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486 lines (362 loc) · 25.4 KB

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486 lines (362 loc) · 25.4 KB


All URIs are relative to

Method HTTP request Description
queryApplicableInstrumentEvents POST /api/instrumentevents/$queryApplicableInstrumentEvents QueryApplicableInstrumentEvents: Returns a list of applicable instrument events based on the holdings of the portfolios and date range specified in the query.
queryBucketedCashFlows POST /api/instrumentevents/$queryBucketedCashFlows QueryBucketedCashFlows: Returns bucketed cashflows based on the holdings of the portfolios and date range specified in the query.
queryCashFlows POST /api/instrumentevents/$queryCashFlows QueryCashFlows: Returns a list of cashflows based on the holdings of the portfolios and date range specified in the query.
queryInstrumentEvents POST /api/instrumentevents/$query QueryInstrumentEvents: Returns a list of instrument events based on the holdings of the portfolios and date range specified in the query.
queryTradeTickets POST /api/instrumentevents/$queryTradeTickets QueryTradeTickets: Returns a list of trade tickets based on the holdings of the portfolios and date range specified in the query.


ResourceListOfApplicableInstrumentEvent queryApplicableInstrumentEvents(asAt, limit, page, queryApplicableInstrumentEventsRequest)

QueryApplicableInstrumentEvents: Returns a list of applicable instrument events based on the holdings of the portfolios and date range specified in the query.

Returns a list of applicable instrument events based on the holdings of the portfolios and date range specified in the query.


import com.finbourne.lusid.model.*;
import com.finbourne.lusid.api.InstrumentEventsApi;
import com.finbourne.lusid.extensions.ApiConfigurationException;
import com.finbourne.lusid.extensions.ApiFactoryBuilder;
import com.finbourne.lusid.extensions.auth.FinbourneTokenException;


public class InstrumentEventsApiExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException, UnsupportedEncodingException, ApiConfigurationException, FinbourneTokenException {
        String fileName = "secrets.json";
        try(PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(fileName, "UTF-8")) {
          writer.write("{" +
            "\"api\": {" +
            "    \"tokenUrl\": \"<your-token-url>\"," +
            "    \"lusidUrl\": \"https://<your-domain>\"," +
            "    \"username\": \"<your-username>\"," +
            "    \"password\": \"<your-password>\"," +
            "    \"clientId\": \"<your-client-id>\"," +
            "    \"clientSecret\": \"<your-client-secret>\"" +
            "  }" +

        // uncomment the below to use configuration overrides
        // ConfigurationOptions opts = new ConfigurationOptions();
        // opts.setTotalTimeoutMs(2000);
        // uncomment the below to use an api factory with overrides
        // ApiFactory apiFactory =, opts);
        // InstrumentEventsApi apiInstance =;

        InstrumentEventsApi apiInstance =;
        OffsetDateTime asAt =; // OffsetDateTime | The as at time to use.
        Integer limit = 100; // Integer | Optional. When paginating, limit the number of returned results to this many. If not specified, a default  of 100 is used.
        String page = "page_example"; // String | Optional. The pagination token to use to continue listing items from a previous call. Page values are  return from list calls, and must be supplied exactly as returned. Additionally, when specifying this
        QueryApplicableInstrumentEventsRequest queryApplicableInstrumentEventsRequest = new QueryApplicableInstrumentEventsRequest(); // QueryApplicableInstrumentEventsRequest | The filter parameters used to retrieve applicable instrument events.
        try {
            // uncomment the below to set overrides at the request level
            // ResourceListOfApplicableInstrumentEvent result = apiInstance.queryApplicableInstrumentEvents(asAt, limit, page, queryApplicableInstrumentEventsRequest).execute(opts);

            ResourceListOfApplicableInstrumentEvent result = apiInstance.queryApplicableInstrumentEvents(asAt, limit, page, queryApplicableInstrumentEventsRequest).execute();
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling InstrumentEventsApi#queryApplicableInstrumentEvents");
            System.err.println("Status code: " + e.getCode());
            System.err.println("Reason: " + e.getResponseBody());


Name Type Description Notes
asAt OffsetDateTime The as at time to use. [optional]
limit Integer Optional. When paginating, limit the number of returned results to this many. If not specified, a default of 100 is used. [optional] [default to 100]
page String Optional. The pagination token to use to continue listing items from a previous call. Page values are return from list calls, and must be supplied exactly as returned. Additionally, when specifying this [optional]
queryApplicableInstrumentEventsRequest QueryApplicableInstrumentEventsRequest The filter parameters used to retrieve applicable instrument events. [optional]

Return type


HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json-patch+json, application/json, text/json, application/*+json
  • Accept: text/plain, application/json, text/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 Applicable Instrument Events -
400 The details of the input related failure -
0 Error response -

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BucketedCashFlowResponse queryBucketedCashFlows(queryBucketedCashFlowsRequest)

QueryBucketedCashFlows: Returns bucketed cashflows based on the holdings of the portfolios and date range specified in the query.

