md#upsertaccountproperties) | **POST** /api/chartofaccounts/{scope}/{code}/accounts/{accountCode}/properties/$upsert | [EXPERIMENTAL] UpsertAccountProperties: Upsert account properties
*ChartOfAccountsApi* | [**upsertAccounts**](docs/ChartOfAccountsApi.md#upsertaccounts) | **POST** /api/chartofaccounts/{scope}/{code}/accounts | [EXPERIMENTAL] UpsertAccounts: Upsert Accounts
*ChartOfAccountsApi* | [**upsertChartOfAccountsProperties**](docs/ChartOfAccountsApi.md#upsertchartofaccountsproperties) | **POST** /api/chartofaccounts/{scope}/{code}/properties/$upsert | [EXPERIMENTAL] UpsertChartOfAccountsProperties: Upsert Chart of Accounts properties
-*ComplexMarketDataApi* | [**deleteComplexMarketData**](docs/ComplexMarketDataApi.md#deletecomplexmarketdata) | **POST** /api/complexmarketdata/{scope}/$delete | [EARLY ACCESS] DeleteComplexMarketData: Delete one or more items of complex market data, assuming they are present.
-*ComplexMarketDataApi* | [**getComplexMarketData**](docs/ComplexMarketDataApi.md#getcomplexmarketdata) | **POST** /api/complexmarketdata/{scope}/$get | [EARLY ACCESS] GetComplexMarketData: Get complex market data
-*ComplexMarketDataApi* | [**listComplexMarketData**](docs/ComplexMarketDataApi.md#listcomplexmarketdata) | **GET** /api/complexmarketdata | [EXPERIMENTAL] ListComplexMarketData: List the set of ComplexMarketData
+*ComplexMarketDataApi* | [**deleteComplexMarketData**](docs/ComplexMarketDataApi.md#deletecomplexmarketdata) | **POST** /api/complexmarketdata/{scope}/$delete | DeleteComplexMarketData: Delete one or more items of complex market data, assuming they are present.
+*ComplexMarketDataApi* | [**getComplexMarketData**](docs/ComplexMarketDataApi.md#getcomplexmarketdata) | **POST** /api/complexmarketdata/{scope}/$get | GetComplexMarketData: Get complex market data
+*ComplexMarketDataApi* | [**listComplexMarketData**](docs/ComplexMarketDataApi.md#listcomplexmarketdata) | **GET** /api/complexmarketdata | ListComplexMarketData: List the set of ComplexMarketData
*ComplexMarketDataApi* | [**upsertComplexMarketData**](docs/ComplexMarketDataApi.md#upsertcomplexmarketdata) | **POST** /api/complexmarketdata/{scope} | UpsertComplexMarketData: Upsert a set of complex market data items. This creates or updates the data in Lusid.
*ComplianceApi* | [**createComplianceTemplate**](docs/ComplianceApi.md#createcompliancetemplate) | **POST** /api/compliance/templates/{scope} | [EARLY ACCESS] CreateComplianceTemplate: Create a Compliance Rule Template
*ComplianceApi* | [**deleteComplianceRule**](docs/ComplianceApi.md#deletecompliancerule) | **DELETE** /api/compliance/rules/{scope}/{code} | [EARLY ACCESS] DeleteComplianceRule: Delete compliance rule.
@@ -264,36 +264,36 @@ Class | Method | HTTP request | Description
*IdentifierDefinitionsApi* | [**getIdentifierDefinition**](docs/IdentifierDefinitionsApi.md#getidentifierdefinition) | **GET** /api/identifierdefinitions/{domain}/{identifierScope}/{identifierType} | [EXPERIMENTAL] GetIdentifierDefinition: Get a single Identifier Definition
*IdentifierDefinitionsApi* | [**listIdentifierDefinitions**](docs/IdentifierDefinitionsApi.md#listidentifierdefinitions) | **GET** /api/identifierdefinitions | [EXPERIMENTAL] ListIdentifierDefinitions: List Identifier Definitions
*IdentifierDefinitionsApi* | [**updateIdentifierDefinition**](docs/IdentifierDefinitionsApi.md#updateidentifierdefinition) | **PUT** /api/identifierdefinitions/{domain}/{identifierScope}/{identifierType} | [EXPERIMENTAL] UpdateIdentifierDefinition: Update Identifier Definition defined by domain, identifierScope, and identifierType
-*InstrumentEventTypesApi* | [**createTransactionTemplate**](docs/InstrumentEventTypesApi.md#createtransactiontemplate) | **POST** /api/instrumenteventtypes/{instrumentEventType}/transactiontemplates/{instrumentType}/{scope} | [EARLY ACCESS] CreateTransactionTemplate: Create Transaction Template
-*InstrumentEventTypesApi* | [**deleteTransactionTemplate**](docs/InstrumentEventTypesApi.md#deletetransactiontemplate) | **DELETE** /api/instrumenteventtypes/{instrumentEventType}/transactiontemplates/{instrumentType}/{scope} | [EARLY ACCESS] DeleteTransactionTemplate: Delete Transaction Template
-*InstrumentEventTypesApi* | [**getTransactionTemplate**](docs/InstrumentEventTypesApi.md#gettransactiontemplate) | **GET** /api/instrumenteventtypes/{instrumentEventType}/transactiontemplates/{instrumentType}/{scope} | [EARLY ACCESS] GetTransactionTemplate: Get Transaction Template
-*InstrumentEventTypesApi* | [**getTransactionTemplateSpecification**](docs/InstrumentEventTypesApi.md#gettransactiontemplatespecification) | **GET** /api/instrumenteventtypes/{instrumentEventType}/transactiontemplatespecification | [EARLY ACCESS] GetTransactionTemplateSpecification: Get Transaction Template Specification.
-*InstrumentEventTypesApi* | [**listTransactionTemplateSpecifications**](docs/InstrumentEventTypesApi.md#listtransactiontemplatespecifications) | **GET** /api/instrumenteventtypes/transactiontemplatespecifications | [EARLY ACCESS] ListTransactionTemplateSpecifications: List Transaction Template Specifications.
-*InstrumentEventTypesApi* | [**listTransactionTemplates**](docs/InstrumentEventTypesApi.md#listtransactiontemplates) | **GET** /api/instrumenteventtypes/transactiontemplates | [EARLY ACCESS] ListTransactionTemplates: List Transaction Templates
-*InstrumentEventTypesApi* | [**updateTransactionTemplate**](docs/InstrumentEventTypesApi.md#updatetransactiontemplate) | **PUT** /api/instrumenteventtypes/{instrumentEventType}/transactiontemplates/{instrumentType}/{scope} | [EARLY ACCESS] UpdateTransactionTemplate: Update Transaction Template
-*InstrumentEventsApi* | [**queryApplicableInstrumentEvents**](docs/InstrumentEventsApi.md#queryapplicableinstrumentevents) | **POST** /api/instrumentevents/$queryApplicableInstrumentEvents | [EARLY ACCESS] QueryApplicableInstrumentEvents: Returns a list of applicable instrument events based on the holdings of the portfolios and date range specified in the query.
+*InstrumentEventTypesApi* | [**createTransactionTemplate**](docs/InstrumentEventTypesApi.md#createtransactiontemplate) | **POST** /api/instrumenteventtypes/{instrumentEventType}/transactiontemplates/{instrumentType}/{scope} | CreateTransactionTemplate: Create Transaction Template
+*InstrumentEventTypesApi* | [**deleteTransactionTemplate**](docs/InstrumentEventTypesApi.md#deletetransactiontemplate) | **DELETE** /api/instrumenteventtypes/{instrumentEventType}/transactiontemplates/{instrumentType}/{scope} | DeleteTransactionTemplate: Delete Transaction Template
+*InstrumentEventTypesApi* | [**getTransactionTemplate**](docs/InstrumentEventTypesApi.md#gettransactiontemplate) | **GET** /api/instrumenteventtypes/{instrumentEventType}/transactiontemplates/{instrumentType}/{scope} | GetTransactionTemplate: Get Transaction Template
+*InstrumentEventTypesApi* | [**getTransactionTemplateSpecification**](docs/InstrumentEventTypesApi.md#gettransactiontemplatespecification) | **GET** /api/instrumenteventtypes/{instrumentEventType}/transactiontemplatespecification | GetTransactionTemplateSpecification: Get Transaction Template Specification.
+*InstrumentEventTypesApi* | [**listTransactionTemplateSpecifications**](docs/InstrumentEventTypesApi.md#listtransactiontemplatespecifications) | **GET** /api/instrumenteventtypes/transactiontemplatespecifications | ListTransactionTemplateSpecifications: List Transaction Template Specifications.
+*InstrumentEventTypesApi* | [**listTransactionTemplates**](docs/InstrumentEventTypesApi.md#listtransactiontemplates) | **GET** /api/instrumenteventtypes/transactiontemplates | ListTransactionTemplates: List Transaction Templates
+*InstrumentEventTypesApi* | [**updateTransactionTemplate**](docs/InstrumentEventTypesApi.md#updatetransactiontemplate) | **PUT** /api/instrumenteventtypes/{instrumentEventType}/transactiontemplates/{instrumentType}/{scope} | UpdateTransactionTemplate: Update Transaction Template
+*InstrumentEventsApi* | [**queryApplicableInstrumentEvents**](docs/InstrumentEventsApi.md#queryapplicableinstrumentevents) | **POST** /api/instrumentevents/$queryApplicableInstrumentEvents | QueryApplicableInstrumentEvents: Returns a list of applicable instrument events based on the holdings of the portfolios and date range specified in the query.
*InstrumentEventsApi* | [**queryBucketedCashFlows**](docs/InstrumentEventsApi.md#querybucketedcashflows) | **POST** /api/instrumentevents/$queryBucketedCashFlows | QueryBucketedCashFlows: Returns bucketed cashflows based on the holdings of the portfolios and date range specified in the query.
-*InstrumentEventsApi* | [**queryCashFlows**](docs/InstrumentEventsApi.md#querycashflows) | **POST** /api/instrumentevents/$queryCashFlows | [EXPERIMENTAL] QueryCashFlows: Returns a list of cashflows based on the holdings of the portfolios and date range specified in the query.
-*InstrumentEventsApi* | [**queryInstrumentEvents**](docs/InstrumentEventsApi.md#queryinstrumentevents) | **POST** /api/instrumentevents/$query | [EARLY ACCESS] QueryInstrumentEvents: Returns a list of instrument events based on the holdings of the portfolios and date range specified in the query.
-*InstrumentEventsApi* | [**queryTradeTickets**](docs/InstrumentEventsApi.md#querytradetickets) | **POST** /api/instrumentevents/$queryTradeTickets | [EXPERIMENTAL] QueryTradeTickets: Returns a list of trade tickets based on the holdings of the portfolios and date range specified in the query.
+*InstrumentEventsApi* | [**queryCashFlows**](docs/InstrumentEventsApi.md#querycashflows) | **POST** /api/instrumentevents/$queryCashFlows | QueryCashFlows: Returns a list of cashflows based on the holdings of the portfolios and date range specified in the query.
+*InstrumentEventsApi* | [**queryInstrumentEvents**](docs/InstrumentEventsApi.md#queryinstrumentevents) | **POST** /api/instrumentevents/$query | QueryInstrumentEvents: Returns a list of instrument events based on the holdings of the portfolios and date range specified in the query.
+*InstrumentEventsApi* | [**queryTradeTickets**](docs/InstrumentEventsApi.md#querytradetickets) | **POST** /api/instrumentevents/$queryTradeTickets | QueryTradeTickets: Returns a list of trade tickets based on the holdings of the portfolios and date range specified in the query.
*InstrumentsApi* | [**batchUpsertInstrumentProperties**](docs/InstrumentsApi.md#batchupsertinstrumentproperties) | **POST** /api/instruments/$batchupsertproperties | BatchUpsertInstrumentProperties: Batch upsert instruments properties
-*InstrumentsApi* | [**calculateSettlementDate**](docs/InstrumentsApi.md#calculatesettlementdate) | **GET** /api/instruments/{identifierType}/{identifier}/settlementdate | [EARLY ACCESS] CalculateSettlementDate: Get the settlement date for an instrument.
+*InstrumentsApi* | [**calculateSettlementDate**](docs/InstrumentsApi.md#calculatesettlementdate) | **GET** /api/instruments/{identifierType}/{identifier}/settlementdate | CalculateSettlementDate: Get the settlement date for an instrument.
*InstrumentsApi* | [**deleteInstrument**](docs/InstrumentsApi.md#deleteinstrument) | **DELETE** /api/instruments/{identifierType}/{identifier} | DeleteInstrument: Soft delete a single instrument
-*InstrumentsApi* | [**deleteInstrumentProperties**](docs/InstrumentsApi.md#deleteinstrumentproperties) | **POST** /api/instruments/{identifierType}/{identifier}/properties/$delete | [EARLY ACCESS] DeleteInstrumentProperties: Delete instrument properties
+*InstrumentsApi* | [**deleteInstrumentProperties**](docs/InstrumentsApi.md#deleteinstrumentproperties) | **POST** /api/instruments/{identifierType}/{identifier}/properties/$delete | DeleteInstrumentProperties: Delete instrument properties
*InstrumentsApi* | [**deleteInstruments**](docs/InstrumentsApi.md#deleteinstruments) | **POST** /api/instruments/$delete | DeleteInstruments: Soft or hard delete multiple instruments
-*InstrumentsApi* | [**getAllPossibleFeatures**](docs/InstrumentsApi.md#getallpossiblefeatures) | **GET** /api/instruments/{instrumentType}/allfeatures | [EXPERIMENTAL] GetAllPossibleFeatures: Provides list of all possible features for instrument type.
-*InstrumentsApi* | [**getExistingInstrumentCapabilities**](docs/InstrumentsApi.md#getexistinginstrumentcapabilities) | **GET** /api/instruments/{identifier}/capabilities | [EXPERIMENTAL] GetExistingInstrumentCapabilities: Retrieve capabilities of an existing instrument identified by LUID. These include instrument features, and if model is provided it also includes supported address keys and economic dependencies. Given an lusid instrument id provides instrument capabilities, outlining features, and, given the model, the capabilities also include supported addresses as well as economic dependencies.
+*InstrumentsApi* | [**getAllPossibleFeatures**](docs/InstrumentsApi.md#getallpossiblefeatures) | **GET** /api/instruments/{instrumentType}/allfeatures | GetAllPossibleFeatures: Provides list of all possible features for instrument type.
+*InstrumentsApi* | [**getExistingInstrumentCapabilities**](docs/InstrumentsApi.md#getexistinginstrumentcapabilities) | **GET** /api/instruments/{identifier}/capabilities | GetExistingInstrumentCapabilities: Retrieve capabilities of an existing instrument identified by LUID. These include instrument features, and if model is provided it also includes supported address keys and economic dependencies. Given an lusid instrument id provides instrument capabilities, outlining features, and, given the model, the capabilities also include supported addresses as well as economic dependencies.
*InstrumentsApi* | [**getExistingInstrumentModels**](docs/InstrumentsApi.md#getexistinginstrumentmodels) | **GET** /api/instruments/{identifier}/models | GetExistingInstrumentModels: Retrieve supported pricing models for an existing instrument identified by LUID.
*InstrumentsApi* | [**getInstrument**](docs/InstrumentsApi.md#getinstrument) | **GET** /api/instruments/{identifierType}/{identifier} | GetInstrument: Get instrument
*InstrumentsApi* | [**getInstrumentIdentifierTypes**](docs/InstrumentsApi.md#getinstrumentidentifiertypes) | **GET** /api/instruments/identifierTypes | GetInstrumentIdentifierTypes: Get instrument identifier types
-*InstrumentsApi* | [**getInstrumentPaymentDiary**](docs/InstrumentsApi.md#getinstrumentpaymentdiary) | **GET** /api/instruments/{identifierType}/{identifier}/paymentdiary | [EXPERIMENTAL] GetInstrumentPaymentDiary: Get instrument payment diary
+*InstrumentsApi* | [**getInstrumentPaymentDiary**](docs/InstrumentsApi.md#getinstrumentpaymentdiary) | **GET** /api/instruments/{identifierType}/{identifier}/paymentdiary | GetInstrumentPaymentDiary: Get instrument payment diary
*InstrumentsApi* | [**getInstrumentProperties**](docs/InstrumentsApi.md#getinstrumentproperties) | **GET** /api/instruments/{identifierType}/{identifier}/properties | GetInstrumentProperties: Get instrument properties
*InstrumentsApi* | [**getInstrumentPropertyTimeSeries**](docs/InstrumentsApi.md#getinstrumentpropertytimeseries) | **GET** /api/instruments/{identifierType}/{identifier}/properties/time-series | GetInstrumentPropertyTimeSeries: Get instrument property time series
-*InstrumentsApi* | [**getInstrumentRelationships**](docs/InstrumentsApi.md#getinstrumentrelationships) | **GET** /api/instruments/{identifierType}/{identifier}/relationships | [EARLY ACCESS] GetInstrumentRelationships: Get Instrument relationships
+*InstrumentsApi* | [**getInstrumentRelationships**](docs/InstrumentsApi.md#getinstrumentrelationships) | **GET** /api/instruments/{identifierType}/{identifier}/relationships | GetInstrumentRelationships: Get Instrument relationships
*InstrumentsApi* | [**getInstruments**](docs/InstrumentsApi.md#getinstruments) | **POST** /api/instruments/$get | GetInstruments: Get instruments
-*InstrumentsApi* | [**listInstrumentProperties**](docs/InstrumentsApi.md#listinstrumentproperties) | **GET** /api/instruments/{identifierType}/{identifier}/properties/list | [EARLY ACCESS] ListInstrumentProperties: Get instrument properties (with Pagination)
+*InstrumentsApi* | [**listInstrumentProperties**](docs/InstrumentsApi.md#listinstrumentproperties) | **GET** /api/instruments/{identifierType}/{identifier}/properties/list | ListInstrumentProperties: Get instrument properties (with Pagination)
*InstrumentsApi* | [**listInstruments**](docs/InstrumentsApi.md#listinstruments) | **GET** /api/instruments | ListInstruments: List instruments
-*InstrumentsApi* | [**queryInstrumentCapabilities**](docs/InstrumentsApi.md#queryinstrumentcapabilities) | **POST** /api/instruments/capabilities | [EXPERIMENTAL] QueryInstrumentCapabilities: Query capabilities of a particular instrument in advance of creating it. These include instrument features, and if model is provided it also includes supported address keys and economic dependencies.
+*InstrumentsApi* | [**queryInstrumentCapabilities**](docs/InstrumentsApi.md#queryinstrumentcapabilities) | **POST** /api/instruments/capabilities | QueryInstrumentCapabilities: Query capabilities of a particular instrument in advance of creating it. These include instrument features, and if model is provided it also includes supported address keys and economic dependencies.
*InstrumentsApi* | [**updateInstrumentIdentifier**](docs/InstrumentsApi.md#updateinstrumentidentifier) | **POST** /api/instruments/{identifierType}/{identifier} | UpdateInstrumentIdentifier: Update instrument identifier
*InstrumentsApi* | [**upsertInstruments**](docs/InstrumentsApi.md#upsertinstruments) | **POST** /api/instruments | UpsertInstruments: Upsert instruments
*InstrumentsApi* | [**upsertInstrumentsProperties**](docs/InstrumentsApi.md#upsertinstrumentsproperties) | **POST** /api/instruments/$upsertproperties | UpsertInstrumentsProperties: Upsert instruments properties
@@ -326,10 +326,10 @@ Class | Method | HTTP request | Description
*OrderGraphApi* | [**listOrderGraphBlocks**](docs/OrderGraphApi.md#listordergraphblocks) | **GET** /api/ordergraph/blocks | ListOrderGraphBlocks: Lists blocks that pass the filter provided, and builds a summary picture of the state of their associated order entities.
*OrderGraphApi* | [**listOrderGraphPlacementChildren**](docs/OrderGraphApi.md#listordergraphplacementchildren) | **GET** /api/ordergraph/placementchildren/{scope}/{code} | [EARLY ACCESS] ListOrderGraphPlacementChildren: Lists all placements for the parent placement specified by the scope and code, and builds a summary picture of the state of their associated order entities.
*OrderGraphApi* | [**listOrderGraphPlacements**](docs/OrderGraphApi.md#listordergraphplacements) | **GET** /api/ordergraph/placements | ListOrderGraphPlacements: Lists placements that pass the filter provided, and builds a summary picture of the state of their associated order entities.
-*OrderInstructionsApi* | [**deleteOrderInstruction**](docs/OrderInstructionsApi.md#deleteorderinstruction) | **DELETE** /api/orderinstructions/{scope}/{code} | [EXPERIMENTAL] DeleteOrderInstruction: Delete orderInstruction
-*OrderInstructionsApi* | [**getOrderInstruction**](docs/OrderInstructionsApi.md#getorderinstruction) | **GET** /api/orderinstructions/{scope}/{code} | [EXPERIMENTAL] GetOrderInstruction: Get OrderInstruction
-*OrderInstructionsApi* | [**listOrderInstructions**](docs/OrderInstructionsApi.md#listorderinstructions) | **GET** /api/orderinstructions | [EXPERIMENTAL] ListOrderInstructions: List OrderInstructions
-*OrderInstructionsApi* | [**upsertOrderInstructions**](docs/OrderInstructionsApi.md#upsertorderinstructions) | **POST** /api/orderinstructions | [EXPERIMENTAL] UpsertOrderInstructions: Upsert OrderInstruction
+*OrderInstructionsApi* | [**deleteOrderInstruction**](docs/OrderInstructionsApi.md#deleteorderinstruction) | **DELETE** /api/orderinstructions/{scope}/{code} | DeleteOrderInstruction: Delete orderInstruction
+*OrderInstructionsApi* | [**getOrderInstruction**](docs/OrderInstructionsApi.md#getorderinstruction) | **GET** /api/orderinstructions/{scope}/{code} | GetOrderInstruction: Get OrderInstruction
+*OrderInstructionsApi* | [**listOrderInstructions**](docs/OrderInstructionsApi.md#listorderinstructions) | **GET** /api/orderinstructions | ListOrderInstructions: List OrderInstructions
+*OrderInstructionsApi* | [**upsertOrderInstructions**](docs/OrderInstructionsApi.md#upsertorderinstructions) | **POST** /api/orderinstructions | UpsertOrderInstructions: Upsert OrderInstruction
*OrderManagementApi* | [**bookTransactions**](docs/OrderManagementApi.md#booktransactions) | **POST** /api/ordermanagement/booktransactions | [EXPERIMENTAL] BookTransactions: Books transactions using specific allocations as a source.
