All URIs are relative to
Method | HTTP request | Description |
createReferencePortfolio | POST /api/referenceportfolios/{scope} | CreateReferencePortfolio: Create reference portfolio |
getReferencePortfolioConstituents | GET /api/referenceportfolios/{scope}/{code}/constituents | GetReferencePortfolioConstituents: Get reference portfolio constituents |
listConstituentsAdjustments | GET /api/referenceportfolios/{scope}/{code}/constituentsadjustments | ListConstituentsAdjustments: List constituents adjustments |
upsertReferencePortfolioConstituentProperties | POST /api/referenceportfolios/{scope}/{code}/constituents/properties | [EARLY ACCESS] UpsertReferencePortfolioConstituentProperties: Upsert constituent properties |
upsertReferencePortfolioConstituents | POST /api/referenceportfolios/{scope}/{code}/constituents | UpsertReferencePortfolioConstituents: Upsert reference portfolio constituents |
Portfolio createReferencePortfolio(scope, createReferencePortfolioRequest)
CreateReferencePortfolio: Create reference portfolio
Create a reference portfolio in a particular scope.
import com.finbourne.lusid.model.*;
import com.finbourne.lusid.api.ReferencePortfolioApi;
import com.finbourne.lusid.extensions.ApiConfigurationException;
import com.finbourne.lusid.extensions.ApiFactoryBuilder;
import com.finbourne.lusid.extensions.auth.FinbourneTokenException;
public class ReferencePortfolioApiExample {
public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException, UnsupportedEncodingException, ApiConfigurationException, FinbourneTokenException {
String fileName = "secrets.json";
try(PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(fileName, "UTF-8")) {
writer.write("{" +
"\"api\": {" +
" \"tokenUrl\": \"<your-token-url>\"," +
" \"lusidUrl\": \"https://<your-domain>\"," +
" \"username\": \"<your-username>\"," +
" \"password\": \"<your-password>\"," +
" \"clientId\": \"<your-client-id>\"," +
" \"clientSecret\": \"<your-client-secret>\"" +
" }" +
// uncomment the below to use configuration overrides
// ConfigurationOptions opts = new ConfigurationOptions();
// opts.setTotalTimeoutMs(2000);
// uncomment the below to use an api factory with overrides
// ApiFactory apiFactory =, opts);
// ReferencePortfolioApi apiInstance =;
ReferencePortfolioApi apiInstance =;
String scope = "scope_example"; // String | The scope in which to create the reference portfolio.
CreateReferencePortfolioRequest createReferencePortfolioRequest = new CreateReferencePortfolioRequest(); // CreateReferencePortfolioRequest | The definition of the reference portfolio.
try {
// uncomment the below to set overrides at the request level
// Portfolio result = apiInstance.createReferencePortfolio(scope, createReferencePortfolioRequest).execute(opts);
Portfolio result = apiInstance.createReferencePortfolio(scope, createReferencePortfolioRequest).execute();
} catch (ApiException e) {
System.err.println("Exception when calling ReferencePortfolioApi#createReferencePortfolio");
System.err.println("Status code: " + e.getCode());
System.err.println("Reason: " + e.getResponseBody());
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
scope | String | The scope in which to create the reference portfolio. | |
createReferencePortfolioRequest | CreateReferencePortfolioRequest | The definition of the reference portfolio. |
- Content-Type: application/json-patch+json, application/json, text/json, application/*+json
- Accept: text/plain, application/json, text/json
Status code | Description | Response headers |
201 | The created reference portfolio, with populated id | - |
400 | The details of the input related failure | - |
0 | Error response | - |
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GetReferencePortfolioConstituentsResponse getReferencePortfolioConstituents(scope, code, effectiveAt, asAt, propertyKeys)
GetReferencePortfolioConstituents: Get reference portfolio constituents
Get constituents from a reference portfolio at a particular effective time.
