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796 lines (600 loc) · 40.1 KB

File metadata and controls

796 lines (600 loc) · 40.1 KB


All URIs are relative to

Method HTTP request Description
createClosedPeriod POST /api/timelines/{scope}/{code}/closedperiods [EXPERIMENTAL] CreateClosedPeriod: Create a new closed period against a timeline entity
createTimeline POST /api/timelines [EXPERIMENTAL] CreateTimeline: Create a Timeline
deleteTimeline DELETE /api/timelines/{scope}/{code} [EXPERIMENTAL] DeleteTimeline: Deletes a particular Timeline
getClosedPeriod GET /api/timelines/{scope}/{code}/closedperiods/{closedPeriodId} [EXPERIMENTAL] GetClosedPeriod: Gets a Closed Period entity.
getTimeline GET /api/timelines/{scope}/{code} [EXPERIMENTAL] GetTimeline: Get a single Timeline by scope and code.
listClosedPeriods GET /api/timelines/{scope}/{code}/closedperiods [EXPERIMENTAL] ListClosedPeriods: List ClosedPeriods for a specified Timeline.
listTimelines GET /api/timelines [EXPERIMENTAL] ListTimelines: List Timelines
updateTimeline PUT /api/timelines/{scope}/{code} [EXPERIMENTAL] UpdateTimeline: Update Timeline defined by scope and code


ClosedPeriod createClosedPeriod(scope, code, createClosedPeriodRequest)

[EXPERIMENTAL] CreateClosedPeriod: Create a new closed period against a timeline entity

Creates a new closed period against a timeline entity Returns the newly created closed period entity with properties


import com.finbourne.lusid.model.*;
import com.finbourne.lusid.api.TimelinesApi;
import com.finbourne.lusid.extensions.ApiConfigurationException;
import com.finbourne.lusid.extensions.ApiFactoryBuilder;
import com.finbourne.lusid.extensions.auth.FinbourneTokenException;


public class TimelinesApiExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException, UnsupportedEncodingException, ApiConfigurationException, FinbourneTokenException {
        String fileName = "secrets.json";
        try(PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(fileName, "UTF-8")) {
          writer.write("{" +
            "\"api\": {" +
            "    \"tokenUrl\": \"<your-token-url>\"," +
            "    \"lusidUrl\": \"https://<your-domain>\"," +
            "    \"username\": \"<your-username>\"," +
            "    \"password\": \"<your-password>\"," +
            "    \"clientId\": \"<your-client-id>\"," +
            "    \"clientSecret\": \"<your-client-secret>\"" +
            "  }" +

        // uncomment the below to use configuration overrides
        // ConfigurationOptions opts = new ConfigurationOptions();
        // opts.setTotalTimeoutMs(2000);
        // uncomment the below to use an api factory with overrides
        // ApiFactory apiFactory =, opts);
        // TimelinesApi apiInstance =;

        TimelinesApi apiInstance =;
        String scope = "scope_example"; // String | The scope of the specified Timeline.
        String code = "code_example"; // String | The code of the specified Timeline. Together with the domain and scope this uniquely identifies the Timeline.
        CreateClosedPeriodRequest createClosedPeriodRequest = new CreateClosedPeriodRequest(); // CreateClosedPeriodRequest | The request containing the details of the Closed Period
        try {
            // uncomment the below to set overrides at the request level
            // ClosedPeriod result = apiInstance.createClosedPeriod(scope, code, createClosedPeriodRequest).execute(opts);

            ClosedPeriod result = apiInstance.createClosedPeriod(scope, code, createClosedPeriodRequest).execute();
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling TimelinesApi#createClosedPeriod");
            System.err.println("Status code: " + e.getCode());
            System.err.println("Reason: " + e.getResponseBody());


Name Type Description Notes
scope String The scope of the specified Timeline.
code String The code of the specified Timeline. Together with the domain and scope this uniquely identifies the Timeline.
createClosedPeriodRequest CreateClosedPeriodRequest The request containing the details of the Closed Period [optional]

Return type


HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json-patch+json, application/json, text/json, application/*+json
  • Accept: text/plain, application/json, text/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
201 The created closed period -
400 The details of the input related failure -
0 Error response -