*OrderManagementApi* | [**cancelOrders**](docs/OrderManagementApi.md#cancelorders) | **POST** /api/ordermanagement/cancelorders | [EARLY ACCESS] CancelOrders: Cancel existing orders
*OrderManagementApi* | [**cancelOrdersAndMoveRemaining**](docs/OrderManagementApi.md#cancelordersandmoveremaining) | **POST** /api/ordermanagement/cancelordersandmoveremaining | [EARLY ACCESS] CancelOrdersAndMoveRemaining: Cancel existing orders and move any unplaced quantities to new orders in new blocks
@@ -512,23 +512,23 @@ Class | Method | HTTP request | Description
*SequencesApi* | [**listSequences**](docs/SequencesApi.md#listsequences) | **GET** /api/sequences | [EARLY ACCESS] ListSequences: List Sequences
*SequencesApi* | [**next**](docs/SequencesApi.md#next) | **GET** /api/sequences/{scope}/{code}/next | [EARLY ACCESS] Next: Get next values from sequence
*SimplePositionPortfoliosApi* | [**createSimplePositionPortfolio**](docs/SimplePositionPortfoliosApi.md#createsimplepositionportfolio) | **POST** /api/simpleposition/{scope} | [EARLY ACCESS] CreateSimplePositionPortfolio: Create simple position portfolio
-*StagedModificationsApi* | [**addDecision**](docs/StagedModificationsApi.md#adddecision) | **POST** /api/stagedmodifications/{id}/decision | [EXPERIMENTAL] AddDecision: AddDecision
-*StagedModificationsApi* | [**getStagedModification**](docs/StagedModificationsApi.md#getstagedmodification) | **GET** /api/stagedmodifications/{id} | [EXPERIMENTAL] GetStagedModification: GetStagedModification
-*StagedModificationsApi* | [**listRequestedChanges**](docs/StagedModificationsApi.md#listrequestedchanges) | **GET** /api/stagedmodifications/{id}/requestedChanges | [EXPERIMENTAL] ListRequestedChanges: ListRequestedChanges
-*StagedModificationsApi* | [**listStagedModifications**](docs/StagedModificationsApi.md#liststagedmodifications) | **GET** /api/stagedmodifications | [EXPERIMENTAL] ListStagedModifications: ListStagedModifications
-*StagingRuleSetApi* | [**createStagingRuleSet**](docs/StagingRuleSetApi.md#createstagingruleset) | **POST** /api/stagingrulesets/{entityType} | [EXPERIMENTAL] CreateStagingRuleSet: Create a StagingRuleSet
-*StagingRuleSetApi* | [**deleteStagingRuleSet**](docs/StagingRuleSetApi.md#deletestagingruleset) | **DELETE** /api/stagingrulesets/{entityType} | [EXPERIMENTAL] DeleteStagingRuleSet: Delete a StagingRuleSet
-*StagingRuleSetApi* | [**getStagingRuleSet**](docs/StagingRuleSetApi.md#getstagingruleset) | **GET** /api/stagingrulesets/{entityType} | [EXPERIMENTAL] GetStagingRuleSet: Get a StagingRuleSet
-*StagingRuleSetApi* | [**listStagingRuleSets**](docs/StagingRuleSetApi.md#liststagingrulesets) | **GET** /api/stagingrulesets | [EXPERIMENTAL] ListStagingRuleSets: List StagingRuleSets
-*StagingRuleSetApi* | [**updateStagingRuleSet**](docs/StagingRuleSetApi.md#updatestagingruleset) | **PUT** /api/stagingrulesets/{entityType} | [EXPERIMENTAL] UpdateStagingRuleSet: Update a StagingRuleSet
+*StagedModificationsApi* | [**addDecision**](docs/StagedModificationsApi.md#adddecision) | **POST** /api/stagedmodifications/{id}/decision | AddDecision: AddDecision
+*StagedModificationsApi* | [**getStagedModification**](docs/StagedModificationsApi.md#getstagedmodification) | **GET** /api/stagedmodifications/{id} | GetStagedModification: GetStagedModification
+*StagedModificationsApi* | [**listRequestedChanges**](docs/StagedModificationsApi.md#listrequestedchanges) | **GET** /api/stagedmodifications/{id}/requestedChanges | ListRequestedChanges: ListRequestedChanges
+*StagedModificationsApi* | [**listStagedModifications**](docs/StagedModificationsApi.md#liststagedmodifications) | **GET** /api/stagedmodifications | ListStagedModifications: ListStagedModifications
+*StagingRuleSetApi* | [**createStagingRuleSet**](docs/StagingRuleSetApi.md#createstagingruleset) | **POST** /api/stagingrulesets/{entityType} | CreateStagingRuleSet: Create a StagingRuleSet
+*StagingRuleSetApi* | [**deleteStagingRuleSet**](docs/StagingRuleSetApi.md#deletestagingruleset) | **DELETE** /api/stagingrulesets/{entityType} | DeleteStagingRuleSet: Delete a StagingRuleSet
+*StagingRuleSetApi* | [**getStagingRuleSet**](docs/StagingRuleSetApi.md#getstagingruleset) | **GET** /api/stagingrulesets/{entityType} | GetStagingRuleSet: Get a StagingRuleSet
+*StagingRuleSetApi* | [**listStagingRuleSets**](docs/StagingRuleSetApi.md#liststagingrulesets) | **GET** /api/stagingrulesets | ListStagingRuleSets: List StagingRuleSets
+*StagingRuleSetApi* | [**updateStagingRuleSet**](docs/StagingRuleSetApi.md#updatestagingruleset) | **PUT** /api/stagingrulesets/{entityType} | UpdateStagingRuleSet: Update a StagingRuleSet
*StructuredResultDataApi* | [**createDataMap**](docs/StructuredResultDataApi.md#createdatamap) | **POST** /api/unitresults/datamap/{scope} | CreateDataMap: Create data map
-*StructuredResultDataApi* | [**deleteStructuredResultData**](docs/StructuredResultDataApi.md#deletestructuredresultdata) | **POST** /api/unitresults/{scope}/$delete | [EXPERIMENTAL] DeleteStructuredResultData: Delete structured result data
-*StructuredResultDataApi* | [**getAddressKeyDefinitionsForDocument**](docs/StructuredResultDataApi.md#getaddresskeydefinitionsfordocument) | **GET** /api/unitresults/virtualdocument/{scope}/{code}/{source}/{resultType}/addresskeydefinitions | [EARLY ACCESS] GetAddressKeyDefinitionsForDocument: Get AddressKeyDefinitions for a virtual document.
-*StructuredResultDataApi* | [**getDataMap**](docs/StructuredResultDataApi.md#getdatamap) | **POST** /api/unitresults/datamap/{scope}/$get | [EXPERIMENTAL] GetDataMap: Get data map
+*StructuredResultDataApi* | [**deleteStructuredResultData**](docs/StructuredResultDataApi.md#deletestructuredresultdata) | **POST** /api/unitresults/{scope}/$delete | DeleteStructuredResultData: Delete structured result data
+*StructuredResultDataApi* | [**getAddressKeyDefinitionsForDocument**](docs/StructuredResultDataApi.md#getaddresskeydefinitionsfordocument) | **GET** /api/unitresults/virtualdocument/{scope}/{code}/{source}/{resultType}/addresskeydefinitions | GetAddressKeyDefinitionsForDocument: Get AddressKeyDefinitions for a virtual document.
+*StructuredResultDataApi* | [**getDataMap**](docs/StructuredResultDataApi.md#getdatamap) | **POST** /api/unitresults/datamap/{scope}/$get | GetDataMap: Get data map
*StructuredResultDataApi* | [**getStructuredResultData**](docs/StructuredResultDataApi.md#getstructuredresultdata) | **POST** /api/unitresults/{scope}/$get | GetStructuredResultData: Get structured result data
-*StructuredResultDataApi* | [**getVirtualDocument**](docs/StructuredResultDataApi.md#getvirtualdocument) | **POST** /api/unitresults/virtualdocument/{scope}/$get | [EXPERIMENTAL] GetVirtualDocument: Get Virtual Documents
-*StructuredResultDataApi* | [**getVirtualDocumentRows**](docs/StructuredResultDataApi.md#getvirtualdocumentrows) | **GET** /api/unitresults/virtualdocument/{scope}/{code}/{source}/{resultType} | [EARLY ACCESS] GetVirtualDocumentRows: Get Virtual Document Rows
-*StructuredResultDataApi* | [**upsertResultValue**](docs/StructuredResultDataApi.md#upsertresultvalue) | **POST** /api/unitresults/resultvalue/{scope} | [EXPERIMENTAL] UpsertResultValue: Upsert result value
+*StructuredResultDataApi* | [**getVirtualDocument**](docs/StructuredResultDataApi.md#getvirtualdocument) | **POST** /api/unitresults/virtualdocument/{scope}/$get | GetVirtualDocument: Get Virtual Documents
+*StructuredResultDataApi* | [**getVirtualDocumentRows**](docs/StructuredResultDataApi.md#getvirtualdocumentrows) | **GET** /api/unitresults/virtualdocument/{scope}/{code}/{source}/{resultType} | GetVirtualDocumentRows: Get Virtual Document Rows
+*StructuredResultDataApi* | [**upsertResultValue**](docs/StructuredResultDataApi.md#upsertresultvalue) | **POST** /api/unitresults/resultvalue/{scope} | UpsertResultValue: Upsert result value
*StructuredResultDataApi* | [**upsertStructuredResultData**](docs/StructuredResultDataApi.md#upsertstructuredresultdata) | **POST** /api/unitresults/{scope} | UpsertStructuredResultData: Upsert structured result data
*SystemConfigurationApi* | [**createConfigurationTransactionType**](docs/SystemConfigurationApi.md#createconfigurationtransactiontype) | **POST** /api/systemconfiguration/transactions/type | [EARLY ACCESS] CreateConfigurationTransactionType: Create transaction type
*SystemConfigurationApi* | [**createSideDefinition**](docs/SystemConfigurationApi.md#createsidedefinition) | **POST** /api/systemconfiguration/transactions/side | [EXPERIMENTAL] CreateSideDefinition: Create side definition
@@ -561,48 +561,48 @@ Class | Method | HTTP request | Description
*TransactionConfigurationApi* | [**setSideDefinitions**](docs/TransactionConfigurationApi.md#setsidedefinitions) | **PUT** /api/transactionconfiguration/sides | SetSideDefinitions: Set the given side definitions
*TransactionConfigurationApi* | [**setTransactionType**](docs/TransactionConfigurationApi.md#settransactiontype) | **PUT** /api/transactionconfiguration/types/{source}/{type} | SetTransactionType: Set a specific transaction type
*TransactionConfigurationApi* | [**setTransactionTypeSource**](docs/TransactionConfigurationApi.md#settransactiontypesource) | **PUT** /api/transactionconfiguration/types/{source} | SetTransactionTypeSource: Set the transaction types for the given source and scope
-*TransactionFeesApi* | [**deleteTransactionFeeRule**](docs/TransactionFeesApi.md#deletetransactionfeerule) | **DELETE** /api/transactions/fees/rules/{code} | [EXPERIMENTAL] DeleteTransactionFeeRule: Deletes a fee rule.
-*TransactionFeesApi* | [**getApplicableTransactionFees**](docs/TransactionFeesApi.md#getapplicabletransactionfees) | **POST** /api/transactions/fees/$GetApplicableFees | [EXPERIMENTAL] GetApplicableTransactionFees: Get the Fees and Commissions that may be applicable to a transaction.
-*TransactionFeesApi* | [**getTransactionFeeRule**](docs/TransactionFeesApi.md#gettransactionfeerule) | **GET** /api/transactions/fees/rules/{code} | [EXPERIMENTAL] GetTransactionFeeRule: Retrieve the definition of single fee rule.
-*TransactionFeesApi* | [**listTransactionFeeRules**](docs/TransactionFeesApi.md#listtransactionfeerules) | **GET** /api/transactions/fees/rules | [EXPERIMENTAL] ListTransactionFeeRules: List fee rules, with optional filtering.
-*TransactionFeesApi* | [**upsertTransactionFeeRules**](docs/TransactionFeesApi.md#upserttransactionfeerules) | **POST** /api/transactions/fees/rules | [EXPERIMENTAL] UpsertTransactionFeeRules: Upsert fee rules.
+*TransactionFeesApi* | [**deleteTransactionFeeRule**](docs/TransactionFeesApi.md#deletetransactionfeerule) | **DELETE** /api/transactions/fees/rules/{code} | DeleteTransactionFeeRule: Deletes a fee rule.
+*TransactionFeesApi* | [**getApplicableTransactionFees**](docs/TransactionFeesApi.md#getapplicabletransactionfees) | **POST** /api/transactions/fees/$GetApplicableFees | GetApplicableTransactionFees: Get the Fees and Commissions that may be applicable to a transaction.
+*TransactionFeesApi* | [**getTransactionFeeRule**](docs/TransactionFeesApi.md#gettransactionfeerule) | **GET** /api/transactions/fees/rules/{code} | GetTransactionFeeRule: Retrieve the definition of single fee rule.
+*TransactionFeesApi* | [**listTransactionFeeRules**](docs/TransactionFeesApi.md#listtransactionfeerules) | **GET** /api/transactions/fees/rules | ListTransactionFeeRules: List fee rules, with optional filtering.
+*TransactionFeesApi* | [**upsertTransactionFeeRules**](docs/TransactionFeesApi.md#upserttransactionfeerules) | **POST** /api/transactions/fees/rules | UpsertTransactionFeeRules: Upsert fee rules.
*TransactionPortfoliosApi* | [**adjustHoldings**](docs/TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#adjustholdings) | **POST** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/holdings | AdjustHoldings: Adjust holdings
-*TransactionPortfoliosApi* | [**batchAdjustHoldings**](docs/TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#batchadjustholdings) | **POST** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/holdings/$batchAdjust | [EARLY ACCESS] BatchAdjustHoldings: Batch adjust holdings
-*TransactionPortfoliosApi* | [**batchCreateTradeTickets**](docs/TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#batchcreatetradetickets) | **POST** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/$batchtradetickets | [EARLY ACCESS] BatchCreateTradeTickets: Batch Create Trade Tickets
-*TransactionPortfoliosApi* | [**batchSetHoldings**](docs/TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#batchsetholdings) | **POST** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/holdings/$batchSet | [EARLY ACCESS] BatchSetHoldings: Batch set holdings
-*TransactionPortfoliosApi* | [**batchUpsertTransactions**](docs/TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#batchupserttransactions) | **POST** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/transactions/$batchUpsert | [EARLY ACCESS] BatchUpsertTransactions: Batch upsert transactions
+*TransactionPortfoliosApi* | [**batchAdjustHoldings**](docs/TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#batchadjustholdings) | **POST** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/holdings/$batchAdjust | BatchAdjustHoldings: Batch adjust holdings
+*TransactionPortfoliosApi* | [**batchCreateTradeTickets**](docs/TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#batchcreatetradetickets) | **POST** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/$batchtradetickets | BatchCreateTradeTickets: Batch Create Trade Tickets
+*TransactionPortfoliosApi* | [**batchSetHoldings**](docs/TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#batchsetholdings) | **POST** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/holdings/$batchSet | BatchSetHoldings: Batch set holdings
+*TransactionPortfoliosApi* | [**batchUpsertTransactions**](docs/TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#batchupserttransactions) | **POST** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/transactions/$batchUpsert | BatchUpsertTransactions: Batch upsert transactions
*TransactionPortfoliosApi* | [**buildTransactions**](docs/TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#buildtransactions) | **POST** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/transactions/$build | BuildTransactions: Build transactions
*TransactionPortfoliosApi* | [**cancelAdjustHoldings**](docs/TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#canceladjustholdings) | **DELETE** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/holdings | CancelAdjustHoldings: Cancel adjust holdings
-*TransactionPortfoliosApi* | [**cancelSingleAdjustHolding**](docs/TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#cancelsingleadjustholding) | **POST** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/holdings/$cancelAdjustment | [EARLY ACCESS] CancelSingleAdjustHolding: Cancel single holding adjustment.
+*TransactionPortfoliosApi* | [**cancelSingleAdjustHolding**](docs/TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#cancelsingleadjustholding) | **POST** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/holdings/$cancelAdjustment | CancelSingleAdjustHolding: Cancel single holding adjustment.
*TransactionPortfoliosApi* | [**cancelTransactions**](docs/TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#canceltransactions) | **DELETE** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/transactions | CancelTransactions: Cancel transactions
*TransactionPortfoliosApi* | [**createPortfolio**](docs/TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#createportfolio) | **POST** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope} | CreatePortfolio: Create portfolio
-*TransactionPortfoliosApi* | [**createTradeTicket**](docs/TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#createtradeticket) | **POST** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/$tradeticket | [EARLY ACCESS] CreateTradeTicket: Create Trade Ticket
-*TransactionPortfoliosApi* | [**deleteCustodianAccounts**](docs/TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#deletecustodianaccounts) | **POST** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/custodianaccounts/$delete | [EXPERIMENTAL] DeleteCustodianAccounts: Soft or hard delete multiple custodian accounts
+*TransactionPortfoliosApi* | [**createTradeTicket**](docs/TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#createtradeticket) | **POST** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/$tradeticket | CreateTradeTicket: Create Trade Ticket
+*TransactionPortfoliosApi* | [**deleteCustodianAccounts**](docs/TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#deletecustodianaccounts) | **POST** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/custodianaccounts/$delete | DeleteCustodianAccounts: Soft or hard delete multiple custodian accounts
*TransactionPortfoliosApi* | [**deletePropertiesFromTransaction**](docs/TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#deletepropertiesfromtransaction) | **DELETE** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/transactions/{transactionId}/properties | DeletePropertiesFromTransaction: Delete properties from transaction
*TransactionPortfoliosApi* | [**getA2BData**](docs/TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#geta2bdata) | **GET** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/a2b | GetA2BData: Get A2B data
*TransactionPortfoliosApi* | [**getA2BMovements**](docs/TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#geta2bmovements) | **GET** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/a2bmovements | GetA2BMovements: Get an A2B report at the movement level for the given portfolio.
-*TransactionPortfoliosApi* | [**getBucketedCashFlows**](docs/TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#getbucketedcashflows) | **POST** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/bucketedCashFlows | [EXPERIMENTAL] GetBucketedCashFlows: Get bucketed cash flows from a list of portfolios
-*TransactionPortfoliosApi* | [**getCustodianAccount**](docs/TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#getcustodianaccount) | **GET** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/custodianaccounts/{custodianAccountScope}/{custodianAccountCode} | [EXPERIMENTAL] GetCustodianAccount: Get Custodian Account
+*TransactionPortfoliosApi* | [**getBucketedCashFlows**](docs/TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#getbucketedcashflows) | **POST** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/bucketedCashFlows | GetBucketedCashFlows: Get bucketed cash flows from a list of portfolios
+*TransactionPortfoliosApi* | [**getCustodianAccount**](docs/TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#getcustodianaccount) | **GET** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/custodianaccounts/{custodianAccountScope}/{custodianAccountCode} | GetCustodianAccount: Get Custodian Account
*TransactionPortfoliosApi* | [**getDetails**](docs/TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#getdetails) | **GET** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/details | GetDetails: Get details
-*TransactionPortfoliosApi* | [**getHoldingContributors**](docs/TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#getholdingcontributors) | **GET** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/holdings/{holdingId}/contributors | [EARLY ACCESS] GetHoldingContributors: Get Holdings Contributors
+*TransactionPortfoliosApi* | [**getHoldingContributors**](docs/TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#getholdingcontributors) | **GET** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/holdings/{holdingId}/contributors | GetHoldingContributors: Get Holdings Contributors
*TransactionPortfoliosApi* | [**getHoldings**](docs/TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#getholdings) | **GET** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/holdings | GetHoldings: Get holdings
*TransactionPortfoliosApi* | [**getHoldingsAdjustment**](docs/TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#getholdingsadjustment) | **GET** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/holdingsadjustments/{effectiveAt} | GetHoldingsAdjustment: Get holdings adjustment
-*TransactionPortfoliosApi* | [**getHoldingsWithOrders**](docs/TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#getholdingswithorders) | **GET** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/holdingsWithOrders | [EXPERIMENTAL] GetHoldingsWithOrders: Get holdings with orders
-*TransactionPortfoliosApi* | [**getMultipleHoldingContributors**](docs/TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#getmultipleholdingcontributors) | **POST** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/holdings/contributors/$get | [EARLY ACCESS] GetMultipleHoldingContributors: Get Multiple Holding Contributors
+*TransactionPortfoliosApi* | [**getHoldingsWithOrders**](docs/TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#getholdingswithorders) | **GET** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/holdingsWithOrders | GetHoldingsWithOrders: Get holdings with orders
+*TransactionPortfoliosApi* | [**getMultipleHoldingContributors**](docs/TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#getmultipleholdingcontributors) | **POST** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/holdings/contributors/$get | GetMultipleHoldingContributors: Get Multiple Holding Contributors
*TransactionPortfoliosApi* | [**getPortfolioCashFlows**](docs/TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#getportfoliocashflows) | **GET** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/cashflows | GetPortfolioCashFlows: Get portfolio cash flows
*TransactionPortfoliosApi* | [**getPortfolioCashLadder**](docs/TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#getportfoliocashladder) | **GET** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/cashladder | GetPortfolioCashLadder: Get portfolio cash ladder
*TransactionPortfoliosApi* | [**getPortfolioCashStatement**](docs/TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#getportfoliocashstatement) | **GET** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/cashstatement | GetPortfolioCashStatement: Get portfolio cash statement
*TransactionPortfoliosApi* | [**getTransactionHistory**](docs/TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#gettransactionhistory) | **GET** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/transactions/{transactionId}/history | GetTransactionHistory: Get the history of a transaction
*TransactionPortfoliosApi* | [**getTransactions**](docs/TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#gettransactions) | **GET** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/transactions | GetTransactions: Get transactions
*TransactionPortfoliosApi* | [**getUpsertablePortfolioCashFlows**](docs/TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#getupsertableportfoliocashflows) | **GET** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/upsertablecashflows | GetUpsertablePortfolioCashFlows: Get upsertable portfolio cash flows.