Returns bucketed cashflows based on the holdings of the portfolios and date range specified in the query.


import com.finbourne.lusid.model.*;
import com.finbourne.lusid.api.InstrumentEventsApi;
import com.finbourne.lusid.extensions.ApiConfigurationException;
import com.finbourne.lusid.extensions.ApiFactoryBuilder;
import com.finbourne.lusid.extensions.auth.FinbourneTokenException;


public class InstrumentEventsApiExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException, UnsupportedEncodingException, ApiConfigurationException, FinbourneTokenException {
        String fileName = "secrets.json";
        try(PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(fileName, "UTF-8")) {
          writer.write("{" +
            "\"api\": {" +
            "    \"tokenUrl\": \"<your-token-url>\"," +
            "    \"lusidUrl\": \"https://<your-domain>\"," +
            "    \"username\": \"<your-username>\"," +
            "    \"password\": \"<your-password>\"," +
            "    \"clientId\": \"<your-client-id>\"," +
            "    \"clientSecret\": \"<your-client-secret>\"" +
            "  }" +

        // uncomment the below to use configuration overrides
        // ConfigurationOptions opts = new ConfigurationOptions();
        // opts.setTotalTimeoutMs(2000);
        // uncomment the below to use an api factory with overrides
        // ApiFactory apiFactory =, opts);
        // InstrumentEventsApi apiInstance =;

        InstrumentEventsApi apiInstance =;
        QueryBucketedCashFlowsRequest queryBucketedCashFlowsRequest = new QueryBucketedCashFlowsRequest(); // QueryBucketedCashFlowsRequest | The Query Information.
        try {
            // uncomment the below to set overrides at the request level
            // BucketedCashFlowResponse result = apiInstance.queryBucketedCashFlows(queryBucketedCashFlowsRequest).execute(opts);

            BucketedCashFlowResponse result = apiInstance.queryBucketedCashFlows(queryBucketedCashFlowsRequest).execute();
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling InstrumentEventsApi#queryBucketedCashFlows");
            System.err.println("Status code: " + e.getCode());
            System.err.println("Reason: " + e.getResponseBody());


Name Type Description Notes
queryBucketedCashFlowsRequest QueryBucketedCashFlowsRequest The Query Information. [optional]

Return type


HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json-patch+json, application/json, text/json, application/*+json
  • Accept: text/plain, application/json, text/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 Query bucketed cashflows across portfolios. -
400 The details of the input related failure -
0 Error response -

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ResourceListOfInstrumentCashFlow queryCashFlows(limit, page, queryCashFlowsRequest)

QueryCashFlows: Returns a list of cashflows based on the holdings of the portfolios and date range specified in the query.

Returns a list of cashflows based on the holdings of the portfolios and date range specified in the query.


import com.finbourne.lusid.model.*;
import com.finbourne.lusid.api.InstrumentEventsApi;
import com.finbourne.lusid.extensions.ApiConfigurationException;
import com.finbourne.lusid.extensions.ApiFactoryBuilder;
import com.finbourne.lusid.extensions.auth.FinbourneTokenException;


public class InstrumentEventsApiExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException, UnsupportedEncodingException, ApiConfigurationException, FinbourneTokenException {
        String fileName = "secrets.json";
        try(PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(fileName, "UTF-8")) {
          writer.write("{" +
            "\"api\": {" +
            "    \"tokenUrl\": \"<your-token-url>\"," +
            "    \"lusidUrl\": \"https://<your-domain>\"," +
            "    \"username\": \"<your-username>\"," +
            "    \"password\": \"<your-password>\"," +
            "    \"clientId\": \"<your-client-id>\"," +
            "    \"clientSecret\": \"<your-client-secret>\"" +
            "  }" +

        // uncomment the below to use configuration overrides
        // ConfigurationOptions opts = new ConfigurationOptions();
        // opts.setTotalTimeoutMs(2000);
        // uncomment the below to use an api factory with overrides
        // ApiFactory apiFactory =, opts);
        // InstrumentEventsApi apiInstance =;