Back to topBack to API listBack to Model listBack to README


Timeline createTimeline(createTimelineRequest)

[EXPERIMENTAL] CreateTimeline: Create a Timeline

Creates a Timeline. Returns the created Timeline at the current effectiveAt. Note that Timelines are mono-temporal, however they can have Time-Variant Properties. Upserted Properties will be returned at the latest AsAt and EffectiveAt


import com.finbourne.lusid.model.*;
import com.finbourne.lusid.api.TimelinesApi;
import com.finbourne.lusid.extensions.ApiConfigurationException;
import com.finbourne.lusid.extensions.ApiFactoryBuilder;
import com.finbourne.lusid.extensions.auth.FinbourneTokenException;


public class TimelinesApiExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException, UnsupportedEncodingException, ApiConfigurationException, FinbourneTokenException {
        String fileName = "secrets.json";
        try(PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(fileName, "UTF-8")) {
          writer.write("{" +
            "\"api\": {" +
            "    \"tokenUrl\": \"<your-token-url>\"," +
            "    \"lusidUrl\": \"https://<your-domain>\"," +
            "    \"username\": \"<your-username>\"," +
            "    \"password\": \"<your-password>\"," +
            "    \"clientId\": \"<your-client-id>\"," +
            "    \"clientSecret\": \"<your-client-secret>\"" +
            "  }" +

        // uncomment the below to use configuration overrides
        // ConfigurationOptions opts = new ConfigurationOptions();
        // opts.setTotalTimeoutMs(2000);
        // uncomment the below to use an api factory with overrides
        // ApiFactory apiFactory =, opts);
        // TimelinesApi apiInstance =;

        TimelinesApi apiInstance =;
        CreateTimelineRequest createTimelineRequest = new CreateTimelineRequest(); // CreateTimelineRequest | The request containing the details of the Timeline
        try {
            // uncomment the below to set overrides at the request level
            // Timeline result = apiInstance.createTimeline(createTimelineRequest).execute(opts);

            Timeline result = apiInstance.createTimeline(createTimelineRequest).execute();
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling TimelinesApi#createTimeline");
            System.err.println("Status code: " + e.getCode());
            System.err.println("Reason: " + e.getResponseBody());


Name Type Description Notes
createTimelineRequest CreateTimelineRequest The request containing the details of the Timeline [optional]

Return type


HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json-patch+json, application/json, text/json, application/*+json
  • Accept: text/plain, application/json, text/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
201 The created Timeline -
400 The details of the input related failure -
0 Error response -

Back to topBack to API listBack to Model listBack to README


DeletedEntityResponse deleteTimeline(scope, code)

[EXPERIMENTAL] DeleteTimeline: Deletes a particular Timeline

The deletion will take effect from the Timeline deletion datetime. i.e. will no longer exist at any asAt datetime after the asAt datetime of deletion.


import com.finbourne.lusid.model.*;
import com.finbourne.lusid.api.TimelinesApi;
import com.finbourne.lusid.extensions.ApiConfigurationException;
import com.finbourne.lusid.extensions.ApiFactoryBuilder;
import com.finbourne.lusid.extensions.auth.FinbourneTokenException;


public class TimelinesApiExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException, UnsupportedEncodingException, ApiConfigurationException, FinbourneTokenException {
        String fileName = "secrets.json";
        try(PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(fileName, "UTF-8")) {
          writer.write("{" +
            "\"api\": {" +
            "    \"tokenUrl\": \"<your-token-url>\"," +
            "    \"lusidUrl\": \"https://<your-domain>\"," +
            "    \"username\": \"<your-username>\"," +
            "    \"password\": \"<your-password>\"," +
            "    \"clientId\": \"<your-client-id>\"," +
            "    \"clientSecret\": \"<your-client-secret>\"" +
            "  }" +

        // uncomment the below to use configuration overrides
        // ConfigurationOptions opts = new ConfigurationOptions();
        // opts.setTotalTimeoutMs(2000);
        // uncomment the below to use an api factory with overrides
        // ApiFactory apiFactory =, opts);
        // TimelinesApi apiInstance =;