-*TransactionPortfoliosApi* | [**listCustodianAccounts**](docs/TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#listcustodianaccounts) | **GET** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/custodianaccounts | [EXPERIMENTAL] ListCustodianAccounts: List Custodian Accounts
+*TransactionPortfoliosApi* | [**listCustodianAccounts**](docs/TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#listcustodianaccounts) | **GET** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/custodianaccounts | ListCustodianAccounts: List Custodian Accounts
*TransactionPortfoliosApi* | [**listHoldingsAdjustments**](docs/TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#listholdingsadjustments) | **GET** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/holdingsadjustments | ListHoldingsAdjustments: List holdings adjustments
*TransactionPortfoliosApi* | [**patchPortfolioDetails**](docs/TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#patchportfoliodetails) | **PATCH** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/details | PatchPortfolioDetails: Patch portfolio details
-*TransactionPortfoliosApi* | [**previewTransaction**](docs/TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#previewtransaction) | **POST** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/previewTransaction | [EARLY ACCESS] PreviewTransaction: Preview a transaction
+*TransactionPortfoliosApi* | [**previewTransaction**](docs/TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#previewtransaction) | **POST** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/previewTransaction | PreviewTransaction: Preview a transaction
*TransactionPortfoliosApi* | [**resolveInstrument**](docs/TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#resolveinstrument) | **POST** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/$resolve | ResolveInstrument: Resolve instrument
*TransactionPortfoliosApi* | [**setHoldings**](docs/TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#setholdings) | **PUT** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/holdings | SetHoldings: Set holdings
-*TransactionPortfoliosApi* | [**upsertCustodianAccounts**](docs/TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#upsertcustodianaccounts) | **POST** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/custodianaccounts | [EXPERIMENTAL] UpsertCustodianAccounts: Upsert Custodian Accounts
-*TransactionPortfoliosApi* | [**upsertCustodianAccountsProperties**](docs/TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#upsertcustodianaccountsproperties) | **POST** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/custodianaccounts/{custodianAccountScope}/{custodianAccountCode}/properties/$upsert | [EXPERIMENTAL] UpsertCustodianAccountsProperties: Upsert custodian accounts properties
+*TransactionPortfoliosApi* | [**upsertCustodianAccounts**](docs/TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#upsertcustodianaccounts) | **POST** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/custodianaccounts | UpsertCustodianAccounts: Upsert Custodian Accounts
+*TransactionPortfoliosApi* | [**upsertCustodianAccountsProperties**](docs/TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#upsertcustodianaccountsproperties) | **POST** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/custodianaccounts/{custodianAccountScope}/{custodianAccountCode}/properties/$upsert | UpsertCustodianAccountsProperties: Upsert custodian accounts properties
*TransactionPortfoliosApi* | [**upsertPortfolioDetails**](docs/TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#upsertportfoliodetails) | **POST** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/details | UpsertPortfolioDetails: Upsert portfolio details
*TransactionPortfoliosApi* | [**upsertTransactionProperties**](docs/TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#upserttransactionproperties) | **POST** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/transactions/{transactionId}/properties | UpsertTransactionProperties: Upsert transaction properties
*TransactionPortfoliosApi* | [**upsertTransactions**](docs/TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#upserttransactions) | **POST** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/transactions | UpsertTransactions: Upsert transactions
diff --git a/sdk/api/openapi.yaml b/sdk/api/openapi.yaml
index 234777cc735..1747ed25c89 100644
--- a/sdk/api/openapi.yaml
+++ b/sdk/api/openapi.yaml
@@ -389,7 +389,7 @@ info:
| 947|The property/identifier domain and entity domain do not match.| |
termsOfService: https://www.finbourne.com/legal/terms-conditions
title: LUSID API
- version: 0.11.7535
+ version: 0.11.7538
url: https://www.lusid.com/app/assets/logo_white.png
backgroundColor: '#415464'
@@ -14322,10 +14322,10 @@ paths:
description: Error response
- oauth2: []
- summary: "[EXPERIMENTAL] ListComplexMarketData: List the set of ComplexMarketData"
+ summary: "ListComplexMarketData: List the set of ComplexMarketData"
- Complex Market Data
- x-fbn-apistatus: Experimental
+ x-fbn-apistatus: Stable
x-accepts: application/json
@@ -14887,11 +14887,11 @@ paths:
description: Error response
- oauth2: []
- summary: "[EARLY ACCESS] DeleteComplexMarketData: Delete one or more items of\
- \ complex market data, assuming they are present."
+ summary: "DeleteComplexMarketData: Delete one or more items of complex market\
+ \ data, assuming they are present."
- Complex Market Data
- x-fbn-apistatus: EarlyAccess
+ x-fbn-apistatus: Stable
x-content-type: application/json-patch+json
x-accepts: application/json
@@ -15077,10 +15077,10 @@ paths:
description: Error response
- oauth2: []
- summary: "[EARLY ACCESS] GetComplexMarketData: Get complex market data"
+ summary: "GetComplexMarketData: Get complex market data"
- Complex Market Data
- x-fbn-apistatus: EarlyAccess
+ x-fbn-apistatus: Stable
x-content-type: application/json-patch+json
x-accepts: application/json
@@ -37928,12 +37928,11 @@ paths:
description: Error response
- oauth2: []
- summary: "[EARLY ACCESS] QueryInstrumentEvents: Returns a list of instrument\
- \ events based on the holdings of the portfolios and date range specified\
- \ in the query."
+ summary: "QueryInstrumentEvents: Returns a list of instrument events based on\
+ \ the holdings of the portfolios and date range specified in the query."
- Instrument Events
- x-fbn-apistatus: EarlyAccess
+ x-fbn-apistatus: Stable
x-content-type: application/json-patch+json
x-accepts: application/json
@@ -38070,12 +38069,12 @@ paths:
description: Error response
- oauth2: []
- summary: "[EARLY ACCESS] QueryApplicableInstrumentEvents: Returns a list of\
- \ applicable instrument events based on the holdings of the portfolios and\
- \ date range specified in the query."
+ summary: "QueryApplicableInstrumentEvents: Returns a list of applicable instrument\
+ \ events based on the holdings of the portfolios and date range specified\
+ \ in the query."
- Instrument Events
- x-fbn-apistatus: EarlyAccess
+ x-fbn-apistatus: Stable
x-content-type: application/json-patch+json
x-accepts: application/json
@@ -38346,11 +38345,11 @@ paths:
description: Error response
- oauth2: []
- summary: "[EXPERIMENTAL] QueryCashFlows: Returns a list of cashflows based on\
- \ the holdings of the portfolios and date range specified in the query."
+ summary: "QueryCashFlows: Returns a list of cashflows based on the holdings\
+ \ of the portfolios and date range specified in the query."
- Instrument Events
- x-fbn-apistatus: Experimental
+ x-fbn-apistatus: Stable
x-content-type: application/json-patch+json
x-accepts: application/json
@@ -38480,12 +38479,11 @@ paths:
description: Error response
- oauth2: []
- summary: "[EXPERIMENTAL] QueryTradeTickets: Returns a list of trade tickets\
- \ based on the holdings of the portfolios and date range specified in the\
- \ query."
+ summary: "QueryTradeTickets: Returns a list of trade tickets based on the holdings\
+ \ of the portfolios and date range specified in the query."
- Instrument Events
- x-fbn-apistatus: Experimental
+ x-fbn-apistatus: Stable
x-content-type: application/json-patch+json
x-accepts: application/json
@@ -38588,10 +38586,10 @@ paths:
description: Error response
- oauth2: []
- summary: "[EARLY ACCESS] ListTransactionTemplates: List Transaction Templates"
+ summary: "ListTransactionTemplates: List Transaction Templates"
- Instrument Event Types
- x-fbn-apistatus: EarlyAccess
+ x-fbn-apistatus: Stable
x-accepts: application/json
@@ -38693,11 +38691,10 @@ paths:
description: Error response
- oauth2: []
- summary: "[EARLY ACCESS] ListTransactionTemplateSpecifications: List Transaction\
- \ Template Specifications."
+ summary: "ListTransactionTemplateSpecifications: List Transaction Template Specifications."
- Instrument Event Types
- x-fbn-apistatus: EarlyAccess
+ x-fbn-apistatus: Stable
x-accepts: application/json
@@ -38770,10 +38767,10 @@ paths:
description: Error response
- oauth2: []
- summary: "[EARLY ACCESS] DeleteTransactionTemplate: Delete Transaction Template"
+ summary: "DeleteTransactionTemplate: Delete Transaction Template"
- Instrument Event Types
- x-fbn-apistatus: EarlyAccess
+ x-fbn-apistatus: Stable
x-accepts: application/json
description: Gets the Transaction Template that for the instrument event type
@@ -38853,10 +38850,10 @@ paths:
description: Error response
- oauth2: []
- summary: "[EARLY ACCESS] GetTransactionTemplate: Get Transaction Template"
+ summary: "GetTransactionTemplate: Get Transaction Template"
- Instrument Event Types
- x-fbn-apistatus: EarlyAccess
+ x-fbn-apistatus: Stable
x-accepts: application/json
description: Create a transaction template for a particular instrument event
@@ -39041,10 +39038,10 @@ paths:
description: Error response
- oauth2: []
- summary: "[EARLY ACCESS] CreateTransactionTemplate: Create Transaction Template"
+ summary: "CreateTransactionTemplate: Create Transaction Template"
- Instrument Event Types
- x-fbn-apistatus: EarlyAccess
+ x-fbn-apistatus: Stable
x-content-type: application/json-patch+json
x-accepts: application/json
@@ -39230,10 +39227,10 @@ paths:
description: Error response
- oauth2: []
- summary: "[EARLY ACCESS] UpdateTransactionTemplate: Update Transaction Template"
+ summary: "UpdateTransactionTemplate: Update Transaction Template"
- Instrument Event Types
- x-fbn-apistatus: EarlyAccess
+ x-fbn-apistatus: Stable
x-content-type: application/json-patch+json
x-accepts: application/json
@@ -39283,11 +39280,10 @@ paths:
description: Error response
- oauth2: []
- summary: "[EARLY ACCESS] GetTransactionTemplateSpecification: Get Transaction\
- \ Template Specification."
+ summary: "GetTransactionTemplateSpecification: Get Transaction Template Specification."
- Instrument Event Types
- x-fbn-apistatus: EarlyAccess
+ x-fbn-apistatus: Stable
x-accepts: application/json
@@ -40723,13 +40719,12 @@ paths:
description: Error response
- oauth2: []
- summary: "[EXPERIMENTAL] QueryInstrumentCapabilities: Query capabilities of\
- \ a particular instrument in advance of creating it. These include instrument\
- \ features, and if model is provided it also includes supported address keys\
- \ and economic dependencies."
+ summary: "QueryInstrumentCapabilities: Query capabilities of a particular instrument\
+ \ in advance of creating it. These include instrument features, and if model\
+ \ is provided it also includes supported address keys and economic dependencies."
- Instruments
- x-fbn-apistatus: Experimental
+ x-fbn-apistatus: Stable
x-content-type: application/json-patch+json
x-accepts: application/json
@@ -41276,10 +41271,10 @@ paths:
description: Error response
- oauth2: []
- summary: "[EXPERIMENTAL] GetInstrumentPaymentDiary: Get instrument payment diary"
+ summary: "GetInstrumentPaymentDiary: Get instrument payment diary"
- Instruments
- x-fbn-apistatus: Experimental
+ x-fbn-apistatus: Stable
x-accepts: application/json
@@ -41572,10 +41567,10 @@ paths:
description: Error response
- oauth2: []
- summary: "[EARLY ACCESS] DeleteInstrumentProperties: Delete instrument properties"
+ summary: "DeleteInstrumentProperties: Delete instrument properties"
- Instruments
- x-fbn-apistatus: EarlyAccess
+ x-fbn-apistatus: Stable
x-content-type: application/json-patch+json
x-accepts: application/json
@@ -41728,11 +41723,10 @@ paths:
description: Error response
- oauth2: []
- summary: "[EARLY ACCESS] ListInstrumentProperties: Get instrument properties\
- \ (with Pagination)"
+ summary: "ListInstrumentProperties: Get instrument properties (with Pagination)"
- Instruments
- x-fbn-apistatus: EarlyAccess
+ x-fbn-apistatus: Stable
x-accepts: application/json
@@ -42070,10 +42064,10 @@ paths:
description: Error response
- oauth2: []
- summary: "[EARLY ACCESS] GetInstrumentRelationships: Get Instrument relationships"
+ summary: "GetInstrumentRelationships: Get Instrument relationships"
- Instruments
- x-fbn-apistatus: EarlyAccess
+ x-fbn-apistatus: Stable
x-accepts: application/json
@@ -42179,11 +42173,10 @@ paths:
description: Error response
- oauth2: []
- summary: "[EARLY ACCESS] CalculateSettlementDate: Get the settlement date for\
- \ an instrument."
+ summary: "CalculateSettlementDate: Get the settlement date for an instrument."
- Instruments
- x-fbn-apistatus: EarlyAccess
+ x-fbn-apistatus: Stable
x-accepts: application/json
@@ -42395,15 +42388,15 @@ paths:
description: Error response
- oauth2: []
- summary: "[EXPERIMENTAL] GetExistingInstrumentCapabilities: Retrieve capabilities\
- \ of an existing instrument identified by LUID. These include instrument features,\
- \ and if model is provided it also includes supported address keys and economic\
- \ dependencies.\r\nGiven an lusid instrument id provides instrument capabilities,\
- \ outlining features, and, given the model, the capabilities also include\
- \ supported addresses as well as economic dependencies."
+ summary: "GetExistingInstrumentCapabilities: Retrieve capabilities of an existing\
+ \ instrument identified by LUID. These include instrument features, and if\
+ \ model is provided it also includes supported address keys and economic dependencies.\r\
+ \nGiven an lusid instrument id provides instrument capabilities, outlining\
+ \ features, and, given the model, the capabilities also include supported\
+ \ addresses as well as economic dependencies."
- Instruments
- x-fbn-apistatus: Experimental
+ x-fbn-apistatus: Stable
x-accepts: application/json
@@ -42663,11 +42656,11 @@ paths:
description: Error response
- oauth2: []
- summary: "[EXPERIMENTAL] GetAllPossibleFeatures: Provides list of all possible\
- \ features for instrument type."
+ summary: "GetAllPossibleFeatures: Provides list of all possible features for\
+ \ instrument type."
- Instruments
- x-fbn-apistatus: Experimental
+ x-fbn-apistatus: Stable
x-accepts: application/json
@@ -49939,10 +49932,10 @@ paths:
description: Error response
- oauth2: []
- summary: "[EXPERIMENTAL] ListOrderInstructions: List OrderInstructions"
+ summary: "ListOrderInstructions: List OrderInstructions"
- OrderInstructions
- x-fbn-apistatus: Experimental
+ x-fbn-apistatus: Stable
x-accepts: application/json
description: "Upsert; update existing orderInstructions with given ids, or create\
@@ -50133,10 +50126,10 @@ paths:
description: Error response
- oauth2: []
- summary: "[EXPERIMENTAL] UpsertOrderInstructions: Upsert OrderInstruction"
+ summary: "UpsertOrderInstructions: Upsert OrderInstruction"
- OrderInstructions
- x-fbn-apistatus: Experimental
+ x-fbn-apistatus: Stable
x-content-type: application/json-patch+json
x-accepts: application/json
@@ -50207,10 +50200,10 @@ paths:
description: Error response
- oauth2: []
- summary: "[EXPERIMENTAL] DeleteOrderInstruction: Delete orderInstruction"
+ summary: "DeleteOrderInstruction: Delete orderInstruction"
- OrderInstructions
- x-fbn-apistatus: Experimental
+ x-fbn-apistatus: Stable
x-accepts: application/json
description: Fetch a OrderInstruction that matches the specified identifier
@@ -50359,10 +50352,10 @@ paths:
description: Error response
- oauth2: []
- summary: "[EXPERIMENTAL] GetOrderInstruction: Get OrderInstruction"
+ summary: "GetOrderInstruction: Get OrderInstruction"
- OrderInstructions
- x-fbn-apistatus: Experimental
+ x-fbn-apistatus: Stable
x-accepts: application/json
@@ -89804,10 +89797,10 @@ paths:
description: Error response
- oauth2: []
- summary: "[EXPERIMENTAL] ListStagedModifications: ListStagedModifications"
+ summary: "ListStagedModifications: ListStagedModifications"
- StagedModifications
- x-fbn-apistatus: Experimental
+ x-fbn-apistatus: Stable
x-accepts: application/json
@@ -89869,10 +89862,10 @@ paths:
description: Error response
- oauth2: []
- summary: "[EXPERIMENTAL] GetStagedModification: GetStagedModification"
+ summary: "GetStagedModification: GetStagedModification"
- StagedModifications
- x-fbn-apistatus: Experimental
+ x-fbn-apistatus: Stable
x-accepts: application/json
@@ -89952,10 +89945,10 @@ paths:
description: Error response
- oauth2: []
- summary: "[EXPERIMENTAL] AddDecision: AddDecision"
+ summary: "AddDecision: AddDecision"
- StagedModifications
- x-fbn-apistatus: Experimental
+ x-fbn-apistatus: Stable
x-content-type: application/json-patch+json
x-accepts: application/json
@@ -90069,10 +90062,10 @@ paths:
description: Error response
- oauth2: []
- summary: "[EXPERIMENTAL] ListRequestedChanges: ListRequestedChanges"
+ summary: "ListRequestedChanges: ListRequestedChanges"
- StagedModifications
- x-fbn-apistatus: Experimental
+ x-fbn-apistatus: Stable
x-accepts: application/json
@@ -90323,10 +90316,10 @@ paths:
description: Error response
- oauth2: []
- summary: "[EXPERIMENTAL] ListStagingRuleSets: List StagingRuleSets"
+ summary: "ListStagingRuleSets: List StagingRuleSets"
- Staging Rule Set
- x-fbn-apistatus: Experimental
+ x-fbn-apistatus: Stable
x-accepts: application/json
@@ -90385,10 +90378,10 @@ paths:
description: Error response
- oauth2: []
- summary: "[EXPERIMENTAL] DeleteStagingRuleSet: Delete a StagingRuleSet"
+ summary: "DeleteStagingRuleSet: Delete a StagingRuleSet"
- Staging Rule Set
- x-fbn-apistatus: Experimental
+ x-fbn-apistatus: Stable
x-accepts: application/json
description: Get the staging rule set for the given entity type at the specific
@@ -90585,10 +90578,10 @@ paths:
description: Error response
- oauth2: []
- summary: "[EXPERIMENTAL] GetStagingRuleSet: Get a StagingRuleSet"
+ summary: "GetStagingRuleSet: Get a StagingRuleSet"
- Staging Rule Set
- x-fbn-apistatus: Experimental
+ x-fbn-apistatus: Stable
x-accepts: application/json
description: Create a new staging rule set.
@@ -90912,10 +90905,10 @@ paths:
description: Error response
- oauth2: []
- summary: "[EXPERIMENTAL] CreateStagingRuleSet: Create a StagingRuleSet"
+ summary: "CreateStagingRuleSet: Create a StagingRuleSet"
- Staging Rule Set
- x-fbn-apistatus: Experimental
+ x-fbn-apistatus: Stable
x-content-type: application/json-patch+json
x-accepts: application/json
@@ -91240,10 +91233,10 @@ paths:
description: Error response
- oauth2: []
- summary: "[EXPERIMENTAL] UpdateStagingRuleSet: Update a StagingRuleSet"
+ summary: "UpdateStagingRuleSet: Update a StagingRuleSet"
- Staging Rule Set
- x-fbn-apistatus: Experimental
+ x-fbn-apistatus: Stable
x-content-type: application/json-patch+json
x-accepts: application/json
@@ -96696,10 +96689,10 @@ paths:
description: Error response
- oauth2: []
- summary: "[EARLY ACCESS] BatchCreateTradeTickets: Batch Create Trade Tickets"
+ summary: "BatchCreateTradeTickets: Batch Create Trade Tickets"
- Transaction Portfolios
- x-fbn-apistatus: EarlyAccess
+ x-fbn-apistatus: Stable
x-content-type: application/json-patch+json
x-accepts: application/json
@@ -97181,10 +97174,10 @@ paths:
description: Error response
- oauth2: []
- summary: "[EARLY ACCESS] CreateTradeTicket: Create Trade Ticket"
+ summary: "CreateTradeTicket: Create Trade Ticket"
- Transaction Portfolios
- x-fbn-apistatus: EarlyAccess
+ x-fbn-apistatus: Stable
x-content-type: application/json-patch+json
x-accepts: application/json
@@ -101014,11 +101007,10 @@ paths:
description: Error response
- oauth2: []
- summary: "[EXPERIMENTAL] GetBucketedCashFlows: Get bucketed cash flows from\
- \ a list of portfolios"
+ summary: "GetBucketedCashFlows: Get bucketed cash flows from a list of portfolios"
- Transaction Portfolios
- x-fbn-apistatus: Experimental
+ x-fbn-apistatus: Stable
x-content-type: application/json-patch+json
x-accepts: application/json
@@ -103799,10 +103791,10 @@ paths:
description: Error response
- oauth2: []
- summary: "[EXPERIMENTAL] ListCustodianAccounts: List Custodian Accounts"
+ summary: "ListCustodianAccounts: List Custodian Accounts"
- Transaction Portfolios
- x-fbn-apistatus: Experimental
+ x-fbn-apistatus: Stable
x-accepts: application/json
description: "Create or update Custodian Accounts in the Transaction Portfolios.\
@@ -103998,10 +103990,10 @@ paths:
description: Error response
- oauth2: []
- summary: "[EXPERIMENTAL] UpsertCustodianAccounts: Upsert Custodian Accounts"
+ summary: "UpsertCustodianAccounts: Upsert Custodian Accounts"
- Transaction Portfolios
- x-fbn-apistatus: Experimental
+ x-fbn-apistatus: Stable
x-content-type: application/json-patch+json
x-accepts: application/json
@@ -104125,11 +104117,10 @@ paths:
description: Error response
- oauth2: []
- summary: "[EXPERIMENTAL] DeleteCustodianAccounts: Soft or hard delete multiple\
- \ custodian accounts"
+ summary: "DeleteCustodianAccounts: Soft or hard delete multiple custodian accounts"
- Transaction Portfolios
- x-fbn-apistatus: Experimental
+ x-fbn-apistatus: Stable
x-content-type: application/json-patch+json
x-accepts: application/json
@@ -104255,10 +104246,10 @@ paths:
description: Error response
- oauth2: []
- summary: "[EXPERIMENTAL] GetCustodianAccount: Get Custodian Account"
+ summary: "GetCustodianAccount: Get Custodian Account"
- Transaction Portfolios
- x-fbn-apistatus: Experimental
+ x-fbn-apistatus: Stable
x-accepts: application/json
@@ -104474,11 +104465,10 @@ paths:
description: Error response
- oauth2: []
- summary: "[EXPERIMENTAL] UpsertCustodianAccountsProperties: Upsert custodian\
- \ accounts properties"
+ summary: "UpsertCustodianAccountsProperties: Upsert custodian accounts properties"
- Transaction Portfolios
- x-fbn-apistatus: Experimental
+ x-fbn-apistatus: Stable
x-content-type: application/json-patch+json
x-accepts: application/json
@@ -106106,10 +106096,10 @@ paths:
description: Error response
- oauth2: []
- summary: "[EARLY ACCESS] BatchAdjustHoldings: Batch adjust holdings"
+ summary: "BatchAdjustHoldings: Batch adjust holdings"
- Transaction Portfolios
- x-fbn-apistatus: EarlyAccess
+ x-fbn-apistatus: Stable
x-content-type: application/json-patch+json
x-accepts: application/json
@@ -106460,10 +106450,10 @@ paths:
description: Error response
- oauth2: []
- summary: "[EARLY ACCESS] BatchSetHoldings: Batch set holdings"
+ summary: "BatchSetHoldings: Batch set holdings"
- Transaction Portfolios
- x-fbn-apistatus: EarlyAccess
+ x-fbn-apistatus: Stable
x-content-type: application/json-patch+json
x-accepts: application/json
@@ -106601,10 +106591,10 @@ paths:
description: Error response
- oauth2: []
- summary: "[EARLY ACCESS] CancelSingleAdjustHolding: Cancel single holding adjustment."