        InstrumentEventsApi apiInstance =;
        Integer limit = 1000; // Integer | Optional. When paginating, limit the number of returned results to this many. If not specified, a default  of 1000 is used.
        String page = "page_example"; // String | Optional. The pagination token to use to continue listing items from a previous call. Page values are  return from list calls, and must be supplied exactly as returned. Additionally, when specifying this  value, queryBody, and limit must not  be modified.
        QueryCashFlowsRequest queryCashFlowsRequest = new QueryCashFlowsRequest(); // QueryCashFlowsRequest | The filter parameters used to retrieve instrument events.
        try {
            // uncomment the below to set overrides at the request level
            // ResourceListOfInstrumentCashFlow result = apiInstance.queryCashFlows(limit, page, queryCashFlowsRequest).execute(opts);

            ResourceListOfInstrumentCashFlow result = apiInstance.queryCashFlows(limit, page, queryCashFlowsRequest).execute();
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling InstrumentEventsApi#queryCashFlows");
            System.err.println("Status code: " + e.getCode());
            System.err.println("Reason: " + e.getResponseBody());


Name Type Description Notes
limit Integer Optional. When paginating, limit the number of returned results to this many. If not specified, a default of 1000 is used. [optional] [default to 1000]
page String Optional. The pagination token to use to continue listing items from a previous call. Page values are return from list calls, and must be supplied exactly as returned. Additionally, when specifying this value, queryBody, and limit must not be modified. [optional]
queryCashFlowsRequest QueryCashFlowsRequest The filter parameters used to retrieve instrument events. [optional]

Return type


HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json-patch+json, application/json, text/json, application/*+json
  • Accept: text/plain, application/json, text/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 Instrument Events as Cashflows. -
400 The details of the input related failure -
0 Error response -

Back to topBack to API listBack to Model listBack to README


ResourceListOfInstrumentEventHolder queryInstrumentEvents(limit, page, queryInstrumentEventsRequest)

QueryInstrumentEvents: Returns a list of instrument events based on the holdings of the portfolios and date range specified in the query.

Returns a list of instrument events based on the holdings of the portfolios and date range specified in the query.


import com.finbourne.lusid.model.*;
import com.finbourne.lusid.api.InstrumentEventsApi;
import com.finbourne.lusid.extensions.ApiConfigurationException;
import com.finbourne.lusid.extensions.ApiFactoryBuilder;
import com.finbourne.lusid.extensions.auth.FinbourneTokenException;


public class InstrumentEventsApiExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException, UnsupportedEncodingException, ApiConfigurationException, FinbourneTokenException {
        String fileName = "secrets.json";
        try(PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(fileName, "UTF-8")) {
          writer.write("{" +
            "\"api\": {" +
            "    \"tokenUrl\": \"<your-token-url>\"," +
            "    \"lusidUrl\": \"https://<your-domain>\"," +
            "    \"username\": \"<your-username>\"," +
            "    \"password\": \"<your-password>\"," +
            "    \"clientId\": \"<your-client-id>\"," +
            "    \"clientSecret\": \"<your-client-secret>\"" +
            "  }" +

        // uncomment the below to use configuration overrides
        // ConfigurationOptions opts = new ConfigurationOptions();
        // opts.setTotalTimeoutMs(2000);
        // uncomment the below to use an api factory with overrides
        // ApiFactory apiFactory =, opts);
        // InstrumentEventsApi apiInstance =;

        InstrumentEventsApi apiInstance =;
        Integer limit = 1000; // Integer | Optional. When paginating, limit the number of returned results to this many. If not specified, a default  of 1000 is used.
        String page = "page_example"; // String | Optional. The pagination token to use to continue listing items from a previous call. Page values are  return from list calls, and must be supplied exactly as returned. Additionally, when specifying this  value, queryBody, and limit must not  be modified.
        QueryInstrumentEventsRequest queryInstrumentEventsRequest = new QueryInstrumentEventsRequest(); // QueryInstrumentEventsRequest | The filter parameters used to retrieve instrument events.
        try {
            // uncomment the below to set overrides at the request level
            // ResourceListOfInstrumentEventHolder result = apiInstance.queryInstrumentEvents(limit, page, queryInstrumentEventsRequest).execute(opts);