import com.finbourne.lusid.model.*;
import com.finbourne.lusid.api.ReferencePortfolioApi;
import com.finbourne.lusid.extensions.ApiConfigurationException;
import com.finbourne.lusid.extensions.ApiFactoryBuilder;
import com.finbourne.lusid.extensions.auth.FinbourneTokenException;
public class ReferencePortfolioApiExample {
public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException, UnsupportedEncodingException, ApiConfigurationException, FinbourneTokenException {
String fileName = "secrets.json";
try(PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(fileName, "UTF-8")) {
writer.write("{" +
"\"api\": {" +
" \"tokenUrl\": \"<your-token-url>\"," +
" \"lusidUrl\": \"https://<your-domain>\"," +
" \"username\": \"<your-username>\"," +
" \"password\": \"<your-password>\"," +
" \"clientId\": \"<your-client-id>\"," +
" \"clientSecret\": \"<your-client-secret>\"" +
" }" +
// uncomment the below to use configuration overrides
// ConfigurationOptions opts = new ConfigurationOptions();
// opts.setTotalTimeoutMs(2000);
// uncomment the below to use an api factory with overrides
// ApiFactory apiFactory =, opts);
// ReferencePortfolioApi apiInstance =;
ReferencePortfolioApi apiInstance =;
String scope = "scope_example"; // String | The scope of the reference portfolio.
String code = "code_example"; // String | The code of the reference portfolio. Together with the scope this uniquely identifies the reference portfolio.
String effectiveAt = "effectiveAt_example"; // String | The effective date of the constituents to retrieve. Defaults to the current LUSID system datetime if not specified.
OffsetDateTime asAt =; // OffsetDateTime | The asAt datetime at which to retrieve constituents. Defaults to return the latest version of each constituent if not specified.
List<String> propertyKeys = Arrays.asList(); // List<String> | A list of property keys from the 'Instrument' or 'ReferenceHolding' domain to decorate onto constituents. These take the format {domain}/{scope}/{code} e.g. 'Instrument/system/Name' or 'ReferenceHolding/strategy/quantsignal'. Defaults to return all available instrument and reference holding properties if not specified.
try {
// uncomment the below to set overrides at the request level
// GetReferencePortfolioConstituentsResponse result = apiInstance.getReferencePortfolioConstituents(scope, code, effectiveAt, asAt, propertyKeys).execute(opts);
GetReferencePortfolioConstituentsResponse result = apiInstance.getReferencePortfolioConstituents(scope, code, effectiveAt, asAt, propertyKeys).execute();
} catch (ApiException e) {
System.err.println("Exception when calling ReferencePortfolioApi#getReferencePortfolioConstituents");
System.err.println("Status code: " + e.getCode());
System.err.println("Reason: " + e.getResponseBody());
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
scope | String | The scope of the reference portfolio. | |
code | String | The code of the reference portfolio. Together with the scope this uniquely identifies the reference portfolio. | |
effectiveAt | String | The effective date of the constituents to retrieve. Defaults to the current LUSID system datetime if not specified. | [optional] |
asAt | OffsetDateTime | The asAt datetime at which to retrieve constituents. Defaults to return the latest version of each constituent if not specified. | [optional] |
propertyKeys | List<String> | A list of property keys from the 'Instrument' or 'ReferenceHolding' domain to decorate onto constituents. These take the format {domain}/{scope}/{code} e.g. 'Instrument/system/Name' or 'ReferenceHolding/strategy/quantsignal'. Defaults to return all available instrument and reference holding properties if not specified. | [optional] |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: text/plain, application/json, text/json
Status code | Description | Response headers |
200 | The requested reference portfolio constituents | - |
400 | The details of the input related failure | - |
0 | Error response | - |
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ResourceListOfConstituentsAdjustmentHeader listConstituentsAdjustments(scope, code, fromEffectiveAt, toEffectiveAt, asAtTime)
ListConstituentsAdjustments: List constituents adjustments
List adjustments made to constituents in a reference portfolio.
import com.finbourne.lusid.model.*;
import com.finbourne.lusid.api.ReferencePortfolioApi;
import com.finbourne.lusid.extensions.ApiConfigurationException;
import com.finbourne.lusid.extensions.ApiFactoryBuilder;
import com.finbourne.lusid.extensions.auth.FinbourneTokenException;
public class ReferencePortfolioApiExample {
public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException, UnsupportedEncodingException, ApiConfigurationException, FinbourneTokenException {
String fileName = "secrets.json";
try(PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(fileName, "UTF-8")) {
writer.write("{" +
"\"api\": {" +
" \"tokenUrl\": \"<your-token-url>\"," +
" \"lusidUrl\": \"https://<your-domain>\"," +
" \"username\": \"<your-username>\"," +
" \"password\": \"<your-password>\"," +
" \"clientId\": \"<your-client-id>\"," +
" \"clientSecret\": \"<your-client-secret>\"" +
" }" +
// uncomment the below to use configuration overrides
// ConfigurationOptions opts = new ConfigurationOptions();
// opts.setTotalTimeoutMs(2000);
// uncomment the below to use an api factory with overrides
// ApiFactory apiFactory =, opts);
// ReferencePortfolioApi apiInstance =;
ReferencePortfolioApi apiInstance =;
String scope = "scope_example"; // String | The scope of the reference portfolio.