        TimelinesApi apiInstance =;
        String scope = "scope_example"; // String | The scope of the specified Timeline.
        String code = "code_example"; // String | The code of the specified Timeline. Together with the domain and scope this uniquely   identifies the Timeline.
        try {
            // uncomment the below to set overrides at the request level
            // DeletedEntityResponse result = apiInstance.deleteTimeline(scope, code).execute(opts);

            DeletedEntityResponse result = apiInstance.deleteTimeline(scope, code).execute();
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling TimelinesApi#deleteTimeline");
            System.err.println("Status code: " + e.getCode());
            System.err.println("Reason: " + e.getResponseBody());


Name Type Description Notes
scope String The scope of the specified Timeline.
code String The code of the specified Timeline. Together with the domain and scope this uniquely identifies the Timeline.

Return type


HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: text/plain, application/json, text/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 The deleted entity metadata -
400 The details of the input related failure -
0 Error response -

Back to topBack to API listBack to Model listBack to README


ClosedPeriod getClosedPeriod(scope, code, closedPeriodId, asAt, propertyKeys)

[EXPERIMENTAL] GetClosedPeriod: Gets a Closed Period entity.

Retrieves one ClosedPeriod uniquely defined by the Timelines Scope/Code and a ClosedPeriodId.


import com.finbourne.lusid.model.*;
import com.finbourne.lusid.api.TimelinesApi;
import com.finbourne.lusid.extensions.ApiConfigurationException;
import com.finbourne.lusid.extensions.ApiFactoryBuilder;
import com.finbourne.lusid.extensions.auth.FinbourneTokenException;


public class TimelinesApiExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException, UnsupportedEncodingException, ApiConfigurationException, FinbourneTokenException {
        String fileName = "secrets.json";
        try(PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(fileName, "UTF-8")) {
          writer.write("{" +
            "\"api\": {" +
            "    \"tokenUrl\": \"<your-token-url>\"," +
            "    \"lusidUrl\": \"https://<your-domain>\"," +
            "    \"username\": \"<your-username>\"," +
            "    \"password\": \"<your-password>\"," +
            "    \"clientId\": \"<your-client-id>\"," +
            "    \"clientSecret\": \"<your-client-secret>\"" +
            "  }" +

        // uncomment the below to use configuration overrides
        // ConfigurationOptions opts = new ConfigurationOptions();
        // opts.setTotalTimeoutMs(2000);
        // uncomment the below to use an api factory with overrides
        // ApiFactory apiFactory =, opts);
        // TimelinesApi apiInstance =;

        TimelinesApi apiInstance =;
        String scope = "scope_example"; // String | The scope of the Timeline.
        String code = "code_example"; // String | The code of the Timeline. Together with the scope this uniquely   identifies the Timeline.
        String closedPeriodId = "closedPeriodId_example"; // String | The id of the Closed Period. Together with the scope and code of the Timeline,   this uniquely identifies the ClosedPeriod
        OffsetDateTime asAt =; // OffsetDateTime | The asAt datetime at which to retrieve the ClosedPeriod definition. Defaults to return   the latest version of the definition if not specified.
        List<String> propertyKeys = Arrays.asList(); // List<String> | A list of property keys from the 'ClosedPeriod' domain to decorate onto   the ClosedPeriod.   These must have the format {domain}/{scope}/{code}, for example 'ClosedPeriod/system/Name'.
        try {
            // uncomment the below to set overrides at the request level
            // ClosedPeriod result = apiInstance.getClosedPeriod(scope, code, closedPeriodId, asAt, propertyKeys).execute(opts);

            ClosedPeriod result = apiInstance.getClosedPeriod(scope, code, closedPeriodId, asAt, propertyKeys).execute();
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling TimelinesApi#getClosedPeriod");
            System.err.println("Status code: " + e.getCode());
            System.err.println("Reason: " + e.getResponseBody());