+ summary: "CancelSingleAdjustHolding: Cancel single holding adjustment."
- Transaction Portfolios
- x-fbn-apistatus: EarlyAccess
+ x-fbn-apistatus: Stable
x-content-type: application/json-patch+json
x-accepts: application/json
@@ -107057,11 +107047,10 @@ paths:
description: Error response
- oauth2: []
- summary: "[EARLY ACCESS] GetMultipleHoldingContributors: Get Multiple Holding\
- \ Contributors"
+ summary: "GetMultipleHoldingContributors: Get Multiple Holding Contributors"
- Transaction Portfolios
- x-fbn-apistatus: EarlyAccess
+ x-fbn-apistatus: Stable
x-content-type: application/json-patch+json
x-accepts: application/json
@@ -107478,10 +107467,10 @@ paths:
description: Error response
- oauth2: []
- summary: "[EARLY ACCESS] GetHoldingContributors: Get Holdings Contributors"
+ summary: "GetHoldingContributors: Get Holdings Contributors"
- Transaction Portfolios
- x-fbn-apistatus: EarlyAccess
+ x-fbn-apistatus: Stable
x-accepts: application/json
@@ -108158,10 +108147,10 @@ paths:
description: Error response
- oauth2: []
- summary: "[EXPERIMENTAL] GetHoldingsWithOrders: Get holdings with orders"
+ summary: "GetHoldingsWithOrders: Get holdings with orders"
- Transaction Portfolios
- x-fbn-apistatus: Experimental
+ x-fbn-apistatus: Stable
x-accepts: application/json
@@ -108679,10 +108668,10 @@ paths:
description: Error response
- oauth2: []
- summary: "[EARLY ACCESS] PreviewTransaction: Preview a transaction"
+ summary: "PreviewTransaction: Preview a transaction"
- Transaction Portfolios
- x-fbn-apistatus: EarlyAccess
+ x-fbn-apistatus: Stable
x-content-type: application/json-patch+json
x-accepts: application/json
@@ -109755,10 +109744,10 @@ paths:
description: Error response
- oauth2: []
- summary: "[EARLY ACCESS] BatchUpsertTransactions: Batch upsert transactions"
+ summary: "BatchUpsertTransactions: Batch upsert transactions"
- Transaction Portfolios
- x-fbn-apistatus: EarlyAccess
+ x-fbn-apistatus: Stable
x-content-type: application/json-patch+json
x-accepts: application/json
@@ -111385,11 +111374,11 @@ paths:
description: Error response
- oauth2: []
- summary: "[EXPERIMENTAL] GetApplicableTransactionFees: Get the Fees and Commissions\
- \ that may be applicable to a transaction."
+ summary: "GetApplicableTransactionFees: Get the Fees and Commissions that may\
+ \ be applicable to a transaction."
- Transaction Fees
- x-fbn-apistatus: Experimental
+ x-fbn-apistatus: Stable
x-content-type: application/json-patch+json
x-accepts: application/json
@@ -111643,11 +111632,10 @@ paths:
description: Error response
- oauth2: []
- summary: "[EXPERIMENTAL] ListTransactionFeeRules: List fee rules, with optional\
- \ filtering."
+ summary: "ListTransactionFeeRules: List fee rules, with optional filtering."
- Transaction Fees
- x-fbn-apistatus: Experimental
+ x-fbn-apistatus: Stable
x-accepts: application/json
description: "To upsert a new rule, the code field must be left empty, a code\
@@ -112067,10 +112055,10 @@ paths:
description: Error response
- oauth2: []
- summary: "[EXPERIMENTAL] UpsertTransactionFeeRules: Upsert fee rules."
+ summary: "UpsertTransactionFeeRules: Upsert fee rules."
- Transaction Fees
- x-fbn-apistatus: Experimental
+ x-fbn-apistatus: Stable
x-content-type: application/json-patch+json
x-accepts: application/json
@@ -112130,10 +112118,10 @@ paths:
description: Error response
- oauth2: []
- summary: "[EXPERIMENTAL] DeleteTransactionFeeRule: Deletes a fee rule."
+ summary: "DeleteTransactionFeeRule: Deletes a fee rule."
- Transaction Fees
- x-fbn-apistatus: Experimental
+ x-fbn-apistatus: Stable
x-accepts: application/json
description: Retrieves the fee rule definition at the given effective and as
@@ -112293,11 +112281,10 @@ paths:
description: Error response
- oauth2: []
- summary: "[EXPERIMENTAL] GetTransactionFeeRule: Retrieve the definition of single\
- \ fee rule."
+ summary: "GetTransactionFeeRule: Retrieve the definition of single fee rule."
- Transaction Fees
- x-fbn-apistatus: Experimental
+ x-fbn-apistatus: Stable
x-accepts: application/json
@@ -112992,10 +112979,10 @@ paths:
description: Error response
- oauth2: []
- summary: "[EXPERIMENTAL] GetDataMap: Get data map"
+ summary: "GetDataMap: Get data map"
- Structured Result Data
- x-fbn-apistatus: Experimental
+ x-fbn-apistatus: Stable
x-content-type: application/json-patch+json
x-accepts: application/json
@@ -113141,10 +113128,10 @@ paths:
description: Error response
- oauth2: []
- summary: "[EXPERIMENTAL] UpsertResultValue: Upsert result value"
+ summary: "UpsertResultValue: Upsert result value"
- Structured Result Data
- x-fbn-apistatus: Experimental
+ x-fbn-apistatus: Stable
x-content-type: application/json-patch+json
x-accepts: application/json
@@ -113269,10 +113256,10 @@ paths:
description: Error response
- oauth2: []
- summary: "[EXPERIMENTAL] GetVirtualDocument: Get Virtual Documents"
+ summary: "GetVirtualDocument: Get Virtual Documents"
- Structured Result Data
- x-fbn-apistatus: Experimental
+ x-fbn-apistatus: Stable
x-content-type: application/json-patch+json
x-accepts: application/json
@@ -113498,10 +113485,10 @@ paths:
description: Error response
- oauth2: []
- summary: "[EARLY ACCESS] GetVirtualDocumentRows: Get Virtual Document Rows"
+ summary: "GetVirtualDocumentRows: Get Virtual Document Rows"
- Structured Result Data
- x-fbn-apistatus: EarlyAccess
+ x-fbn-apistatus: Stable
x-accepts: application/json
@@ -113652,11 +113639,11 @@ paths:
description: Error response
- oauth2: []
- summary: "[EARLY ACCESS] GetAddressKeyDefinitionsForDocument: Get AddressKeyDefinitions\
- \ for a virtual document."
+ summary: "GetAddressKeyDefinitionsForDocument: Get AddressKeyDefinitions for\
+ \ a virtual document."
- Structured Result Data
- x-fbn-apistatus: EarlyAccess
+ x-fbn-apistatus: Stable
x-accepts: application/json
@@ -114014,11 +114001,10 @@ paths:
description: Error response
- oauth2: []
- summary: "[EXPERIMENTAL] DeleteStructuredResultData: Delete structured result\
- \ data"
+ summary: "DeleteStructuredResultData: Delete structured result data"
- Structured Result Data
- x-fbn-apistatus: Experimental
+ x-fbn-apistatus: Stable
x-content-type: application/json-patch+json
x-accepts: application/json
diff --git a/sdk/docs/ComplexMarketDataApi.md b/sdk/docs/ComplexMarketDataApi.md
index 654f44e409a..0886e34d0ac 100644
--- a/sdk/docs/ComplexMarketDataApi.md
+++ b/sdk/docs/ComplexMarketDataApi.md
@@ -4,9 +4,9 @@ All URIs are relative to *https://www.lusid.com/api*
| Method | HTTP request | Description |
|------------- | ------------- | -------------|
-| [**deleteComplexMarketData**](ComplexMarketDataApi.md#deleteComplexMarketData) | **POST** /api/complexmarketdata/{scope}/$delete | [EARLY ACCESS] DeleteComplexMarketData: Delete one or more items of complex market data, assuming they are present. |
-| [**getComplexMarketData**](ComplexMarketDataApi.md#getComplexMarketData) | **POST** /api/complexmarketdata/{scope}/$get | [EARLY ACCESS] GetComplexMarketData: Get complex market data |
-| [**listComplexMarketData**](ComplexMarketDataApi.md#listComplexMarketData) | **GET** /api/complexmarketdata | [EXPERIMENTAL] ListComplexMarketData: List the set of ComplexMarketData |
+| [**deleteComplexMarketData**](ComplexMarketDataApi.md#deleteComplexMarketData) | **POST** /api/complexmarketdata/{scope}/$delete | DeleteComplexMarketData: Delete one or more items of complex market data, assuming they are present. |
+| [**getComplexMarketData**](ComplexMarketDataApi.md#getComplexMarketData) | **POST** /api/complexmarketdata/{scope}/$get | GetComplexMarketData: Get complex market data |
+| [**listComplexMarketData**](ComplexMarketDataApi.md#listComplexMarketData) | **GET** /api/complexmarketdata | ListComplexMarketData: List the set of ComplexMarketData |
| [**upsertComplexMarketData**](ComplexMarketDataApi.md#upsertComplexMarketData) | **POST** /api/complexmarketdata/{scope} | UpsertComplexMarketData: Upsert a set of complex market data items. This creates or updates the data in Lusid. |
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ All URIs are relative to *https://www.lusid.com/api*
> AnnulStructuredDataResponse deleteComplexMarketData(scope, requestBody)
-[EARLY ACCESS] DeleteComplexMarketData: Delete one or more items of complex market data, assuming they are present.
+DeleteComplexMarketData: Delete one or more items of complex market data, assuming they are present.
Delete one or more specified complex market data items from a single scope. Each item is identified by a unique id which includes information about its type as well as the exact effective datetime (to the microsecond) at which it entered the system (became valid). In the request each complex market data item must be keyed by a unique correlation id. This id is ephemeral and is not stored by LUSID. It serves only as a way to easily identify each quote in the response. The response will return both the collection of successfully deleted complex market data items, as well as those that failed. For the failures a reason will be provided explaining why the it could not be deleted. It is important to always check the failed set for any unsuccessful results.
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ public class ComplexMarketDataApiExample {
> GetComplexMarketDataResponse getComplexMarketData(scope, requestBody, effectiveAt, asAt, maxAge)
-[EARLY ACCESS] GetComplexMarketData: Get complex market data
+GetComplexMarketData: Get complex market data
Get one or more items of complex market data from a single scope. Each item can be identified by its time invariant complex market data identifier. For each id LUSID will return the most recent matched item with respect to the provided (or default) effective datetime. An optional maximum age range window can be specified which defines how far back to look back for data from the specified effective datetime. LUSID will return the most recent item within this window. In the request each complex market data id must be keyed by a unique correlation id. This id is ephemeral and is not stored by LUSID. It serves only as a way to easily identify each item in the response. The response will return three collections. One, the successfully retrieved complex market data. Two, those that had a valid identifier but could not be found. Three, those that failed because LUSID could not construct a valid identifier from the request. For the ids that failed to resolve or could not be found a reason will be provided explaining why that is the case. It is important to always check the failed and not found sets for any unsuccessful results.
@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ public class ComplexMarketDataApiExample {
> ResourceListOfListComplexMarketDataWithMetaDataResponse listComplexMarketData(asAt)
-[EXPERIMENTAL] ListComplexMarketData: List the set of ComplexMarketData
+ListComplexMarketData: List the set of ComplexMarketData
List the set of ComplexMarketData at the specified date/time, along with the scope the data was stored in and its identifier in that scope.
diff --git a/sdk/docs/InstrumentEventTypesApi.md b/sdk/docs/InstrumentEventTypesApi.md
index 02796be9d54..ea29589333a 100644
--- a/sdk/docs/InstrumentEventTypesApi.md
+++ b/sdk/docs/InstrumentEventTypesApi.md
@@ -4,13 +4,13 @@ All URIs are relative to *https://www.lusid.com/api*
| Method | HTTP request | Description |
|------------- | ------------- | -------------|
-| [**createTransactionTemplate**](InstrumentEventTypesApi.md#createTransactionTemplate) | **POST** /api/instrumenteventtypes/{instrumentEventType}/transactiontemplates/{instrumentType}/{scope} | [EARLY ACCESS] CreateTransactionTemplate: Create Transaction Template |
-| [**deleteTransactionTemplate**](InstrumentEventTypesApi.md#deleteTransactionTemplate) | **DELETE** /api/instrumenteventtypes/{instrumentEventType}/transactiontemplates/{instrumentType}/{scope} | [EARLY ACCESS] DeleteTransactionTemplate: Delete Transaction Template |
-| [**getTransactionTemplate**](InstrumentEventTypesApi.md#getTransactionTemplate) | **GET** /api/instrumenteventtypes/{instrumentEventType}/transactiontemplates/{instrumentType}/{scope} | [EARLY ACCESS] GetTransactionTemplate: Get Transaction Template |
-| [**getTransactionTemplateSpecification**](InstrumentEventTypesApi.md#getTransactionTemplateSpecification) | **GET** /api/instrumenteventtypes/{instrumentEventType}/transactiontemplatespecification | [EARLY ACCESS] GetTransactionTemplateSpecification: Get Transaction Template Specification. |
-| [**listTransactionTemplateSpecifications**](InstrumentEventTypesApi.md#listTransactionTemplateSpecifications) | **GET** /api/instrumenteventtypes/transactiontemplatespecifications | [EARLY ACCESS] ListTransactionTemplateSpecifications: List Transaction Template Specifications. |
-| [**listTransactionTemplates**](InstrumentEventTypesApi.md#listTransactionTemplates) | **GET** /api/instrumenteventtypes/transactiontemplates | [EARLY ACCESS] ListTransactionTemplates: List Transaction Templates |
-| [**updateTransactionTemplate**](InstrumentEventTypesApi.md#updateTransactionTemplate) | **PUT** /api/instrumenteventtypes/{instrumentEventType}/transactiontemplates/{instrumentType}/{scope} | [EARLY ACCESS] UpdateTransactionTemplate: Update Transaction Template |
+| [**createTransactionTemplate**](InstrumentEventTypesApi.md#createTransactionTemplate) | **POST** /api/instrumenteventtypes/{instrumentEventType}/transactiontemplates/{instrumentType}/{scope} | CreateTransactionTemplate: Create Transaction Template |
+| [**deleteTransactionTemplate**](InstrumentEventTypesApi.md#deleteTransactionTemplate) | **DELETE** /api/instrumenteventtypes/{instrumentEventType}/transactiontemplates/{instrumentType}/{scope} | DeleteTransactionTemplate: Delete Transaction Template |
+| [**getTransactionTemplate**](InstrumentEventTypesApi.md#getTransactionTemplate) | **GET** /api/instrumenteventtypes/{instrumentEventType}/transactiontemplates/{instrumentType}/{scope} | GetTransactionTemplate: Get Transaction Template |
+| [**getTransactionTemplateSpecification**](InstrumentEventTypesApi.md#getTransactionTemplateSpecification) | **GET** /api/instrumenteventtypes/{instrumentEventType}/transactiontemplatespecification | GetTransactionTemplateSpecification: Get Transaction Template Specification. |
+| [**listTransactionTemplateSpecifications**](InstrumentEventTypesApi.md#listTransactionTemplateSpecifications) | **GET** /api/instrumenteventtypes/transactiontemplatespecifications | ListTransactionTemplateSpecifications: List Transaction Template Specifications. |
+| [**listTransactionTemplates**](InstrumentEventTypesApi.md#listTransactionTemplates) | **GET** /api/instrumenteventtypes/transactiontemplates | ListTransactionTemplates: List Transaction Templates |
+| [**updateTransactionTemplate**](InstrumentEventTypesApi.md#updateTransactionTemplate) | **PUT** /api/instrumenteventtypes/{instrumentEventType}/transactiontemplates/{instrumentType}/{scope} | UpdateTransactionTemplate: Update Transaction Template |
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ All URIs are relative to *https://www.lusid.com/api*
> TransactionTemplate createTransactionTemplate(instrumentEventType, instrumentType, scope, transactionTemplateRequest)
-[EARLY ACCESS] CreateTransactionTemplate: Create Transaction Template
+CreateTransactionTemplate: Create Transaction Template
Create a transaction template for a particular instrument event type in a scope.
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ public class InstrumentEventTypesApiExample {
> OffsetDateTime deleteTransactionTemplate(instrumentEventType, instrumentType, scope)
-[EARLY ACCESS] DeleteTransactionTemplate: Delete Transaction Template
+DeleteTransactionTemplate: Delete Transaction Template
Delete a transaction template for a particular instrument event type in a scope.
@@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ public class InstrumentEventTypesApiExample {
> TransactionTemplate getTransactionTemplate(instrumentEventType, instrumentType, scope, asAt)
-[EARLY ACCESS] GetTransactionTemplate: Get Transaction Template
+GetTransactionTemplate: Get Transaction Template
Gets the Transaction Template that for the instrument event type within the scope specified.
@@ -307,7 +307,7 @@ public class InstrumentEventTypesApiExample {
> TransactionTemplateSpecification getTransactionTemplateSpecification(instrumentEventType)
-[EARLY ACCESS] GetTransactionTemplateSpecification: Get Transaction Template Specification.
+GetTransactionTemplateSpecification: Get Transaction Template Specification.
Retrieve the transaction template specification for a particular event type.
@@ -398,7 +398,7 @@ public class InstrumentEventTypesApiExample {
> PagedResourceListOfTransactionTemplateSpecification listTransactionTemplateSpecifications(asAt, page, limit, filter, sortBy)
-[EARLY ACCESS] ListTransactionTemplateSpecifications: List Transaction Template Specifications.
+ListTransactionTemplateSpecifications: List Transaction Template Specifications.
Retrieves all transaction template specifications.
@@ -497,7 +497,7 @@ public class InstrumentEventTypesApiExample {
> PagedResourceListOfTransactionTemplate listTransactionTemplates(asAt, page, limit, filter, sortBy)
-[EARLY ACCESS] ListTransactionTemplates: List Transaction Templates
+ListTransactionTemplates: List Transaction Templates
Lists all Transaction Templates.
