Event for physical option exercises.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
exerciseDate | OffsetDateTime | The exercise date of the option. | [optional] |
deliveryDate | OffsetDateTime | The delivery date of the option. | [optional] |
exerciseType | String | The optionality type of the underlying option e.g. American, European. Supported string (enumeration) values are: [European, Bermudan, American]. | |
maturityDate | OffsetDateTime | The maturity date of the option. | |
moneyness | String | The moneyness of the option e.g. InTheMoney, OutOfTheMoney. Supported string (enumeration) values are: [InTheMoney, OutOfTheMoney, AtTheMoney]. | [optional] |
newInstrument | NewInstrument | ||
optionExerciseElections | List<OptionExerciseElection> | Option exercise election for this OptionExercisePhysicalEvent. | [optional] |
optionType | String | Type of optionality that is present e.g. call, put. Supported string (enumeration) values are: [Call, Put]. | |
startDate | OffsetDateTime | The trade date of the option. | |
strikeCurrency | String | The strike currency of the equity option. | |
strikePerUnit | java.math.BigDecimal | The strike of the equity option times the number of shares to exchange if exercised. | |
underlyingValuePerUnit | java.math.BigDecimal | The underlying price times the number of shares to exchange if exercised. | [optional] |
unitsRatio | UnitsRatio |