Name Type Description Notes
scope String The scope of the Timeline.
code String The code of the Timeline. Together with the scope this uniquely identifies the Timeline.
closedPeriodId String The id of the Closed Period. Together with the scope and code of the Timeline, this uniquely identifies the ClosedPeriod
asAt OffsetDateTime The asAt datetime at which to retrieve the ClosedPeriod definition. Defaults to return the latest version of the definition if not specified. [optional]
propertyKeys List<String> A list of property keys from the 'ClosedPeriod' domain to decorate onto the ClosedPeriod. These must have the format {domain}/{scope}/{code}, for example 'ClosedPeriod/system/Name'. [optional]

Return type


HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: text/plain, application/json, text/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 The requested closed period -
400 The details of the input related failure -
0 Error response -

Back to topBack to API listBack to Model listBack to README


Timeline getTimeline(scope, code, asAt, effectiveAt, propertyKeys)

[EXPERIMENTAL] GetTimeline: Get a single Timeline by scope and code.

Retrieves one Timeline by scope and code. Timelines are mono-temporal. The EffectiveAt is only applied to Time-Variant Properties.


import com.finbourne.lusid.model.*;
import com.finbourne.lusid.api.TimelinesApi;
import com.finbourne.lusid.extensions.ApiConfigurationException;
import com.finbourne.lusid.extensions.ApiFactoryBuilder;
import com.finbourne.lusid.extensions.auth.FinbourneTokenException;


public class TimelinesApiExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException, UnsupportedEncodingException, ApiConfigurationException, FinbourneTokenException {
        String fileName = "secrets.json";
        try(PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(fileName, "UTF-8")) {
          writer.write("{" +
            "\"api\": {" +
            "    \"tokenUrl\": \"<your-token-url>\"," +
            "    \"lusidUrl\": \"https://<your-domain>\"," +
            "    \"username\": \"<your-username>\"," +
            "    \"password\": \"<your-password>\"," +
            "    \"clientId\": \"<your-client-id>\"," +
            "    \"clientSecret\": \"<your-client-secret>\"" +
            "  }" +

        // uncomment the below to use configuration overrides
        // ConfigurationOptions opts = new ConfigurationOptions();
        // opts.setTotalTimeoutMs(2000);
        // uncomment the below to use an api factory with overrides
        // ApiFactory apiFactory =, opts);
        // TimelinesApi apiInstance =;

        TimelinesApi apiInstance =;
        String scope = "scope_example"; // String | The scope of the specified Timeline.
        String code = "code_example"; // String | The code of the specified Timeline. Together with the scope this uniquely   identifies the Timeline.
        OffsetDateTime asAt =; // OffsetDateTime | The asAt datetime at which to retrieve the Timeline definition. Defaults to return   the latest version of the definition if not specified.
        String effectiveAt = "effectiveAt_example"; // String | The effective datetime or cut label at which to retrieve the timeline properties.   Defaults to the current LUSID system datetime if not specified.
        List<String> propertyKeys = Arrays.asList(); // List<String> | A list of property keys from the 'Timeline' domain to decorate onto   the Timeline.   These must have the format {domain}/{scope}/{code}, for example 'Timeline/system/Name'.
        try {
            // uncomment the below to set overrides at the request level
            // Timeline result = apiInstance.getTimeline(scope, code, asAt, effectiveAt, propertyKeys).execute(opts);

            Timeline result = apiInstance.getTimeline(scope, code, asAt, effectiveAt, propertyKeys).execute();
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling TimelinesApi#getTimeline");
            System.err.println("Status code: " + e.getCode());
            System.err.println("Reason: " + e.getResponseBody());


Name Type Description Notes
scope String The scope of the specified Timeline.
code String The code of the specified Timeline. Together with the scope this uniquely identifies the Timeline.
asAt OffsetDateTime The asAt datetime at which to retrieve the Timeline definition. Defaults to return the latest version of the definition if not specified. [optional]
effectiveAt String The effective datetime or cut label at which to retrieve the timeline properties. Defaults to the current LUSID system datetime if not specified. [optional]
propertyKeys List<String> A list of property keys from the 'Timeline' domain to decorate onto the Timeline. These must have the format {domain}/{scope}/{code}, for example 'Timeline/system/Name'. [optional]

Return type


HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: text/plain, application/json, text/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 The requested Timeline -
400 The details of the input related failure -
0 Error response -

Back to topBack to API listBack to Model listBack to README


PagedResourceListOfClosedPeriod listClosedPeriods(scope, code, asAt, page, limit, filter, sortBy, propertyKeys)

[EXPERIMENTAL] ListClosedPeriods: List ClosedPeriods for a specified Timeline.