@@ -596,7 +596,7 @@ public class InstrumentEventTypesApiExample {
> TransactionTemplate updateTransactionTemplate(instrumentEventType, instrumentType, scope, transactionTemplateRequest)
-[EARLY ACCESS] UpdateTransactionTemplate: Update Transaction Template
+UpdateTransactionTemplate: Update Transaction Template
Update a transaction template for a particular instrument event type in a scope.
diff --git a/sdk/docs/InstrumentEventsApi.md b/sdk/docs/InstrumentEventsApi.md
index 1ad0e924464..ce6170b0878 100644
--- a/sdk/docs/InstrumentEventsApi.md
+++ b/sdk/docs/InstrumentEventsApi.md
@@ -4,11 +4,11 @@ All URIs are relative to *https://www.lusid.com/api*
| Method | HTTP request | Description |
|------------- | ------------- | -------------|
-| [**queryApplicableInstrumentEvents**](InstrumentEventsApi.md#queryApplicableInstrumentEvents) | **POST** /api/instrumentevents/$queryApplicableInstrumentEvents | [EARLY ACCESS] QueryApplicableInstrumentEvents: Returns a list of applicable instrument events based on the holdings of the portfolios and date range specified in the query. |
+| [**queryApplicableInstrumentEvents**](InstrumentEventsApi.md#queryApplicableInstrumentEvents) | **POST** /api/instrumentevents/$queryApplicableInstrumentEvents | QueryApplicableInstrumentEvents: Returns a list of applicable instrument events based on the holdings of the portfolios and date range specified in the query. |
| [**queryBucketedCashFlows**](InstrumentEventsApi.md#queryBucketedCashFlows) | **POST** /api/instrumentevents/$queryBucketedCashFlows | QueryBucketedCashFlows: Returns bucketed cashflows based on the holdings of the portfolios and date range specified in the query. |
-| [**queryCashFlows**](InstrumentEventsApi.md#queryCashFlows) | **POST** /api/instrumentevents/$queryCashFlows | [EXPERIMENTAL] QueryCashFlows: Returns a list of cashflows based on the holdings of the portfolios and date range specified in the query. |
-| [**queryInstrumentEvents**](InstrumentEventsApi.md#queryInstrumentEvents) | **POST** /api/instrumentevents/$query | [EARLY ACCESS] QueryInstrumentEvents: Returns a list of instrument events based on the holdings of the portfolios and date range specified in the query. |
-| [**queryTradeTickets**](InstrumentEventsApi.md#queryTradeTickets) | **POST** /api/instrumentevents/$queryTradeTickets | [EXPERIMENTAL] QueryTradeTickets: Returns a list of trade tickets based on the holdings of the portfolios and date range specified in the query. |
+| [**queryCashFlows**](InstrumentEventsApi.md#queryCashFlows) | **POST** /api/instrumentevents/$queryCashFlows | QueryCashFlows: Returns a list of cashflows based on the holdings of the portfolios and date range specified in the query. |
+| [**queryInstrumentEvents**](InstrumentEventsApi.md#queryInstrumentEvents) | **POST** /api/instrumentevents/$query | QueryInstrumentEvents: Returns a list of instrument events based on the holdings of the portfolios and date range specified in the query. |
+| [**queryTradeTickets**](InstrumentEventsApi.md#queryTradeTickets) | **POST** /api/instrumentevents/$queryTradeTickets | QueryTradeTickets: Returns a list of trade tickets based on the holdings of the portfolios and date range specified in the query. |
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ All URIs are relative to *https://www.lusid.com/api*
> ResourceListOfApplicableInstrumentEvent queryApplicableInstrumentEvents(asAt, limit, page, queryApplicableInstrumentEventsRequest)
-[EARLY ACCESS] QueryApplicableInstrumentEvents: Returns a list of applicable instrument events based on the holdings of the portfolios and date range specified in the query.
+QueryApplicableInstrumentEvents: Returns a list of applicable instrument events based on the holdings of the portfolios and date range specified in the query.
Returns a list of applicable instrument events based on the holdings of the portfolios and date range specified in the query.
@@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ public class InstrumentEventsApiExample {
> ResourceListOfInstrumentCashFlow queryCashFlows(limit, page, queryCashFlowsRequest)
-[EXPERIMENTAL] QueryCashFlows: Returns a list of cashflows based on the holdings of the portfolios and date range specified in the query.
+QueryCashFlows: Returns a list of cashflows based on the holdings of the portfolios and date range specified in the query.
Returns a list of cashflows based on the holdings of the portfolios and date range specified in the query.
@@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ public class InstrumentEventsApiExample {
> ResourceListOfInstrumentEventHolder queryInstrumentEvents(limit, page, queryInstrumentEventsRequest)
-[EARLY ACCESS] QueryInstrumentEvents: Returns a list of instrument events based on the holdings of the portfolios and date range specified in the query.
+QueryInstrumentEvents: Returns a list of instrument events based on the holdings of the portfolios and date range specified in the query.
Returns a list of instrument events based on the holdings of the portfolios and date range specified in the query.
@@ -394,7 +394,7 @@ public class InstrumentEventsApiExample {
> ResourceListOfPortfolioTradeTicket queryTradeTickets(limit, page, queryTradeTicketsRequest)
-[EXPERIMENTAL] QueryTradeTickets: Returns a list of trade tickets based on the holdings of the portfolios and date range specified in the query.
+QueryTradeTickets: Returns a list of trade tickets based on the holdings of the portfolios and date range specified in the query.
Returns a list of trade tickets based on the holdings of the portfolios and date range specified in the query. These trade tickets are derived from events that involve transition of instrument states, such as transitions on exercise or default of an instrument. The trade tickets are to allow the new position to be created given the existing portfolio configuration.
diff --git a/sdk/docs/InstrumentsApi.md b/sdk/docs/InstrumentsApi.md
index a5b969daa5a..3cb0f4763be 100644
--- a/sdk/docs/InstrumentsApi.md
+++ b/sdk/docs/InstrumentsApi.md
@@ -5,23 +5,23 @@ All URIs are relative to *https://www.lusid.com/api*
| Method | HTTP request | Description |
|------------- | ------------- | -------------|
| [**batchUpsertInstrumentProperties**](InstrumentsApi.md#batchUpsertInstrumentProperties) | **POST** /api/instruments/$batchupsertproperties | BatchUpsertInstrumentProperties: Batch upsert instruments properties |
-| [**calculateSettlementDate**](InstrumentsApi.md#calculateSettlementDate) | **GET** /api/instruments/{identifierType}/{identifier}/settlementdate | [EARLY ACCESS] CalculateSettlementDate: Get the settlement date for an instrument. |
+| [**calculateSettlementDate**](InstrumentsApi.md#calculateSettlementDate) | **GET** /api/instruments/{identifierType}/{identifier}/settlementdate | CalculateSettlementDate: Get the settlement date for an instrument. |
| [**deleteInstrument**](InstrumentsApi.md#deleteInstrument) | **DELETE** /api/instruments/{identifierType}/{identifier} | DeleteInstrument: Soft delete a single instrument |
-| [**deleteInstrumentProperties**](InstrumentsApi.md#deleteInstrumentProperties) | **POST** /api/instruments/{identifierType}/{identifier}/properties/$delete | [EARLY ACCESS] DeleteInstrumentProperties: Delete instrument properties |
+| [**deleteInstrumentProperties**](InstrumentsApi.md#deleteInstrumentProperties) | **POST** /api/instruments/{identifierType}/{identifier}/properties/$delete | DeleteInstrumentProperties: Delete instrument properties |
| [**deleteInstruments**](InstrumentsApi.md#deleteInstruments) | **POST** /api/instruments/$delete | DeleteInstruments: Soft or hard delete multiple instruments |
-| [**getAllPossibleFeatures**](InstrumentsApi.md#getAllPossibleFeatures) | **GET** /api/instruments/{instrumentType}/allfeatures | [EXPERIMENTAL] GetAllPossibleFeatures: Provides list of all possible features for instrument type. |
-| [**getExistingInstrumentCapabilities**](InstrumentsApi.md#getExistingInstrumentCapabilities) | **GET** /api/instruments/{identifier}/capabilities | [EXPERIMENTAL] GetExistingInstrumentCapabilities: Retrieve capabilities of an existing instrument identified by LUID. These include instrument features, and if model is provided it also includes supported address keys and economic dependencies. Given an lusid instrument id provides instrument capabilities, outlining features, and, given the model, the capabilities also include supported addresses as well as economic dependencies. |
+| [**getAllPossibleFeatures**](InstrumentsApi.md#getAllPossibleFeatures) | **GET** /api/instruments/{instrumentType}/allfeatures | GetAllPossibleFeatures: Provides list of all possible features for instrument type. |
+| [**getExistingInstrumentCapabilities**](InstrumentsApi.md#getExistingInstrumentCapabilities) | **GET** /api/instruments/{identifier}/capabilities | GetExistingInstrumentCapabilities: Retrieve capabilities of an existing instrument identified by LUID. These include instrument features, and if model is provided it also includes supported address keys and economic dependencies. Given an lusid instrument id provides instrument capabilities, outlining features, and, given the model, the capabilities also include supported addresses as well as economic dependencies. |
| [**getExistingInstrumentModels**](InstrumentsApi.md#getExistingInstrumentModels) | **GET** /api/instruments/{identifier}/models | GetExistingInstrumentModels: Retrieve supported pricing models for an existing instrument identified by LUID. |
| [**getInstrument**](InstrumentsApi.md#getInstrument) | **GET** /api/instruments/{identifierType}/{identifier} | GetInstrument: Get instrument |
| [**getInstrumentIdentifierTypes**](InstrumentsApi.md#getInstrumentIdentifierTypes) | **GET** /api/instruments/identifierTypes | GetInstrumentIdentifierTypes: Get instrument identifier types |
-| [**getInstrumentPaymentDiary**](InstrumentsApi.md#getInstrumentPaymentDiary) | **GET** /api/instruments/{identifierType}/{identifier}/paymentdiary | [EXPERIMENTAL] GetInstrumentPaymentDiary: Get instrument payment diary |
+| [**getInstrumentPaymentDiary**](InstrumentsApi.md#getInstrumentPaymentDiary) | **GET** /api/instruments/{identifierType}/{identifier}/paymentdiary | GetInstrumentPaymentDiary: Get instrument payment diary |
| [**getInstrumentProperties**](InstrumentsApi.md#getInstrumentProperties) | **GET** /api/instruments/{identifierType}/{identifier}/properties | GetInstrumentProperties: Get instrument properties |
| [**getInstrumentPropertyTimeSeries**](InstrumentsApi.md#getInstrumentPropertyTimeSeries) | **GET** /api/instruments/{identifierType}/{identifier}/properties/time-series | GetInstrumentPropertyTimeSeries: Get instrument property time series |
-| [**getInstrumentRelationships**](InstrumentsApi.md#getInstrumentRelationships) | **GET** /api/instruments/{identifierType}/{identifier}/relationships | [EARLY ACCESS] GetInstrumentRelationships: Get Instrument relationships |
+| [**getInstrumentRelationships**](InstrumentsApi.md#getInstrumentRelationships) | **GET** /api/instruments/{identifierType}/{identifier}/relationships | GetInstrumentRelationships: Get Instrument relationships |
| [**getInstruments**](InstrumentsApi.md#getInstruments) | **POST** /api/instruments/$get | GetInstruments: Get instruments |
-| [**listInstrumentProperties**](InstrumentsApi.md#listInstrumentProperties) | **GET** /api/instruments/{identifierType}/{identifier}/properties/list | [EARLY ACCESS] ListInstrumentProperties: Get instrument properties (with Pagination) |
+| [**listInstrumentProperties**](InstrumentsApi.md#listInstrumentProperties) | **GET** /api/instruments/{identifierType}/{identifier}/properties/list | ListInstrumentProperties: Get instrument properties (with Pagination) |
| [**listInstruments**](InstrumentsApi.md#listInstruments) | **GET** /api/instruments | ListInstruments: List instruments |
-| [**queryInstrumentCapabilities**](InstrumentsApi.md#queryInstrumentCapabilities) | **POST** /api/instruments/capabilities | [EXPERIMENTAL] QueryInstrumentCapabilities: Query capabilities of a particular instrument in advance of creating it. These include instrument features, and if model is provided it also includes supported address keys and economic dependencies. |
+| [**queryInstrumentCapabilities**](InstrumentsApi.md#queryInstrumentCapabilities) | **POST** /api/instruments/capabilities | QueryInstrumentCapabilities: Query capabilities of a particular instrument in advance of creating it. These include instrument features, and if model is provided it also includes supported address keys and economic dependencies. |
| [**updateInstrumentIdentifier**](InstrumentsApi.md#updateInstrumentIdentifier) | **POST** /api/instruments/{identifierType}/{identifier} | UpdateInstrumentIdentifier: Update instrument identifier |
| [**upsertInstruments**](InstrumentsApi.md#upsertInstruments) | **POST** /api/instruments | UpsertInstruments: Upsert instruments |
| [**upsertInstrumentsProperties**](InstrumentsApi.md#upsertInstrumentsProperties) | **POST** /api/instruments/$upsertproperties | UpsertInstrumentsProperties: Upsert instruments properties |
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ public class InstrumentsApiExample {
> AddBusinessDaysToDateResponse calculateSettlementDate(identifierType, identifier, transactionDate, scope, asAt)
-[EARLY ACCESS] CalculateSettlementDate: Get the settlement date for an instrument.
+CalculateSettlementDate: Get the settlement date for an instrument.
Get the settlement date for a given trade date and instrument. The calculated settlement date will be in UTC. If a cut label transaction date is provided, the settlement date will be calculated relative to the absolute UTC datetime.
@@ -327,7 +327,7 @@ public class InstrumentsApiExample {
> DeleteInstrumentPropertiesResponse deleteInstrumentProperties(identifierType, identifier, requestBody, effectiveAt, scope, dataModelScope, dataModelCode)
-[EARLY ACCESS] DeleteInstrumentProperties: Delete instrument properties
+DeleteInstrumentProperties: Delete instrument properties
Delete one or more properties from a particular instrument. If the properties are time-variant then an effective datetime from which to delete properties must be specified. If the properties are perpetual then it is invalid to specify an effective datetime for deletion.
@@ -525,7 +525,7 @@ public class InstrumentsApiExample {
> Map<String, List<String>> getAllPossibleFeatures(instrumentType)
-[EXPERIMENTAL] GetAllPossibleFeatures: Provides list of all possible features for instrument type.
+GetAllPossibleFeatures: Provides list of all possible features for instrument type.
Provides all possible instrument features an instrument of a given type can provide.
@@ -616,7 +616,7 @@ public class InstrumentsApiExample {
> InstrumentCapabilities getExistingInstrumentCapabilities(identifier, model, effectiveAt, asAt, instrumentScope, recipeScope, recipeCode)
-[EXPERIMENTAL] GetExistingInstrumentCapabilities: Retrieve capabilities of an existing instrument identified by LUID. These include instrument features, and if model is provided it also includes supported address keys and economic dependencies. Given an lusid instrument id provides instrument capabilities, outlining features, and, given the model, the capabilities also include supported addresses as well as economic dependencies.
+GetExistingInstrumentCapabilities: Retrieve capabilities of an existing instrument identified by LUID. These include instrument features, and if model is provided it also includes supported address keys and economic dependencies. Given an lusid instrument id provides instrument capabilities, outlining features, and, given the model, the capabilities also include supported addresses as well as economic dependencies.
Returns instrument capabilities containing useful information about the instrument and the model. This includes - features corresponding to the instrument e.g. Optionality:American, Other:InflationLinked - supported addresses (if model provided) e.g. Valuation/Pv, Valuation/DirtyPriceKey, Valuation/Accrued - economic dependencies (if model provided) e.g. Cash:USD, Fx:GBP.USD, Rates:GBP.GBPOIS
@@ -1009,7 +1009,7 @@ This endpoint does not need any parameter.
> InstrumentPaymentDiary getInstrumentPaymentDiary(identifierType, identifier, recipeScope, recipeCode, effectiveAt, asAt, scope)
-[EXPERIMENTAL] GetInstrumentPaymentDiary: Get instrument payment diary
+GetInstrumentPaymentDiary: Get instrument payment diary
Get the payment diary of a single instrument.
@@ -1318,7 +1318,7 @@ public class InstrumentsApiExample {
> ResourceListOfRelationship getInstrumentRelationships(identifierType, identifier, effectiveAt, asAt, filter, identifierTypes, scope)
-[EARLY ACCESS] GetInstrumentRelationships: Get Instrument relationships
+GetInstrumentRelationships: Get Instrument relationships
Get relationships for a particular Instrument.
@@ -1524,7 +1524,7 @@ public class InstrumentsApiExample {
> ResourceListOfProperty listInstrumentProperties(identifierType, identifier, effectiveAt, asAt, page, limit, scope)
-[EARLY ACCESS] ListInstrumentProperties: Get instrument properties (with Pagination)
+ListInstrumentProperties: Get instrument properties (with Pagination)
List all the properties of a particular instrument, as identified by a particular unique identifier.
@@ -1738,7 +1738,7 @@ public class InstrumentsApiExample {
> InstrumentCapabilities queryInstrumentCapabilities(lusidInstrument, model)
-[EXPERIMENTAL] QueryInstrumentCapabilities: Query capabilities of a particular instrument in advance of creating it. These include instrument features, and if model is provided it also includes supported address keys and economic dependencies.
+QueryInstrumentCapabilities: Query capabilities of a particular instrument in advance of creating it. These include instrument features, and if model is provided it also includes supported address keys and economic dependencies.
Returns instrument capabilities containing useful information about the instrument and the model. This includes - features corresponding to the instrument e.g. Optionality:American, Other:InflationLinked - supported addresses (if model provided) e.g. Valuation/Pv, Valuation/DirtyPriceKey, Valuation/Accrued - economic dependencies (if model provided) e.g. Cash:USD, Fx:GBP.USD, Rates:GBP.GBPOIS
diff --git a/sdk/docs/OrderInstructionsApi.md b/sdk/docs/OrderInstructionsApi.md
index 98fc713aee3..c3b4f22762e 100644
--- a/sdk/docs/OrderInstructionsApi.md
+++ b/sdk/docs/OrderInstructionsApi.md
@@ -4,10 +4,10 @@ All URIs are relative to *https://www.lusid.com/api*
| Method | HTTP request | Description |
|------------- | ------------- | -------------|
-| [**deleteOrderInstruction**](OrderInstructionsApi.md#deleteOrderInstruction) | **DELETE** /api/orderinstructions/{scope}/{code} | [EXPERIMENTAL] DeleteOrderInstruction: Delete orderInstruction |
-| [**getOrderInstruction**](OrderInstructionsApi.md#getOrderInstruction) | **GET** /api/orderinstructions/{scope}/{code} | [EXPERIMENTAL] GetOrderInstruction: Get OrderInstruction |
-| [**listOrderInstructions**](OrderInstructionsApi.md#listOrderInstructions) | **GET** /api/orderinstructions | [EXPERIMENTAL] ListOrderInstructions: List OrderInstructions |
-| [**upsertOrderInstructions**](OrderInstructionsApi.md#upsertOrderInstructions) | **POST** /api/orderinstructions | [EXPERIMENTAL] UpsertOrderInstructions: Upsert OrderInstruction |
+| [**deleteOrderInstruction**](OrderInstructionsApi.md#deleteOrderInstruction) | **DELETE** /api/orderinstructions/{scope}/{code} | DeleteOrderInstruction: Delete orderInstruction |
+| [**getOrderInstruction**](OrderInstructionsApi.md#getOrderInstruction) | **GET** /api/orderinstructions/{scope}/{code} | GetOrderInstruction: Get OrderInstruction |
+| [**listOrderInstructions**](OrderInstructionsApi.md#listOrderInstructions) | **GET** /api/orderinstructions | ListOrderInstructions: List OrderInstructions |
+| [**upsertOrderInstructions**](OrderInstructionsApi.md#upsertOrderInstructions) | **POST** /api/orderinstructions | UpsertOrderInstructions: Upsert OrderInstruction |
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ All URIs are relative to *https://www.lusid.com/api*
> DeletedEntityResponse deleteOrderInstruction(scope, code)
-[EXPERIMENTAL] DeleteOrderInstruction: Delete orderInstruction
+DeleteOrderInstruction: Delete orderInstruction
Delete an orderInstruction. Deletion will be valid from the orderInstruction's creation datetime. This means that the orderInstruction will no longer exist at any effective datetime from the asAt datetime of deletion.
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ public class OrderInstructionsApiExample {
> OrderInstruction getOrderInstruction(scope, code, asAt, propertyKeys)
-[EXPERIMENTAL] GetOrderInstruction: Get OrderInstruction
+GetOrderInstruction: Get OrderInstruction
Fetch a OrderInstruction that matches the specified identifier
@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ public class OrderInstructionsApiExample {
> PagedResourceListOfOrderInstruction listOrderInstructions(asAt, page, sortBy, limit, filter, propertyKeys)
-[EXPERIMENTAL] ListOrderInstructions: List OrderInstructions
+ListOrderInstructions: List OrderInstructions
Fetch the last pre-AsAt date version of each orderInstruction in scope (does not fetch the entire history).
@@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ public class OrderInstructionsApiExample {
> ResourceListOfOrderInstruction upsertOrderInstructions(orderInstructionSetRequest)
-[EXPERIMENTAL] UpsertOrderInstructions: Upsert OrderInstruction
+UpsertOrderInstructions: Upsert OrderInstruction
Upsert; update existing orderInstructions with given ids, or create new orderInstructions otherwise.
diff --git a/sdk/docs/StagedModificationsApi.md b/sdk/docs/StagedModificationsApi.md
index 9938d59b1e3..73224c50cb1 100644
--- a/sdk/docs/StagedModificationsApi.md
+++ b/sdk/docs/StagedModificationsApi.md
@@ -4,10 +4,10 @@ All URIs are relative to *https://www.lusid.com/api*
| Method | HTTP request | Description |
|------------- | ------------- | -------------|
-| [**addDecision**](StagedModificationsApi.md#addDecision) | **POST** /api/stagedmodifications/{id}/decision | [EXPERIMENTAL] AddDecision: AddDecision |
-| [**getStagedModification**](StagedModificationsApi.md#getStagedModification) | **GET** /api/stagedmodifications/{id} | [EXPERIMENTAL] GetStagedModification: GetStagedModification |
-| [**listRequestedChanges**](StagedModificationsApi.md#listRequestedChanges) | **GET** /api/stagedmodifications/{id}/requestedChanges | [EXPERIMENTAL] ListRequestedChanges: ListRequestedChanges |
-| [**listStagedModifications**](StagedModificationsApi.md#listStagedModifications) | **GET** /api/stagedmodifications | [EXPERIMENTAL] ListStagedModifications: ListStagedModifications |
+| [**addDecision**](StagedModificationsApi.md#addDecision) | **POST** /api/stagedmodifications/{id}/decision | AddDecision: AddDecision |
+| [**getStagedModification**](StagedModificationsApi.md#getStagedModification) | **GET** /api/stagedmodifications/{id} | GetStagedModification: GetStagedModification |
+| [**listRequestedChanges**](StagedModificationsApi.md#listRequestedChanges) | **GET** /api/stagedmodifications/{id}/requestedChanges | ListRequestedChanges: ListRequestedChanges |
+| [**listStagedModifications**](StagedModificationsApi.md#listStagedModifications) | **GET** /api/stagedmodifications | ListStagedModifications: ListStagedModifications |
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ All URIs are relative to *https://www.lusid.com/api*
> StagedModification addDecision(id, stagedModificationDecisionRequest)
-[EXPERIMENTAL] AddDecision: AddDecision
+AddDecision: AddDecision
Add decision to staged modification, Approve or Reject.