String code = "code_example"; // String | The code of the reference portfolio. Together with the scope this uniquely identifies the reference portfolio.
String fromEffectiveAt = "fromEffectiveAt_example"; // String | Events between this time (inclusive) and the toEffectiveAt are returned.
String toEffectiveAt = "toEffectiveAt_example"; // String | Events between this time (inclusive) and the fromEffectiveAt are returned.
OffsetDateTime asAtTime =; // OffsetDateTime | The asAt time for which the result is valid.
try {
// uncomment the below to set overrides at the request level
// ResourceListOfConstituentsAdjustmentHeader result = apiInstance.listConstituentsAdjustments(scope, code, fromEffectiveAt, toEffectiveAt, asAtTime).execute(opts);
ResourceListOfConstituentsAdjustmentHeader result = apiInstance.listConstituentsAdjustments(scope, code, fromEffectiveAt, toEffectiveAt, asAtTime).execute();
} catch (ApiException e) {
System.err.println("Exception when calling ReferencePortfolioApi#listConstituentsAdjustments");
System.err.println("Status code: " + e.getCode());
System.err.println("Reason: " + e.getResponseBody());
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
scope | String | The scope of the reference portfolio. | |
code | String | The code of the reference portfolio. Together with the scope this uniquely identifies the reference portfolio. | |
fromEffectiveAt | String | Events between this time (inclusive) and the toEffectiveAt are returned. | |
toEffectiveAt | String | Events between this time (inclusive) and the fromEffectiveAt are returned. | |
asAtTime | OffsetDateTime | The asAt time for which the result is valid. | [optional] |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: text/plain, application/json, text/json
Status code | Description | Response headers |
200 | OK | - |
400 | The details of the input related failure | - |
0 | Error response | - |
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UpsertReferencePortfolioConstituentPropertiesResponse upsertReferencePortfolioConstituentProperties(scope, code, upsertReferencePortfolioConstituentPropertiesRequest)
[EARLY ACCESS] UpsertReferencePortfolioConstituentProperties: Upsert constituent properties
Create or update one or more constituent properties for a single constituent in the reference portfolio. Each property will be updated if it already exists, created if it does not and deleted if value is null. Both constituent and portfolio must exist at the time when properties are created or updated.
import com.finbourne.lusid.model.*;
import com.finbourne.lusid.api.ReferencePortfolioApi;
import com.finbourne.lusid.extensions.ApiConfigurationException;
import com.finbourne.lusid.extensions.ApiFactoryBuilder;
import com.finbourne.lusid.extensions.auth.FinbourneTokenException;
public class ReferencePortfolioApiExample {
public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException, UnsupportedEncodingException, ApiConfigurationException, FinbourneTokenException {
String fileName = "secrets.json";
try(PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(fileName, "UTF-8")) {
writer.write("{" +
"\"api\": {" +
" \"tokenUrl\": \"<your-token-url>\"," +
" \"lusidUrl\": \"https://<your-domain>\"," +
" \"username\": \"<your-username>\"," +
" \"password\": \"<your-password>\"," +
" \"clientId\": \"<your-client-id>\"," +
" \"clientSecret\": \"<your-client-secret>\"" +
" }" +
// uncomment the below to use configuration overrides
// ConfigurationOptions opts = new ConfigurationOptions();
// opts.setTotalTimeoutMs(2000);
// uncomment the below to use an api factory with overrides
// ApiFactory apiFactory =, opts);
// ReferencePortfolioApi apiInstance =;
ReferencePortfolioApi apiInstance =;
String scope = "scope_example"; // String | The scope of the reference portfolio.
String code = "code_example"; // String | The code of the reference portfolio. Together with the scope this uniquely identifies the reference portfolio.