List all the ClosedPeriods matching a particular criteria.


import com.finbourne.lusid.model.*;
import com.finbourne.lusid.api.TimelinesApi;
import com.finbourne.lusid.extensions.ApiConfigurationException;
import com.finbourne.lusid.extensions.ApiFactoryBuilder;
import com.finbourne.lusid.extensions.auth.FinbourneTokenException;


public class TimelinesApiExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException, UnsupportedEncodingException, ApiConfigurationException, FinbourneTokenException {
        String fileName = "secrets.json";
        try(PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(fileName, "UTF-8")) {
          writer.write("{" +
            "\"api\": {" +
            "    \"tokenUrl\": \"<your-token-url>\"," +
            "    \"lusidUrl\": \"https://<your-domain>\"," +
            "    \"username\": \"<your-username>\"," +
            "    \"password\": \"<your-password>\"," +
            "    \"clientId\": \"<your-client-id>\"," +
            "    \"clientSecret\": \"<your-client-secret>\"" +
            "  }" +

        // uncomment the below to use configuration overrides
        // ConfigurationOptions opts = new ConfigurationOptions();
        // opts.setTotalTimeoutMs(2000);
        // uncomment the below to use an api factory with overrides
        // ApiFactory apiFactory =, opts);
        // TimelinesApi apiInstance =;

        TimelinesApi apiInstance =;
        String scope = "scope_example"; // String | The scope of the Timeline.
        String code = "code_example"; // String | The code of the Timeline.
        OffsetDateTime asAt =; // OffsetDateTime | The asAt datetime at which to list the ClosedPeriods. Defaults to returning the latest version of each ClosedPeriod if not specified.
        String page = "page_example"; // String | The pagination token to use to continue listing ClosedPeriods; this   value is returned from the previous call. If a pagination token is provided, the filter, effectiveAt   and asAt fields must not have changed since the original request.
        Integer limit = 56; // Integer | When paginating, limit the results to this number. Defaults to 100 if not specified.
        String filter = "filter_example"; // String | Expression to filter the results.   For example, to filter on the effectiveEnd, specify \"effectiveEnd gt 2019-01-15T10:00:00\". For more information about filtering   results, see
        List<String> sortBy = Arrays.asList(); // List<String> | A list of field names or properties to sort by, each suffixed by \" ASC\" or \" DESC\"
        List<String> propertyKeys = Arrays.asList(); // List<String> | A list of property keys from the 'ClosedPeriod' domain to decorate onto each ClosedPeriod.   These must take the format {domain}/{scope}/{code}, for example 'ClosedPeriod/Account/id'.
        try {
            // uncomment the below to set overrides at the request level
            // PagedResourceListOfClosedPeriod result = apiInstance.listClosedPeriods(scope, code, asAt, page, limit, filter, sortBy, propertyKeys).execute(opts);

            PagedResourceListOfClosedPeriod result = apiInstance.listClosedPeriods(scope, code, asAt, page, limit, filter, sortBy, propertyKeys).execute();
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling TimelinesApi#listClosedPeriods");
            System.err.println("Status code: " + e.getCode());
            System.err.println("Reason: " + e.getResponseBody());


Name Type Description Notes
scope String The scope of the Timeline.
code String The code of the Timeline.
asAt OffsetDateTime The asAt datetime at which to list the ClosedPeriods. Defaults to returning the latest version of each ClosedPeriod if not specified. [optional]
page String The pagination token to use to continue listing ClosedPeriods; this value is returned from the previous call. If a pagination token is provided, the filter, effectiveAt and asAt fields must not have changed since the original request. [optional]
limit Integer When paginating, limit the results to this number. Defaults to 100 if not specified. [optional]
filter String Expression to filter the results. For example, to filter on the effectiveEnd, specify &quot;effectiveEnd gt 2019-01-15T10:00:00&quot;. For more information about filtering results, see [optional]
sortBy List<String> A list of field names or properties to sort by, each suffixed by &quot; ASC&quot; or &quot; DESC&quot; [optional]
propertyKeys List<String> A list of property keys from the 'ClosedPeriod' domain to decorate onto each ClosedPeriod. These must take the format {domain}/{scope}/{code}, for example 'ClosedPeriod/Account/id'. [optional]