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ public class StagedModificationsApiExample {
> StagedModification getStagedModification(id, asAt)
-[EXPERIMENTAL] GetStagedModification: GetStagedModification
+GetStagedModification: GetStagedModification
Retrieve the details of a staged modification.
@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ public class StagedModificationsApiExample {
> PagedResourceListOfStagedModificationsRequestedChangeInterval listRequestedChanges(id, asAt, page, limit, filter, sortBy)
-[EXPERIMENTAL] ListRequestedChanges: ListRequestedChanges
+ListRequestedChanges: ListRequestedChanges
List the requested changes for a staged modification.
@@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ public class StagedModificationsApiExample {
> PagedResourceListOfStagedModification listStagedModifications(asAt, page, limit, filter, sortBy)
-[EXPERIMENTAL] ListStagedModifications: ListStagedModifications
+ListStagedModifications: ListStagedModifications
List summaries of the staged modifications.
diff --git a/sdk/docs/StagingRuleSetApi.md b/sdk/docs/StagingRuleSetApi.md
index 715fbeea4ee..4ffccfce9d7 100644
--- a/sdk/docs/StagingRuleSetApi.md
+++ b/sdk/docs/StagingRuleSetApi.md
@@ -4,11 +4,11 @@ All URIs are relative to *https://www.lusid.com/api*
| Method | HTTP request | Description |
|------------- | ------------- | -------------|
-| [**createStagingRuleSet**](StagingRuleSetApi.md#createStagingRuleSet) | **POST** /api/stagingrulesets/{entityType} | [EXPERIMENTAL] CreateStagingRuleSet: Create a StagingRuleSet |
-| [**deleteStagingRuleSet**](StagingRuleSetApi.md#deleteStagingRuleSet) | **DELETE** /api/stagingrulesets/{entityType} | [EXPERIMENTAL] DeleteStagingRuleSet: Delete a StagingRuleSet |
-| [**getStagingRuleSet**](StagingRuleSetApi.md#getStagingRuleSet) | **GET** /api/stagingrulesets/{entityType} | [EXPERIMENTAL] GetStagingRuleSet: Get a StagingRuleSet |
-| [**listStagingRuleSets**](StagingRuleSetApi.md#listStagingRuleSets) | **GET** /api/stagingrulesets | [EXPERIMENTAL] ListStagingRuleSets: List StagingRuleSets |
-| [**updateStagingRuleSet**](StagingRuleSetApi.md#updateStagingRuleSet) | **PUT** /api/stagingrulesets/{entityType} | [EXPERIMENTAL] UpdateStagingRuleSet: Update a StagingRuleSet |
+| [**createStagingRuleSet**](StagingRuleSetApi.md#createStagingRuleSet) | **POST** /api/stagingrulesets/{entityType} | CreateStagingRuleSet: Create a StagingRuleSet |
+| [**deleteStagingRuleSet**](StagingRuleSetApi.md#deleteStagingRuleSet) | **DELETE** /api/stagingrulesets/{entityType} | DeleteStagingRuleSet: Delete a StagingRuleSet |
+| [**getStagingRuleSet**](StagingRuleSetApi.md#getStagingRuleSet) | **GET** /api/stagingrulesets/{entityType} | GetStagingRuleSet: Get a StagingRuleSet |
+| [**listStagingRuleSets**](StagingRuleSetApi.md#listStagingRuleSets) | **GET** /api/stagingrulesets | ListStagingRuleSets: List StagingRuleSets |
+| [**updateStagingRuleSet**](StagingRuleSetApi.md#updateStagingRuleSet) | **PUT** /api/stagingrulesets/{entityType} | UpdateStagingRuleSet: Update a StagingRuleSet |
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ All URIs are relative to *https://www.lusid.com/api*
> StagingRuleSet createStagingRuleSet(entityType, createStagingRuleSetRequest)
-[EXPERIMENTAL] CreateStagingRuleSet: Create a StagingRuleSet
+CreateStagingRuleSet: Create a StagingRuleSet
Create a new staging rule set.
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ public class StagingRuleSetApiExample {
> DeletedEntityResponse deleteStagingRuleSet(entityType)
-[EXPERIMENTAL] DeleteStagingRuleSet: Delete a StagingRuleSet
+DeleteStagingRuleSet: Delete a StagingRuleSet
Delete a staging rule set of a specific entity type. Deletion will be valid from the staging rule set's creation datetime. This means that the staging rule set will no longer exist at any effective datetime from the asAt datetime of deletion.
@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ public class StagingRuleSetApiExample {
> StagingRuleSet getStagingRuleSet(entityType, asAt)
-[EXPERIMENTAL] GetStagingRuleSet: Get a StagingRuleSet
+GetStagingRuleSet: Get a StagingRuleSet
Get the staging rule set for the given entity type at the specific asAt time.
@@ -293,7 +293,7 @@ public class StagingRuleSetApiExample {
> PagedResourceListOfStagingRuleSet listStagingRuleSets(asAt, page, sortBy, limit, filter)
-[EXPERIMENTAL] ListStagingRuleSets: List StagingRuleSets
+ListStagingRuleSets: List StagingRuleSets
List all the staging rule sets matching particular criteria.
@@ -392,7 +392,7 @@ public class StagingRuleSetApiExample {
> StagingRuleSet updateStagingRuleSet(entityType, updateStagingRuleSetRequest)
-[EXPERIMENTAL] UpdateStagingRuleSet: Update a StagingRuleSet
+UpdateStagingRuleSet: Update a StagingRuleSet
Update an existing staging rule set.
diff --git a/sdk/docs/StructuredResultDataApi.md b/sdk/docs/StructuredResultDataApi.md
index 0162b241c51..e365a905495 100644
--- a/sdk/docs/StructuredResultDataApi.md
+++ b/sdk/docs/StructuredResultDataApi.md
@@ -5,13 +5,13 @@ All URIs are relative to *https://www.lusid.com/api*
| Method | HTTP request | Description |
|------------- | ------------- | -------------|
| [**createDataMap**](StructuredResultDataApi.md#createDataMap) | **POST** /api/unitresults/datamap/{scope} | CreateDataMap: Create data map |
-| [**deleteStructuredResultData**](StructuredResultDataApi.md#deleteStructuredResultData) | **POST** /api/unitresults/{scope}/$delete | [EXPERIMENTAL] DeleteStructuredResultData: Delete structured result data |
-| [**getAddressKeyDefinitionsForDocument**](StructuredResultDataApi.md#getAddressKeyDefinitionsForDocument) | **GET** /api/unitresults/virtualdocument/{scope}/{code}/{source}/{resultType}/addresskeydefinitions | [EARLY ACCESS] GetAddressKeyDefinitionsForDocument: Get AddressKeyDefinitions for a virtual document. |
-| [**getDataMap**](StructuredResultDataApi.md#getDataMap) | **POST** /api/unitresults/datamap/{scope}/$get | [EXPERIMENTAL] GetDataMap: Get data map |
+| [**deleteStructuredResultData**](StructuredResultDataApi.md#deleteStructuredResultData) | **POST** /api/unitresults/{scope}/$delete | DeleteStructuredResultData: Delete structured result data |
+| [**getAddressKeyDefinitionsForDocument**](StructuredResultDataApi.md#getAddressKeyDefinitionsForDocument) | **GET** /api/unitresults/virtualdocument/{scope}/{code}/{source}/{resultType}/addresskeydefinitions | GetAddressKeyDefinitionsForDocument: Get AddressKeyDefinitions for a virtual document. |
+| [**getDataMap**](StructuredResultDataApi.md#getDataMap) | **POST** /api/unitresults/datamap/{scope}/$get | GetDataMap: Get data map |
| [**getStructuredResultData**](StructuredResultDataApi.md#getStructuredResultData) | **POST** /api/unitresults/{scope}/$get | GetStructuredResultData: Get structured result data |
-| [**getVirtualDocument**](StructuredResultDataApi.md#getVirtualDocument) | **POST** /api/unitresults/virtualdocument/{scope}/$get | [EXPERIMENTAL] GetVirtualDocument: Get Virtual Documents |
-| [**getVirtualDocumentRows**](StructuredResultDataApi.md#getVirtualDocumentRows) | **GET** /api/unitresults/virtualdocument/{scope}/{code}/{source}/{resultType} | [EARLY ACCESS] GetVirtualDocumentRows: Get Virtual Document Rows |
-| [**upsertResultValue**](StructuredResultDataApi.md#upsertResultValue) | **POST** /api/unitresults/resultvalue/{scope} | [EXPERIMENTAL] UpsertResultValue: Upsert result value |
+| [**getVirtualDocument**](StructuredResultDataApi.md#getVirtualDocument) | **POST** /api/unitresults/virtualdocument/{scope}/$get | GetVirtualDocument: Get Virtual Documents |
+| [**getVirtualDocumentRows**](StructuredResultDataApi.md#getVirtualDocumentRows) | **GET** /api/unitresults/virtualdocument/{scope}/{code}/{source}/{resultType} | GetVirtualDocumentRows: Get Virtual Document Rows |
+| [**upsertResultValue**](StructuredResultDataApi.md#upsertResultValue) | **POST** /api/unitresults/resultvalue/{scope} | UpsertResultValue: Upsert result value |
| [**upsertStructuredResultData**](StructuredResultDataApi.md#upsertStructuredResultData) | **POST** /api/unitresults/{scope} | UpsertStructuredResultData: Upsert structured result data |
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ public class StructuredResultDataApiExample {
> AnnulStructuredDataResponse deleteStructuredResultData(scope, requestBody)
-[EXPERIMENTAL] DeleteStructuredResultData: Delete structured result data
+DeleteStructuredResultData: Delete structured result data
Delete one or more structured result data items from a particular scope. Each item is identified by a unique ID which includes information about its type as well as the exact effective datetime (to the microsecond) at which it entered the system (became valid). In the request, each data item must be keyed by a unique correlation ID. This ID is ephemeral and not stored by LUSID. It serves only to easily identify each data item in the response. The response returns both the collection of successfully deleted data items, as well as those that failed. For each failure, a reason is provided. It is important to check the failed set for any unsuccessful results.
@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ public class StructuredResultDataApiExample {
> ResourceListOfAddressKeyDefinition getAddressKeyDefinitionsForDocument(scope, code, source, resultType, effectiveAt, asAt)
-[EARLY ACCESS] GetAddressKeyDefinitionsForDocument: Get AddressKeyDefinitions for a virtual document.
+GetAddressKeyDefinitionsForDocument: Get AddressKeyDefinitions for a virtual document.
For a given virtual document retrieve all the address key definitions that are in use.
@@ -307,7 +307,7 @@ public class StructuredResultDataApiExample {
> GetDataMapResponse getDataMap(scope, requestBody)
-[EXPERIMENTAL] GetDataMap: Get data map
+GetDataMap: Get data map
Retrieve one or more structured result store address definition data maps from a particular scope. Each data map can be identified by its invariant key, which can be thought of as a permanent URL. For each ID, LUSID returns the most recently matched item. In the request, each data map must be keyed by a unique correlation ID. This ID is ephemeral and not stored by LUSID. It serves only to easily identify each data map in the response. The response returns three collections. The first contains successfully retrieved data maps. The second contains those with a valid identifier but that could not be found. The third contains those that failed because LUSID could not construct a valid identifier from the request. For the IDs that failed to resolve or could not be found, a reason is provided. It is important to check the failed sets for any unsuccessful results.
@@ -497,7 +497,7 @@ public class StructuredResultDataApiExample {
> GetVirtualDocumentResponse getVirtualDocument(scope, requestBody, asAt)
-[EXPERIMENTAL] GetVirtualDocument: Get Virtual Documents
+GetVirtualDocument: Get Virtual Documents
Retrieve one or more virtual documents from a particular scope. Each item can be identified by its time invariant structured result data identifier. For each ID, LUSID returns the most recently matched item with respect to the provided effective datetime. In the request, each data item must be keyed by a unique correlation ID. This ID is ephemeral and not stored by LUSID. It serves only to easily identify each data item in the response. The response returns two collections. The first contains successfully retrieved data items. The second contains those with a valid identifier but that could not be found, or those that failed because LUSID could not construct a valid identifier from the request. For the IDs that failed to resolve or could not be found, a reason is provided. It is important to check the failed sets for any unsuccessful results.
@@ -592,7 +592,7 @@ public class StructuredResultDataApiExample {
> PagedResourceListOfVirtualRow getVirtualDocumentRows(scope, code, source, resultType, effectiveAt, asAt, page, limit, filter)
-[EARLY ACCESS] GetVirtualDocumentRows: Get Virtual Document Rows
+GetVirtualDocumentRows: Get Virtual Document Rows
Retrieve the rows of the virtual document with the specified identifiers and the given effectiveAt date time. Get virtual document rows merges multiple StructuredResultData items upserted with UpsertStructuredResultData for a single StructuredResultDataId. Since an item of StructuredResultData is always upserted with a StructuredResultDataId, of which effectiveAt is a part, then merging across the asAt dimension is supported but not merging across the effectiveAt dimension.
@@ -699,7 +699,7 @@ public class StructuredResultDataApiExample {
> UpsertStructuredDataResponse upsertResultValue(scope, requestBody)
-[EXPERIMENTAL] UpsertResultValue: Upsert result value
+UpsertResultValue: Upsert result value
Create or update one or more Upsert one or more result values in a particular scope. An item is updated if it already exists and created if it does not. In the request, each data item must be keyed by a unique correlation ID. This ID is ephemeral and not stored by LUSID. It serves only to easily identify each data item in the response. The response returns both the collection of successfully created or updated data items, as well as those that failed. For each failure, a reason is provided. It is important to check the failed set for any unsuccessful results.
diff --git a/sdk/docs/TransactionFeesApi.md b/sdk/docs/TransactionFeesApi.md
index 2b047266db9..2c64e693bb7 100644
--- a/sdk/docs/TransactionFeesApi.md
+++ b/sdk/docs/TransactionFeesApi.md
@@ -4,11 +4,11 @@ All URIs are relative to *https://www.lusid.com/api*
| Method | HTTP request | Description |
|------------- | ------------- | -------------|
-| [**deleteTransactionFeeRule**](TransactionFeesApi.md#deleteTransactionFeeRule) | **DELETE** /api/transactions/fees/rules/{code} | [EXPERIMENTAL] DeleteTransactionFeeRule: Deletes a fee rule. |
-| [**getApplicableTransactionFees**](TransactionFeesApi.md#getApplicableTransactionFees) | **POST** /api/transactions/fees/$GetApplicableFees | [EXPERIMENTAL] GetApplicableTransactionFees: Get the Fees and Commissions that may be applicable to a transaction. |
-| [**getTransactionFeeRule**](TransactionFeesApi.md#getTransactionFeeRule) | **GET** /api/transactions/fees/rules/{code} | [EXPERIMENTAL] GetTransactionFeeRule: Retrieve the definition of single fee rule. |
-| [**listTransactionFeeRules**](TransactionFeesApi.md#listTransactionFeeRules) | **GET** /api/transactions/fees/rules | [EXPERIMENTAL] ListTransactionFeeRules: List fee rules, with optional filtering. |
-| [**upsertTransactionFeeRules**](TransactionFeesApi.md#upsertTransactionFeeRules) | **POST** /api/transactions/fees/rules | [EXPERIMENTAL] UpsertTransactionFeeRules: Upsert fee rules. |
+| [**deleteTransactionFeeRule**](TransactionFeesApi.md#deleteTransactionFeeRule) | **DELETE** /api/transactions/fees/rules/{code} | DeleteTransactionFeeRule: Deletes a fee rule. |
+| [**getApplicableTransactionFees**](TransactionFeesApi.md#getApplicableTransactionFees) | **POST** /api/transactions/fees/$GetApplicableFees | GetApplicableTransactionFees: Get the Fees and Commissions that may be applicable to a transaction. |
+| [**getTransactionFeeRule**](TransactionFeesApi.md#getTransactionFeeRule) | **GET** /api/transactions/fees/rules/{code} | GetTransactionFeeRule: Retrieve the definition of single fee rule. |
+| [**listTransactionFeeRules**](TransactionFeesApi.md#listTransactionFeeRules) | **GET** /api/transactions/fees/rules | ListTransactionFeeRules: List fee rules, with optional filtering. |
+| [**upsertTransactionFeeRules**](TransactionFeesApi.md#upsertTransactionFeeRules) | **POST** /api/transactions/fees/rules | UpsertTransactionFeeRules: Upsert fee rules. |
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ All URIs are relative to *https://www.lusid.com/api*
> DeletedEntityResponse deleteTransactionFeeRule(code)
-[EXPERIMENTAL] DeleteTransactionFeeRule: Deletes a fee rule.
+DeleteTransactionFeeRule: Deletes a fee rule.
Deletes the rule for all effective time. The rule will remain viewable at previous as at times, but it will no longer be considered by GetApplicableFees. This cannot be undone.
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ public class TransactionFeesApiExample {
> ResourceListOfFeeRule getApplicableTransactionFees(effectiveAt, asAt, instrumentIdentifierType, instrumentIdentifier, portfolioScope, portfolioCode, requestBody)
-[EXPERIMENTAL] GetApplicableTransactionFees: Get the Fees and Commissions that may be applicable to a transaction.
+GetApplicableTransactionFees: Get the Fees and Commissions that may be applicable to a transaction.
Additionally, matching can be based on the instrument's properties, its portfolio properties, and any additional property keys present in the data file.
@@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ public class TransactionFeesApiExample {
> FeeRule getTransactionFeeRule(code, effectiveAt, asAt)
-[EXPERIMENTAL] GetTransactionFeeRule: Retrieve the definition of single fee rule.
+GetTransactionFeeRule: Retrieve the definition of single fee rule.
Retrieves the fee rule definition at the given effective and as at times.
@@ -305,7 +305,7 @@ public class TransactionFeesApiExample {
> ResourceListOfFeeRule listTransactionFeeRules(effectiveAt, asAt, limit, filter, page)
-[EXPERIMENTAL] ListTransactionFeeRules: List fee rules, with optional filtering.
+ListTransactionFeeRules: List fee rules, with optional filtering.
For more information about filtering results, see https://support.lusid.com/knowledgebase/article/KA-01914.
@@ -404,7 +404,7 @@ public class TransactionFeesApiExample {
> FeeRuleUpsertResponse upsertTransactionFeeRules(requestBody, effectiveAt)
-[EXPERIMENTAL] UpsertTransactionFeeRules: Upsert fee rules.
+UpsertTransactionFeeRules: Upsert fee rules.
To upsert a new rule, the code field must be left empty, a code will then be assigned and returned as part of the response. To update an existing rule, include the fee code. It is possible to both create and update fee rules in the same request. The upsert is transactional - either all create/update operations will succeed or none of them will.
