Name | Type | Description | Notes |
displayName | String | The name of the Custom Data Model. | |
description | String | A description for the Custom Data Model. | |
parentDataModel | ResourceId | [optional] | |
conditions | String | The conditions that the bound entity must meet to be valid. | [optional] |
properties | List<CustomDataModelPropertySpecification> | The properties that are required or allowed on the bound entity. | [optional] |
identifierTypes | List<CustomDataModelIdentifierTypeSpecification> | The identifier types that are required or allowed on the bound entity. | [optional] |
attributeAliases | List<Alias> | The aliases for property keys, identifier types, and fields on the bound entity. | [optional] |
recommendedSortBy | List<RecommendedSortBy> | The preferred default sorting instructions. | [optional] |