Return type


HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: text/plain, application/json, text/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 The requested ClosedPeriods. -
400 The details of the input related failure -
0 Error response -

Back to topBack to API listBack to Model listBack to README


PagedResourceListOfTimeline listTimelines(asAt, effectiveAt, page, limit, filter, sortBy, propertyKeys)

[EXPERIMENTAL] ListTimelines: List Timelines

List all the Timelines matching a particular criteria.


import com.finbourne.lusid.model.*;
import com.finbourne.lusid.api.TimelinesApi;
import com.finbourne.lusid.extensions.ApiConfigurationException;
import com.finbourne.lusid.extensions.ApiFactoryBuilder;
import com.finbourne.lusid.extensions.auth.FinbourneTokenException;


public class TimelinesApiExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException, UnsupportedEncodingException, ApiConfigurationException, FinbourneTokenException {
        String fileName = "secrets.json";
        try(PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(fileName, "UTF-8")) {
          writer.write("{" +
            "\"api\": {" +
            "    \"tokenUrl\": \"<your-token-url>\"," +
            "    \"lusidUrl\": \"https://<your-domain>\"," +
            "    \"username\": \"<your-username>\"," +
            "    \"password\": \"<your-password>\"," +
            "    \"clientId\": \"<your-client-id>\"," +
            "    \"clientSecret\": \"<your-client-secret>\"" +
            "  }" +

        // uncomment the below to use configuration overrides
        // ConfigurationOptions opts = new ConfigurationOptions();
        // opts.setTotalTimeoutMs(2000);
        // uncomment the below to use an api factory with overrides
        // ApiFactory apiFactory =, opts);
        // TimelinesApi apiInstance =;

        TimelinesApi apiInstance =;
        OffsetDateTime asAt =; // OffsetDateTime | The asAt datetime at which to list the Timelines. Defaults to returning the latest version of each Timeline if not specified.
        String effectiveAt = "effectiveAt_example"; // String | The effective datetime or cut label at which to list the Timelines.   Note that Timelines are monotemporal, the effectiveAt is for Timevariant Properties on the Timeline only.   Defaults to the current LUSID system datetime if not specified.
        String page = "page_example"; // String | The pagination token to use to continue listing Timelines; this   value is returned from the previous call. If a pagination token is provided, the filter, effectiveAt   and asAt fields must not have changed since the original request.
        Integer limit = 56; // Integer | When paginating, limit the results to this number. Defaults to 100 if not specified.
        String filter = "filter_example"; // String | Expression to filter the results.   For example, to filter on the displayName, specify \"displayName eq 'AccountingTimeline'\". For more information about filtering   results, see
        List<String> sortBy = Arrays.asList(); // List<String> | A list of field names or properties to sort by, each suffixed by \" ASC\" or \" DESC\"
        List<String> propertyKeys = Arrays.asList(); // List<String> | A list of property keys from the 'Timeline' domain to decorate onto each Timeline.   These must take the format {domain}/{scope}/{code}, for example 'Timeline/Account/id'.
        try {
            // uncomment the below to set overrides at the request level
            // PagedResourceListOfTimeline result = apiInstance.listTimelines(asAt, effectiveAt, page, limit, filter, sortBy, propertyKeys).execute(opts);

            PagedResourceListOfTimeline result = apiInstance.listTimelines(asAt, effectiveAt, page, limit, filter, sortBy, propertyKeys).execute();
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling TimelinesApi#listTimelines");
            System.err.println("Status code: " + e.getCode());
            System.err.println("Reason: " + e.getResponseBody());