diff --git a/sdk/docs/TransactionPortfoliosApi.md b/sdk/docs/TransactionPortfoliosApi.md
index 3889173452c..8400ce92dfa 100644
--- a/sdk/docs/TransactionPortfoliosApi.md
+++ b/sdk/docs/TransactionPortfoliosApi.md
@@ -5,42 +5,42 @@ All URIs are relative to *https://www.lusid.com/api*
| Method | HTTP request | Description |
|------------- | ------------- | -------------|
| [**adjustHoldings**](TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#adjustHoldings) | **POST** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/holdings | AdjustHoldings: Adjust holdings |
-| [**batchAdjustHoldings**](TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#batchAdjustHoldings) | **POST** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/holdings/$batchAdjust | [EARLY ACCESS] BatchAdjustHoldings: Batch adjust holdings |
-| [**batchCreateTradeTickets**](TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#batchCreateTradeTickets) | **POST** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/$batchtradetickets | [EARLY ACCESS] BatchCreateTradeTickets: Batch Create Trade Tickets |
-| [**batchSetHoldings**](TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#batchSetHoldings) | **POST** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/holdings/$batchSet | [EARLY ACCESS] BatchSetHoldings: Batch set holdings |
-| [**batchUpsertTransactions**](TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#batchUpsertTransactions) | **POST** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/transactions/$batchUpsert | [EARLY ACCESS] BatchUpsertTransactions: Batch upsert transactions |
+| [**batchAdjustHoldings**](TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#batchAdjustHoldings) | **POST** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/holdings/$batchAdjust | BatchAdjustHoldings: Batch adjust holdings |
+| [**batchCreateTradeTickets**](TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#batchCreateTradeTickets) | **POST** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/$batchtradetickets | BatchCreateTradeTickets: Batch Create Trade Tickets |
+| [**batchSetHoldings**](TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#batchSetHoldings) | **POST** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/holdings/$batchSet | BatchSetHoldings: Batch set holdings |
+| [**batchUpsertTransactions**](TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#batchUpsertTransactions) | **POST** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/transactions/$batchUpsert | BatchUpsertTransactions: Batch upsert transactions |
| [**buildTransactions**](TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#buildTransactions) | **POST** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/transactions/$build | BuildTransactions: Build transactions |
| [**cancelAdjustHoldings**](TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#cancelAdjustHoldings) | **DELETE** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/holdings | CancelAdjustHoldings: Cancel adjust holdings |
-| [**cancelSingleAdjustHolding**](TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#cancelSingleAdjustHolding) | **POST** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/holdings/$cancelAdjustment | [EARLY ACCESS] CancelSingleAdjustHolding: Cancel single holding adjustment. |
+| [**cancelSingleAdjustHolding**](TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#cancelSingleAdjustHolding) | **POST** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/holdings/$cancelAdjustment | CancelSingleAdjustHolding: Cancel single holding adjustment. |
| [**cancelTransactions**](TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#cancelTransactions) | **DELETE** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/transactions | CancelTransactions: Cancel transactions |
| [**createPortfolio**](TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#createPortfolio) | **POST** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope} | CreatePortfolio: Create portfolio |
-| [**createTradeTicket**](TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#createTradeTicket) | **POST** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/$tradeticket | [EARLY ACCESS] CreateTradeTicket: Create Trade Ticket |
-| [**deleteCustodianAccounts**](TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#deleteCustodianAccounts) | **POST** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/custodianaccounts/$delete | [EXPERIMENTAL] DeleteCustodianAccounts: Soft or hard delete multiple custodian accounts |
+| [**createTradeTicket**](TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#createTradeTicket) | **POST** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/$tradeticket | CreateTradeTicket: Create Trade Ticket |
+| [**deleteCustodianAccounts**](TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#deleteCustodianAccounts) | **POST** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/custodianaccounts/$delete | DeleteCustodianAccounts: Soft or hard delete multiple custodian accounts |
| [**deletePropertiesFromTransaction**](TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#deletePropertiesFromTransaction) | **DELETE** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/transactions/{transactionId}/properties | DeletePropertiesFromTransaction: Delete properties from transaction |
| [**getA2BData**](TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#getA2BData) | **GET** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/a2b | GetA2BData: Get A2B data |
| [**getA2BMovements**](TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#getA2BMovements) | **GET** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/a2bmovements | GetA2BMovements: Get an A2B report at the movement level for the given portfolio. |
-| [**getBucketedCashFlows**](TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#getBucketedCashFlows) | **POST** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/bucketedCashFlows | [EXPERIMENTAL] GetBucketedCashFlows: Get bucketed cash flows from a list of portfolios |
-| [**getCustodianAccount**](TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#getCustodianAccount) | **GET** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/custodianaccounts/{custodianAccountScope}/{custodianAccountCode} | [EXPERIMENTAL] GetCustodianAccount: Get Custodian Account |
+| [**getBucketedCashFlows**](TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#getBucketedCashFlows) | **POST** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/bucketedCashFlows | GetBucketedCashFlows: Get bucketed cash flows from a list of portfolios |
+| [**getCustodianAccount**](TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#getCustodianAccount) | **GET** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/custodianaccounts/{custodianAccountScope}/{custodianAccountCode} | GetCustodianAccount: Get Custodian Account |
| [**getDetails**](TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#getDetails) | **GET** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/details | GetDetails: Get details |
-| [**getHoldingContributors**](TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#getHoldingContributors) | **GET** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/holdings/{holdingId}/contributors | [EARLY ACCESS] GetHoldingContributors: Get Holdings Contributors |
+| [**getHoldingContributors**](TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#getHoldingContributors) | **GET** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/holdings/{holdingId}/contributors | GetHoldingContributors: Get Holdings Contributors |
| [**getHoldings**](TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#getHoldings) | **GET** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/holdings | GetHoldings: Get holdings |
| [**getHoldingsAdjustment**](TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#getHoldingsAdjustment) | **GET** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/holdingsadjustments/{effectiveAt} | GetHoldingsAdjustment: Get holdings adjustment |
-| [**getHoldingsWithOrders**](TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#getHoldingsWithOrders) | **GET** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/holdingsWithOrders | [EXPERIMENTAL] GetHoldingsWithOrders: Get holdings with orders |
-| [**getMultipleHoldingContributors**](TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#getMultipleHoldingContributors) | **POST** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/holdings/contributors/$get | [EARLY ACCESS] GetMultipleHoldingContributors: Get Multiple Holding Contributors |
+| [**getHoldingsWithOrders**](TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#getHoldingsWithOrders) | **GET** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/holdingsWithOrders | GetHoldingsWithOrders: Get holdings with orders |
+| [**getMultipleHoldingContributors**](TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#getMultipleHoldingContributors) | **POST** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/holdings/contributors/$get | GetMultipleHoldingContributors: Get Multiple Holding Contributors |
| [**getPortfolioCashFlows**](TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#getPortfolioCashFlows) | **GET** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/cashflows | GetPortfolioCashFlows: Get portfolio cash flows |
| [**getPortfolioCashLadder**](TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#getPortfolioCashLadder) | **GET** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/cashladder | GetPortfolioCashLadder: Get portfolio cash ladder |
| [**getPortfolioCashStatement**](TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#getPortfolioCashStatement) | **GET** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/cashstatement | GetPortfolioCashStatement: Get portfolio cash statement |
| [**getTransactionHistory**](TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#getTransactionHistory) | **GET** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/transactions/{transactionId}/history | GetTransactionHistory: Get the history of a transaction |
| [**getTransactions**](TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#getTransactions) | **GET** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/transactions | GetTransactions: Get transactions |
| [**getUpsertablePortfolioCashFlows**](TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#getUpsertablePortfolioCashFlows) | **GET** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/upsertablecashflows | GetUpsertablePortfolioCashFlows: Get upsertable portfolio cash flows. |
-| [**listCustodianAccounts**](TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#listCustodianAccounts) | **GET** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/custodianaccounts | [EXPERIMENTAL] ListCustodianAccounts: List Custodian Accounts |
+| [**listCustodianAccounts**](TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#listCustodianAccounts) | **GET** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/custodianaccounts | ListCustodianAccounts: List Custodian Accounts |
| [**listHoldingsAdjustments**](TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#listHoldingsAdjustments) | **GET** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/holdingsadjustments | ListHoldingsAdjustments: List holdings adjustments |
| [**patchPortfolioDetails**](TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#patchPortfolioDetails) | **PATCH** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/details | PatchPortfolioDetails: Patch portfolio details |
-| [**previewTransaction**](TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#previewTransaction) | **POST** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/previewTransaction | [EARLY ACCESS] PreviewTransaction: Preview a transaction |
+| [**previewTransaction**](TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#previewTransaction) | **POST** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/previewTransaction | PreviewTransaction: Preview a transaction |
| [**resolveInstrument**](TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#resolveInstrument) | **POST** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/$resolve | ResolveInstrument: Resolve instrument |
| [**setHoldings**](TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#setHoldings) | **PUT** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/holdings | SetHoldings: Set holdings |
-| [**upsertCustodianAccounts**](TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#upsertCustodianAccounts) | **POST** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/custodianaccounts | [EXPERIMENTAL] UpsertCustodianAccounts: Upsert Custodian Accounts |
-| [**upsertCustodianAccountsProperties**](TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#upsertCustodianAccountsProperties) | **POST** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/custodianaccounts/{custodianAccountScope}/{custodianAccountCode}/properties/$upsert | [EXPERIMENTAL] UpsertCustodianAccountsProperties: Upsert custodian accounts properties |
+| [**upsertCustodianAccounts**](TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#upsertCustodianAccounts) | **POST** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/custodianaccounts | UpsertCustodianAccounts: Upsert Custodian Accounts |
+| [**upsertCustodianAccountsProperties**](TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#upsertCustodianAccountsProperties) | **POST** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/custodianaccounts/{custodianAccountScope}/{custodianAccountCode}/properties/$upsert | UpsertCustodianAccountsProperties: Upsert custodian accounts properties |
| [**upsertPortfolioDetails**](TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#upsertPortfolioDetails) | **POST** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/details | UpsertPortfolioDetails: Upsert portfolio details |
| [**upsertTransactionProperties**](TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#upsertTransactionProperties) | **POST** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/transactions/{transactionId}/properties | UpsertTransactionProperties: Upsert transaction properties |
| [**upsertTransactions**](TransactionPortfoliosApi.md#upsertTransactions) | **POST** /api/transactionportfolios/{scope}/{code}/transactions | UpsertTransactions: Upsert transactions |
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ public class TransactionPortfoliosApiExample {
> BatchAdjustHoldingsResponse batchAdjustHoldings(scope, code, successMode, requestBody, reconciliationMethods)
-[EARLY ACCESS] BatchAdjustHoldings: Batch adjust holdings
+BatchAdjustHoldings: Batch adjust holdings
Adjust one or more holdings of the specified transaction portfolio to the provided targets. LUSID will automatically construct adjustment transactions to ensure that the holdings which have been adjusted are always set to the provided targets for the specified effective datetime in each request. Each request must be keyed by a unique correlation id. This id is ephemeral and is not stored by LUSID. It serves only as a way to easily identify each adjustment in the response. Note: If using partial failure modes, then it is important to check the response body for failures as any failures will still return a 200 status code
@@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ public class TransactionPortfoliosApiExample {
> CreateTradeTicketsResponse batchCreateTradeTickets(scope, code, lusidTradeTicket)
-[EARLY ACCESS] BatchCreateTradeTickets: Batch Create Trade Tickets
+BatchCreateTradeTickets: Batch Create Trade Tickets
Batch create trade tickets. Each ticket is broadly equivalent to a singular call to upsert an instrument, then a counterparty and finally a transaction that makes use of the two.
@@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ public class TransactionPortfoliosApiExample {
> BatchAdjustHoldingsResponse batchSetHoldings(scope, code, successMode, requestBody, reconciliationMethods)
-[EARLY ACCESS] BatchSetHoldings: Batch set holdings
+BatchSetHoldings: Batch set holdings
Set the holdings of the specified transaction portfolio to the provided targets. LUSID will automatically construct adjustment transactions to ensure that the entire set of holdings for the transaction portfolio are always set to the provided targets for the specified effective datetime. Read more about the difference between adjusting and setting holdings here https://support.lusid.com/docs/how-do-i-manually-adjust-or-set-holdings. Each request must be keyed by a unique correlation id. This id is ephemeral and is not stored by LUSID. It serves only as a way to easily identify each adjustment in the response. Note: If using partial failure modes, then it is important to check the response body for failures as any failures will still return a 200 status code
@@ -443,7 +443,7 @@ public class TransactionPortfoliosApiExample {
> BatchUpsertPortfolioTransactionsResponse batchUpsertTransactions(scope, code, successMode, requestBody, preserveProperties)
-[EARLY ACCESS] BatchUpsertTransactions: Batch upsert transactions
+BatchUpsertTransactions: Batch upsert transactions
Create or update transactions in the transaction portfolio. A transaction will be updated if it already exists and created if it does not. Each request must be keyed by a unique correlation id. This id is ephemeral and is not stored by LUSID. It serves only as a way to easily identify each transaction in the response. Note: If using partial failure modes, then it is important to check the response body for failures as any failures will still return a 200 status code
@@ -742,7 +742,7 @@ public class TransactionPortfoliosApiExample {
> DeletedEntityResponse cancelSingleAdjustHolding(scope, code, effectiveAt, cancelSingleHoldingAdjustmentRequest)
-[EARLY ACCESS] CancelSingleAdjustHolding: Cancel single holding adjustment.
+CancelSingleAdjustHolding: Cancel single holding adjustment.
Cancel one previously sent holding adjustment without affecting the rest of the adjustment in the previous request on the specified effective datetime.
@@ -1027,7 +1027,7 @@ public class TransactionPortfoliosApiExample {
> LusidTradeTicket createTradeTicket(scope, code, lusidTradeTicket)
-[EARLY ACCESS] CreateTradeTicket: Create Trade Ticket
+CreateTradeTicket: Create Trade Ticket
Upsert a trade ticket. Broadly equivalent to a singular call to upsert an instrument, then a counterparty and finally a transaction that makes use of the two. It can be viewed as a utility function or part of a workflow more familiar to users with OTC systems than flow and equity trading ones.
@@ -1122,7 +1122,7 @@ public class TransactionPortfoliosApiExample {
> DeleteCustodianAccountsResponse deleteCustodianAccounts(scope, code, resourceId, deleteMode)
-[EXPERIMENTAL] DeleteCustodianAccounts: Soft or hard delete multiple custodian accounts
+DeleteCustodianAccounts: Soft or hard delete multiple custodian accounts
Delete one or more custodian accounts from the Transaction Portfolios. Soft deletion marks the custodian account as inactive While the Hard deletion is deleting the custodian account. The batch limit per request is 2,000.
@@ -1530,7 +1530,7 @@ public class TransactionPortfoliosApiExample {
> BucketedCashFlowResponse getBucketedCashFlows(scope, code, bucketedCashFlowRequest)
-[EXPERIMENTAL] GetBucketedCashFlows: Get bucketed cash flows from a list of portfolios
+GetBucketedCashFlows: Get bucketed cash flows from a list of portfolios
We bucket/aggregate a transaction portfolio's instruments by date or tenor specified in the request. The cashflows are grouped by both instrumentId and currency. If you want transactional level cashflow, please use the 'GetUpsertableCashFlows' endpoint. If you want instrument cashflow, please use the 'GetPortfolioCashFlows' endpoint. Note that these endpoints do not apply bucketing.
@@ -1625,7 +1625,7 @@ public class TransactionPortfoliosApiExample {
> CustodianAccount getCustodianAccount(scope, code, custodianAccountScope, custodianAccountCode, effectiveAt, asAt, propertyKeys)
-[EXPERIMENTAL] GetCustodianAccount: Get Custodian Account
+GetCustodianAccount: Get Custodian Account
Retrieve the definition of a particular Custodian Account which is part of a Transaction Portfolios.
@@ -1825,7 +1825,7 @@ public class TransactionPortfoliosApiExample {
> VersionedResourceListOfHoldingContributor getHoldingContributors(scope, code, holdingId, effectiveDate, fromTradeDate, toTradeDate, includeHistoric, taxLotId, limit, asAt, page)
-[EARLY ACCESS] GetHoldingContributors: Get Holdings Contributors
+GetHoldingContributors: Get Holdings Contributors
Lists all transactions that affect the holdings of a portfolio over a given effective interval. This includes transactions automatically generated by LUSID such as holding adjustments.
@@ -2140,7 +2140,7 @@ public class TransactionPortfoliosApiExample {
> VersionedResourceListWithWarningsOfPortfolioHolding getHoldingsWithOrders(scope, code, effectiveAt, asAt, filter, propertyKeys, byTaxlots, recipeIdScope, recipeIdCode, includeSettlementEventsAfterDays)
-[EXPERIMENTAL] GetHoldingsWithOrders: Get holdings with orders
+GetHoldingsWithOrders: Get holdings with orders
Get the holdings of a transaction portfolio. Create virtual holdings for any outstanding orders, and account for order state/fulfillment; that is, treat outstanding orders (and related records) as if they had been realised at moment of query.
@@ -2249,7 +2249,7 @@ public class TransactionPortfoliosApiExample {
> VersionedResourceListOfHoldingContributor getMultipleHoldingContributors(scope, code, holdingIdsRequest, effectiveDate, fromTransactionDate, toTransactionDate, includeHistoric, taxLotId, limit, asAt, page)
-[EARLY ACCESS] GetMultipleHoldingContributors: Get Multiple Holding Contributors
+GetMultipleHoldingContributors: Get Multiple Holding Contributors
Lists all transactions that affect multiple specified holdings of a portfolio over a given effective interval. This includes transactions automatically generated by LUSID such as holding adjustments.
@@ -3000,7 +3000,7 @@ public class TransactionPortfoliosApiExample {
> PagedResourceListOfCustodianAccount listCustodianAccounts(scope, code, effectiveAt, asAt, page, limit, filter, propertyKeys)
-[EXPERIMENTAL] ListCustodianAccounts: List Custodian Accounts
+ListCustodianAccounts: List Custodian Accounts
List the custodian accounts in a Transaction Portfolios
@@ -3301,7 +3301,7 @@ public class TransactionPortfoliosApiExample {
> ResourceListOfOutputTransaction previewTransaction(scope, code, transactionRequest, propertyKeys, showCancelledTransactions, preserveProperties)
-[EARLY ACCESS] PreviewTransaction: Preview a transaction
+PreviewTransaction: Preview a transaction
Returns the output-transaction(s) - e.g. as returned by BuildTransactions that would come out of LUSID if the provided TransactionRequest was booked.
@@ -3604,7 +3604,7 @@ public class TransactionPortfoliosApiExample {
> CustodianAccountsUpsertResponse upsertCustodianAccounts(scope, code, custodianAccountRequest)
-[EXPERIMENTAL] UpsertCustodianAccounts: Upsert Custodian Accounts
+UpsertCustodianAccounts: Upsert Custodian Accounts
Create or update Custodian Accounts in the Transaction Portfolios. A Custodian Account will be updated if it already exists and created if it does not. The batch limit per request is 2,000.
@@ -3699,7 +3699,7 @@ public class TransactionPortfoliosApiExample {
> CustodianAccountProperties upsertCustodianAccountsProperties(scope, code, custodianAccountScope, custodianAccountCode, requestBody)
-[EXPERIMENTAL] UpsertCustodianAccountsProperties: Upsert custodian accounts properties
+UpsertCustodianAccountsProperties: Upsert custodian accounts properties
Update or insert one or more properties onto a single custodian account. A property will be updated if it already exists and inserted if it does not. All properties must be of the domain 'CustodianAccount'. Upserting a property that exists for a Transaction Portfolios, with a null value, will delete the instance of the property for that group. Properties have an <i>effectiveFrom</i> datetime for which the property is valid, and an <i>effectiveUntil</i> datetime until which the property is valid. Not supplying an <i>effectiveUntil</i> datetime results in the property being valid indefinitely, or until the next <i>effectiveFrom</i> datetime of the property.
diff --git a/sdk/pom.xml b/sdk/pom.xml
index e3d2b011e19..f708aee9cd2 100644
--- a/sdk/pom.xml
+++ b/sdk/pom.xml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
- 2.0.1390
+ 2.0.1391
diff --git a/sdk/src/main/java/com/finbourne/lusid/ApiClient.java b/sdk/src/main/java/com/finbourne/lusid/ApiClient.java
index 1c007885860..d1166a72705 100644
--- a/sdk/src/main/java/com/finbourne/lusid/ApiClient.java
+++ b/sdk/src/main/java/com/finbourne/lusid/ApiClient.java
@@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ private void init() {
json = new JSON();
// Set default User-Agent.
- setUserAgent("OpenAPI-Generator/2.0.1390/java");
+ setUserAgent("OpenAPI-Generator/2.0.1391/java");
authentications = new HashMap();
diff --git a/sdk/src/main/java/com/finbourne/lusid/Configuration.java b/sdk/src/main/java/com/finbourne/lusid/Configuration.java
index 5ded9983672..55ccd429aa5 100644
--- a/sdk/src/main/java/com/finbourne/lusid/Configuration.java
+++ b/sdk/src/main/java/com/finbourne/lusid/Configuration.java
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
@jakarta.annotation.Generated(value = "org.openapitools.codegen.languages.JavaClientCodegen")
public class Configuration {
- public static final String VERSION = "2.0.1390";
+ public static final String VERSION = "2.0.1391";
private static ApiClient defaultApiClient = new ApiClient();
diff --git a/sdk/src/main/java/com/finbourne/lusid/api/ComplexMarketDataApi.java b/sdk/src/main/java/com/finbourne/lusid/api/ComplexMarketDataApi.java
index 9aa0c5a1752..cdf5f83ebeb 100644
--- a/sdk/src/main/java/com/finbourne/lusid/api/ComplexMarketDataApi.java
+++ b/sdk/src/main/java/com/finbourne/lusid/api/ComplexMarketDataApi.java
@@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ public okhttp3.Call executeAsync(final ApiCallback
- * [EARLY ACCESS] DeleteComplexMarketData: Delete one or more items of complex market data, assuming they are present.
+ * DeleteComplexMarketData: Delete one or more items of complex market data, assuming they are present.
* Delete one or more specified complex market data items from a single scope. Each item is identified by a unique id which includes information about its type as well as the exact effective datetime (to the microsecond) at which it entered the system (became valid). In the request each complex market data item must be keyed by a unique correlation id. This id is ephemeral and is not stored by LUSID. It serves only as a way to easily identify each quote in the response. The response will return both the collection of successfully deleted complex market data items, as well as those that failed. For the failures a reason will be provided explaining why the it could not be deleted. It is important to always check the failed set for any unsuccessful results.
* @param scope The scope of the complex market data to delete. (required)
* @param requestBody The complex market data Ids to delete, each keyed by a unique correlation id. (required)
@@ -595,7 +595,7 @@ public okhttp3.Call executeAsync(final ApiCallback
- * [EARLY ACCESS] GetComplexMarketData: Get complex market data
+ * GetComplexMarketData: Get complex market data
* Get one or more items of complex market data from a single scope. Each item can be identified by its time invariant complex market data identifier. For each id LUSID will return the most recent matched item with respect to the provided (or default) effective datetime. An optional maximum age range window can be specified which defines how far back to look back for data from the specified effective datetime. LUSID will return the most recent item within this window. In the request each complex market data id must be keyed by a unique correlation id. This id is ephemeral and is not stored by LUSID. It serves only as a way to easily identify each item in the response. The response will return three collections. One, the successfully retrieved complex market data. Two, those that had a valid identifier but could not be found. Three, those that failed because LUSID could not construct a valid identifier from the request. For the ids that failed to resolve or could not be found a reason will be provided explaining why that is the case. It is important to always check the failed and not found sets for any unsuccessful results.
* @param scope The scope of the complex market data to retrieve. (required)
* @param requestBody The time invariant set of complex data identifiers to retrieve the data for. These need to be keyed by a unique correlation id allowing the retrieved item to be identified in the response. (required)
@@ -835,7 +835,7 @@ public okhttp3.Call executeAsync(final ApiCallback _callbac
- * [EARLY ACCESS] CreateTransactionTemplate: Create Transaction Template
+ * CreateTransactionTemplate: Create Transaction Template
* Create a transaction template for a particular instrument event type in a scope.
* @param instrumentEventType The type of instrument events that the template is applied to. (required)
* @param instrumentType The instrument type of the transaction template. The combination of the instrument event type, instrument type and scope uniquely identifies a transaction template (required)
@@ -572,7 +572,7 @@ public okhttp3.Call executeAsync(final ApiCallback _callback, Co
- * [EARLY ACCESS] DeleteTransactionTemplate: Delete Transaction Template
+ * DeleteTransactionTemplate: Delete Transaction Template
* Delete a transaction template for a particular instrument event type in a scope.
* @param instrumentEventType The type of instrument events that the template is applied to. (required)
* @param instrumentType The instrument type of the transaction template. The combination of the instrument event type, instrument type and scope uniquely identifies a transaction template (required)
@@ -837,7 +837,7 @@ public okhttp3.Call executeAsync(final ApiCallback _callbac
- * [EARLY ACCESS] GetTransactionTemplate: Get Transaction Template
+ * GetTransactionTemplate: Get Transaction Template
* Gets the Transaction Template that for the instrument event type within the scope specified.
* @param instrumentEventType The instrument event type of the transaction template (required)
* @param instrumentType The instrument type of the transaction template. The combination of the instrument event type, instrument type and scope uniquely identifies a transaction template (required)
@@ -1071,7 +1071,7 @@ public okhttp3.Call executeAsync(final ApiCallback _callbac
- * [EARLY ACCESS] UpdateTransactionTemplate: Update Transaction Template
+ * UpdateTransactionTemplate: Update Transaction Template
* Update a transaction template for a particular instrument event type in a scope.