            ResourceListOfInstrumentEventHolder result = apiInstance.queryInstrumentEvents(limit, page, queryInstrumentEventsRequest).execute();
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling InstrumentEventsApi#queryInstrumentEvents");
            System.err.println("Status code: " + e.getCode());
            System.err.println("Reason: " + e.getResponseBody());


Name Type Description Notes
limit Integer Optional. When paginating, limit the number of returned results to this many. If not specified, a default of 1000 is used. [optional] [default to 1000]
page String Optional. The pagination token to use to continue listing items from a previous call. Page values are return from list calls, and must be supplied exactly as returned. Additionally, when specifying this value, queryBody, and limit must not be modified. [optional]
queryInstrumentEventsRequest QueryInstrumentEventsRequest The filter parameters used to retrieve instrument events. [optional]

Return type


HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json-patch+json, application/json, text/json, application/*+json
  • Accept: text/plain, application/json, text/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 Instrument Events -
400 The details of the input related failure -
0 Error response -

Back to topBack to API listBack to Model listBack to README


ResourceListOfPortfolioTradeTicket queryTradeTickets(limit, page, queryTradeTicketsRequest)

QueryTradeTickets: Returns a list of trade tickets based on the holdings of the portfolios and date range specified in the query.

Returns a list of trade tickets based on the holdings of the portfolios and date range specified in the query. These trade tickets are derived from events that involve transition of instrument states, such as transitions on exercise or default of an instrument. The trade tickets are to allow the new position to be created given the existing portfolio configuration.


import com.finbourne.lusid.model.*;
import com.finbourne.lusid.api.InstrumentEventsApi;
import com.finbourne.lusid.extensions.ApiConfigurationException;
import com.finbourne.lusid.extensions.ApiFactoryBuilder;
import com.finbourne.lusid.extensions.auth.FinbourneTokenException;


public class InstrumentEventsApiExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException, UnsupportedEncodingException, ApiConfigurationException, FinbourneTokenException {
        String fileName = "secrets.json";
        try(PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(fileName, "UTF-8")) {
          writer.write("{" +
            "\"api\": {" +
            "    \"tokenUrl\": \"<your-token-url>\"," +
            "    \"lusidUrl\": \"https://<your-domain>\"," +
            "    \"username\": \"<your-username>\"," +
            "    \"password\": \"<your-password>\"," +
            "    \"clientId\": \"<your-client-id>\"," +
            "    \"clientSecret\": \"<your-client-secret>\"" +
            "  }" +

        // uncomment the below to use configuration overrides
        // ConfigurationOptions opts = new ConfigurationOptions();
        // opts.setTotalTimeoutMs(2000);
        // uncomment the below to use an api factory with overrides
        // ApiFactory apiFactory =, opts);
        // InstrumentEventsApi apiInstance =;

        InstrumentEventsApi apiInstance =;
        Integer limit = 1000; // Integer | Optional. When paginating, limit the number of returned results to this many. If not specified, a default  of 1000 is used.
        String page = "page_example"; // String | Optional. The pagination token to use to continue listing items from a previous call. Page values are  return from list calls, and must be supplied exactly as returned. Additionally, when specifying this  value, queryBody, and limit must not  be modified.
        QueryTradeTicketsRequest queryTradeTicketsRequest = new QueryTradeTicketsRequest(); // QueryTradeTicketsRequest | The filter parameters used to retrieve instrument events.
        try {
            // uncomment the below to set overrides at the request level
            // ResourceListOfPortfolioTradeTicket result = apiInstance.queryTradeTickets(limit, page, queryTradeTicketsRequest).execute(opts);

            ResourceListOfPortfolioTradeTicket result = apiInstance.queryTradeTickets(limit, page, queryTradeTicketsRequest).execute();
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling InstrumentEventsApi#queryTradeTickets");
            System.err.println("Status code: " + e.getCode());
            System.err.println("Reason: " + e.getResponseBody());


Name Type Description Notes
limit Integer Optional. When paginating, limit the number of returned results to this many. If not specified, a default of 1000 is used. [optional] [default to 1000]
page String Optional. The pagination token to use to continue listing items from a previous call. Page values are return from list calls, and must be supplied exactly as returned. Additionally, when specifying this value, queryBody, and limit must not be modified. [optional]
queryTradeTicketsRequest QueryTradeTicketsRequest The filter parameters used to retrieve instrument events. [optional]

Return type


HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json-patch+json, application/json, text/json, application/*+json
  • Accept: text/plain, application/json, text/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 Instrument Events as Upsertable TradeTickets. -
400 The details of the input related failure -
0 Error response -

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