Name Type Description Notes
asAt OffsetDateTime The asAt datetime at which to list the Timelines. Defaults to returning the latest version of each Timeline if not specified. [optional]
effectiveAt String The effective datetime or cut label at which to list the Timelines. Note that Timelines are monotemporal, the effectiveAt is for Timevariant Properties on the Timeline only. Defaults to the current LUSID system datetime if not specified. [optional]
page String The pagination token to use to continue listing Timelines; this value is returned from the previous call. If a pagination token is provided, the filter, effectiveAt and asAt fields must not have changed since the original request. [optional]
limit Integer When paginating, limit the results to this number. Defaults to 100 if not specified. [optional]
filter String Expression to filter the results. For example, to filter on the displayName, specify &quot;displayName eq 'AccountingTimeline'&quot;. For more information about filtering results, see [optional]
sortBy List<String> A list of field names or properties to sort by, each suffixed by &quot; ASC&quot; or &quot; DESC&quot; [optional]
propertyKeys List<String> A list of property keys from the 'Timeline' domain to decorate onto each Timeline. These must take the format {domain}/{scope}/{code}, for example 'Timeline/Account/id'. [optional]

Return type


HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: text/plain, application/json, text/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 The requested Timelines. -
400 The details of the input related failure -
0 Error response -

Back to topBack to API listBack to Model listBack to README


Timeline updateTimeline(scope, code, updateTimelineRequest)

[EXPERIMENTAL] UpdateTimeline: Update Timeline defined by scope and code

Overwrites an existing Timeline Update request has the same required fields as Create apart from the id. Returns the updated Timeline at the current effectiveAt. Note that Timelines are mono-temporal, however they can have Time-Variant Properties. Updated Properties will be returned at the latest AsAt and EffectiveAt


import com.finbourne.lusid.model.*;
import com.finbourne.lusid.api.TimelinesApi;
import com.finbourne.lusid.extensions.ApiConfigurationException;
import com.finbourne.lusid.extensions.ApiFactoryBuilder;
import com.finbourne.lusid.extensions.auth.FinbourneTokenException;


public class TimelinesApiExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException, UnsupportedEncodingException, ApiConfigurationException, FinbourneTokenException {
        String fileName = "secrets.json";
        try(PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(fileName, "UTF-8")) {
          writer.write("{" +
            "\"api\": {" +
            "    \"tokenUrl\": \"<your-token-url>\"," +
            "    \"lusidUrl\": \"https://<your-domain>\"," +
            "    \"username\": \"<your-username>\"," +
            "    \"password\": \"<your-password>\"," +
            "    \"clientId\": \"<your-client-id>\"," +
            "    \"clientSecret\": \"<your-client-secret>\"" +
            "  }" +

        // uncomment the below to use configuration overrides
        // ConfigurationOptions opts = new ConfigurationOptions();
        // opts.setTotalTimeoutMs(2000);
        // uncomment the below to use an api factory with overrides
        // ApiFactory apiFactory =, opts);
        // TimelinesApi apiInstance =;

        TimelinesApi apiInstance =;
        String scope = "scope_example"; // String | The scope of the specified Timeline.
        String code = "code_example"; // String | The code of the specified Timeline. Together with the domain and scope this uniquely identifies the Timeline.
        UpdateTimelineRequest updateTimelineRequest = new UpdateTimelineRequest(); // UpdateTimelineRequest | The request containing the updated details of the Timeline
        try {
            // uncomment the below to set overrides at the request level
            // Timeline result = apiInstance.updateTimeline(scope, code, updateTimelineRequest).execute(opts);

            Timeline result = apiInstance.updateTimeline(scope, code, updateTimelineRequest).execute();
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling TimelinesApi#updateTimeline");
            System.err.println("Status code: " + e.getCode());
            System.err.println("Reason: " + e.getResponseBody());


Name Type Description Notes
scope String The scope of the specified Timeline.
code String The code of the specified Timeline. Together with the domain and scope this uniquely identifies the Timeline.
updateTimelineRequest UpdateTimelineRequest The request containing the updated details of the Timeline [optional]

Return type


HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json-patch+json, application/json, text/json, application/*+json
  • Accept: text/plain, application/json, text/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 The updated version of the requested Timeline -
400 The details of the input related failure -
0 Error response -

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