* @param instrumentEventType The type of instrument events that the template is applied to. (required)
* @param instrumentType The instrument type of the transaction template. The combination of the instrument event type, instrument type and scope uniquely identifies a transaction template (required)
diff --git a/sdk/src/main/java/com/finbourne/lusid/api/InstrumentEventsApi.java b/sdk/src/main/java/com/finbourne/lusid/api/InstrumentEventsApi.java
index 4029c29d7a9..ac99347469e 100644
--- a/sdk/src/main/java/com/finbourne/lusid/api/InstrumentEventsApi.java
+++ b/sdk/src/main/java/com/finbourne/lusid/api/InstrumentEventsApi.java
@@ -351,7 +351,7 @@ public okhttp3.Call executeAsync(final ApiCallback>> _c
- * [EXPERIMENTAL] GetAllPossibleFeatures: Provides list of all possible features for instrument type.
+ * GetAllPossibleFeatures: Provides list of all possible features for instrument type.
* Provides all possible instrument features an instrument of a given type can provide.
* @param instrumentType A lusid instrument type e.g. Bond, FxOption. (required)
* @return APIgetAllPossibleFeaturesRequest
@@ -2063,7 +2063,7 @@ public okhttp3.Call executeAsync(final ApiCallback _call
- * [EXPERIMENTAL] GetExistingInstrumentCapabilities: Retrieve capabilities of an existing instrument identified by LUID. These include instrument features, and if model is provided it also includes supported address keys and economic dependencies. Given an lusid instrument id provides instrument capabilities, outlining features, and, given the model, the capabilities also include supported addresses as well as economic dependencies.
+ * GetExistingInstrumentCapabilities: Retrieve capabilities of an existing instrument identified by LUID. These include instrument features, and if model is provided it also includes supported address keys and economic dependencies. Given an lusid instrument id provides instrument capabilities, outlining features, and, given the model, the capabilities also include supported addresses as well as economic dependencies.
* Returns instrument capabilities containing useful information about the instrument and the model. This includes - features corresponding to the instrument e.g. Optionality:American, Other:InflationLinked - supported addresses (if model provided) e.g. Valuation/Pv, Valuation/DirtyPriceKey, Valuation/Accrued - economic dependencies (if model provided) e.g. Cash:USD, Fx:GBP.USD, Rates:GBP.GBPOIS
* @param identifier A lusid instrument id identifying the instrument. (required)
* @return APIgetExistingInstrumentCapabilitiesRequest
@@ -3208,7 +3208,7 @@ public okhttp3.Call executeAsync(final ApiCallback _call
- * [EXPERIMENTAL] GetInstrumentPaymentDiary: Get instrument payment diary
+ * GetInstrumentPaymentDiary: Get instrument payment diary
* Get the payment diary of a single instrument.
* @param identifierType The identifier being supplied e.g. \"Figi\". (required)
* @param identifier The value of the identifier for the requested instrument. (required)
@@ -4155,7 +4155,7 @@ public okhttp3.Call executeAsync(final ApiCallback _
- * [EARLY ACCESS] GetInstrumentRelationships: Get Instrument relationships
+ * GetInstrumentRelationships: Get Instrument relationships
* Get relationships for a particular Instrument.
* @param identifierType An identifier type attached to the Instrument. (required)
* @param identifier The identifier value. (required)
@@ -4793,7 +4793,7 @@ public okhttp3.Call executeAsync(final ApiCallback _call
- * [EARLY ACCESS] ListInstrumentProperties: Get instrument properties (with Pagination)
+ * ListInstrumentProperties: Get instrument properties (with Pagination)
* List all the properties of a particular instrument, as identified by a particular unique identifier.
* @param identifierType The unique identifier type to search, for example 'Figi'. (required)
* @param identifier An <i>identifierType</i> value to use to identify the instrument, for example 'BBG000BLNNV0'. (required)
@@ -5432,7 +5432,7 @@ public okhttp3.Call executeAsync(final ApiCallback _call
- * [EXPERIMENTAL] QueryInstrumentCapabilities: Query capabilities of a particular instrument in advance of creating it. These include instrument features, and if model is provided it also includes supported address keys and economic dependencies.
+ * QueryInstrumentCapabilities: Query capabilities of a particular instrument in advance of creating it. These include instrument features, and if model is provided it also includes supported address keys and economic dependencies.
* Returns instrument capabilities containing useful information about the instrument and the model. This includes - features corresponding to the instrument e.g. Optionality:American, Other:InflationLinked - supported addresses (if model provided) e.g. Valuation/Pv, Valuation/DirtyPriceKey, Valuation/Accrued - economic dependencies (if model provided) e.g. Cash:USD, Fx:GBP.USD, Rates:GBP.GBPOIS
* @param lusidInstrument The definition of the instrument. (required)
* @return APIqueryInstrumentCapabilitiesRequest
diff --git a/sdk/src/main/java/com/finbourne/lusid/api/OrderInstructionsApi.java b/sdk/src/main/java/com/finbourne/lusid/api/OrderInstructionsApi.java
index 37caf1b7c8c..c40a920580a 100644
--- a/sdk/src/main/java/com/finbourne/lusid/api/OrderInstructionsApi.java
+++ b/sdk/src/main/java/com/finbourne/lusid/api/OrderInstructionsApi.java
@@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ public okhttp3.Call executeAsync(final ApiCallback _callb
- * [EXPERIMENTAL] DeleteOrderInstruction: Delete orderInstruction
+ * DeleteOrderInstruction: Delete orderInstruction
* Delete an orderInstruction. Deletion will be valid from the orderInstruction's creation datetime. This means that the orderInstruction will no longer exist at any effective datetime from the asAt datetime of deletion.
* @param scope The orderInstruction scope. (required)
* @param code The orderInstruction's code. This, together with the scope uniquely identifies the orderInstruction to delete. (required)
@@ -573,7 +573,7 @@ public okhttp3.Call executeAsync(final ApiCallback _callback,
- * [EXPERIMENTAL] GetOrderInstruction: Get OrderInstruction
+ * GetOrderInstruction: Get OrderInstruction
* Fetch a OrderInstruction that matches the specified identifier
* @param scope The scope to which the orderInstruction belongs. (required)
* @param code The orderInstruction's unique identifier. (required)
@@ -888,7 +888,7 @@ public okhttp3.Call executeAsync(final ApiCallback _callback
- * [EXPERIMENTAL] AddDecision: AddDecision
+ * AddDecision: AddDecision
* Add decision to staged modification, Approve or Reject.
* @param id Unique Id for a staged modification.. (required)
* @param stagedModificationDecisionRequest The decision on the requested staged modification, \"Approve\" or \"Reject\". (required)
@@ -552,7 +552,7 @@ public okhttp3.Call executeAsync(final ApiCallback _callback
- * [EXPERIMENTAL] GetStagedModification: GetStagedModification
+ * GetStagedModification: GetStagedModification
* Retrieve the details of a staged modification.
* @param id The unique identifier for a staged modification. (required)
* @return APIgetStagedModificationRequest
@@ -859,7 +859,7 @@ public okhttp3.Call executeAsync(final ApiCallback _callback, Co
- * [EXPERIMENTAL] CreateStagingRuleSet: Create a StagingRuleSet
+ * CreateStagingRuleSet: Create a StagingRuleSet
* Create a new staging rule set.
* @param entityType The entity type for which to create the staging rule set. (required)
* @param createStagingRuleSetRequest Request to create a staging rule set. (required)
@@ -538,7 +538,7 @@ public okhttp3.Call executeAsync(final ApiCallback _callb
- * [EXPERIMENTAL] DeleteStagingRuleSet: Delete a StagingRuleSet
+ * DeleteStagingRuleSet: Delete a StagingRuleSet
* Delete a staging rule set of a specific entity type. Deletion will be valid from the staging rule set's creation datetime. This means that the staging rule set will no longer exist at any effective datetime from the asAt datetime of deletion.
* @param entityType The entity type for which to delete the staging rule set. (required)
* @return APIdeleteStagingRuleSetRequest
@@ -785,7 +785,7 @@ public okhttp3.Call executeAsync(final ApiCallback _callback, Co
- * [EXPERIMENTAL] GetStagingRuleSet: Get a StagingRuleSet
+ * GetStagingRuleSet: Get a StagingRuleSet
* Get the staging rule set for the given entity type at the specific asAt time.
* @param entityType The entity type for which to retrieve the staging rule set. (required)
* @return APIgetStagingRuleSetRequest
@@ -1084,7 +1084,7 @@ public okhttp3.Call executeAsync(final ApiCallback _callback, Co
- * [EXPERIMENTAL] UpdateStagingRuleSet: Update a StagingRuleSet
+ * UpdateStagingRuleSet: Update a StagingRuleSet
* Update an existing staging rule set.
* @param entityType The entity type for which to update the staging rule set. (required)
* @param updateStagingRuleSetRequest Request to update a staging rule set. (required)
diff --git a/sdk/src/main/java/com/finbourne/lusid/api/StructuredResultDataApi.java b/sdk/src/main/java/com/finbourne/lusid/api/StructuredResultDataApi.java
index 33eab5a24ff..2c76b24f4f5 100644
--- a/sdk/src/main/java/com/finbourne/lusid/api/StructuredResultDataApi.java
+++ b/sdk/src/main/java/com/finbourne/lusid/api/StructuredResultDataApi.java
@@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ public okhttp3.Call executeAsync(final ApiCallback
- * [EXPERIMENTAL] DeleteStructuredResultData: Delete structured result data
+ * DeleteStructuredResultData: Delete structured result data
* Delete one or more structured result data items from a particular scope. Each item is identified by a unique ID which includes information about its type as well as the exact effective datetime (to the microsecond) at which it entered the system (became valid). In the request, each data item must be keyed by a unique correlation ID. This ID is ephemeral and not stored by LUSID. It serves only to easily identify each data item in the response. The response returns both the collection of successfully deleted data items, as well as those that failed. For each failure, a reason is provided. It is important to check the failed set for any unsuccessful results.
* @param scope The scope from which to delete data items. (required)
* @param requestBody The data IDs to delete, each keyed by a unique, ephemeral correlation ID. (required)
@@ -843,7 +843,7 @@ public okhttp3.Call executeAsync(final ApiCallback _callback
- * [EXPERIMENTAL] GetDataMap: Get data map
+ * GetDataMap: Get data map
* Retrieve one or more structured result store address definition data maps from a particular scope. Each data map can be identified by its invariant key, which can be thought of as a permanent URL. For each ID, LUSID returns the most recently matched item. In the request, each data map must be keyed by a unique correlation ID. This ID is ephemeral and not stored by LUSID. It serves only to easily identify each data map in the response. The response returns three collections. The first contains successfully retrieved data maps. The second contains those with a valid identifier but that could not be found. The third contains those that failed because LUSID could not construct a valid identifier from the request. For the IDs that failed to resolve or could not be found, a reason is provided. It is important to check the failed sets for any unsuccessful results.
* @param scope The scope from which to retrieve data maps. (required)
* @param requestBody The data map keys to look up, each keyed by a unique, ephemeral correlation ID. (required)
@@ -1622,7 +1622,7 @@ public okhttp3.Call executeAsync(final ApiCallback _
- * [EXPERIMENTAL] GetVirtualDocument: Get Virtual Documents
+ * GetVirtualDocument: Get Virtual Documents
* Retrieve one or more virtual documents from a particular scope. Each item can be identified by its time invariant structured result data identifier. For each ID, LUSID returns the most recently matched item with respect to the provided effective datetime. In the request, each data item must be keyed by a unique correlation ID. This ID is ephemeral and not stored by LUSID. It serves only to easily identify each data item in the response. The response returns two collections. The first contains successfully retrieved data items. The second contains those with a valid identifier but that could not be found, or those that failed because LUSID could not construct a valid identifier from the request. For the IDs that failed to resolve or could not be found, a reason is provided. It is important to check the failed sets for any unsuccessful results.
* @param scope The scope in which to construct the virtual documents. (required)
* @param requestBody The time invariant set of structured data identifiers to retrieve, keyed by a unique, ephemeral correlation ID. (required)
@@ -1950,7 +1950,7 @@ public okhttp3.Call executeAsync(final ApiCallback
- * [EXPERIMENTAL] UpsertResultValue: Upsert result value
+ * UpsertResultValue: Upsert result value
* Create or update one or more Upsert one or more result values in a particular scope. An item is updated if it already exists and created if it does not. In the request, each data item must be keyed by a unique correlation ID. This ID is ephemeral and not stored by LUSID. It serves only to easily identify each data item in the response. The response returns both the collection of successfully created or updated data items, as well as those that failed. For each failure, a reason is provided. It is important to check the failed set for any unsuccessful results.
* @param scope The scope in which to construct the virtual documents. (required)
* @param requestBody The time invariant set of structured data identifiers to retrieve, keyed by a unique, ephemeral correlation ID. (required)
diff --git a/sdk/src/main/java/com/finbourne/lusid/api/TransactionFeesApi.java b/sdk/src/main/java/com/finbourne/lusid/api/TransactionFeesApi.java
index 2bd589f07d5..dfb45462f59 100644
--- a/sdk/src/main/java/com/finbourne/lusid/api/TransactionFeesApi.java
+++ b/sdk/src/main/java/com/finbourne/lusid/api/TransactionFeesApi.java
@@ -294,7 +294,7 @@ public okhttp3.Call executeAsync(final ApiCallback _callb
- * [EXPERIMENTAL] DeleteTransactionFeeRule: Deletes a fee rule.
+ * DeleteTransactionFeeRule: Deletes a fee rule.
* Deletes the rule for all effective time. The rule will remain viewable at previous as at times, but it will no longer be considered by GetApplicableFees. This cannot be undone.
* @param code The fee rule code. (required)
* @return APIdeleteTransactionFeeRuleRequest
@@ -623,7 +623,7 @@ public okhttp3.Call executeAsync(final ApiCallback _callb
- * [EXPERIMENTAL] GetApplicableTransactionFees: Get the Fees and Commissions that may be applicable to a transaction.
+ * GetApplicableTransactionFees: Get the Fees and Commissions that may be applicable to a transaction.
* Additionally, matching can be based on the instrument's properties, its portfolio properties, and any additional property keys present in the data file.
* @return APIgetApplicableTransactionFeesRequest
* @http.response.details
@@ -884,7 +884,7 @@ public okhttp3.Call executeAsync(final ApiCallback _callback, Configura
- * [EXPERIMENTAL] GetTransactionFeeRule: Retrieve the definition of single fee rule.
+ * GetTransactionFeeRule: Retrieve the definition of single fee rule.
* Retrieves the fee rule definition at the given effective and as at times.
* @param code The fee rule code. (required)
* @return APIgetTransactionFeeRuleRequest
@@ -1183,7 +1183,7 @@ public okhttp3.Call executeAsync(final ApiCallback _callb
- * [EXPERIMENTAL] ListTransactionFeeRules: List fee rules, with optional filtering.
+ * ListTransactionFeeRules: List fee rules, with optional filtering.
* For more information about filtering results, see https://support.lusid.com/knowledgebase/article/KA-01914.
* @return APIlistTransactionFeeRulesRequest
* @http.response.details
@@ -1432,7 +1432,7 @@ public okhttp3.Call executeAsync(final ApiCallback _callb
- * [EXPERIMENTAL] UpsertTransactionFeeRules: Upsert fee rules.
+ * UpsertTransactionFeeRules: Upsert fee rules.
* To upsert a new rule, the code field must be left empty, a code will then be assigned and returned as part of the response. To update an existing rule, include the fee code. It is possible to both create and update fee rules in the same request. The upsert is transactional - either all create/update operations will succeed or none of them will.
* @param requestBody A dictionary of upsert request identifiers to rule upsert requests. The request identifiers are valid for the request only and can be used to link the upserted fee rule to the code of a created fee rule. (required)
* @return APIupsertTransactionFeeRulesRequest
diff --git a/sdk/src/main/java/com/finbourne/lusid/api/TransactionPortfoliosApi.java b/sdk/src/main/java/com/finbourne/lusid/api/TransactionPortfoliosApi.java
index e842702c8d4..c0e4133f91a 100644
--- a/sdk/src/main/java/com/finbourne/lusid/api/TransactionPortfoliosApi.java
+++ b/sdk/src/main/java/com/finbourne/lusid/api/TransactionPortfoliosApi.java
@@ -659,7 +659,7 @@ public okhttp3.Call executeAsync(final ApiCallback
- * [EARLY ACCESS] BatchAdjustHoldings: Batch adjust holdings
+ * BatchAdjustHoldings: Batch adjust holdings
* Adjust one or more holdings of the specified transaction portfolio to the provided targets. LUSID will automatically construct adjustment transactions to ensure that the holdings which have been adjusted are always set to the provided targets for the specified effective datetime in each request. Each request must be keyed by a unique correlation id. This id is ephemeral and is not stored by LUSID. It serves only as a way to easily identify each adjustment in the response. Note: If using partial failure modes, then it is important to check the response body for failures as any failures will still return a 200 status code
* @param scope The scope of the transaction portfolio. (required)
* @param code The code of the transaction portfolio. Together with the scope this uniquely identifies the transaction portfolio. (required)
@@ -913,7 +913,7 @@ public okhttp3.Call executeAsync(final ApiCallback _
- * [EARLY ACCESS] BatchCreateTradeTickets: Batch Create Trade Tickets
+ * BatchCreateTradeTickets: Batch Create Trade Tickets
* Batch create trade tickets. Each ticket is broadly equivalent to a singular call to upsert an instrument, then a counterparty and finally a transaction that makes use of the two.
* @param scope The scope of the transaction portfolio. (required)
* @param code The code of the transaction portfolio. Together with the scope this uniquely identifies the transaction portfolio. (required)
@@ -1192,7 +1192,7 @@ public okhttp3.Call executeAsync(final ApiCallback
- * [EARLY ACCESS] BatchSetHoldings: Batch set holdings
+ * BatchSetHoldings: Batch set holdings
* Set the holdings of the specified transaction portfolio to the provided targets. LUSID will automatically construct adjustment transactions to ensure that the entire set of holdings for the transaction portfolio are always set to the provided targets for the specified effective datetime. Read more about the difference between adjusting and setting holdings here https://support.lusid.com/docs/how-do-i-manually-adjust-or-set-holdings. Each request must be keyed by a unique correlation id. This id is ephemeral and is not stored by LUSID. It serves only as a way to easily identify each adjustment in the response. Note: If using partial failure modes, then it is important to check the response body for failures as any failures will still return a 200 status code
* @param scope The scope of the transaction portfolio. (required)
* @param code The code of the transaction portfolio. Together with the scope this uniquely identifies the transaction portfolio. (required)
@@ -1472,7 +1472,7 @@ public okhttp3.Call executeAsync(final ApiCallback _callb
- * [EARLY ACCESS] CancelSingleAdjustHolding: Cancel single holding adjustment.
+ * CancelSingleAdjustHolding: Cancel single holding adjustment.
* Cancel one previously sent holding adjustment without affecting the rest of the adjustment in the previous request on the specified effective datetime.
* @param scope The scope of the transaction portfolio. (required)
* @param code The code of the transaction portfolio. Together with the scope this uniquely identifies the transaction portfolio. (required)
@@ -3073,7 +3073,7 @@ public okhttp3.Call executeAsync(final ApiCallback _callback,
- * [EARLY ACCESS] CreateTradeTicket: Create Trade Ticket
+ * CreateTradeTicket: Create Trade Ticket
* Upsert a trade ticket. Broadly equivalent to a singular call to upsert an instrument, then a counterparty and finally a transaction that makes use of the two. It can be viewed as a utility function or part of a workflow more familiar to users with OTC systems than flow and equity trading ones.
* @param scope The scope of the transaction portfolio. (required)
* @param code The code of the transaction portfolio. Together with the scope this uniquely identifies the transaction portfolio. (required)
@@ -3340,7 +3340,7 @@ public okhttp3.Call executeAsync(final ApiCallback _ca
- * [EXPERIMENTAL] GetBucketedCashFlows: Get bucketed cash flows from a list of portfolios
+ * GetBucketedCashFlows: Get bucketed cash flows from a list of portfolios
* We bucket/aggregate a transaction portfolio's instruments by date or tenor specified in the request. The cashflows are grouped by both instrumentId and currency. If you want transactional level cashflow, please use the 'GetUpsertableCashFlows' endpoint. If you want instrument cashflow, please use the 'GetPortfolioCashFlows' endpoint. Note that these endpoints do not apply bucketing.
* @param scope The scope of the transaction portfolio. (required)
* @param code The code of the transaction portfolio. Together with the scope this uniquely identifies the portfolio. (required)
@@ -4841,7 +4841,7 @@ public okhttp3.Call executeAsync(final ApiCallback _callback,
- * [EXPERIMENTAL] GetCustodianAccount: Get Custodian Account
+ * GetCustodianAccount: Get Custodian Account
* Retrieve the definition of a particular Custodian Account which is part of a Transaction Portfolios.
* @param scope The scope of the Transaction Portfolio. (required)
* @param code The code of the Transaction Portfolio. Together with the scope this uniquely identifies the Transaction Portfolio. (required)
@@ -5483,7 +5483,7 @@ public okhttp3.Call executeAsync(final ApiCallback _
- * [EXPERIMENTAL] UpsertCustodianAccountsProperties: Upsert custodian accounts properties
+ * UpsertCustodianAccountsProperties: Upsert custodian accounts properties
* Update or insert one or more properties onto a single custodian account. A property will be updated if it already exists and inserted if it does not. All properties must be of the domain 'CustodianAccount'. Upserting a property that exists for a Transaction Portfolios, with a null value, will delete the instance of the property for that group. Properties have an <i>effectiveFrom</i> datetime for which the property is valid, and an <i>effectiveUntil</i> datetime until which the property is valid. Not supplying an <i>effectiveUntil</i> datetime results in the property being valid indefinitely, or until the next <i>effectiveFrom</i> datetime of the property.
* @param scope The scope of the Transaction Portfolios to update or insert the properties onto. (required)
* @param code The code of the Transaction Portfolios to update or insert the properties onto. Together with the scope this uniquely identifies the Transaction Portfolios. (required)