UpsertReferencePortfolioConstituentPropertiesRequest upsertReferencePortfolioConstituentPropertiesRequest = new UpsertReferencePortfolioConstituentPropertiesRequest(); // UpsertReferencePortfolioConstituentPropertiesRequest | The request to modify properties for the constituent.
try {
// uncomment the below to set overrides at the request level
// UpsertReferencePortfolioConstituentPropertiesResponse result = apiInstance.upsertReferencePortfolioConstituentProperties(scope, code, upsertReferencePortfolioConstituentPropertiesRequest).execute(opts);
UpsertReferencePortfolioConstituentPropertiesResponse result = apiInstance.upsertReferencePortfolioConstituentProperties(scope, code, upsertReferencePortfolioConstituentPropertiesRequest).execute();
} catch (ApiException e) {
System.err.println("Exception when calling ReferencePortfolioApi#upsertReferencePortfolioConstituentProperties");
System.err.println("Status code: " + e.getCode());
System.err.println("Reason: " + e.getResponseBody());
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
scope | String | The scope of the reference portfolio. | |
code | String | The code of the reference portfolio. Together with the scope this uniquely identifies the reference portfolio. | |
upsertReferencePortfolioConstituentPropertiesRequest | UpsertReferencePortfolioConstituentPropertiesRequest | The request to modify properties for the constituent. |
- Content-Type: application/json-patch+json, application/json, text/json, application/*+json
- Accept: text/plain, application/json, text/json
Status code | Description | Response headers |
200 | OK | - |
400 | The details of the input related failure | - |
0 | Error response | - |
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UpsertReferencePortfolioConstituentsResponse upsertReferencePortfolioConstituents(scope, code, upsertReferencePortfolioConstituentsRequest)
UpsertReferencePortfolioConstituents: Upsert reference portfolio constituents
Add constituents to a reference portfolio.
import com.finbourne.lusid.model.*;
import com.finbourne.lusid.api.ReferencePortfolioApi;
import com.finbourne.lusid.extensions.ApiConfigurationException;
import com.finbourne.lusid.extensions.ApiFactoryBuilder;
import com.finbourne.lusid.extensions.auth.FinbourneTokenException;
public class ReferencePortfolioApiExample {
public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException, UnsupportedEncodingException, ApiConfigurationException, FinbourneTokenException {
String fileName = "secrets.json";
try(PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(fileName, "UTF-8")) {
writer.write("{" +
"\"api\": {" +
" \"tokenUrl\": \"<your-token-url>\"," +
" \"lusidUrl\": \"https://<your-domain>\"," +
" \"username\": \"<your-username>\"," +
" \"password\": \"<your-password>\"," +
" \"clientId\": \"<your-client-id>\"," +
" \"clientSecret\": \"<your-client-secret>\"" +
" }" +
// uncomment the below to use configuration overrides
// ConfigurationOptions opts = new ConfigurationOptions();
// opts.setTotalTimeoutMs(2000);
// uncomment the below to use an api factory with overrides
// ApiFactory apiFactory =, opts);
// ReferencePortfolioApi apiInstance =;
ReferencePortfolioApi apiInstance =;
String scope = "scope_example"; // String | The scope of the reference portfolio.
String code = "code_example"; // String | The code of the reference portfolio. Together with the scope this uniquely identifies the reference portfolio.
UpsertReferencePortfolioConstituentsRequest upsertReferencePortfolioConstituentsRequest = new UpsertReferencePortfolioConstituentsRequest(); // UpsertReferencePortfolioConstituentsRequest | The constituents to upload to the reference portfolio.
try {
// uncomment the below to set overrides at the request level
// UpsertReferencePortfolioConstituentsResponse result = apiInstance.upsertReferencePortfolioConstituents(scope, code, upsertReferencePortfolioConstituentsRequest).execute(opts);
UpsertReferencePortfolioConstituentsResponse result = apiInstance.upsertReferencePortfolioConstituents(scope, code, upsertReferencePortfolioConstituentsRequest).execute();
} catch (ApiException e) {
System.err.println("Exception when calling ReferencePortfolioApi#upsertReferencePortfolioConstituents");
System.err.println("Status code: " + e.getCode());
System.err.println("Reason: " + e.getResponseBody());
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
scope | String | The scope of the reference portfolio. | |
code | String | The code of the reference portfolio. Together with the scope this uniquely identifies the reference portfolio. | |
upsertReferencePortfolioConstituentsRequest | UpsertReferencePortfolioConstituentsRequest | The constituents to upload to the reference portfolio. |
- Content-Type: application/json-patch+json, application/json, text/json, application/*+json
- Accept: text/plain, application/json, text/json
Status code | Description | Response headers |
200 | OK | - |
400 | The details of the input related failure | - |
0 | Error response | - |
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